f i Wallowa County Official Paper. Enterprise City Official Paper. Authorized Paper for Pub lication of Timber and Homestead Noticed , liJiJG VOL. 2, NO, a Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Thursday, May 7, 1908. Whole Number 474 NEWS RECORD WANTED. 107 Cub Hears. . ..fll-- ami npaanh ; Thomas Birgmtthd, Elgin, Ore. ., 2t-l FOR SALE. DUUOC JERSEY PIGS, Thorough bred. Can Ih registered. - See or ad rift C. K. Elliott & Siki, Wallowa, Ore. 49t8 Timothy Hay, Outs, Rye and Barley, nlso one of my. Farm. R. D. Sanfor'd. B mile 8. W. of Enterprise. :. - 4tl " Taken up. : Two IIokhks: Onu sorrel'1 geldtug branded 11 on right shoulder and G oil i ' left stifle. One bay gelding bninffc-d with horseshoe oh left stifle. About three year old. E. W. Southwick, Fall view . 1 t 4. STOCK ORDINANCES ENFORCED MAY 15 Council Acts oil PetiUoa Sidewalks Ordered oa Depot Street, Alder " i. Yiew Addition. LoDi.E MKEITORY. 1. O.U.P. :tirirlw l-odce. No. IM. KineriUd Kutiekub Luilgv, So. UK. ! K. of K EutirirlH Usltfe, No. t. j Junulla TeuilUu, M. 7, Pythian Sinters. . j Enterprise Chapter, No. HQ, Roy tl , i - arcu Muttons, nutcu nn-i ni tliiru . TiimuIuvs of each lncnlh in MiumuiIo Mail. All vMtlng Roynl Arcli Slit s Mini w elcomed. J. B. Olmmtead, High TriHat, P. W. HHKAHAN. rtecreiarr. WHllowa Ixxigr. Np. Ki. A. P. A i A.M., uivut. Nevuml aud fourth Sitt- j ur.luyn of ncti mouf li In Masonic . Hull. Vivlliii Muson welcomed, i f. H, Zvimhfk, W, M. W, BOATmx.Mevfetary. ! Wallowa Valiejr Chapter, No. GO, ' ' O, meet ilntwuii llilr.1 Hutur , ' iluyn of each mouth. In Mux.inlo all. VMtliiK Stars arc, always .w el-, .. - roino. Ol.lVE LOCKWOOh, W. M. j pAMIM. Boyd.BocV'" r ' I M. W. .V-Wt-C.it nip. Nit;. 107. MW. A. :iH"lf rirat andTlilr.l TMiirs.lny.- in ' eeeli uuii.lli iu IK nli-nml h ill. Ywlttng Neighbor Aluvityx welcuutu j J. (i. KtNNlK, CdllKUl. T. M. Hi'ik. . ' , " . Aiu-roM :nmii, XoTsii'.i R. N. iff A. AV. O. W. Knlnrl Cu.Dii,"S.i.5:. vv nf V. - AlmutH Circle, NO. in, W. Hf W. I m firanita R R Plxt, Cumin " .a uiuuuk ih v. muw vuiui'ijj. .j Mauaeer Bilyt-u in :n necKitiutton with i Mniiagar U'llrlen of tlie JJ Uruitde pro . fe ion I hnneball club and it in jUxmt '' twttled that the latter will oome in. the . laat of nvxt week and play. two tgaruea in Enlerpriw, pi-olmbly Saturday and Sundav, May hm.1 17, and two garnet, at Wallowa the illiwing week. vVa' .towa will play in Euierpriae -next 8ui day. It in the (.bird name between ' theiws two pood .cltiba thin' eeanon, each ,hiiviiuf pnts. irud- big .crowd will tootri t m what proBiUW ,ttr',B a Oattle rtfval. The boya have . vnice jrmiudn tixi'd up, fencml .-and with pleuty of iaf . So Scared tie burners. . . .f'Ther t-li tin, nir, that that we - are .w.k.'Waflowa, Sim. At the meeting of the city council Monday night, it was ordered that the oow and uhictcen ordinances bo n- loroert, sidewalk vonstruoted ou Depot atreet. in Alder-Tiew addition and minor inattera were - diapoaed of. Mayor Boyd, ' Conncliineii Aklna, lierlund, trinities and Heavla, Ktorder 'I'aggart and City Attorney Dill were prenent. It. I. Long and 10 other property owner of Abler View petitioned that tlie council order aidewalka and vroHa walks na followa: Went aide of Depot Ktreet from (jreeiiwtMHl to south line of lot 11, block 2, Alder View addition, aiwi along east ide of iepot atreet from li)l2blkto north line of Litcli atreet. Tlie wtiMoii waa granted ami order mailo. The city "will oouatruot tiiree crosswalks and Will give $15 and tlie services of the niarxlial toward the expenae of the three hrklgea that will be n-qtilMil.. Petition iiMkhig Unit tlie oow and chicken ordinance lie tnforoed, waa read. Theiu were 4:5 aigimium for en forcement . and three agnlnat on the pvtitinn, which was circulated by W. I', bamnia. On mutton tlie council ordered t e ordiuanoca ui forced on and after May lb. Jieii Boswell offered to fix the fenoe nround the pul'lic aqnare tor the uae of paMture. It was deemed inadvisable to let the lot for privuta uae. Tbt manihal was directed to r pair the ft (. j - ki tition -.f C; K. Vert and 13 others aide tog couiicll to have obstructions iijmiu and acnmH Alder, Bilver and VVihI Klmt tttreeU removed. The ib Klrlictloo referred to In the fence around part ( the . hiiHVliall grounds. On motlou the petil'o.n was-laid ou the Inblc, Jhrmotion the. recorder's. ofHoe whs deiognalett.a- the piaceifor the tel ephone due tlie city, us part rental for One oi tue streets by tlie' Lioino lude- priiuriib uoiUHll.v.' ' - '.- . The following aiv the ..' - .. .' ' ,01alm? iliovad. :., V (& Haney, lumber. . .; ..$ 3 M Buniaugh 4. Ma v field, indse . . 4 IS H C'Cramer, niRrsbai j..., 60 0U C M Look wood, treasurer........ 6 00 T M PlH, attorney . . .. ' 6 00 W E Taggart, retrder r't...... 8 00 News Record, prtg. 1A k,..lr ri.L. .u... b Al .1. . 10 tfl Off Vest, Wdg.rroaswak;'v-f..i'Sfl 00 KJ Forsythe, lghfa.i..,'...'.i.... 41 80 W J Fuiik 4 f, u:...,...i............ io T B Zuroher, ha ting....... ..... .... 75 Froiisy Wilson, wurk on ditch. . 2 50 I-awrenoe Cramer, work ou cltuii 8 0u K H Pant, work ou ditch....:..... . 40 ?5 The city attorney waa directed to ex- ) amine into the legality of the i'atjlfio Htatea Telephone ooinpauy'H ordinann'. Council adjourned to meet Wnlncw. day night to ounvaaa the vote ou the eity election. Says Lostine Was Bribed. From Wallowa 8un. In order to get the Lovtiiie vole at the primariei-, they iv turprine prom ised to Kve their asriHtance to opening up a roud to tlie north end of the comity; from Loftine iu order that Loe tine niijflit lioneftt by the trade of tlie Klora country and "the wheat rf that vartt region be brougi t to the lnlilie mill. . . Closing Exercises i Of' Public School Follow'ng are tho closing exeniiaes of the Enb rpriae public acliool to be held at the hnlerpri opcr huuae on May 16, 11)08, beginning at 8 p. m.: - Mtioio Oroliestra Motion htong! . Primary Otrls Address . ....F. 8. lyanhoe. La irande Presentation of Diplomas.. J. VV. Kerb) Tumi ourine Drill and March.......' Twnty-four Tr.mbadours, Orchestra Little lujun - ...... ...Chief and Thirty Redsklus Wand . . .Twenty-four Actors, Orchestra Minstrels , ...Unole Rastus and 40 Other Coons Concert Reading. .......Troupe Solo and Chorus....... ...Topsy White Chorus Troupe Sole and Chorus Rastus Johnson Chorus : '. Troupe Song... Nine Coohs Chorus Trou pe Chorus , Troupe Solo and Chorus. .Topsy White Chorus Troupe Bolo and Chorus..., .....A. Lincoln Cole Duet and Chorus Angelina Crow and Martha Whiterbad Chorus ...Troupe Solo and Chorus ...Uncle Rastus Chorus , ...Troupe Ohorus Troupe Chorus .Troupe Music Orchestra Bootblack Drill Eighteen Young Shiners Instrumental Mrs. Wheat Japanese 1 rill and March..., Twenty-four Japanese Belles, Orchestra Seats on sale at the usual place after Monday, May 11th. Prices 30 cents and 60 cents. . Eides Behind McDonald ; . Not content with having saorlfloed OlieiH HI, WtllOOII 111 VUW WUIIIJ IU I kl.. t Il..l t... i trembling under the ImIi of - public- i . . . . . I . . j . I. . . i. . a .1. opinion, is irj uig iu iiiub ueiiuiu uie . g-iod unw and iionored personality, of - Hector MiiDrwiald.'. The News Record 'has hover. spoken Of Mr. McDonald : except iu terms of renpeol, and when Jonas-say we have "Repeatedly. (ii,ilcd Mr. McDonald's pame with iteniH that, are not at. alt compliment- ary," lie (lid not depart front his usual ' practice and toll the truth. ls3 . DF.Tnl AFD TH AT THEYLIVAYJ THROW BOQVJETJ AT THOSE; WHO ARE WELL DRESSED. TO BE WELL DRE55E P Op lb THE PLACE" WHERE tufV kfsnW HOW-To I I ' . - - w - - - YOU WELL BUSTER. v. , TUSOWINa WKIATWI i a. Tfe.fai MAY S UPON VS. ..HAVE YOU NOT ALREADY WAITED TOO LoNfj TO PREPARE .FOR SPRING AND -SUMMER. YOU HAVE .SEEN THE CROWDS IN OUR STORE. DOES NOT THAT TELL YOU THAT THE CHOICE THlNfJS FOR THE SEASON ARE TAST DISAPPEARING. REMEM5ER THE SOONER YOU 6ET YOUR NEW THINGS THE LONGER YOU WILL HAVE TO ENJOY THEM,. AND CAN ANYTHING GIVE YOU MORE JOY THAN WEARING ATTRACTIVE APPAREL? WE CARRY IN OUR STORE EVERY THING THAT MEN AND LITTLE MEN WEAR. RESPECTFULLY, W.J. FUNK CO. ELECTRIC LINE MAT BE NORTH COAST Surveys From f alia Walla to Lewis toa Io Interest of Traosconti-lentalRoal. Xo definite news during the last week about resumption of work on the O. R A IS. extension. The feeling in Elgin wild La lirande is that nothing will be dune Miia ear. Tins following arlinlefrom the Lewis ton Tribune will be of iutereet : The transportation Mt stion in the IwiHton-Clnrkstoi: field as it relates to new lines introduced a new devel opment when Engineer Clarke and three assistant passed through U' inton en route to the Grande Ronde section of the Jliile Mountains. The DnrtV HtObtlml Ilk Aantin ami u.u...l ROmn blue urlllta. unilnnnninir flmt 11,1. investigations ould deal with water pewer sites on the main Grande Ronde and tlie Little Salmon branch of that stream. . The tip was given out that Engineer Clarke was rppreeei.ting the North Coast ronu, wiucii m . promoted ny Kobert Strnhorn. of Snokano. and which la ithii. erally accepted now as being an anxil- wry uurjurairon oi tne JU10tl o & INortll Western road. Thn North Pnaat. Im.l surveyors in the field last year endear- onng io una a route tiirougii the Jilne Mouutuuis to tlie mouth of tlie Salmon river ill Idaho. 'I'liia uorlr wua i,niiu. taken shortly after engineers had made a recnunaisance aown the Salmon river, these engineers evidently representing the North wpulnrn A innriul trin down the Sulmoo river by engineers saiu io do representing tne Northwest ern was made a few- weeks ago and this itep is now followed by the appearance in the Grande Ronde section of En gineer Clarke.; While Engineer Clarke is said to be a North Coast company engineer, it was learned yesterday that for four years past he has been In the employ of the Stone & Webster company, of Bos ton, known as the agents of the Rocke feller interests and head of the electric line and electric power merger wbioh controls all the important northwest systems.' The holdings embrace the Portland and Seattle street car lines and the saburbaa adjuncts also. Then fore If Mr. Clarke has not recently qnil the emDiov of the Wnhatar Jk Afn. people, his present employment with ttui Nnl-th rViaot .n.,l,f l'nJl... - swow " "till. IUUIVBW liUO Rockefellers are interested in the latter road, while the general impression has been that it ia a Gould llnu It lias been known lor two -yean past mat ine moron coast company has been quietly doing work in this field, and the aonearance now admin nf mriMvnri In the Grande Ronde section will come as no surprise. There was a rumor yesterday that Encrineer CMnrka anil Rmrinaav Mtfr, are working on the same project in this . i . i. .a . . mrriiory, uu lovestigaiion seems to ciean y aisciose mat tne project are In no way allied. . - Water Free Frdni Disease Bacteria diU h w ill lie fined. The costa of clean ing and repairs, aside from the mar shal's work, is $75. The estimated total cost for the season, including marshal's work, Is $200, and thU amount w ill be apportioned among the uac rs in a uew rate card that will be adopted by thc council. . Special School Meeting. A special school meeting of the patrons in Enterprise district will be I eld at tlie school house Sutnrduy after noon, May 9, at 2 o'clock "To consider ways and means of acquiring additional school properly aud aoliool houses." Eagle Cap, High School Paper Out Eagle Cop, the county high achool paper, was issued this week from the jiress of the News Record. The paper ts in the form of a booklet, ana the cover has, appropriately, a viow of Eagle Cap, tlie lofty snow peak re flected in Mirror lake. The contents are a credit to the school, and equal in literary merit to acy school paper we have seen, com paring favorably even with the splen did paper put out by the Salenr high school. The literary contributions include a short story by Grace Steel, '11; "The Switzerland of America" bv Charity Mayner; "Three Modern Poets" by "M. N; Wallowa Conntr in Para graphs by Janette Willgerodt, '11; Character Sketch of Coldemith, by DORIS CASE SET FOR NEXT MONDAY Two Murder Charges Will Be Tried At Hay Term of Circuit Court. Circuit court convenes next Monday; Judge Crawford presiding. There is a light docket, both in law and equity and criminal TUn i...A . criminal cases aretbnt of Jimmy Doris, ei ior me nrsi a ay ot the term, and Howard Whittier charged with killing Frank Rminnnil lad n,,..,! ? - --"" inoi ivciuudi, A large batch of informations, mainly on neuiiiK uquor ana gamming charges, have been filed. Judge Crawford arrived in Enter prise last night to give the attorneys time to bring their suits at issue. County Court la Session. v County court met in regular session Wednesday. The day was given over to the hearing of road petitionar no less than seven being acted upon, . . County School Notts. James Wisenor was before the dis trict boundary board asking for a new school district at Pittsburg. The peti tion will be granted. The county high school boardi has accepted the resignation of Principal W. E. Moore. , v Mayor Boyd lias " received it . letter from R. C. Yennev. state health oliioer. enclosing a report on water which reads as follows: "To tlie State Board of Health, roruanu, uregon. . Gentlemen : I have to report exam ination of specimen of watei received from Mr. Daniel Boyd, of Enterprise, uregon. Upon examination of this . water have been unnhlo to find any organisms I resent capable of producing diseuse, and would therefore pronounce same as safe for drinking and drmestic purposes. lours very truiv, Ralph C. Matson, M. D.," ' Bacteriologist to the State Board. The water referred in this report is from the sprinei four miles above Enterprise. It was col looted according to directions from Mr xenney by Mavor I'ovd assisted bv R. L Da v. J. W. Bickford assisted in packing it for . ii i. .1 . .. .. i r euuing io ine suite ocaru. Milked 27 Cows it 51 His. ' J. W. Bickford was at Thomas Morgan's Monday evening aud reports that with the hew milking machine, and separator, Mr. Morgan milked 27 cows and separated the milk in 50 n-.inotcs. t' Rev. 0. II. DeKay Tiie noted prohibition ora tor who is campaigning In Wallowa County, a. B. Taynton, dir. California Pro hlbitioulLSUta oomP'ltbte, writes ttist Rev. DeKay's leo ture, ''UnwAshed Hands," Is a "uiaatertlece on Individual ' responsibility to the liquor crime." Effie Hotick, '11. The other departments are editorial, local, exchange, athletics and an ac count of the high school debuto. Amy Olmstead '10 is editor-in-chief, Iran Jackson '00 -business manager. Charles Oaks '00 assistant, Vernon Corkinn 'OH litrarv arlitnr VfHn ls.,t. debate editor, Irvine French '11 athletic euitor, .11 ia rorsytne 'u and Vance Thomas '11 local editors, and Asa Craig '11 exchange editor. The paper was splendidly patron ised by the merchants of the county. ; ' Sour Grapes. ' From Wallowa Sun. Let ever one know the truth. In re gard to these items. let it be known that B. H.Jonas was not aprlicant for the principaiaiup oi Wallowa schools for next year.'. Bill's Critical Condition. Fruita: Born on May 1 to the wife of Win. Musty, a daughter weighing 9 ponnds. Mother and child aie doing well but Bill is in a critical condition. The di trict boundary board has mado a few chances in the' boundaries of districts 1 aud 80, and new , territory has been added to district 68; in the Garden of Eden. ' Notice to Citizens. All owners of cows and chickens In the City of Enterprise take notice: On and after May 15 the city ordinances prohibiting cows or chickens from run ning at large within the city limits, will bo strictly enforced, by order of Council. W. E. Taooart, Recorder. H. C. Cramkr, Marshal. : Buying Horses for Twin Falls , W. S. Harvey of the firm of McCoy & Harvey of Kennewlck, Wash., U In the valley buying a oar load of draft horses to ship to Twin Falls, Ida. Mrs. Harvey accompanies ber husband. Old bedsprlngit i restretohed made tighter than new for $1. O, I. Rat cliff, the Home Furnisher, , Enterprise. Political Notes A. F. Sheets, a blacksmith at Joseph, is an Independent candidate for Justice of tlie Peace in that disi riot. Registration books for the June election close Friday of next week. Not many names have been added since the books were re-opened April 25. E. A. Searle of Wallowa, who was In Enterprise, Wednesday, says that while he' appreciated the act of his frieuds In writing in bis name for county clerk on the Republican ballots. Siving bhn the nomination, be bail eclded not to make the race this year. Chj Water Ditch Cleanel - Tlie water was turned into -the city Oitch Tuesday and patrons are rejoicing. The grass is green with gladness and the trees are leaving their bare asnect. Marshal Cramer. K. S. Pace and assis tants have cleaned the ditch from one end to the other, cnt out all the willows. put in a new double headgate and put ererytbinif in apnlepie order. It is op 10 tlie people to see that It ia kept so and anyone throwing rubbish in the Our Abstracts Arc Reliable, Fees Reasonable And All Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Our Large Fire Proof Safety Vault is Com pleted and our patrons are invited to deposit their valuable papers without charge. s . BURLEIGH & BOYD, Lawyers With Wallowa Law, Land and Abstract Co. V