The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, January 02, 1908, Image 4

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1. . U. F. Kntt-rprliw Lode, No. 163.
Kmi iuia Kebekah Lodge, No. 119.
K.i l P. Enterprise Lodge, No. .
JUBiiiltt Temple, No, 7, Pythian
3Ujnio KnterprlHe Chapter. No. 30, Royal
A ilHwnH. meet flrt aifl third
Tiiexluy.t of encli mmih in MimoiiIc
HiL AH veiling lt'J.uJ Aicli Jlu
Mm welcomed.
J.B. Oj.mstead, High Priest.
WhIIow Lodga, No. S2, A. H A
A. Mi meets necond ud iuurib Sat
urday at ttuvb month lu Mmtonlc
JliilL VUitlug MhBoiut welcomed.
C. H. Zl'aCHER, W. M.
V. C. Bwatman. Secretary.
Wallowa Valley Chapter, Ko. M,
O. A. meet Orst and third Biitur.
iiuye ol each month, la Uwtouio
ail. Visiting- BUr uJte Aliraf wel
come. Oi.ivi LocKwon, W. M.
IMNiio. Boyu, riec
W. W. A. fcnille Camp. N 1MW. M. W. A.
Aneroid Camp, No. 8W2, U. N. )( A.
V. 0. W. Enterprise Cainp, No, 535, W. ol W,
Almota Clrole, No. 878, W. of W,
Jke NeWs',Jtecbrd
Am independent newspaper
Formerly the Wallowa Tfewn, ERtabliohPil Mnn h; i,;iti9. New rle"ltiKn April SO, lfXn
Published every Thursday at Enterprise, Oregon
Editor anil I'iiIiIIhIu
Entered at the Knterpri-M- pwtolttce us "HCimd-citiM mutter.
REUUI.AK 811 J-iCltlf l'l JS UATE4
One year 1.50 Three month 50 cen
Regular subscribers may have as many copies in they dotire sent outsMe of th
county at the following rate, -hIi pi advance: lent I v subscripti iim f 1 ettcb.
Itformatioa Concerning Eighth Grade
Final Examinations.
i TwtPa: 'a) January 23.24, 190o:
JU) May 14. 15, 1908; (c) June 11, 12,
9 Prnirmni :
a TbiirndVH Arithmetic, Wrltinpr,
Hlslorv anil Civil Government,
b Friiiay -Granimor, Physiology,
Geogruphy and Bpelllug.
S RniirifM of Out-ftlollH:
a Geography State Course of
fJUiilv. Bedway and Hinnan's
Nv, iral Hohoof Geoarraphy.
b Spv-liing Eighty per cent, from
twfiitv ver cent from mauu
tutript in Language,
n Wriiinir Kneciiueus of penman
nliip as Indicated In copied mat
ter ami iroiu uuujunturi
a T.HnviiHire Buehler's Mod""n
Knglish Grammar, no diagra
v illvil Government United States
CoiiHtltutiou. '
t lllniory List of topics from His
tory Outline In State Course of
Btuily and Current Events
Notice: Tencuera preparing clashes
for examlnutlons will please nouiy
4touuty su peril) tendnnt 30 days before
xamliialiuu uocording to law.
J. W. Kerns,
County Superintendent of Schools,
Professional Directory
Business Cards
Physicians and Surgeons
Physician Surgeon
E. T. Anderson, M. D.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Independent Phone.
Offloe up stairs In Bank Hldg.
Physician and Surgeon,
Atto rneys-at-Law.
J. A, Burleigh
Daniel Boyd
Burleiqh 8c Boyd
Will praotloe In all the Courts of
this State aud before the Interior
aud it oflloee. '
The most careful attention
glvHii to (all buslut'ss entrusted
to our care. 1
Enterprise, Oregon.
Editorial fage.
When Passing On The Lewis
ten Road, Stop At The
Sled Springs Hotel.
Plor ty of He
S. B. CONN i. K, Proprietor.
Wm Mcllroy anD Company.
Farm, Timber Lands, Acreage,
IU, lUtsldonce aud liuslneas
Troperty For Bale. Timber Lo
eating a Specialty
t The School Levy. '
At the school meeting, Saturday, a levy of tyur mills wn voted
This will not raise enough money to keep tlie diptrii-t n a cash basis
by at least $1000 and posnibly $1500. There i an emfity treasury
now. Before the next tax money is pnid in Man h the dintrint will hp
$1050 in debt. Teachers will be compelled to nccent 6 per cent war
rants when money is worth 10 per cent. 'With the present money mar
ket, the teachers may hnve to have thpse warrnrrts discounted in order
to secure the cash to pay their bill. That U virtually a reduction of
their salaries. ' Is that fair?
A meeting should be culled to authorize the -.'oard to borrow
$1000 to pay the teachers and janitor in cash.
The clerk's estimate of expenses for teachers, janitor, clerk, fuel
and interest is $3730 for 12 months. This was the expense for last
year when the echool census showed 272 persons of school age in the
district. In 10 months Miere was an increase of over 50. There are 77
pupils in the primary room. No teacher living can do justice to tl at
many. The limit in Portland is 40 pupils. Another primary teacher
is needed now. A room should be rented in. the west part of town and
the little tots in that section cent there.
No one doubts Enterprise will grow as much in 1908 as it did n
1907. If it does a sixth teacher will be necessary next September. In
short, the expenses will keep pace with the increase of enrollment.
Therefore it is only fair to say the expense for 12 months from next
March will be close to $5000 iintead of $3730 This is not allowing
one cent for contingent ex pen s, such as new stoves, now needed, book
cases, chalk, and the hundred find one items that crop up fn the course
of a year but cannot be foreseen. The clerk says $300 would be little
enough to provide for such items. Add the expense for teachers, etc.,
$5000, contingent $300. and indebtedness on March 1 nexl, $1050, and
you have $6350, the amount necessary to keep the district on a cash
The four mill tax levied will bring in $2300. The apportionment
from county and state, $27!,5, or a total of $5095 to meet an outlay of
at least $6350 There's a deficit of $12(55 in running expenses, and
allowing nothing for purchase of ground or building of a primary or
ward school in the west part of town. 1
The levy voted Saturday should have been at least six mills.
The Prize Contest.
. Miss Luoile Corkins is the winner of the grand pri7e, the $165 lot
in Alder View addition to Enterprise, in the News Record's $405 prize
contest. And riuht nobly did she earn it, by honest, persistent effort.
The publishers of the paper will take great pleasure in presenting Miss
Corkins with the deed to the lot.
The other prize wirnern, with possibly one or two exceptions, have
also worked loyally fur the paper and have earned their rewards.
The contct was started primarily to advertise the News Record in
every home in Willowa county and in this it waH very successful.
The money panic interferred with present results as far as cash is con
cerned, bet everyone ia now acquainted with the News Record and the
ultimate good from the work ai d expenditure of the contest will rest
on the merits of the paper, where the publishers are content to leave it.
Will the progress of Enterprise in 1903 be equal to or exceed that
of 1907? It rests with the citizons generally, and the businessmen
particularly. The businessmen of Enterprise are noled far and wide
for their public spirit and generous contributions for civic matters. In
a spirit of helpfulnras, a' d in no way meaning to criticise, the News
Record suggests that the ofiicer of the business men's association who
looks after tho correspondence and does the hustling for uall in the
wry of brirginf new industries to our city, be given a remuneration
sufficient to pay him for his time and provide an incentive for addi
tional hustlinj..
Politicians are remarking on the difference in the local political
situation compared to. two years ago at this time, when the pot was
fairly boiling over. Now everything is quiet with only a rumor nw
and then that I his man or that will come out for a certain office. .The
only openly avowed candidate that the News Record has heard of is C.
II. Allen, principai of the Flora schools, who was in Enterprise last
week and slajed he would Iw a candidate at the primary for the nomi
nation lis assessor on the Republican ticket.
Taking human life is a serious matter, and it is an added credit to
young Howard Whittier that he so sincerely regrets the necessity tha
caused him to shoot his brother-in-law, Frank Haymord. But like a
manly boy he stoutly says it was necessary, and on the facts as known
everyone Ingrees'with him. He was the only protector of his mother
and sisters, and it was his duty to protect them from hodily harm. It
was fortunate indeed that he was in a position to do so.
It has been stated a million times during the last two months that
the law requires National banks to carry a certain proportion of cash
reserve, but we have heard of no New York banker being arrested for
breaking the law though the reports jnade December 3 showed nearly
every National bank in that city was below the'"legal" reserve. Are
bankers like railroad owners and managers, above the law? '
The roquest of Wallowa county wool-growers to have the payment
of range dues deferred until after shearing is nirely moderate, nnd
reasonabla. tjoder the scarce money condition produce! by the New
York stock gamblers, it would be only fair if a free grazing season was
allowed by the government.
To the People of Wallowa
The year 1907 has been everything considered, the most prosper
ous year in the history of this great Empire-County. The E. M. C& M.
Company has shared in this general prosperity and has done the larg
est business, both in mill and store, of any twelve months in the twenty
years that we have done business in . Enterprise. The company is
grateful for the generous patronage accorded it, especially as it proves
we have what we have endeavored to merit the confidence of the
ven brighter than the achievements of 1907 is the splendid
promise of 1908. The panic is over and while the delay in the com
pletion of the railroad and loss on stock has been a disappointment the
great resources of this county are unhurt. In a few months the "holi
days" will be forgotten, and with work resumed on the railroad and
good price for products Wallowa county will enter on a new era. Our
store and mill will be found not only abreast but as in the past a little
ahead of that progress. And so. thankful for your friendship in 1907,
and wishing one and all a Prosperous and Happy New Year,
We are Yours to Command,
B. M: &. M. Company
Diamond W Coffee '.Best I ever
drank." says everyone. E. M. & M. Co,
Lower Valley, Dec. 23 Mr and Mrs.
Willie Sarrett visited Mrs Barrett's
parents, Mr. and Mrs Al Daniel last
Lee Thompson who teaches at Utopia,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Thompson.
Mina Florence Bishop is visiting her
sister, Mrs L. T. Powerp, this week.
Mifls Nina Miller, who has been teai h
ing the Oolpitt's school, and her sister
Komi of this place will spend this w eek
vUiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs B.
F. Miller, near Enterprise.
' Ford Hnwley of Promise is visiting
Harvey Thompson.
Miss Ona Sloan has been quite ill
with rheumutisin but is better.
Miss ' Alpha Boyd was absent frcin
school last week on account of the ill
ness of her niotbtr
Mrs. Millie Combs' has been very ill
hut is improving.
Mrs, W. C. Combs of La Grande :s
visiting her daughter, Mrs C. C. Roop
Varnish stains and brushes, and
Lacqueret makes old furniture look
like new at Burnaugh & Mayfleld's.
Paradise, Dec. 20 About 7 inches of
snc w.
Dale Beech 'expects to leave Sunday
for Rock creek v here he will spend
holidays ith his sister, Mrs. E. P.
Mr. Cattron returned from Lew it ton
Tiiecday with freight for Paradise store.
William Howell is making poets for
W, C. Straley.
The people of this community will
meet at the Deer creek school house,
December 21, for the purpose of organ
izing a Literary and debuting society.
' Miss Cordelia Wilson, who has been
attending Hackberry high school, re
turned home to spend holidays with her
I Tempest and Sunshine.
Diamond W Coffee sold in 1 and 2
lb. cans at E. M. fc M. Co. tf
Filing of right ol way southeast of Walla Walla, towatd Wallowa
county, by the Washing ton & Oregon Traction company, seems to
remove the electiio railway from the Land of Myth to the realm of
May-He. v
, . Splendid Singers Coming.
The Midland Jubilee Singers coming
to the Enterprise opera houBe next
Monday night,, are highly praised
wherever they appear. The Bedford,
Iowa, Republican says of them : Tbey
are all fine singers, and their voices,
blend in splendid harmony. They are
li)!h-class, college peop'e; they do hot
condescend to thejrashy music so often
given by Jubilee companies, but are
making a record for the beat in their
line. The company has been very much
uppreciutt d her J, growing in popularity
with each appearance till the climax
last night, when they simply took the
audience by storm. Many were the
requests received for their continuation
lonper with us. They are without
t'oubt the best Jubilee company that
eyt r visited Bedford, and we have had
some good ones before. - Mr. Harm, the
manager, deserves congratulation upon
his fine company, both because o their
ability and cultured conduot. They
will be welcomed attain."
Cut out the W. J. Fvtnk A Co, adv
for some boy or girl who ia working for
the splendid prises effored by that firm.
Wallowa. Appleton, Flora lo Paradise,
if .
. From Paradise, Flora and Appleton to Wallowa,-
Good accommodations, courteous treatment and reasonable rates.
Leaves Wallowa at 6 a. m.
E. W. SOUTHWICK, Proprietor.
Highest M irket
jl'rice for
Hide and Pelts
"Cartful Banking Insures the Safety of Deposits."
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
f CAPITAL $50,000 1
SURPLUS 130,000
We Do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on .
All Principal Cities.
Geo. W. Hyatt, President
Geo. S. Craig, Vice President
Geo. S. Cbaiu
G. Pennell
W. R. Holmes, Cashier
Frank A. Ilea vis, Asst. Casljler
Geo. W. Hyatt M attie A. Hoi.meb
VV. R. Holmes
Horses Boarded by Day, Week or Month .
Good Care of all Stock.
One Block North of Court House.
J. C. SHACKLEFORD, Proprietor.
Harness and
Will supply your needs In the Leather Goods line more cheaply and
give better satisfaction than auy other dealer in Wallowa county.
Let him tit you out for the Beaton's work, lie pair work a specialty.
. ' -