The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 26, 1907, Image 4

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DECEMBER 26 ,1907.
In tbe
This ooupon must be vol d on or
before December 28, 1907
J he fleWs Record
Formerly the Wallowa New", EntHbtlMied March , IBM. New irte began April 80, 19OT
I'nhlished every Thursday at Enterprise, Oregon
Editor and l'ulilinlier
Kiitt-ri"! ill the i:nt ririM" pcislotlce hh mmiiI- '1111111 mnttur.
One year$1.60 , Three months 50 cent
Regular subscribprs may have as many copies an thf y deire sent outside of the
county at the following rnte, cmmIi In advance: Yearly puriarrtpti ns $1 each.
Guess the Dumber of seeds in tbe
pumpkin at Ashley's and secure one of
those beautiful clocks which are nrw
on display In his window. Each dollar
purchase entitles you to a guess.
Contest closes New Years Eve.
Information Concerning Eighth Grade
Final Examinations.
1. Pates: 'a) January 23, 24, 1908:
b) May 14, 15,1908; (u) June 11, 12,
2. Program:
A Thursdays Arithmetic, Writing,
History and Civil Government.
'b Friday -Grammar, Physiology,
Geography and Spelling.
JS. 8ources of Questions:
a Geography State Course of
Htudy, Red way and Hitman
Natural Hohool Geography.
tb Spelling Eighty per cent, from
need's Vord Lessous, and
. twenty per cent from manu
script in Language.
to Writing BpecimenB of penman
ship as Indicated in copied mat
ter and from manuscript in
d Lanf uage Buehler's Modern
English Grammar, no diagram
ming. .e Civil Government United Stales
i History List of topics from His
tory Outline In Htate Course of
Btudy and Current Events
Notioe: Teachers preparing classes
for examinations will please notify
.county superintendent 30 days before
.examination according to law.
J. VV. Kerns,
County Superintendent of Schools.
Professional Directory
Business Cards
Physicians and 8urgeons
Physician Surgeon
E. T. Anderson, M. D.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Physlolan and 8urgeon
Independent Phone,
Office up stairs In Bank Bldg.
Physician and Surgeon,
J. A, BurUUjh
DiiiiIbI Boyd
Burleiqh & Boyd
Will praotloC In all the Courts of
this State and before the Interior
and IU office.
The moat careful attention
given to all business entrusted
to our care.
Enterprise, Oregon.
When Passing On The Lewis
ton Road, Stop At The
Sled Springs Hotel.
Plenty of Stable Room.
6. B. CONNER, Proprietor.
Wra, Mcllroy and Company.
Farms, Timber Lands, Acreage,
Lota, Retddnnoe und Business
Property For Sale. Timber Lo
cating Specialty
Editorial Jage.
Promise of New Year.
The E M & M. company in its New Year announcement in thin
paper, strikes the key note for E.iterptise and all Wallowa county
while the last 12 months have been the most prosperous in the history
of the comity, the brightness of 1907 is excee ied by the splendid
promise of 1908.
The development of the great resources of Wallowa county has
scarcely begun. The timber, mines, agriculture and horticulture
riches hardly touched. With transportation facilities and a fair price
for products, th6 advancement of Wallowa will exceed the most darin?
dream of its most enthusiastic citizen. .
So with miny reasons for a Merry Christmas the citizens of this
favored county have many more for a Happy and Prosperous New
Year. The News Record has good reasons of its own in joinii.' the
hopeful chorus, ami will do its level bet to brin about the conditions
that will make for the upbuilding of this county. Mer'y Chiiitirof and
Happy New Year to all. 1
Nothing hut word of praise are heard for the newly appointed
register of the La Grande land oflioe, F. C. Rratnwell. He has been
deputy county clerk of Union county for three years, and is said to he
the most efficient and at the same time the most popular deputy ever
in that office. Mr. Davis1 many friends are naturally disappointed
that he failed to secure the plum again, but so far have said nothing
derogatory of his successor.
Speaker Joe Cannon must think Congressman Ellis is a prohibi
tionist. He placed Eastern Oregon's representative on two water com
mittees naval and irrigaiion.
The Chieftain issued a special Christmas edition last week, with
a handsomo colored cover.
Continued from first pape
O. M. Corking ealary Oct 60 66
18: boundaries of said dmtrict changed
as follows: Beginning at the southeast
cor. township 4 north, r.mge 41 east,
thence west 2 miles, thtuico n to ,tne
Grande Rotate rivt r, thence down said
river to w line oft 4 n, r 41 e; also
beginning at tie cor see Ml, 1 3 n, r 41 e,
thence' east 2 mile-, .then, e a 1 mile.
The folio ing lines are vacated : Begin
ning nt se cor t 4 n, r 41 e, thence n to
Grande Rondo river; also beginning at
tie cor sec 30, t 3 n, r 41 e, thence a 1
mile, thence e 2 miles. Otherwise
boundaries to remain as established.
In matter ol chauging road district
14 : beginning at sw corner t 4 n, r 42
o, thence w 2 miles, thence n to Grande
Ronde river, down said river to w line
of 1 4. Otherwise boundaries of said
district to rvmalu us etstublisl ed.
Boundaries pf Promise voting precinct
ahull bo mi me as road dietript 14.
In matter of changing road district 1:
Boundaries of road district 1 changed as
follows: Beginning ut nw cor sw M sec
31, t 1 n r 43 e, thence e la miles,
thence n 1 mile; also beginning at se
oor sue 32, 1 3 n, r 42 e, thence n 1 mile,
thence w 2 inllos. Following hue is
vacated: Beginning at center of e 20,
tin, range 43 c, thence w 1 mile,
thence s mile, thence w mile,
thence b l milo. Otherwise boundaries
remain as established. Boundaries of
Wallowa voting precinct same as above
described road district 1.
In matter of abolishing 8tnith Moun
tain voting pn cinct: Same is sbolished
and territory Included is added to Wal
lowa voting product.
In matter of abolishing Eureka voting
precinct: Same is abolished and terri
tory added to Imnaha voting precinct.
In nial tor of abolishing Pittsburg
voting precinct:, 8 tnie Is abolished and
territory added tc Iniuuha voting pre
In matter of forfeiting road bond of
G. 11. Crossland : Order of this court
in reference to collecting said bond is
Court adjourned. .
Clalmi Allowed,
General Fund
J. A. French, expense sending
Mallory boy to mute school . . . 25 00
J. W. Kerns, libraiy fund 206 20
T. V. and Dnane Lathrope,
Wood's bridge . 785 00
0. M. Corkina, salary Sept 66 66
J. M. Blakely " ' lOtt 66
J. A. French " " 125 00
S. F. Pace " " 100 00
J. W. Kerns " " 83 83
F. A. Reavis " " 00 00
W. C. Boatman " " 75 00
0. E. Crow " " 75 00
Anna B. Hoyt " 40 00
E. J. Forsytiie lights ""18 00
A. O. Jacobs road wotk 125 00
J. C. Edwards witness (state vs
Fisher) 12 60
E. F. Edwards same 12 CO
II. Mench same 12 40
8. R. Landrus same... 14 00
J. R.Llod same 13 20
MelqnUt A Martin, bal on
J. M. Blakely "
J. A. French "
8. F. I'ace "
J. W. Kerns '
F. A. Reavis "
W. C. Boatman "
C. E. Crow
" 168 66
125 00
......100 00
" ...... 83 33
" .' 60 00
" 75 0 0
" 76 00
i ...
To the People of Wallowa
County, Greeting:
The year 1907 has been, everything considered, the most prosper-
year in the history" of this great Empire-County. The E. M. C& M.
Company has shared in this general prosperity and has done the larg
est business, both in mill and store, of any twelve months in the twenty
years that we have done business in Enterprise. The company is
grateful for the generous patronage accorded it, especially as it proves
we have what we have endeavored to merit the confidence of the
Even brighter than the achievements of 1907 is the splendid
promise of 1908. The pania is over and while the delay in the comple
tion of the railroad and loss on stock has been a disappointment, the
great resources of this county are unhurt. In a few months the "holi
days" will be forgotten, and with work resumed on the railroad and
good prices for products Wallowa county will enter on a new era. Our
store and mill will be found not only abreast but as in the past a little
ahead of that progress. And so, thankful for your friendship in 1907,
and wishing one and aU a Merry" Christmas and a Prosperous and
Happy New Year,
We are Yours to Command,
J. A, French, asA.i'clerk salary
Oct 40 00
E. J. Forsytho. lights Oct . 18 00
T. F. and Duane Lathrope, Troy
bridge ' 600 00
R. S. &.Z Co., mdse 6 60
A. C. Smith, fees State vs
Fisher g 30
A. C. Smith, fees, State vs
Miller 4 10
Jos. Meno, witness State vs
Moodv 0 50
A Itobln, same 2 90
Joe Moxley same 5 10
FredMoxley san e 5 10
Peter Baudon same.!. 3 50
Robert Wright samo 6 50
Victor Russell same 2 90
A. C. Smith, foes, same. 10 75
A. B. Dunbar, cleaning court
house o go
Glass fc Prudhomme Oo. nidae. . 7 04
" " ' " " " ... 32 38
(Continued next week.)-
Mayor Appoints Delegates.
As Mayor of Enterprise I have been
requested to appoint delegates to the
Trans-Missouri Dry Farming Congress
to be held at Salt Lake City Jan. 23, 24,
25 und 20, 1908. In accordance with
this request I hereby appoint J. W.
Bright, D. H. Burroughs, W. T. Boll,
Sam Wade and II. A. Galloway. .
Daniel Boyd, Mayor.
as far as Elgin by Claude Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Book went to
Flora Saturday.
Mr. Emmons gave a dance down on
The Point TliuiBday night.
Superintendent K-.-rn9 and Ben
WeatherF, editor of the Chieftain,
visited the school, Wednesday!
W. C. Forthman and son Willie went
to Flora Saturday, returning the same
J. W. Eddlemon and wife went over
to Flora, Saturday afternoon to visit
w th relatives.
Eddie Ager has boen unable to
attend school for a few days.
, Mrs. A, L. Loock and Carl Bran tit y
were among those In Flora Saturday.
The weather is cold here now and
Suita Claus will have good sleigbiug
Christmas, if promises hold true.
Carl Brrfntley is staying with A. L.
Loock now so as to be near-school.
W averloy Dec. 0 Al bert Ager made
a trip to Wallowa the last of the week,
returning Sunday.
Mrs. W. C. Forthman returned home
from Flora where she had been staying
tor aonio time.
A. L. Chapman went to Lostino the
first of the week.
Little Marguerite Paget was quite
sick one day this week.
Hiram Powell is home once more from
his work at the sheep camp.
Claude and George Myers and George
Kedmond came over Thursday from
Emory .Culhertson was brought in
from Wallowa by Mr. Ager the last of
the week.
Virgil Brine hm his jiew house
almost finished.
W. W. Duley belled in the neighbor
men one day this week to help him on
the roof of h house which he lias just
moved from the Jack Edwards place.
nil bur Brnies made trip to Flora
Saturday. .
Dec. 16 Alton Emmons and wife
went out to Enterprise Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, J. n Casti el and Mrs.
8. C. Schmalhorst visited with Sam
arnock's Saturday night and Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Paget left for other
grading read JO0 00 1 parts Jtutt week. Jrs. Paget was Jken
Wallowa. Appleton. Flora lo Paradise,
From Paradise, Flora and Appleton to Wallowa,
Good accommodations, courteous treatment and reasonable rates.
Leaves Wallowa al 6 a. m.
E. W. SOUTH WICK, Proprietor.
Dee. 21 Boy Rills will depart Sun
day for Baker county where he will
attend school.
Diamond W Coffee sold in 1 and 2
lb. cans at E. M. A M. Co. tf
Dec. 16 Troy is on the boom.
Road work and bridge building are
tbe order of tbe season. II. S. Brown
is doing some splendid work 011 the
hill belweeu Troy and Flora but we
are not getting it any too soon.
Lathrope Bros, are pushing their
work right ahead. If the weather per
mits tbey will sooir have the abutt
ments complete from the bridge across
the Wenaba commouly known as Lit
tle Salmon. The Edenites have located
the new grade up tbe hill from the
river and will beglu work grading at
once. They surely mean business. -
The government is building a pack
trail beginning at tbe se oor tp 6 n, r
42 e, that being the east line of the
Wenaba river and running west up
the Wenaba to Bone springs at the
head of tbe river a distance of some 25
miles. The trail is to be complete to
Walla Walla next summer. Now
wheu the Walla Walla folks give us
the trolley line Troy will be tbe center
of gravitation.
We were greeted with the smiling
face of the editor of the News Record (
Saturday. He was welcomed by all
except Mayor Flcker, who draws the
line at editors. Now I think Mr.
Fioker really believes editors can read
character. 1 know no other reason.
Frlddles Co. have most of the tim
bers delivered for the bridge. .
Mr. Valen and John Silvers started
to Enterprise Saturday as jurors.
J. H. Moore, W. A. Moon, G. 8.
Boston and J. W. McCauley returned
home from LewUton Sunday. Tbey
took hogs out and report fair sales.
Medium bogs are $4.25. Tbey report
beef cattle at 2 cents gross.
Roads are fearful. - Suow on the
divide Is three feet deep.
Varnish stains and brushes, . and
Lucqueret makes old furniture look
like now at Burnauh A Mayfield's.
Ilishest M r' et
Price for
Hides and Pelts
You may - order the News Record
direct and have the votes accompany ing
your suUcrlption credit, d tp the cand
date jou prefer,
"Careful Banking Insures thp Safety of Deposits."
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
1 CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $30,000
We Do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought Vind Sold on
All Principal Cities.
Geo. W. Hyatt, President W. R. Holmes, Cashier
Geo. S. Craig, Vice President Frank A. Reavis, Asst. Cashier
Geo. 8. Craiu Geo. W. Hyatt Mattie A. Holmes
G. Penxell W. R. Holmes
m mi
Horses Boarded by Day, Week or Month
Good Care of all Stock.
-One Block North of Court House.
d. C. SHACKLEFORD. Proprietor.
Harness and Saddles
Will supply your needs In the Leather Goods line more cheaply and
give better satisfaotiou than any other dealer In Wallowa county.
Let him Ut you out for tbe season's work. Repair work a specialty.