POLITICAL Information for Voters nbont Prlmnry and Election Cnndlriutta for the Various OfficesGossip of the CunipM-n. TAGE Notes From The roimcai new ANNOUNCEMENTS. REPUBLICAN. I ' Mat Senator. I t hereby announce myself n en mll- I dnte f r nomination on the i:t-ulllc;ii! School Superintendent. ftj;d;et for Joint Senator for Union and r, r . Will Iowa count ii'M, Un-gou, t tin- I berel.y announce myself as n ran- marv election to l.e held Ai.tii 17 1 : tidute on the Republican ticket for the I If nomina'ed and elected I will ,ii , . nuiiilnation for the office of County I vote for thut candidate for I " 1 1 " ' Kohool Superintendent subject to the States senator In Cutiirrvnt wi.. in decision of the qualified electors, ut the : received the highest number of Mi. irtuiaiieH to he heklhi this con ly on people's votes for that position ' i.t the April I , I J08. general election next preueeding the II nominated and elected, X will election of a senator in Congress, uitli serve the people of Wallowa County to out regard to my individuarnrefereiice. the het of my ability. .1. C. CO.NI.KY. E. W. RUMBLE. FOR CONGRESS, T.T.GEER Superintendent. 1 heri'hy announce tnys-lf as a candi date on the Republican ticket, for the lmiiiilliLtton for .imtirv wi.!-.w.l ntci..- tendcnt, subject to the decision of the ' Candidate for Republican Congression qualitied voters at the primaries to bejal noniitmtion in the Second District, lield April 17, 1VI0S. i Libeial appropriations for waterways, If non limited and elected I prornfsi" equal opportunities and privileges for to devote my entire time and energies '. labor and capital; and Governmental o the schools of Wallowa county. i Ukkk W. Hall. " . Assessor. T hereby announce myself as candi date on the Republican ticket for the nomination for the office of County Assessor, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries to lie held in this county on April 17, 11)08. If unnitimted and elected 1 will nerve tlie people of Wid'owa county to the best cf my ability wtlliuc prejud ice or partiality. C. H. Ai.TjKn. control of corporations. DEMOCRATIC. Assessor. I hereby announce that I am a candi. dote for the nomination for the office of County Assessor on the Dem ocratic ticket, subject, to the will of the voters of the Democratic partv at the primary to he held April 17, 1908. If rominated and elected I pledge myself to faithfully perform the duties of the lltnVf ilt.r.oif-linir t.t It.ui uml tia kiul .if County Treasurer. I my ability, without favoritism or I hereby announce that I will be u pf'juULc-e. candidate on the IU publican ticket, Tuoa. Rich. for the nomination for the nlllco nf, Acsecsor. v-'imiL(y i irusuier ni me primary i election to ne held hi this county April 17, iuus. Wixliam. T. Bell. Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a candi diite oti the Republican ticket for the nomiiiatiou for the office of Sheriff, Biihject to the decision of the voters of aaitl piirty at the primaries to lie held in this ivunty on April 17, 1908. If nominated and elected I will serve the people of Wallowa county to the best of my ability, without prejudice or par tiality. Frank V. Bowman. I hereby announce myself as a can didate on the Republican ticket for the nomination for the office of County Hheriir, subject to the decision of the qualified electors at the primaries to be tie d iu this county on April 17, 1908. If nominated and elected I will serve the people of Wallowa county to the best of my ability; I will rigidly en force the law giving justice to all and undue favors to none. John W. Kerns. I hereby announce myself a candi date, on the Republican ticket, for the nomination for Sheriff of Wallowa I hereby autiou-.iue myself a candi date for nomination on the Democratic ticket for the office of County Assessor for Wallowa county, at the primary election to he held April 17, 1908. If nominated and elected I will serve the county to the best interests of the taxpayers according to law. B. F. Miller. Candidate for Ee-Nomination. ' I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for renon:ination on the Democratic ticket for the Office of County Assessor at the primary nomin ating election to be held in this countv April 17, 1908. If nominated and elected, I will pursue the present policy o: tne omce ana assess all property according to law and to the best of my ability. Respectfullv, "S. F. Pack. Circuit Judge. , I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination on the Democratic ticket for the office of f'ircuit Judge of the lenth Judicial District at the pri mary election to be held on April 17, ItfUO. If nominated and elected, I will n.se my best eudeavors to administer tin- business of the Circuit Court, m boll county, at the primary to be on April counties of the District impiu l.itilly, speedily and ecoonmicallv. . D. W. Sheahan. Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for nomination on the Democratic ticket for the offico of County Trea mary election to he held April i7, 1908. If nomiuated and elected 1 will see tli. If nominated and elected I will con scientiously perforin all the duties of the office to the best of my ability, using care mid precision. W. C. Moore. 1 Surveyor. 1 hereby announce myself us a candi date for tile nomination for the oilice of County Surveyor on the Republican ! that the county's funds are safeguarded ticket, subject to too oecis'on ot t he in tlie best manner possible. Republican voters at the primary to lie pm Reavis. held April 17 If nominated and! ' fleeted I wilt run nn lj,,..,, instlv re- I hereby announce myself as a candi tuw.ii lumfliutiiiir owners and do nil date on the Democratic ticket for the nurveving according to the latett and pniuatinn for the office of Treasurer best Heiuitiflc methods. I "auowu county, surged to the tocwimi a ti of tl.o qtislitied electors at the primaries I to be held April 17, 1908. If nominated Tor Commissioner. , and elected I will serve the people of 1 her. hv announce myself as a candi-: li;".. ,.S!.y UL'"lty for the otH.-H of tountv eomnds- FJ""" i. i.m.i.r. sioner, subject to ll.e api roval of the Republican voters at the primary elec tion, April 17. JlKCTOB illClJONALD. Circuit Judge. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Republican nomination of Circuit Judge of the Tenth Judicial District, subject U) the decision of the qualified electors, at the primary elec tion, to lie held April 17th.! If nominated and elected, I will faithfully, impartially and ceonomi fullv discharge thedulieaof the office. 1 will favor the rigid enforcement of all laws. In order that the expense to the tax pavers ii the holding of Court may lie as littlj as possible, I will come to W'bI lowa county a ulllcient time before each term of court to put the cases a'. Issue and ready for trial, and will also hold an adjourned or special term ie tween the regular terms for the dispos ition of demurrers and motions, the hearing of equity casea and the trial of jury cases demanding Immediate trial. J. W. Know LKS. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Circuit .ludr t ttie Repuh'ican primary election to Is; held April 17, 1908. If nominated and lifted I will faithfully and Impar tially perform lh duties of th'1 office, giving everyone, n-tfiirdliKS of locality, religion, politics, or station in lif-, fair treatment and a siiHiv deal, and en force the laws in the iiit.-r.sl of Hie tux paver and for (he pr'ii'lioii of jilsln e and it higher and U tter ritiw nship I.kwis J. Davis of Union. William C. Wuon Shorif. I hereby tinnoiince myself ns a cat:di date on the Democratic ticket for tlie nomination for the ollicc of Sheriff of V" alloua county, subjet t to the decision of the qualified electors at tho prinniries to be belli April 17, 190". If nominated nd elected 1 will serve Mic people o this couuty to tlie hett cf my nh:lity witnout prejudice or piirtialltv. Fuuab Marvi.v, County Judge. , I hereby announce myself as a can didate on the Democratic ticket for the nomination for the otlice of county Judge of Wallowa county subject l the decision of the qualified electors nl tlie primaries to te held April 17, 1x08. If nominated and elected 1 will serve the people of this county to the best of my ability without prejudice or par- f-jiitv. on pohiic improvements J will abide by tbe w ishea ol the taxpayers, J. 1. J1CLAIN To tha People cf Wallowa County. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the i.omiiiatiou fur tlie office of Circuit Judiifl of the Tenth Judicial Di-trict of tho S ate of Orcuon, at the ! 1 1,-niocrutic primaries to lie held April I 17tli, 1908. I or tl.c maimer in which 1 liuc conducted the clhce nin e 1 ha been on the ImiiicIi, I refer all iunuiiiu voters to the ji;r rs who hue, aitendei the terms of court over which 1 u. presided T. H. Cbaw FORtl. T. F. LATHROPE, Cand'datc for the Republican Nomination for .Assessor. No favoritism to any individual or tiection of the connty, but straight assessment ou every dollar obtainable." r Climbing Into Cake Bandwagon Flora Journal: We still advocate V. G. Locke for county commissioner and claim it as our right to have one mem ber of the county court hosen from our miist.. The total regift ation for the primary in Uni'in county is 3117. Tottil rpni.-trittion for the primary in V;i; i'.v:i e,i.i,nty ii. 17-11, i.ino delayed l -r. -in I'm-!:, -ix Roj nhlicans and three Democrat.-., three from Promise Miid .-iio f: rim; ones f'ooi o1 her precincts s'C-.-oi'iilms for the ini-rei'.c of 1(1 over tin' tutaiv in the table published iu last week's New s Record. On the Republican county ticket for only oue oIKce is there but one candi- ate county judge. Ttiero are live candidates for the Republican nomina tion for sheriff, two for treasurer, font for assessor, two for school superintend ent., two for survejor and two for county commissioner, but ni candidates lor county clerk or coroner. There are 18 names for county offices on the Republican ballot. No names appear on the Democratic primary ballots for three com ty tilces school superintendent, surveyoi and coroner. For one office, county clerk, there is but one candidate, W. C. Boatman, and he is further honored by having no opponent on the Republican ballots. This would be equivalent under the old convention system to being nominated by' both parties, an exceptional honor, and is -due both to personal popularity and his fitness for the office. Two Democrats siek the nomination by their party for county judge, two for sheriff, two for treasurer, three for assessor and two for county commissioner, making a total of 12 mimes for county offices ou the Demo cratic ballots. Cake is considered pretty good most any dHy in the year by a big majority of peop'e, but indications are it is going to be extra popular Friday of this week. The next judge of the 10th judicial district will be a resident of Wallowa county if the Democratic voters of this county do their duty Friday. It will keep the Hon. D. W. Shcahm busier to live up to his picture in last week's News Record, than to fulfill all the good things that were said about him in that same paper. It's lucky for his opponents the women can't vote, f Gene VV. Hall, the candidate for fchool superintendent, informs us that, if he is nominated and elected by the oters of Wallowa county, he will de vote his entire time to the duties of the otlice. He also stftes that ho will not iigajio in teaching during his term ex :jpt for tho purpose of filling vacancies, and iu the latter case his services will be given w ithout expense to the district. The standing iu his home community of V, . T. Bell, candidate for the Repub lican nomination for treasurer, 1b evi nced by the favor with which the mention of his name for mayor is re ceived. Mr. Bell came within an ace f being elected treasrter two years ayo, and his friends are confident that this time he will have votes to Bpare. He is a square man in his personal bciness, and will see that the county j P'ven a -.qtiaro- deal if he is elected ciintodiau of '.tie people s money. The fir:-t candidate to lie brought out bv the North Country this spring was C. II. Allen for the Republican nomination for assessor. Xo limp ovir received a more flattering endorsement from his community than he did. Mr. Allen has proven a good mixer and is making a lot of friends on his present trip to the valley. All guesses of the succcfsful ones at Friday's primary include "Uncle Hi" Williams -'S Democratic nominee for county judge. The voters know just exactly where he stauds on every question likely to come btfore the court There are no strings foi: Williams. If he ia elected, he will be judgH. While he may not be acceptable to the silk-stockinged brigade, or those who favor big appropriations, yet the !i0 acre taxpayer, who believes in keeping expenses down to the lowest notch compatible with good public service, like Williams and will vote lor bi:n iu sufficient numbers to more than make up for the other fellows. " Tis pleasant to see brothers dwell ing tugetlier In unity," suul trol 1'uce as he stood watching the rival candidates for tlie Di mocruliu nomination for sheriff, lldgiir .Marvin and E. C. Deny, in the same bugi;y driving out of Eu terpriso Monday fcr Joseph and Prairie Creek. Sol is long ou bcriptural quotations. In spite of the desperate efforts of the old machine and representatives of cer- J tain big I't rusts" to accomplish his de- j feat, the nomination of II. M. Cake,1 champion of statement No. 1, for United States senator on April 17th, is cener; lly conceded throughout the state. It is predicted in Portland that j he will carry Multnomah county by between 5000 and 0000. With few ex ceptions, the newspapers ot the state have rallied loyally to Mr. Cake's . sup port. In urejng his nomination, the Polk County Observer savs: - '-Hon. H. M. Cake is making a mag nificent cam pnign and his nomination, never seriously in doubt, is now prac tically assured by a rousing majority. Knthusiiistic crowds have flocked to hear him in his trip through Southern Oregon and his tour of Eastern Oregon where he has always been strong with the voters, promises to be in tho ua'ure of a triumphal march. Mr. Cake is making a clean, dignified campaign, free from personality or abuse ami is earnestly advocating tho principles he believes to be right. lie is an able, effective speaker who makes no attempt ut high-flown oratory, but takes the people into his confidence and has a quiet heart-to-heart talk with them on the important issues now heforo the people of the state and nation the most effective oratory by tho way, that can be indulged in by any public speaker in this piactical age. He dodges no issues, straddles no questions, but frankly discusses every subject in a manner that leaves no doubt in any mind as to his sincerity. In Mr. Cake the people feel they have a man whom they can trust ; one who would repre sent them honorably and fearlessly in the nation's highest law-making bedy." Populist National Ticket. Thomas W. Watson of Georgia for president, and Samuel W. WillianiB of Indiana for vice president, is the t'eket nomiuated by the Populists in their national convention at St. Louis. Democrats, Attention! Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Democratic County Central Committee at Enterprise, Ore., on Saturday, April 25. As there is business to come before the meeting of vast importance to the party it is de sired that a full representation of tlie precinct committeemen be present, either in person or by proxy. Respectfully, 51t2 S. F. Pace, Chairman $6500 T Stock $5000 In Best Business in the County for 200 acres on Iionaha - IflGOO 160 acres on Ohesnimnus, - 800 160 acres 3 miles from town 5500 Bargains in Town Property INSURANCE In Best Companies. W. E. TA6GART, ENTERPRISE. OREGON. "A. G." High Grade Percheron Will make the season of 1908 at the ranch of Baker Bros., on Swamp Creek, 7 miles north of Enterprise. $8 To Insure Colt PASTURE FURNISHED. "A. C." is a handso.Tie black gray, 3 years old in Slay, and weighs 1500 pounds, Notice of City Marshal. By order of the City Council all prop erty owners are hereby requested t clean up the streets and alleys adjoining their property. All persons throwing i ef use into streets and alleys are liable to a fine and this law will be rigidly enforced. Dog tax is tow due and can be paid at City Recorder's office. 48ut 11. C. Cbamek, City Marshal. To tho Voteri of Wallow County. I will be a candidate fori re-election as County Surveyor on an Independ ent ticket as usual. Ou account of my quali.lcutions and my experience of the last four years iu the position, there la no other mau ou earth w ho can belter serve the interests of the people of Wallowa county as County Surveyor for the next two years, and if eiocted the permanency of lines and comer already properly established are assured. Keapectfuily, H. E. Merryma, County Surveyor. ydcreful Banking Insures tht Safety of Deposits." Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK Of ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000 HURPLUS $40,000 We Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Ceo. V. Hyatt, President W. R. Holmes, Cashier Geo. S. Craig, Vice President Frank A. Reavis, Asst. Cashierv DIRECTORS . Gko. S. Craio Geo. W. Hyatt Mattie A. Holmes G. PENNELii V. R. Holmes R. I. LONG CIVIL ENGINEERING and GENERAL LAND SURVEYING Hydraulic and Irrigation Engineer ENTERPRISE, OREGON. ENTERPRISE PAINTING CO. MOORE &, IRVING PRACTICAL PAINTERS House Painting Carriage Painling Paper Hanging Up-to-Date Signs Calcimlning Show Cards MEGS FAMOUS FURNI TURE POLISH PICTURE FRAMES GILDED Shop and Repository River St. ENTERPRISE Red Front Livery and Feed Stable First Class Accommodations Best of Hay and Grain & 1 BOSWELL & SON PROPRIETORS. ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF HOTEL ENTERPRISE PHONE HOME 115 NOTARY PUBLIC J. D. WALCK Real Estate Dealer Mitchell Hotel Block JOSEPH, OREGON OREGON'S OPPORT UNITY Colonist Rates from all parts of tho United States and Canada to all parts of Oregon and the Northwest will be put into effect by The Oregon Rjailroad C& Navigation Co. AND ' - Southern Pacific Company (LINF.S IN OREGON Daily During March and April, 1908 FROM T" PR NCIPAwClTlCS CFTHE MlODLC WCST THE RATES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: FROM FROM CHICAGO - - tS.OO COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. LOUIS - - - :I5.50 OMAHA KANSAS CITY - $.10.00 ST. PAUL - - Corresponding rates from all other Kh stern points. Stopovers at pleasure at all points iu Oregon. The Colonist Rate Is tho greatest of all homchulldors. Oregon hits unlimited resources and needs more people who doslro homos and lirftcr opportunities $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 NOTICE OF CITY ELECTION. Notice is hereby liiven that an elec tion will be held at the office of W. E. Tapgurtoii Tuesday, May 5, 1908, for the election of the following oll'.cers for the City of Enterprise: Major, City Attorney, City Recorder, City Treas urer, to serve fur one year, and two couucilnien. W. E. Taooakt, City Recorder. Enterprise, Ore. April 11, HX)B. GUS Jersey Milk and Cream. Persons desiring pure milk and, cream from grade Jersey leave word fur uiu at Borland's shop. Delivery daily. R. L. Day. Oregon people can accomplish splendid results by heralding this opportunity to all the world. Hend Oregon literature giving good reliable information about the state, far and wide. Call on the above railroads for it it necessary. Fares Can be Prepaid Here lit home if desired. Any agent is authorized to accept the required deposit and t-lcgrapli ticket to any point. Call ou 11. 11. Weatherspoon, Elgin, Oregoa, or address, Wm. Mc Murray, (icueral Passenger Agent, Poitland, Oregon. Game Laws. Any person knowing of any violation of the gume or fish laws of the state, or of persons not properly keeping' screens over irrigation ditches, are requested to notify Joe Clkmons, Deputy State Game' and Forestry War den, .urnwnlt, Oregon. 4M Have You Any Friends In the east? Send them a Wallow a county descriptive pamphlet a beauti ful book issued by the county court. Ot them free at the county clerk's office in Enterprise; or of J. I). Walck, Joseph; Couch dc McDonald, Wallowa; liowuian St Mays, Lostiue; Moore & Conley, Flora. $15 CASH $15 To the three Pupils of Wal lowa Countyl Schools who bring tho largest numlxr of their Busier Brown Ads cut form tho Nkws Uecokd to W. J. FUNK & CO.'S store by November 1, 1908. Cut out the ads each week and have all your friends save ads for you. They are found only in the News IUcohu.