THE NEWS-RECORD iMucd Each Thursday ENTERPRISE OREGON NEWS OFTHE 1VEEK la a Condensed Form lor 9nr Easy Readers. A Return of the Lew tmportantfcut Not Lee Interesting Evnt .Of the Past Week. The rush subsided. of aliens to Europe baa The Pe Beers 'company wiill reduce the output of diamonds. Quiet has again been 'restored in Te heran, the Per lean capital. The premier of Huagary baa chal lenged a man to a duel becaaae he was accused of being 4ishoaest. The Kansas City grand jury is very busy returning indictments, principal ly for violation of the Sunday closing law. The mint at Philadelphia has been ordered to cease coining silver and coin only double ag)e. About 1, 000,000 geld a day -will be ooinefi. The explosion at tbe .Darr mine, Jacobs Greek, Pa., killed every miner at work in 'the turrrel. Only-six bodies lhave 'been taken oat and there - are at Jeast ItiO dead. Immigrants aillioted wHh contagious diseases are eomingUnto'Kew'ork fast er than the local authorities -san- care iforthem. Oko day : recently M immigrants-suffering fioon contagious diseas es were turne" over toi the 4!oeal author ities, byethe Federal health inparotors. Smallpox has broken -out 3ar Pe .Ell, Wash. ' An assay office-has been - established .at Albany , Oregon. James Hamilton iLwisli-o candidate tfor governor of Jllinoic. Goldfisld reineownet a say efforts at compiomlse corae too tote. Legal holidays are over in California. December 21 wac the last. , The-battleship fleet ia well -off the Floilda coast And all is well oa boaai. Japanese are .cnxiouc for .Admiral Evans towtait tbeon witk his htttleabip ifleet. Representative sScott, .of CCaiuau, would prohibit dealing lib futures .on grain. The first train has passed under' tho Hudson. river -at Ner Yrk throuth; tbt McAdoo tunnel. The total i loss to .wossel property on rthe great lakes amounted to $74f,000 for cue season tf 1007. The lUinols-Cmupree const has de clared unconstitutional the law forbiad ding speculation in theater tickets. Ihe SearohUght Bank Tiust com jiany,, of Searchlight, Nevada, ihas been looted by tbe . president of the .corpora tion. friction between Cortelyou antf Roosevelt may result in tie resignation of tbe former. Michigan elecitrlc jroad ceanagexs say they cannot operate ai a profit for less than i oents .a ii le. An Atlanie liner arrived at Uew Vork a few days Ago with only seven first class passengers. George Eex Clarke, blind since birth, has Just graduated from the University of Chicago with an A. B degree. A New York ruan has had hit name changed from Crooke to Croohe,be cause bli sweetheart would not accept auoh a name. The Supreme court of Illinois holds that the anti-cigarette law does not prohibit the sale of cigarettes made from pure tobacco. More than 100 all steel paseenger cars will be in nee on the Pennsylvania railroad between Pittsburg and New York shortly after January 1 . The liner Oceanlo, which has just sailed for Europe from New York, car ried 85,107 money orders, worth $1, 192,422.25, which is a record cargo. The regulation requiring soldiers to stand at salute while the "Star Span gled Banner" is being played is modi lied so as to permit the men to stand erect and to salute only at the last note of the music. The ciar and the donma will clash on the rebuilding of the Russian navy. Cortelyou deniea that he li a candi date for the Republican presidential nomination. Wireless messages from the Meet how that it Is making good progress in its journey south. Butte mobs have defied the Federal court's orders and deported nonunion telephone linemen. Electrio power haa been cut off at Goldfield and the minea have had to suspend temporarily. Justioe Gould has enjoined the Amer- loan Federation of Labor from boycot ting the Buck Stove A Range company, Tbe state does not seem to be making much progress in the Petti bone trial. Judge Wood will not permit Colorado labor trouble! to be brought into the case. Johan Poulsen, of the InmanP-oulsen company, of Portland, told the Inter atate Commerce commission his oom- Eny could make money even with the tu eased lumber rate on railroads. RtCE(fr AND fcXPENSES. Secretary Cortelyou Makea Report to Congress Washington, Dec. 23. Secretary Cor telyou haa repotted to congress the re ceipts frem customs from Oregon during the past fiscal year to be $1,140,612, of which there was collected in Portland $1,123,291; Astoria, $17,319 and Ya quina, $1.35. The total for Washington, all ports, was $1,022,033. From internal reve nue tke collections were in Oregon, $378,428; Washington, $1,046,238, and California,1 $5,536,796. The immense lead of New York state in both items is shown: Customs re ceipts, $223,127,065; internal revenue, $32,353797. . Tbe reports of receipts from sales of public lands gives Oregon $1,621,287, of which there was collected at Port land, $163,796; The Dalles, $344,276; Roeeburg,- $415,004; La Grande, $435, 208; Burns,-$91,962; Lakeview, $171,- 048;. i In Washington the receipts were $060,714; California, $367,270. Total receipts from land sales in the country were $7,878,811. The territorial government of Alaska cost $51,472 In salaries, and $4,919 in expenses. The fine custom house at Portland coat in improvements only $770.42, and the Baker City postomoe only $50, and the Halem public building $5,628. During the year the government ex pended $2,201 on its exhibit which was at the Lewis and Clark exposition, and $1,382 on' the exposition government buildings. On 'harbor improvements tbe dis bursements were: Entrance to Coos bay.- Oregon,- $2,600; dredge for Oregon and Washington harbors. $1,000: Grays harbor, Washington, 410,000; Grays harbor and Chehalia river, $1,- 990. River improvements eost: Columbia and lower Willamette, below Portland, $72,668;. Columbia, at Cascades, $270; Columbia, bet wee Wenatohee and Bridgeport,- $l,O00: Columbia, Wash ington.-$12,500; gauging waters of tbe Columbia,-$773,636; tipper Columbia and Snake rivers, $1,000; Coos river, $500; Coquiile river, $4,400; Tilla mook,' $3,80: Willamette and Yam hill,- $23(000. Tue surveyor generals olfioeat Port land oost m salaries, $-8,760; at Seattle, $9,750. Crater lake cost the government $2,. 999. Oregon's five per -cent of the iprtblie land sales amounted tef 22,489, Wash lngtoh'e, $20011. 1 Pacific Northwest Indians oost, for support: ' CmabiJlas, Cayases and Walla Wallas, $2,718; Yakimas, $3, 891; Nee Peroee, 0987; Warm Springs, Oregon, $3,397; 'Ctamtrtth Indians, A, 203. besides dnoiuiatratiion especses at all .reservations. lo maintain tbe (Jcaumbia river lightvessaL $74,496 was Che expense. The summary of tbe nation's expenses shows the eoet of itbe war department for the year was $123,290,600; navy department, $95,306,694; treasury de partment, $72,174,930; state depart ment, $2,06,994; executive idopait raent,. proper,- $26,407 ; Interior depart ment,'$16fi,048,667; ostoffice depart ment,. $10,097,771 ; agncultaral dqpart menW $9,651,514 .cormneroe and Ubor, $9,828,831; judicial department, 47- 5173396. It Js an Interesting fact thaialthough the department of commerce and 'labor has been . organised onlr .a few years, uts expenses equal those of the depunt unent of agriculture. The gtaud total of the governmental department expense was $762,448,753, wtiich dad not include many in. 11 ions of appropriations ..aad same items which brivg the actual outlay close to $1,600,000,000. Lumber Case Cndee. Washington, ;Dee. 23. T king of testimony in 'tbe lumbermen'. case ve- if ore the Interstate Coruaieroecominds ion has been ooncluded. Final Arguments will be ttnads befote the comBuisston on March 4 and a de cision is anticipated shortly thereafter. In the meantime wmbermea of the Pa cific Northwest named as complainants in the case will be entitled to ship un der the protection of lhe injunction Is sued by the Federal courts at Portland and Seattle. Tries to Steal Treasure. Philadelphia, Poo. 3. Charged with attempting to break into an ex press car on tbe Buffalo express which contained $60,000 worth of bullion which was being shipped by the gov ernment to Philadelphia, William A. Hewitt is under arrest. He was cap tured on the car with a jimmy concealed on his person and was evidently wait ing until the lights went out before he made the attempt. Hewitt Is an old express car inspector and was familiar with the construction of the cars and the practices of the company. Hope to Rescue Miners. Ely, Nev., Nov. 23. The three min- srs entombed in the Alpha mine will, unless further trouble is experienced. probably be released by Christmas day, according to Foreman Gallagher. The 500-foot level was reached last night by the rescue party at work on the cave-In, and now that danger of a further cave- In hue been averted, work is being pushed with all possible speed. Tbe men have been imprisoned since De cember 4 . Dr. Hanna Is Appointed. New York, Dec. 23. According to a srteolal dispaU-h from Rome tn the New York World, Rev. Dr. Edward J. Han na professor of dogmatlo theology in St. Bernard's seminary at Rochester, N. Y has been appointed coadjutor archbishop of San Francisco, in succes sion to the late George Montgomery. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST HELP FOR STUDENTS. University Establishes Loan Fund In stead of Making Gifts. University of Oregon, Eugene The University of Oregon is planning a loan fund of at least $5,000, based on the belief that a loan is better than an out right gift in the form of a scholarship. Some subscriptions have already been made to the f and, and a number of prominent men of the state have agreed to guarantee amounts up to $500. Pres ident Campbell is using his best efforts to raise the entire $5,000 this year if possible. In almost every high school graduat-1 ing class there are some who do not have the means for a college education, j but who would take advantage of any fair opportunity offered them to secure one. The treasurei of the loan fund, who is to be the high school inspector and will thus have an opportunity to know personally the members of the classes, will work in conjunction with the city superintendents and high school principals. He will make lcaus to general home management. The sub such students as need them each year jects to be discussed will be of interest at a low rate of interest, with the agree- and importance to every farmer and mere mat iney are io repay me princi- pal as soon as they are able after leav- ing college. A small amount of life in-. surance will be taken out on each at tbe expense of the fund. It is the plan to nave ten men guarantee the tuna, against loss to the amount of $500 each The university has had a Small loan fund of about $300 for tbe past four years. During this time, 25 students have been enabled to complete (heir college course' who otherwise oould not have dene so. Only one loan has been lost. ' WANT BRAND ON ALL SHODDY Woolgrowers Working for Protection of the Industry. Pendleton In accordance with one of tbe resolutions passed at the recent convention of the Oregon Woolgrowers' association, the secretary has sent to the Oregon congressional delegation a request for an act compelling tbe brand - ing ot manufactured goods and clothing, the object being to protect the public irom snooay arm cowon commorients or. wooien gooQB. une pure iooa jaw is cited as an example that it is right (or the government to protect the people from frauds, counterfeits and adultera tions -of all kinds. Anonner resolution passed atrne same time calls for the retention of the import duty on wool, woolen fabrics, hides, . . i i , . a ... meat anaaeat antmais, witn trie oo - ycv.. .,uu,., V"; yruBr- uudvuluivuuwuhiivuimn nioiHKk ilndastry. New ttoad Is Under Way. Giants Piles The government is making good .progress under tbe direct eupenpvinlon of the local forestry serv ice, in extending a road down Rogue Tiver into Curry county. This particu lar stretch of coad wiili open up a wide latitude of country ricti in mineral and pronncoi me nest scaraeiaoie the ClatsoD Mill When this work has 'been completed, 19 per cent of tbe prooeeds will be di verted to the school fund, thus increas ing the permanent means of keeping up schools. About 45,000 -has been appro priated toibe used in developing the higiway, and it is -expected that con gress will set aside $5,060 more to be used. on this project. Another Mill for Albany. Albany Albany ie tc haye another Hourmill. In the next few weeks a slant with a capacity .of SO barrelB a day wiM be established by E. A. John son, whe now operates a saw mill at Drum, ana r. a. juasfinail, who for years has been secretary .of tbe Albany Fanners' company . The two saen have consummated tbe purchase of tbe three warehouses of tke Albany Farmers' company, sMuated at Albany. Tillman and Tangent, and ia addition to carry ing on a warehouse business, will oper ate a nourmiu in one of the local taild- isgs of the'old-compaaj. Heat and Light for Agency. Pendleton Supervising Engineer Pringle of the Indian department, who has been at the Umatilla agency exam ining the facilities for heating and light ing the buildings of tbe agency, will recommend, it is understood, the erec tion of a one-story briek structure, 4 Ox 70 feet, in whieb a complete electrio lighting and heating plant will be in-; stalled. It is desired that the building shall be completed for the opening of school next year. . Fruit Meeting in Eugene. Eugene Plans are under way for an important meeting of Jthe Lane County Horticultural society with the ofheers - or me orate Horticultural soeeitv. in t i t . v i sr augene, the nrst week In January, newel, ii.iv, ntmi nuu owrtuiT IKM. Williamson, of the state beard, , will be here to address the meeting, and there will be some members of the ( vuuy iium me Ag-riouum-ai coiiege in attendance. Land Claimants Anxious. 1 Pendelton In the Umatilla land fraud cases, which will soon heoln. about 200 entrymen will be Involved in th La Grande district. Great uneasi ness is being Bhown as to tho outooms of these oases. New Notaries Public. Salem Governor Chamberlain has named the following notaries public: Thomas Coates, Tillamook; J. L. Camp bell, Glendale; Virgil H. Maasey, B. I. D. No. 8, Balem. SPECIAL SHORT COUR8ES. Oregon Agricultural College Plans to Aid Farmer With 'Little Time. The Oregon Agricultural college will give winter short courses, 'beginning January 7, 1908, as follows: 1. General Agriculture; two weeks. 2. Dairying; six weeks. 3. Horticulture; six weeks. 4. Mechanic Arts; six weeks. - 5. Household Science; six weeks. Many young men as well as many mature farmers who are so situated that they cannot take a four years' I .course of study desire toaoauiant them- selves more fully with tbe most recent developments in agriculture. There are others who feel the need of a more practical knowledge of farm mechanics and the use of tools. It is to met the needs of these classes that these courses will be given. The course in House hold Science will be of value to the women of the borne who desire lo more thoroughly acquaint themselves with the principles of good cooking and of nomeueeper ana n is hoped that a large number" will take advantage of this opportunity. A circular containing further inform 1 ation will be sent -on application to tee Agricultural College, Corvallis. Oregon. CHANGES FOREST BOUNDARIES Department Heeds Demands of John ' Dap Stockmen. jonn uay ti. smgnam Has re ceived his commieaion as acting forest supervisor for the Malheur national forest Ireeerve, with headquarters at John Day. The boundaries of tbe new reserve are the John Day river on the north, previous withdrawal on tbe east, former lines on tbe south, irreg. ular lines running near the center of townships in range 27 on the west, Heppner forest is extended to tbe John Day river and headquarters removed to 1 Monument The remaining portion of 'the western division is renamed Des. chutes and headquarters at Prineville. stockmen rejoice at the change Grain instead of Hops, Aurora During the paBt two weeks this section has been well soaked with the usaal winter rains and tbe farmers ' . - are well pleased with the outlook. The gr0und is in good condition, and much work has been done for the winter : RrajD8, An unuswally large acreage of g,.alrl nag Deen gown tnjg Ja)ll many J , th hnnvMsara h nl no it-. Hot fox ts put m smau grain tiian to depend en tirely on hops for financial .returns on their properties. Big Lumber Contract. Astoria The Olson-Mahoney Lum ber company , of San Francisco, which baa been awarded a contract for 6,000, 000 feet of lumber by the Isthmian Canal commission, is closely identified wttn tbe Clatsop the Astoria Bo company, of this city, ana it is expected a large part of this order will be cut at the local mills. Present for University. University of Oregon, Eugene The Alumni association has lust presented to the University of Oregon a painting ot f resident Johnson, the first preai 1 a. m i t . i . aeat oi me university, ine work was done in Eugene by R. LeBarre Good win, of New York, at a cost of $500. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 8081e; bluestena, 2 83c; valley, B081c; red, 787c. Oats No. 1 white, $28: gray, $28 Barley Feed, $27.60; brewing, $31; tolled, $30. Corn Whole, $32; eracked, $33. Hay valley timothy, No. 1. $18: Eastern Oregon timothy, $2023 ; clo ver, $16; cheat, $16; grain hay, $15 aifaiia, its; vetch, f 14. Butter Fancy creamery, 3537c per pound. Veal 75 to 125 pounds, 89c; 126 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 to 200 pounds, 56e. Pork Block, 75 to 160 pounds, t packers, 66)c. PoultryAverage old hens, li12o per pound; mixed chickens, 11c; spring chickens, 12c; roosters, 8o; dressed chickens, 12(a)! 3c; turkeys. I live, 16c; dressed, choice, 1719c; geese, llve.acj ducks, 12J$13J6c; pigeons, ii(3i.ou; squabs, $2(a3. Eggs Freeh ranch, candled, 35 17 s per dosen. Fruits Apples, 75e$2 per box; peaches, 76c(4$l perorate; pears, $1.25 (81.75 per boxj cranberries, $9.6012 ner harm). vMiih Mu.Tnrnina.7Rn t ..ot. carrots, 65o per sack; beets, $1 per urk brans. 7Hc ner nound ; nhhuu io per pound; cauliflower, 76c$l per dosen; celery, $3.603.75 per crate; onions, 1520o per dosen; parsley, 20o .per dosen; peas, llo per pound; pep pers, 8(a) 17c per pound; pumkpins, 1 lHo per pound; radishes, 20c per dos en; spinach, 6c per pound; sprouts, 8o per pound; squash, 1140 per pound; tomatoes, $1.60 per box. Onions $1.75(32 per hundred. Potatoes 60 65o per hundred, de livered Portland; sweet potatoss, $2.60 per hundred. Hops 1907, 67o per pound; olds, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon averagn best, 1320c per pound, according to shrink age; valley, 1820c, according td fine ness; rnctojr, choice, 2930o per pound. MORE ON LUMBER RATE. Elliott, of Northern Pacific. Gives His : Reasons for Increase. Washington, Dec. 20. Howard El liott, president of the Northern Pacific railway, was tbe principal witness yes terday at tbe hearing of tne facinc Northwest Lumber companies before the Interstate Commerce commission. Mr. Elliott asserted, as James J. Hill asserted two or three days ago, that tbe advanoe in rates on lomber made by the railroads was necessary in order that they should be compensatory on tbe various lines. He said that it had become evident to the railway managers that it was necessary to raise the rates on lumber in order to prevent an abso lute loss to the roads on the traffic. He explained that the prosperity of the West and Northwest had so in creased the traffic on the lines of all railways in that Bectlon that the com. panics were phvsicallv unable to han dle the traffic promptly and efficiently. inis was particularly true of lines in tbe Northwest, the traffic of which was interfered with in the winter season very considerably by adverse weather He explained that tbe cost of handling traffic had increased materially in the past year or two on account of higher wages, increased prices of materials and similar conditions. He believed that the rates as fixed by tbe railway lines in the advanced tariffs promulgat ed were fair among shippers generally, although he was not so certain that they would enable the carriers to make very much profit. BOND BID IS IGNORED. Secretary Cortelyou Cited to Court ' on Canal Issue. . Washington, Dec. 20. Justice Gould, of the District Supreme court, yesterday sited George B. Cortelyou, secretary of the treasury, to appear In court January 3, to show cause why he should not be enjoined from turning over or delivering the balance of the $21,450,000 of the Panama canal bonds to certain banks and persons to whom he has announced allotments. Tbe citation issued by Justice Gould is bared on a petition filed by George W. Austin, of New York, who describes himself as a taxpayer and property owner in the United States and who declares he made a proposal to purchase bonds of the advertised issue of face value of $3,000,000. He avers he agreed to pay at the rate of $103,375 and accrued interest per $100, and on notice of tbe acceptance of bis subscrip tion stands ready to deposit the amount with the assistant treasurer at New York. Mr. Austin informs the court that he has been advised through the public press that in direct violation of the statutes and in absolute disregard of the Treasury department's circular, of tbe $25,000,000 of the bonds allotted only f were allotted to per sons who were individual bidders, and who, in accordance with the statutes and said circular, .were given equal opportunity to, subscribe therefor; the remaining $24,000,000 were allotted to divers national banks and only $3,550, 000 of which were allotted to banks which had offered a higher price than that bid by him. ISLANDERS CHANGE FRONT. FilipinosJWant Power to Make merclal Treaties. Com' Manila, Dec. 20. The assembly has received a favorable report from the .committee to which was referred a res olution asking, congress to give the in sular government power to make com mercial treaties with other countries is the event of failure of tariff reform. This subject has been much discussed by the native politicians and press and as a result tbe Filipino attitude on free trade with tbe United States has under gone a complete change. Heretofore the politicians and the press regarded tariff agitation as an effort to bind the Philippines closely to tne mainland and it was opposed by tne independent factions. Sow all parties unite in demanding the aboli tion of the Dingley rates. The commercial treaty project was presented to the assembly by s Nation alist member, who declared that, al though his first effort would be toward free trade, he would in the case of fail ure urge the commercial treaty plan as an alternative. Yaquis Again Break Loose, NoralfB, Ariz., Deo. 20. Informa. tion which has just reached here tells of the frightful murder of 12 men by a band of 100 Yaqui Indiana, 45 miles southeast of Magdalena, state of So noro, Mex., last Wednesday. P. J. Mclntyre and a party of minins men of this section have arrived from the scene where they viewed the remains of the murdered men. Among the number was JoeeHernandes, son of the president of the town of Cncurne and owner of the mescal plantation where the killing occurred. Jewa Ordered to Depart. . St. Petersburg, Dec. 20. A disnatch reoelved here from Vladivostok declarm that the Jews have been ordered to de part within four days. Jewish prop erty holders, however, have been given eight days in which to liquidate. Be- yond this dispatch nothing ia known here regarding the renorted emulsion of the Jews and the report baa been skeptically received. The oommandant of Vladivostok, onder the martial law, haa full power to issue such an order. Gallagher Returns to Testify. San Francisco, Deo. 20. Ex-Bnnor. visor James L. Gallaghsr. who will be the principal witness for the prosecu tion in the trial of Patrick Calhoun. accused of bribery, has returned from the East MORE MINERS DEAD Third Explosion In Pennsylvania In Nineteen Days. RAISES TOTAL DEATHS TO 550f Between 200 and 250 Men Entombed and Hope of Escape for Any Is Very Slight. Jacobs Creek, Pa., Deo. 20. An ex plosion of gas in the Darr mine of the Pittsburg Coal company, located here, yesterday entombed between 200 and 250 miners, and there is scarcely a ray of hope that a single one of them will be taken from the mine alive. Par tially wrecked buildings in tbi vicinity of the mine and tbe condition of the few bodies found early in the rescue- work Indicate an explosion of such ter rific force that it seems impossible that any one could have survived it. All of the 13 bodies taken out up to this time are terribly mutilated, and three of them are headless. This is the third mine disaster since the first of the month in tbe veins of bituminous coal underlying Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, for the Naomi mine, near Fayette City, and. the two mines at Monongah, W. Va., in which tbe earlier explosions hap pened, are in tbe same belt as the local ' workings. Yesterday's catastrophe, swells the number of victims of deadly mine gas for the 19- days to between 550 and 600. That this disaster does not equal or even surpass in loss of life and attend ant horrors the one in West Virginia is due to the devotion tc church duties of a considerable number of the miners. In observance of the church festival, many of the 400 or more men regulaly employed at tbe mine did not go to work. These who escaped through tbla reason are members of tbe Greek: Catholic church and they suspended, work to celebrate St. Nicholas' day. As was tbe case at Monongah, the explosion followed a brief shut down. The Darr mine having been closed Tuesday and Wednesday. It was just 11:80 o'clock when tbe tenth trip of loaded cars bad been brought out to the tipple that there came an awful rumbling sound, followed immediately by a loud report and a concussion that shook nearby buildings and was felt, within a radius of several miles. At the same time there came out of the mouth of the mine an immense cloud of dense smoke and - dust that floated across the Youghiogheny river. Intuitively everyone in the vicinity knew what had happened and all start ed for the one place the mouth of the mine. As far as known only one man who went to work escaped. Joseph Maple ton, a pumper, emerged from one of the side entrances Shortly after the explosion. He had left the part of the mine where most of the men were working and was on the way to the en gine room for oil. A considerable number ef the miners: were Americans, some of the officer estimating that, probably more than half of the victims are Americana, as the majority of the foreigners did not work. Tbe Darr mine is located on the west side of the Youghiogheny river, in Westmoreland county, along the line of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie railroad, 40 miles southeast of Pittsburg and 18. miles northwest of Connelsville. It is one of the largest of the Pittsburg Coal company. , There was much drunkenness here tonight, some of the men who got a. good start on account cf the holiday continuing their carousal after the ex plosion in celebration of their escape. A new air shaft for the mine is being constructed, work having been started, on it several months ago. .Had this been completed, it is said, the loss of' life today would have been much leas, serious. I Does Immense Businsss. New York, Dec. 21. That ODe job bing firm affiliated with the American Tobacco company does a business of $13,000,000 a year in New York Citv and Yonkers was brought out today in - tne nearing ot tne government s action- against the company before United States Commissioner Fields. Adolpfo B. Bendheim, president of the Metro politan Tobacco company, testified with reference to this concern. Over 75 ner cent of the jobbing business of New iorx uity was controlled by the Me' ropolitan, Mr. Bendheim stated. New Grand Jury at Work. ' San Francisco, Dec. 21. The new C-ranty grand jury held its first session., yesterday and after quickly perfecting., the details of organization took np the--ease of the missins Cotton iwnriHe., and the connection of former officials of ' the California Safe Deposit A Trust company with the disappearance of val- uaoie biocks and bonds. A number of witnesses were examined, and the tak ing cf testimony had not beenBonc!uded when the meeting adjourned nntll today New Drydock Projected. San Francisco, Dec 21 The Bulle- 1 tin says that within a few months the Union Iron works will let a contract for a floating drydock large enough to scoommodate all vessels that come to. this port, with the possible exception of the Pacific Mail liners Mongolia and Manchuria. ,