The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 26, 1907, Image 8

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    fCity and County
Brief News Items
Diamond W Coffee "Boat I ever
drank," says everyone. E. M. & M. Co,
Frank Melotte has returned from Al
berta, Canada.
Make a good Guess nnd get some
thing for nothing at Ashley's.
There will be preaching Kairview
schoolhome, in Leap, next Sunday by
Rev. Henry Martin.
'Cut out the W. J. Fouk & Co. adv
for some boy or girl who is working for
'the splendid prize t ffered bv that firm.
- The News Record is a day lute this
Week as Christmas fell on our publica
tion day and even printers don't work
-on Christmas.
Miss Emma Maliaffey, telephone op
erator at Wallown, w hh summoned to
her home here by ths message her
brother James was killed.
Harry Corkins and friend, Leslie
Wiley of Wallown, visited the former's
parents, Judge and Mrs. O. M. Corkins,
Christmas day, and attended the dance
in the evening.
Inez Makin, Eleanor Beecher and
Memory Bell from Weston, and Edna
Browning of Willamette university,
Balem, are home for the Christmas hol
iday vacation.
The cattlemen are over on the lower
Imnaha rounding up their stock, which
went into the breaks at the first storm.
Sheriff lilakely reports the range only
(air and a number of droves of cattle
have been brought back from the
Fred Wagner has bought a half in
terest in the planing mill, lumber yard
and timber recentlv purchased by Lon
Davis from V- M. Gregg. Mr. Wagner
' lias retired from the O. K. & I. Co., and
will devote his whole time to the new
business. lie is a young man of friends
and a hustler who mRks things go.
He and Mr. Davis will be a strong team.
Lodgers Bros, have put in a cobblers
fthop in the rear of their store.
The mask ball at the skating rink
Christmas night was a very successful
affair and was enjoyed by a crowd of
spectators as well as dancers. The pop
ular Enterprise seven-piece orchestra
furnished music. The. prizes of $2.50
for the best sustained characters were
awarded to Mrs. Edwin Bloom as a
Zulu princess, and Orvllle Littleton
representing a two-faced' man, The
judges were T. R. Aklns, Elzia Makin,
and Miss Nanno Heaton. '
Wallowa lodge, No. 82, A. F. & A. M.,
and Wallowa Valley chapter, No. 50,
0. E. 8., held joint installation tf oflie
org, in Masonic hall Saturday night.
Mrs. Ella A, McKenzie .of Lostine
acted as installing officer for the chap
ter and George S. Craig for the lodgo.
The complete list of officers installed
-was aa follows: Chapter Olive Lock
wood, W. M.; W. C. Boatman, W. P.;
Ethel A. Boyd, A. M.j Daniel Bcyd,
Sec; D. W. Sheahan, Troas. j Victoria
Unas, Conductress; Eula Forsythe,
Abhoo. Con.; Helen Boatman, Adah;
Kora French, Ruth; Anna Reavis,
Esther; Ethel Funk, Martha; Mary E.
Steel, Electa; Amy E. Forsythe, Chap
lain; F. A. Reavis, Warder! J. A.
Fieuch, Hontlnol. Lodje C. II. Zur
oher, W. M. ; J. A. Burleigh, 8. W.;
D. W. Shcahan, J. W.; W.C. Boatman,
See; W. R. Holmes, Treas.; Daniel
Boyd, Sr. Dea.; J. W. Kerns, Jr. Dea.;
Win. Weaver, Sr1, Rtoward; A. R. Mur
ray, Jr. Steward ; K. 8. l'ace, Tyler.
The ceremonies were followed by a fine
supper and a social hour.
15 per Cent ob Your
'I wo Houses
Baying $18 a
month, rent.
$1500 FOR BOTH
Lots one-fourth Block In SUe
' for from
$100 to fvloO.
Residences from
f (100 to $.5000
All above property
' in Enterprise.
Oood Farm Propositions
$15 CASH 51$
To the three Pupils of Wal
lowa County.' Schools who
bring the largest number of
their BuBter Brown Ads- cut
from the News Hkcokd tu
W. J. FUNK & CO.'S
Btore by November 1, 1908.
Cut out the nds eacli week
and have nil jour friends save
ads for you. They are found
only in the News Record.
Shoe repnirinc next door to Star laun
dry. Everett Flowers. tf
O. T. Littleton cf Elain spent C brUt
mas with his sister, Mrs. Sorensen.
E. R. Bowl by took two cars of hogs to
Portland last week.
Geonre E Lindlcy of Flora has been
granted a pension.
County Commissioner Sam I.iteh will
mnke a trip to California after the Jan
uary session of the court.
County Surveyor Merrvmmi is spend
ing Christmas week ut his home in
Dermine Cream, the best nronarntion
for chapped hands and face, is sold by
tiurnaugli & Muytield.
The bund entertainment will not be
held next Saturday night. The date
has not been settled.
The Midland Jubilee Simrors is the
next attraction ot the Lyceum course, at
the Enterprise opera house Monday
night, January (I.
The children in ths f unities of George
Mitchell aid Ford Ilillman are ill with
bad colds and incipient pneumonia.
Ronth Sanders is a little hotter.
About 40 turkeys were disponed of by
M. K. Boatman of Lostine at the shoot
in this city Monday. S im Baker cap
tured six of them by his excellent
marksmanship despite his lame iirin,
County Comnii.M.-ioner W. '. Wilson
and family uro now residents of Enter
prise, thov moving into Mis DalyV
house in Alder View, Tuesday. They
were givei: a larewell dinner by their
neighbors of the Flora and Paradise
country, Saturday.
The Christmas entertainments at the
three churches wero'very suet essful and
each church was filled with deliuhtcd
youngsters and pleased grown-up's.
Santa China showed hi approval by
appearing at each place and seeing that
every child, large and small, received
his or her share of the treat.
Miss Ll.zie Viiw ter of Flora and Mr.
John A. Hendrickson of Asotin county,
were married Saturday at the home of
A. R. Emmons in Enterprise, by (V nn
ty Surveyor If. E. Merryman, who is an
elder, in the Reorganized Church of
Latter Day Saints. Mr . Flora , Em
mom and Miss Anna Emmons were
the w itnesses.
The revival Hirelings nt the M. E.
church closed Sunday niuht with a good
service nt which a large number of tes
timonies weregfven. Miss EduaBrown
ing sang a beautiful solo. A splendid
spirit of Christian fellowship prevaded
the meeting. The pastor received five
into preparatory membership. The re
vival lasted three weeks and was of
great benefit to tho churches and com-
iniinity nt large. Komilur preaching
services, morning mid evening, next
Mr. anil Mrs. W. J. Funk of Portland
are spending Christmas with their son
Charles and family, and greeting their
many friends here whore they resided
so long Mr. and Mrs. "I' link have
bought property ut Turloek, Cal., and
will move there upon their retur i to
Portland. Their son. J. A Punk, and
family, recently went to Turlook from
Enterprise W. J. Funk was in busi
ress hero for a numb.'r of years and
still owns large real estate interests in
Enterprise, including the W. J. Funk
A Co. i-to-e building uud the masonic
temple, building.
O. J. Roe arrived Saturday with his
household goods, stock, etc., from
Eureka, S. Dak., and at once took pos
session of his fardi on Alder Slope,
bought In September of T, R. Aklns.
Mr. Roe was accompanied by John
Heftel, a young man from Eureka, who
will make his home here. Mrs. Roe
and their daughter Kamoua are visiting
Mrs. Roe's latlior and other rebit!
at Madison and Monroe, Wis., but will
start Tor Enterprise the first week in
the new year. The Eureka North u-o
Blade in speaking of the Koes said:
"The departure of these
from Eureka takes one more fumily of
old residents in tins county mid town
from among ns. MP. 00 vama to
McPhcrsou county in lSS.i nnd settled
near Lonla. He moved to Eureka about
eleven years ngo and up to last April
was proprietor ot the Germ in nnd Eng.
lish "Posts." After selling out. Ifs
newspaper business he took n, trip to
Oregon and while there purchased a
fiult inrni m ar Enterprise In that slate,
and has now decided to locate there.
They were both prominent in the soei
ety circles of cur little citv ,m,l I..,,,... ..
largo number of warm friends who re
gret their leaving but ail hope that
they limy prosper in their new venture
and be happy ia their new home.'
Shoes repaired at Rodgers. Bw'
Circuit court a week from next
C. II. Allen, principal of the Flora
schools, is in town.
Diamond W Coffee, tho finest flav
ored. Sold at tho E M. & M. Co. tf
The eighth grade basket ball team
won from the county high school team
in the last game played.
C. F. Whitehead of Athelstone, Wis.,
is in tho c ty looking over the country
witli a view of locating here.
Gussie Hutchinson is editor-in-chief
of the Normal Wireless, the new maga
zine issued by Weston stndoi ts.
County court' will convene in regular
January session next Thursday. The
annual levy will be made.
Fran Wilsoy was given tho third
degree in Oddfellowship at Flora, I)e
cembei 14. ,
Regular communication-'cf Wallowa
lodge, No. 82, A. F. & A. M., rext Sat
uiduy nighL Work in the 3r.l degree.
Henr- I.oiie is at work putting in the
new county bridges at Hansom, place
and over Hurricane cieek.
S. D. Keltner hasi sold his ranch of
32!) acres in the Leap country to Ed
Allen and John Seibert of Pendleton
for a consideration of $301)0.
Woodluirj's Celebrated Facial soap
soothing, healing, sanitary, cleansing.
Best toilet soap in tho world. For sale
at the E. M. & M.
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Gregg will leave
Fj iday for Iowa w here they will- spend
the winter, visiting relatives at various
points north and west of Waterloo.
Their first address will be Riceville.
Mr. Gregg will return next Bummer. '
Miss Jessie D. Jewell and Mr. Miner
A. Stump of The Buttes were married
by County Judge O. M. CorkinH, Tues
day afiernoon at 4 o'clock. Both are
highly esteemed young people and their
many friends wish them a long life of
mairied happiness. The bride is a sis
ter of Mrs. J. A. Funk.
An indoor baseball team has been
organiznd end is piucticing at the rink
for a game nt Wallown. The team will
be picked from the following players;
Bilyeu, Pace, Hall, Jake Bauer, Hallie
Boswell, Will Bauer, Forsythe, Mc
Alister, Browning, Rodgers, Kay and
Savage. The indoor game is quite pop
ular iu tho East. A large, soft ball is
used, the pitcher is restricted to an
underhand pitch, only two outfielders
are used but two instead of ono short
stop. Invitations are out for the marriage
of Miss Ethel Maxwell of this city and
Mr. John H. Long of Lewiston, -t tiie
Presbyterian church, Now Years after
noon at 4 o'clock. Tho wedding will be
followed by a reception from 4:30 to 0
at the homo of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Barah A. Maxwell. Miss Max
well is well known in this city and lias
a host of friends. Mr. Long has long
filled a good position iu Lewiston and
has a home all ready for his bride.'
Marriage Licenses
Dec. 19 Joseph L. Crab tree and
Elizabeth E. Fiuluy, both of Wallowa
Dec. 21 .Ioh' A. Ilendrieksou of
Asotin county and Lizzie Vawter of
Dec. 20 Paul W. Cochran and Zella
M. Millsnp of Paradise.
Dee. 24 Miner A. Stump and Jessie
D. Jewell, of the Buttt s.
Day Ridge Items.
Albert A ger is building a big barn.
Hiram Paul is homo for the winter,
Emory Culbertson has also come in for
tho cold weather,
There was a neighborhood Christmas
tree ut J. S. Casteel's and everyone had
a pleasant time.
MJents By and For
-Vj allowa County Readers
Rhode Island Hod Cockerels. Pure lilooded.
A number ot tine cocks which 1 will gull at 73
cent:) cuoh, A. M. Waunkii, Enterprise.
t. O. O. K. EntrrprlM) bodico, No. l.VI.
bniuralil Kcln-kali LodueNo. 119.
K. of P. KiiU'rpritw Lodgo, No. 04. j
Junnlla Temple, No, 7, Pythian
Masonic Kntprnrlxe Clmiitpr. No, SO, ltoyal
Aivli MasniiH, meets first ho 1 third
TiiMdnys ul each nii nth In MhhmiiIi
Hull. All vIhIiuik Roj-ul Arch .Ma
sons wrleonu-d.
J. H. Oi.mstkao, HiKh Print,
P. V. Kiikahan, .-k-cruiry.
Wallow I.oilgp. So. S2, A. K. A
A. M., iimi Rdooad nnd fourth Snt-urdnj-i
of eiu-li month In Masonic
Hull. VUillnx MiiNoim welcomed.
C. H. Zl'RrilKK, W. M.
W. C. IUutman. Mre rvtary.
R'allowa Valley Chapter, No. en,
O. i 8., imvta flrrt Hud third Satue
diy of each mouth,' iu Manoitio
all. Vlsltlug Bt arc nlways We.
" Omve Lock wood, W. M.
IUnikl BoYU,Ht.
M. V. A. finale Cnmp, No. 1W7, M. W. .
Aneroid Camp, No. 3W2, It. N. of A.
W, O. W. Enterprise Cnmp, No, w. f iV.
Almoin Circle, No. 2TS, V. of W.
Last Known Standing of Candidates
Until Result Announced In Next
News Recorj.
Lncile Corkins Enterprise 503X0
Lid.i Flowers Enterprise 10500
Zo in Combes Enterprise 7810
M rs. Joseph Lay Joseph 25
Myrl Donnelly " 10
Evelyne Green " 5
district .vo. 2.
Lenore Goodman Lostine 6123
Nellie Davis Wallowa 375
E. W. South wick Fairview 50
Mrs. Alice Daisley Lostine 20
Homer Beniiss " 5
Margaret Bo:ier V. ullnwa , 5
Jiaynie .loniison wallowa I
district no 3.
Thomas Rich Fruila 1200
Myrtle Thomas Flora 25
Mrs I.ucy Duley " 15
Wellie Stannous Prairie Creek 10
Geo. T. Carper, Promise 5
Allio Lloyd, Grossman 5
Lelali Colo Flora 5
Bessie Kriddles Grouse 5
Lillie Yager Arko 5
Alfred Allen 5100
G. C. Holding Troy 5200
TJhe candidates stood as above on
Tuesday night. This-i is the last week
of the contest, it closing on Saturday
night, December 28. There are likely
to bo several surprises in each district:
as a number of new candidates are ac
tively at work for tho prizes. The re
sult will not be known or announced
until it appears in next week's News
Rey. Thompson
Goes to Eugene
' Rev. M. J. Thompson, w hose resigna
tion as pastor of Enterprise Christinu
church has been accepted; will preach
his farewell sermon next Sunday morn
ing. There will be uo evening service.
Rev. Thompson will move to Eugene
and will engage tirst in evaugeliste ser
vice nt Stiitou, alter which ho will enter
the local option tight in Lane county
under the banner of the Anti-Saloon
league., '
-TUero is a concerted effort being
ir ade nil over the state to vote Oregon
dry. It is bvlieved al bid, two or three
counties w ill vote to abolish the saloon
next Juno' The temperance forces are
very active in Union county. The bus
inessmen have joined forces with them
mid it is confidently expected that old
Union wiil go dry next June. ,
Rev. Thompson has not sold his prop
erty in Enterprise though several par
ties are . negotiating for it. 11c 'may
eoniS back next April and May to assist
in the option campaign if the liquor
intt rests bring the question up for vote
again as is expected.
Real Estate Transfvfs
V.'sek ' Ending Dec. 14, 19)7 Prepared
. By Wallowa Law, Land &
"Abstract Co.
Hayes Kernnn to Frauk Kernan, qc,
half int n w ne, sec 20, t 2 n, r 48-e $1-
Hayes Kernan to Frank ' Kernan,
half lot In n half of nw, se mv and sw
ne, sec 13, t 2 n, til. $1,.
Hayes Kernan to Frank Iveri'an, qc,
e ne, lot 1, and e half of see 8, t 2 j), r
47 e, s half ne and se of nw, sec 18, t 2
s, r4Se, fl.
Hayes Kernan to Frank Kernnn,
half hit in ne, son 10, 12 n, r47e. $1.
Hayes Kern?n to Frank Kernan,
qc, half Int in lot 2 and sw of ne and w
half of se of see 3, t 2 n, r 47 e. $!.'
Hayes Kernnn to Frank Kernan, qc,
half int se se see 17 and e of lie and sw
ne of sec 20, t 2 n, r 43 e. fl.
Elmer- Koocb to James B. Knoeh4
two-thirds int in ne of ne of see 28, t 2
s,r44e. $300..
H. B. Tenipletou to Daniel Hoyd, all
of 1)1 K 32, Gardner's add to Kuterpri.
H. C. Hayea to Araunah Austin, p
half sw, sco 20, nnd e half nw, sac 2o,
t6 n, r"44e. , o00. '
U. S. Patsnt to Frank Cooper, s half
se, sec 13, t 2 s, r 45, and lots 3 and 4
sco S, t 2 s, r 4(1 e. .
J. H. Farrott to It. I. Long, nil of lrll
3, blk 3, Alder View add, Kuterprlse. f 1.
B. F. Foley to E. A. Holmes et al, w
half ot sw of see 4, and the w half of
u w, sec 4, and w half of nw of sec 0, t
111 of r43e. fl2S0.
A. A. Greer to K. A. Holmes, n half
sw, seo 14, and o half sc, sec 15, t 2 n,
r42e. SI.
. . gr
nmr V
i. . t rr. j
Fairview, Dec. 16 School began again
Tuesday after a vacation of two weeks.
All those who were suffering from
smallpox are convalesent and no' new
cases reported.
Several members of J. A. Downlng'e
family have the mumps.
R. E. lleskett has a fine bunch of
hogs nearly ready for slaughtering.
The recent light fall of snow has
caused some sleighs to appear on the
Ira I'isher has the mumps.
T. J. Dryden butchered his hogs
Mouday. .
E. W. South wick moved part of his
family to Wallowa last week.
' J. W. Anderson on! sou Rob are
working at Lewis' mill.
Leonard Fcigins goes this week to
Grando Rondo river to assist I.athrope
Bros, on the Salmon creek bridpe.
Skating riuk open every Tuesday,
Friday mid Saturday nights from 7 to
10 p. m. tf
Flora, Dec. 14 Jalte l'ochdolt, who
was sick with typhoid, has recovered
under the able care of Dr. Gilmore.
Vol inn Allen, the little daughter of
Prof. Allen is uo better at this writing.
The Lailies Aid had a wool picking at
the Farmers House Saturday night
which was a success, owing to the initia
tion of two n ew members, the first
letters of whoso names are Jack Kerns
and Ber Weathers. Jack said, ' Ch!
How tfiey pulled the wool over my
S. F. Johnson is havine a larg e well
dug in his yard for tho accommodation
of his children, as they hate to carry
water so bad. The meu digging the
well aro Frank Wilsoy and .Fred
The flag raising at the school was a
grand success. The school gave a jiice
program wl icb suited the occasion
They Were treated with appropriate
talks from Ben Weathers and J, V.
Kerns of Enterprise;-
Dode Conrud says that wood sawing
is the order of the day.
Tho people here all appreciate the
News Record.
Dec. 21 The I'Tora Literary met last
evening. The program consisted of a
debate, question, "Resolved that the
English had a stronger Foothold in
America than the French . up till the
French and Indian War," also recita
tions,- dialogues and essays. Paradise
aud Lost Prairie were well represented
Little Velma A len, daughter of C
H. Allon, is t otter.
The following was written for publi
cation in last week's News Record but
arrived too late. And w hile Christinas
may bo past before some readers see
thia it is wortri reading and worth
preserving, so it is given ijjw. Ed.
News Rhcokd.
Readers of the News Record-
Neatly nineteen hundred vears ago
Herod tho king said : "Go and sea'ch
diligtutly for tho young child, and
when e have foutid Him, bring me
word again that I may come nnd wor
ship Him also."
When they had heard the king they
departed, .at,d lo, tho star which they
saw in vhe east, went before them and
stood where tho young child was
When they saw the star they rejoiced
with exceeding great joy. ; nd when
they were come into tho house, they
saw the young child with Mary, His
mother, and fell down and worshipped
Thus opens tho history of tho CI ris!
tian era, and in commemoration of this
eventful period wo, too, meet t wor
ship, l ot with tho falsehood of 'Herod
when ho instructed his wiso men to
search di'igeutly but with the conscious
ness of an. abiding faith that He is
indeed saying "This is mv .beloved son
in whom I am well pleased, hear ye
Him. '
You know the story of unbelief, perse
cutions and crucifixtion. i'ou knoV the
example He placed before all man
k ml a meek nnd lowly life a life
without compensation, except from the
blessings of mankind. The unbelief of
today may not be of the same character
as that of the days of Pilate, but it
abides in this land of oum strong and
unconvinced. There may be no perse
cutions or crucifixions but the soph
istry of those who strive against Chris
tianity is taoro dangerous than the
order of a despot. The one may suk
in vain to break the faith in Christ by
forces while the ether with superficial
logic and word-printing, may do what
despots fail to do.
Tho average man cannot be drive.a.
The more you combat his opinions the
stronger they become but through the
blandishments of skillful rhetoric he
may lose his niarhood, bid indepen
dence of thought, and be worr by the
sophistries of the atheist. It ia this
weakness of man that has wrought hi
ruin. Force he can combat, but artifice
and bribery may break his -determination
and the good reaolves aro forever
goue. Chrifctmasl How sweet the
To every customer, and cour
teous treatment to every vis
itor, will continue the motto
of this store. It brought us
a splendid trade auring tit
year now.elrstng, for which'
we extend our sincere thanks
We are confident, the 6anie
. motto and the same principles
will insure us generous pat
r mage during 11)08. In add!
tion .
We "are in a position
to tetter show cur
tig stock . to every
person in Wallowa
county, as we have
xthe hest arranged
and lightest store
room this . side of the
mountains. '
You are cordially in
vited lo visit our new
store in the Fraternal
We a're truly yours,
name for it brings to the Christians the
assurance that the Son of God can e
into the world to save mankind. It is
the day of till days on which we should
lay down our burden of Borrow, put
aside the feeling of hatred and in tlw
spirit of good will to all, seek to emulate
the life of Him we worship. Glorious
day ! for it gave to mankind a day of
gladness and joy, a day of forgiveness
and hope, a day of assurance and re
ward. We meet and greet each' other
w ith the gladness of a full heart. We
rejoice and thank God that He gave His
only son that generations of men may
rise up and bless Him. How fewv
appreciate the grandeur of the occcasion
when neatly i in teen hundred years ago
the angels sang together over the ad
vent of the great joy : If the angels i f
heaven were overjoyed at the birth of
Christ, how much more should, we bless
the day of His birth. In these days of
scientific achievement we scarcely stop
to read the teachings of the new testa
ment. We enter into the joy of a
Christmas feast, not so mnch in com
memoration of the birth of Cbrfct as for
selfish gtatification. Little do we heed
the lessons of the Great Master when
He said, "For I was an hungered and
ye gave me meat; I was thirsty find ye
gave me tc drink; I was a stranger and
ye took ma in , naked and ye clothed
me ; I was sick and ye visited me; I was
in prison and ye came unto "ine."'
These are the lessons of true Christian
ity. We are asked to consider the'
destitrte'and the distressed, to contrib
ute to tho relief of those who are woithy
and need assistance. Verily I say nnto
you, inasmuch as you do it nnto one of
these little ones ye have done it unto.
mo. -
It is tho lesson of true charitv. Seek
to alleviate the distress of the most
humble being on earth and ve have-
done it nnto me. He taught ns that
though there' may be a distinction be
tween fellow men gociallv. vet in sick
ness and distress we all stand npou the
same level, for inasmuch as ye hav&
done it unto ono of the least of these
my brethren, yo have done it onto me.
Now let us. the citizens of Wallows
county, arrange the Christmas exercises
ao they will give educational and moral
teaching. Let our eiftsbetothe poor
and ueedy instead of to those that need
it not. Let ns remember ths widow
and orphan and we shall be reruem- '
rwrtwt liv TTim ut,A l n '
. -in ivujcuiuui ii woo
are pure in heart.
A hnppv Christmas to all t mv mUti
CH. Allim.
Flora, Dec. 14. .