The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 26, 1907, Image 3

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    Hood's Srsaparilla
Em surpassed all ou.wT medicines, In merit,
ales and cure.
lta success, treat as It has been, has ap
parently onlr just begun.
1 It has received 'by actual count more than
10,000 testimonials in two years.
It purines the blood, cures all blood dis
eases, all humors and all eruptions.
It strengthens the stomach, creates an
appetite and builds up the whole system.
It cures that tired feeling and makes the
weak strong. ,
I In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets
known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses IL
The coach In which the Lord Mayor of
London rides on state occasions has been
in use since 1757.
E-TO Bt. Vitus Dance ami an licrrous Dlsesses
I w permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Ureal
erve Restorer. Herd for KRRE 2trlal bottle and
The Egotist's Talk.
The egotist who bores us so,
Although he may not lie.
Is very sure to let us know
His talk is al! "My" "I."
The Catholic Standard and Times.
PAZO OINTMENT is guaianteed to oure any
. case of Itching, Bi nd, jleedlng or Protruding
Piles in 6 to 14 aa j s or money refunded. 60c.
Seenlar Opinion.
"Paw, what is a 'lay delegate' to a
church conference?"
"X yellow legged chicken, my son."
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing,
Byrup the b at remedy to use for their chUdrej
during the teething period.
The only breaks' In the monotony of
a model married man's Jlfe are those
caused by death and the season's
changes from peas to corn and beana,
The cows udder is kept in a clean,
healthy and smooth condition by waeh
ng it with borax and water ; a table
spoonful of borax to two quarts of water.
This prevents roughness and soreness
or cracked teats which make milking
time a dread to the) cow and a worry to
the milker.
End ot the Vacation.
Influential Parishioner Doctor! when
do you start up the works again?
The Rev. Dr. Fourthly (with great
ererity) PWiue service will be resumed
next Sunday morning, Mr. Higgsworthy,
at 11 o'clock.
It Cures While You Walk.
.Lnn'! n tEase. ' "certain cure for hot.
K .ii t? CaVu8' 1? ?woen, aching feet. Sold
ir-Pt.aseixf-, Pricee- Don't accept any
substitute. Trial package FREE iSH,i
Allen 8. Olmsted, Leltoy, T Y. .. "
Cnrlosttr Appeased.
"I notice you are prematurely bald,"
bserved the inquisitive passenger. "May
I ask how yon lost your hair?"
"I lost it by doing too much butting
into other people's affairs," answered the
ather Twmsenor. '
OtfN Mule'
Sample, Booklet and Parlor Game, Whia ICo
Paclllc Coast Uorax Co., Oakland, Cal.
LE11DN1 fin
TTalts, Two Step, Three Step,
etc Dance completely tanght
ruaranieea in ionr lessons
r-roi nu vnion. If siii.r
'T. un num. urfiioa
..... u nil J IPUII
picture with p at a
order for $1.85 and
we will send you a
beautiful photo en.
lftrtcument ol Mine,
framed in a hand
Home frame like cut:
out aide rr manure of
frame lbxlH inrhen.
Ve do all kinds of
enlarging and kodak
Hniahlnff. Hend ua
your n ms to be de
veloped and finished.
H pay reiura poat
U3 W. Park St
PortUadr Oeroo
afforded by a
r ut?
a Avuiauio
C. Gee Wo
M' "wf, iu weu aaowa tellable
Eiot and Itrt
e a
study dtacovei
4 ' 9 ins to the wo.
ills stsdr of
iroa. ana la
srd and 1.
and la that
I. si'
Skdsl lulr
world aia woadsi
"Na M.rcory, Poisona or Dmrs l)sd Ht Cares
Without Operation, or Withouitha Aid of a Haifa
U. gaarantM. to Cum Ct.rrfa. AMn mm, Loaa.
Throat. Bheamatl.DB. NervtMi.nMa. riervoua Debllltr.
&tooiarh. Lirar. kidney Tronhlwialiollat Maahond.
sauls Waakaoa aad All Prlvat. UImsm..
Just Received from Pekins. China Safe, Sara
and Reliable.
If naoaaBot sail, wrltofarnnptoahlaak sad etna.
lar. InrloM 4 rn la atam m.
Ml 14 rirst St.. Cos. Uanimm. ft
JPlsaas Usatioa This Pause,
WHEN writing; to aasaitloaia ylaaoa
aUsa this oapsr.
-.aJ Ta C- " 1
r. i :. i i
The Devil's Disciple," Bernard
Shaw's puritan play, Is found "dull"
by London theatrical critics. The au
thor of "Man and Superman" and "Ma
jor Barbara" Is to blame for that
"The Life of Henrik Ibsen," by Ed
mund Gosse, is a new volume In the
Literary Lives Series. It Is valuable
Inasmuch as It uses a quantity of In
teresting material when has only be
come available since Ibsen's death.
Jack London continues to be Inter'
euted In the fauna of the arctic region
end the theory of evolution. The magic
of his terrene types, bis fearfully
strong characters clenched in an ele
mental struggle " with hunger or cold
or lust, perhaps does not hit one so
forcefully as at flrst Yet there are
few men writing magazine lictlon who
manage to get tenser situations or
stories more efficiently told.
Mitchell Kennerley, the New York
publisher, wishes It to be known that
the favorite novelist of King Edward
VII. Is "Victoria Cross." His majesty
does not follow In the footsteps of his
revered mother, who delighted in Marie
Corelll. The flrst copy of each new
work by "Victoria Cross" Is forwarded
by order to the royal library. It Is to
be hoped that none of the majestic
grandchildren have access to the . li
"Nietzsche, the most original thlnkei
of our age, whose thoughts came to
him In snatches," says Arthur Syinons
!n the Saturday Review, "was concern
ed for the most part with problems of
man, the creature as he Is to be seen
In the herd and on an occasional moun
tain top. Take the book which has at
last been translated, and admlrabiy,
Into English, 'Beyond Good and Evil.'
a book which Is full of magnificent
speech, as straight as Whitman's or
Carlyle's, but more brilliant, more mod
ern, more cutting than theirs; a book
In which Ideas are tumbled together, In
a dazzling confusion; one of the most
vital of books ; and look here and there
at the criticism, which comes In by the
way, mostly criticism of literature, and
sometimes as Inevitable as this on Po
tronlus, 'who, more than any great mu
sician hitherto, was a master of presto
In Invention, Ideas and words.'" But
Nietzsche's criticism that music since
Beethoven is "not musical enough" Is
Nietzsche reasoning himself out of his
Instincts. He does not allow himself to
recognize that music Is music, not a
tendency or a tradition, "and all that
he has to say now about music Is val
ueless, because he has ceased to hear It
'or bis own sake, disinterestedly."
A Careful Wife.
Royalties are much like other folk,
after all. A pretty little story Is told
in W. Beatty Kingston's "Men, Cities
and Events," which gives a pleasant
picture of the present Kaiser's father,
then Crown Prince of Prussia, and af
terward the Emperor Frederick III.
The Incident took place at the nuptial
ball of the "Pearl of Savoy," now the
Queen Dowager of Italy, the well-beloved
Margherlta. She was dancing
when her dress caught In the spur of
a cavalry officer, and was so badly torn
that a wisp of gauze trailed from the
skirt along the floor.'
Quickly the Prussian heir apparent
.ame up, produced a dainty little moroc
co case, took from It a tiny pair of
scissors, and kneeling down, deftly cut
away the wreckage. When her royal
highness bad resumed her dance, Fred
erick William went up to Prince Hum
bert and craved permission to keep the
tatter as a souvenir of the queen-to-be.
The request was cordially granted, and
the prince carefully folded up the bit of
gauze and put It In his pocketbook.
King Victor Emanuel complimented
the young man on carrying such an out
fit, even in the ball room. ,
"The merit belongs to my wife, sire,"
answeredthe crown prince. "Long ago
she gave me a pocket necessalre with
all sorts of useful things, needles,
thread, buttons, hooks, scissors, and so
forth, and made me promise to keep It
always about me. What took place
Just now only proves tliat I am a lucky
fellow to have such a clever wife t
'pok out for me."
PreachlBtT aad Practice.
Lord Lawrence, one of the famous
Viceroys of India, was an able and very
simple man. He used to do bis work
In his shirt sleeves, and discouraged as
much as possible all state and cere
mony. He was Inclined to treat the
natives like children, although he al
ways strenuously Insisted upon their
meriting and receiving justice and
Lord 1?76 went to India to suc
ceed him, and on the last afternoon be
fore Lord Lawrence was to leave for
borne he took the Incoming' viceroy for
a drive. On the way he Improved his
doctrine of kindness very totnphatlcally
and solemnly on tils successor.
Lord Mayo thanked him for his help
ful advice, and they returned In due
course to Government House. The syce,
or footman, was slorw and awkward In
opening the door of the carriage, where
upon Lord Lawrence Jumped out In a
temper and gave his ear an unmistak
able tug. Lord Mayo turned to the
viceroy's aid with a smile.
"My first practical lesson In kindness
to natives Is undoubtedly an odd one,"
be whispered.
Really superior people do not ac
Why Refer
to Doctors
Because we make1 medicines
for them. We give them the
formula for Aver's Cherry
Pectoral, and they prescribe it
for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
consumption. They trust it.
Then you can afford to trust
it. Sold for over 60 years.
M Ayer's Cheiry Pectoral Is a remedy that
should b. In every home. I have osed a great
deal of tt for hard cough and colds, and I
know what a splendid medicine It Is. I can
not recommend tt too highly." MABa; .
Cobih, Hjde Park, Mass.
by J. O. Ayet Co., Lowell,
manufacturers of
Ayer'a Pills greatly aid
the) Chorry
Pectoral In breaking up
The Natural Result.
"Pa, what happens whea railroad
cars are telescoped?"
"I suppose the passengers see stars."
Baltimore American.
Full Directions to Make and Take This
Simple Home-Made Mixture
Makes Kidneys niter
Out Adds.
When an eminent authority an
nounced in the Seranton, Pa., Times
that be bad found a new way to treat
that dread American disease, Rheuma
tism, with just commtfn, every-day
drugs found in any drug store, the phy
sicians were (low Indeed to attach much
importance to his claims. This was
only few months ago. Today nearly
every newspaper in the country, even
the metropolitan dailies, are announc
ing it and the splendid results achiev
ed. It is so simple that any one can
prepare It at borne at small ooit. It Is
made up as follows: Get from any
good druggist Fluid Extract Dandelion,
one-half ounce ; Cotapound Kaigon, one
ounce; Corn pound Syrup Barsaparllla,
three ounces. Mix by shaking in a
bottle and take in teaapoonful doses
after each ratal and at bedtime. These
are all simple ingredients, making an
absolutely harmless home remedy at
little ecst.
Rheumatism, as every one knows, ia
a symptom of deranged kidneys. It ia
a condition produced by the failuie of
the kidneys to properly 'filter or strain
from the blood the urlo acid and other
matter which, if not eradicated, either
in the urine or through the skin pores,
remains in the blood, decomposes and
forms about the joints and muscles,
causing the untold suffering and de
formity of rheumatism.
This, prescription is said to be a
splendid healing, cleansing and invig
orating tonic to the kidneys, and gives
almost immediate relief in all forms of
bladder and urinary troubles and back
ache. He also warns people in a lead
ing New York paper against the dis
criminate use of many patent medi
cines. Only One "BROMO QUININE."
lor the slxnature of K. W. GROVE. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold In One Day.
Merely a Filler.
Pairy (reaching fer kis blue pencil)
anything in this story about a railway
ajar? i
Graff Yes four lines.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo (
Lucas County. u
Frank J. f'henev maVna aiim h,i t. .anin.
partner of the 8rm ol F. J.Chener Ai C.a .. dnlns
businessin the City of Toledo. Count and statu 1 .
aforesaid, and that said firm will pa, "he sum nPn B boot owl Ior 119 weer re
al one hundred dollars for each and norts. Every nlsut the vllluff'jrs listen
every cue of Catarrh that cannot be cured b,
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Jt I -
' Sworn t before me and ubnrlbel in my pres
ence, this 6th day of December A D. 1886.
t Seal ) A. W. OLKASON,
I tt n, r , NotaryPublic.
I Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and
acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur
taxes of thesystem. Send fortestimonials free.
ai..v r - CHENEY4CO.,Toledo,0.
Sold by all drursists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Mils for constipation.
Fraulein Ricbter has been appointed
lecturer of philology at Vienna univer
sity, the first instance of a woman receiv
ing such an appointment.
May be permanently overcome proper
pentunai w f oris wnn tne assisiance
'tciQ.1 laxauve
lAVa o3nn.
vrhich enable one to jjorm WJuUc
habits doily so tholosastance to rta-
Tiire mov be groauary c
when no longer neerlecl
remedies, when repaired
nature aru) not tq suppl
tare rnoy be grodueny dispensed w ith
wien no longer neeqea osiheoesi ot
a, arelo assist
r .aV .
la suoolanl Ute nalun
at tuacuons. which must depend aui-
I I A. I . t I I A. t . ...
matejy upon proper nourtsViment,
FFFdl orkand ri0Kt living fcrierally.
. loet its beneicial effects, always
J. aaanuacturea k the
Pio Syrup Co. oniy
oj Staeonjy. rejuior frwt SH awBotli.
the one Truly benel
remedy. Oyrup ot tii
topped aa Ammonia Leak that En.
dansT.ered Lite and Property.
That "necessity is the mother of In- i
ventlon" was never more forcibly made I
true than recently, when a submarine Whenever a sore refuses to Leal it Is because the blood 13 not pnre an3
diver, clad In his under-water garb, healthy, as it should be, but i3infected with poisonous germs or some old
was sent Into the store of Hollls & Rich blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most
to put a stop to the leak of overpower- usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have reached or passed raid
ing fumes of ammonia which were fill- die life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system, have naturally
lng the place, says the Boston Adver- tfftt0 to decline, and the poisonous genus which- have accumulated because
tlser. ' of a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint
Shortly after 3 o'clock In the after- w"ck as bitherto been held ia chech, now force aa outlet on the face, arms,
noon the cap of the big tank which is leEs ?r other ot The place grows red and angry, festers and
filled with the ammonia used In mnk- etts surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn
Ingthe freezing mixture connected fed.and Pea b? Iut which the blood is saturated,
with the cold-storage plant blew off jotting w more trymg and disagreea
and the deadly fumes filled the cold
storage plant and gradunlly made their
way through the walls of the store It
self and up through the elevator well I
so that the entire building was filled I
with them.
The proprietors of the place were at
tlielr Wits end ns to now to nut n aton
to the leak before their stock was dam-
ngea. homebody in the crowd that
gathered suggested a deep-sea diving
outfit and Mr. Hollls Jumped at the
suggestion, and, running to a telephone,
got a diving concern to send a man up
at once prepared to uiuRo the most cu
rious diving feat ever accomplished by
any diver.
Putting on his garb, the man entered
the building where It seemed that no
man could live. Ills assistant pumped
fresh air to him and the diver worked
away without great discomfort, fitting
a new cap oii the tank.
no niu iubiuu iue uuiiuuiK less innn
half an hour before he returned and ,
He was Inside the building less than
told the people who waited for him
outside that the task was accomplished
and that in a few moments the build
ing would be free of the fumes. '
Charles Wilson, FlrsfLord Nunburn
holme, who died recently at Hull, Eng
land, was the senior partner In the
largest private shipping company In
the world. A native of Klngston-upon-Hull,
he was born in 1833. His father,
Thomas, started with one ship at the
j.s'.'Aj;. ... f;-"i,r . V'"",' i
;, if- ', ; '''i ', ;.V,; '1 ''' i
time when steam was coming Into
vogue. Today the Wilson fleet num
bers eighty-nine steamers with a ton
nage of 100.43!), and a capital ' of
2,500,000. He sat Is rarllament for
thirty years, and was raised to- the
peerage in 1005. He is succeeded by
his only son, the Hon. Charles Henry
Wellesley Wilson. Ills daughters In
clude Lady Cowley and Lady Chester
field. Owl Forecasts Weather.
Hancock, Just over the Lebanon
Mountains, west of I'lttstlulil, on the
New York State boundary, depends
for the owl, wblcu roosts in ttie forests
of John Taylor's farm. If the owl gives
a series of long, mournful boots, rain
Is expected the next day ; if Miurp and
clear are the hoots, the weather will be
clear. The owl's forecast has never
'ailed yet
The owl Is called Rig Ben. Uts mnte
was Bhot 15 years ago mid now glioma
the show window of FrunK lladwell's
store. Itobert J. Gillespie of .Sew York,
touring through Iluncock the other
night, listened to the owl lor .ilf an
hour. He .says all Washington weather
forecasts have been thrust aBlde In
Hancock. I'lttsflekl (Muss.) Cor. New
York Herald.
Aa Electrical IMant.
A plant has been discovered in Nica
ragua' which appears to be charged
with electricity. If one of lis branches
im M.liK H4 notrn l.insi m .11-
1 iiru, t-UnpU .Imiiar f0 that nrodueed b
a battery Is felt Its influence upon a
magnetic needle is noticeable at a dis
tance of baif a dozen yards, and as
om gets nearer the plant this influ
ence Increases. If the Instrument Is
placed In the center of the bush It will
assum a circular movement. The In
tensity et the Influence manifested
seems to depend upon tbe time of day,
Kansas City Journal. -
V Literary Bserclaee. '
Wife (scornfully) Oh, I've no doubi
you were at the literary club reciting
poetry till this hour of tbe night And,
pray, what were you reciting?
Husband (remlnlscently) I think
wash something 'bout "Chips That
Pasb In the Night" Iialtluiors Aiuer-
M m
for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers i3 back of every
old sore, and especially is .this true if the trouble ia aa inherited one.
Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can
. ... do any
faoe of rour years' standing, it ing the sore with caustic plasters or the
Sl???"?1?10 "i ? u surgeon's knife make a lasting cure. If
n every way until I became every
alarmed about It and consulted tol.i.
aiarmea aoouc it ana consuitoa
V&lMZ&to& cause
and after t.k.lnir it a while I was The cure must come bv a thorousrh cleans-
Porautfiftta: ln of the Mood. In S O. S. will be found
effect of 8. s. s., and there has not a remedy for sore3 and ulcers cf every kind.
8?SS.ouAlflt.0f th" 0r in It 3a unequalled blood purifierone that
West Union, Ohio.
'xuua.vwit. suw
Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh
jf.orni- iu ji
lf. Place .f3 ,ver ' n h?5 tS' S',S' tha,3, punfied the blood tha
cwjic 19 pcrmanenuy cureu. o. o. vj. iur sluc ul uii utm i:iu&9 uru& piurea
Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advice
VQXi desire. We make no charge for the book or advice.
Not Properly Desert ptt to.
"At what hour do you wish the mar
riage solemnized?" asked the clergyman.
"Eight o'clock to-morrow evening," said
the caller, twirling hia hat in an embar
rassed way, "but there ain't no need of
being so awfully solemn about It, you
know. I'm the clown and she's the lady
bareback ritVr."
hiasi. i airman. i mill. in ., ii.,.r-
The Kind You Have Alwavk
i ri r
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and lias been made under his
personal supervision for over ao years. Allow no one
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and '
Just-as-good" are but Experiments, antl endantrer tno
nealth of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Nnrcotio
, substance. Its acre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. 'It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving liealthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
In Use For
M ii in all I II I ii
in the land is not
always the
23 Ounces fop 25 Cents
Is the result of modern ideas. Costs
less. Does better work. You must
try it to see. Get a .can on trial.
1 he baking: will
ugnicr ana tastier or we pay
ior tne
ria. " - AM,
""U MASr I
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES
$25,000 ifSX3Z32:
wm omn prove w. L.
am m not mmkm A mm tl
gf u ammrl 1 msreMen't $3 A $a.60mhamm
flbiraf w ( Ihmnmny olhmr mmnufmolurmr.
THE KEASON W.L. Uonclas shees are worn by more people
Id all walks oil ife than any other males ia txicsua ol thnir
exeellent styls, easy-bttin, and suparinr wearing qualities.
Ine wiedion orthslsatheri and other materiula for each part
ef the shoe and every detail of t lie making- is looked after bv
tbe most complete organi.-.ation of superintendents, foramen end
skiUedshosrnakers, who receive tlio highest wages paid in the
aboei ndurv. and who workmanship osnnot ie excelled.
if I could take you nto my large lactones at
ftodihow you how carefully W. L. DoukIm ibnea
would then understand why they hold theirshape, fit better,
I V 0
wear! onger and are or greater value than any
Mjr 94.O0 mnd 9B.OO OILT HDQCthomm osniwf bm ouanW an ark..
CAUTION I A he genuine have W. L. lAiualaa name and prioe alamped on hotlum. Take
Ha aJaaetltate. Ask your dealer for W.L. Kouglas shoes. I f he cannot supply you. lend
cUiaottelaetary, Blwsssentsrsrwharaby mail. Catalog Int. W. L. Douglas, Bretetea. JUea,
tfjcll AIM0
permanent rrood ; neither will remov-
particle of the diseased flesh were
the trouble is la the blood, and the
uirccuy iiuu i.ic circulation ana
promptly cleanses it cf all poisons and
taints. It gets down to the very bottom of
the trouble and forces out every trace of im
purity and makc3Ui complete and lasting
cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the
blood so that instead of feeding the diseased
parts with impurities, it nourishes the
irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood.
is formed, all pain and inflammation
Portland , Oregon
toa iJ JStX, ' "
Uouirlit hn hnrnn
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
most costly.
be vastly better,
Jaqnes Mfg. Co.
are tntde, you
other make.