The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 19, 1907, Image 8

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    1 I
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jUity and County
Brief News Items
J. W. Cook of Lostine was transacting
business here Monday.
S. D. Moore of Lostine- was transact
ing business in Enterprise Tuesday.
J. W. Bickford returned Sunday from
a business trip to t ;raml Konde.
Diamond W Co ii . "I'.est I ever
.drank." says everyone K. M . Sc M. Co,
William Mukin went to Elgin Wed
nesday on a business trip.
C. W. Brown, of Smith Mountain
was in town Monday to attend court.
Two clocks valued ut 127.50 Riven
way for a good guess, at Ashley's.
Miss Edna Browning will be home
Sunday from Salem to spend two weeks
holidays with relativts here.
Cut out the W. J. Funk k Co. udv
for some boy or girl who is working for '
the splendid prizes t ffered by that firm.
At the election of the revised citv
charter at Joseph Saturday the measure i
passed by sixteen votes.
Buy a winter suit of clothes, guuran
tesd hand-tailored, fashionable .cut,
perfect fit at the E. M. & M.
. I ily Hillman has been ill for several
days with a severe cold and unable to
Attend school.
Mrs. J. B. Beibert and daughter, Miss
Everyl enjoyed a few days visit with
Joseph friend;) last week.
B. T. Long will leave Thursday morn
ing for Elgin to meet his wife who is
returning from a visit to her parents in
South Dakota.
Constable L. P. McAnulty left Wed
nesday for Glens Ferry, Idaho, to visit
bis aged parents whom he has not seen
for 34 years. The parents tecently
came to Idaho from Oklahoma.
District Attorney Ivauhoe caine in
Friday to prepare criminal matters for '
court. He returned home Wednesday, j
.Judge Crawford also returned home
"Wednesday. 1 ;.
Township 5 north of range 42, jiiHt
north of Promise, and including a por
tion of the Garden of Eden will be
opened for filing January 20. The land
survey has just been approved. This
land is mostly occupied and is some of
the Honest in the county.
News comes of the death of Mrs. J. II.
Smallwood, mother of VIrs. Charles C.
Boswell, at her home at Salem Wednes
day, December 11. Mr. and Mrs.
Boswell and children arrived at her
bedside just 2 hours before her death.
Mr. and Mrs. Smallwood will be well
remembered here having lived for a
number ,of y
on Prair e Creek,
removing to Salem three years ago.
Nice, winter I in nab a apples at tho
E. M. & M. store.
We write
In the four most reliable companies
doing business in the United States:
Insurance Company of
North America
Losses paid since organization
Springfield F. & M. In
surance Company
Assets, $6,936,261.05
German American In
surance Company
Assets, $13,798,729
Agricultural Insurance
Chartered in 1853 and carries large
re-insurance for protection of policy
These companies, the Springfield in particular,
took the lead in paving San Francisco losseb
100 cents on the dollar.
Office with Wallowa, Law, Land and Abstract Company.
Jim Cole oi Paradise nas iu town
attending court this week.
Calvin Smith of Chico iva in Kuter
prise on business Thursday.
Shoe repairing next door tu Star laun
dry. Everett Flowers. ti
M. E. Hotchkiss loft Saturday morn
ing on a business trip to La Grande.
Buy ice skates from a line assortment
at the E. M. &M. Co. Zoia Combes and Merle Moss
visited Mrs. Loren Morey .-.ud otlier
friends in Joseph Saturda;. .
Pig lot of Winter Underwear and
Hosiery just received at VV .1. Funk &
V. M. Gregg bus fold his .(20 acre
ranch at the head of Whiskey Ceek to
John C llailey, the deal being eoi.suiu
niHted Tuesday.
Grar.d Or istmas Masquerade lit the
skating rink Christina- night, December
25. Prepare to mask and have a good
Read the advertisement of the fl. S.
& . Co. in this issue 4nd note the
special offers for their opening days,
next Saturday and Monday,
R j 1)ay roturned hone gullJay
from Washington where ho went a
mouth ago with a bunch of cattle for J.
M. Ulakcly.
A lawn party minstrel entertainment
and concert will be given at the Enter
prise opera bouse, iSaturday evening,
December 28, under the aus ices of the
Enterprise Concert band. A fine pro
gram is being prepared.
Kelly Hartshorn of Joseph had a leg
broken by a rolling lax while at work
on a logging shitt lust' week. His
brother, J. II. Hartshorn, visited him ut
the Mitchell hotel.
E. M. Wheat" moved ' his stock of
jewelry into the new fraternal building
this week. He has had a line ten foot
wall case put in and bis splendid dis
play of goods is shown to much hotter
Enterprise chapter No. 30 Royal Arch
Masons elected ollicers Tuesday even
ing. J. B. Olmsted, If. P.; Dr. C. A.
Ault, King; J. S. Wagner, Scribe; W.
It. Holmes, Tieas. ; D. W. Si.eahan,
Secy.; Geo. 8. Craig; C. of 11.; W. G.
Boll, P. S.J Daniel lioyd, It. A. Capt.;
CharlosE. Funk, M. of F. V j J. W.
Kerns, M.of S. V.; M. K. Boatman, M.
ofT. V.; lienj Boswell, rent.
Miss Edna M. Wilson, daughter of
County Coin.nissione.r uud Mrs. V. C.
Wilson, and her uncle, 11. E. Ucndrick
son of Paradise, returned Thursday of
lust week from the East, They hud
been visiting iu Eastern Pennsylvania
for three months. Mr. llendrieksun'n
nephews, C. A. Hondrlckson of Joseph,
and B. C. lleiidrieksuu of Berwick, i'a,,
came west with 11. E. and Miss F.dn:i.
Sunny Monday
work of washing.
soup makes
Bur it t.t the
At ...
Shoes repaired nt lodgers. Br-s'
Diamond W Coffee, the finest flav
ored. Sold ut the E if. & M. Co. tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Averili of Swamp
eivek were visiters in the city Monday.
Skating rink open every Tuesduy,
Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to
10 p. m. "tf
The frozen ponds near Jcseph are
affording the young people otl ut place
a great' deal of amusement. AJerry
M.ting parties are out every evening.
ltouth Sanders, little daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. .1. P. Sanders, has a very
severe cold on her lungs and is threat
ened wiili pneumonia.
Woudbur V Celebrated Facial toap
sMoti.ii'.;, healing, sanitary, cleansing.
IVnt toii'-t snap in the world. For sale
at tho K. .1 i.
Invitations have b en issued' ''to
friends and p..trons of the - public
school, to vi.-it the schrol on Friday,
December 20, between the hours of 1:30
and 3 p. in. and inspect the work of the
pupi; s.
Iiig Stock tf Never- Slip horse shoes
at the K. Al. & M. Co. store.
Mrs. Leo 11. Dovore has been visit
ing several days at tho hom of Mrs.
Frank Stubblcficld.
Will Zurcher and Ford Hillman are
on the Iinnaha on the cattle ride.
They left Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Tibbbets of Ches
nimniiH were iu town several days lay
ing in their winter mipplies. They will
go soon to the Iinnaha for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonn-ell and
children left for Salem last weel;, where
Mis. Boswell and children will remaia
for some time with her mother, who is
quite ill. Mr. Bosv ell, after accom
panying I is family to Suleni, will return
to Enterprise. "
8am Wade, the well known farmer
and stockman of Losline, h& returned
from Chicago, w hi re lit attended the
International Fat Stock shov, the big
gest affair of the kii d ever held. The
display of stock eclipsed all former
years. "
V sh' stains d . a
Lacqueret makes old (f urnituro look
like new at Burnaugh & Mayfield's.
A. A. Ho erts has lL!eu reappointed
as receiver of general land office at La
Grande and F. H. Bramwell ' deputy
county clerk of Union county", has been
appointed as register in the place of
Ralph Dunbar wns kicked in the face
by a horse last week, but is getting
along nicely The horse was fi ightened
by a foot-ball thrown ugainst it. Ualph
p hard luck this full, having only
recently recovered from a severe attack
of t phoid (cver.
1 aby'sand Children's Shoes. New lot
just in at W. J. Funk & Co's.
The stores of Knterpriso have a holi
day attire w ith their display of Christ
mas goods and a few have been espec
ially decorated fcr ti e festive season.
The htautiful decorations at the W. J.
Funk & Co. store were tho work of
Uoger Kay 'and C. E. Vest. Spiral
papers in shades of green hang as n
curtain around the four walla, inter
spersed with largo red Christmas hells,
the effect is vory artistic and pleasing.
At I'urnaugh & May field's an attract ve
appearance is produced by largo red and
white balls ami the arrangement of
leather cw-hions.
Pennine Cream, the"best preparation
for chapped hands and face, is sold by
llurmiitgh & Mayfield.
A. N. Adams of Prairie Crc k was
transacting . ess at the coutt house
one day last week. Mr. Adam was the
first settler upon upper Prairie creek, ho
taking up a homestead there 31 years
ago. He also took up a pre-emption on
the Imnaha, be being one of those' boys
I'nele Sum was partial to and gave, him
two farms. However as he fought" r ver
two years for the Union, being dis
charged on September ISM on account
of disability, there was good reason for
tho partiality. "Sam," as he is best
known, is one of the most enthusiastic
exponents of Imnaha fruit and has
demonstrated on his ranches over there
that no better fruit is raised anywhere.
Rodger Bros, have pat in a cobblers
shop iu the iear of their store.
Riwd To Eden.
Troy, Doe. 14 At a mass meeting of
Garden of Eden residents yottorday,
it was decided to b'.'gln work Monday
on the road up into F.den from the uew
county bridge across the Woiialui or
Little Salmon river, now being built
by Lathrope Bros. Twelve men will
start Monday ou the road, the route of
which has been staked out.
W ind Storm at Joseph.
The high wind of Thursday night did
j considerable damagj at Joseph. Threu
I plate Klass windows iu the bank bund
ling wore shattered, a flag pole that has
stood (or years iu (ro t ot the F. D.
MoCully store was broken off and sev
eral small houses demolished. One
house that had been occupied as a res
idence up to the day before was toppled
Mal e n good Gi.e-s and get some
thing for nothing ut Ashley's.
Christmas Piograms
At the Churches
Christmas exercises will b held in
the churches of Kntei prise Tuesday
evening, Christmas eve. Excellent pro
grams have been arranged and each will
have a prettily decoiated tree with a
treat for the Sunday school children.
Presbyterian Church.
The program at the Presbyterian
chuich Tuesday evening, December 21,
at 7:30:
Music by Orchestra.
Seripturi reading.
.Reading Lila Ault.
I- Motion Song Primary Class.
ChrMinas exercise 21 Children.
Song Joy to the World.
Min ii by Orchestra.
All those w ho are rot connected w ith
other churches are invited.
Christian Church.
Christmas .''"ntl.em Choir.
Recitation Carmen Clark.
Recitation Lucile Chan vet.
Vc.caldiiet Zora Combes, Lla J'at
Recitation Marian Hulae.
Vocal solo (In costume) Rcgin.i
Recitation Maggie Weaver.
Song School.
Vocal duet Crissie and'Muri 'n Hnlse.
Military drill Boys of Miss Li race
Tratt's class. '
Concert recitation Primary class.
Acrostic "Love" Four Little Girls.
"Last Ycirs Presents," Three Boys
and Three liirls.
Xctho&ist Church.
Hymn Choir.
A Christmas Talk.
Song School.
Vocal duet Miss Church and Mrp.
' Song Junior League.
Solo Mis-. Drowning.
Song Miss Church's class.
"The Disappointments of Mother
Goose" Pupils of Sunday School.
The appearance of Santa Chins and
the Christmas treat.
Services at the Christian church:
Sunday school at 10; preaching at 11
a. m., subject, "No Room for Christ";
C. R. at 6:30, J. W. Rankin leader;
pn uchinu at 7:30, subject '"Living in
Satan's Neighborhood." Come and find
out, if vou are living in the neighborhood
ofj the Deyil. M.J.Thompson, pastor.
IJeviva) mectinm nt . the Methodist
chrmh continue with increased interest
and power, Anumler lmve been con
voted and church members have' been
getting light with God. Lust Rurday
evening is said to be the best meeting
Enterprise has known for ir any years.
The prayer had been "Wilt Thou not
revive us again that Thy people may
rejoice in Thee." That this piayec was
answered was manifested in the rejo'e
ing of the Christians when souls w re
yielding themselves to God. On Sun
day morning and evening seven joined
by letter and two on probation. The
meetings will continue over another
Sunday. .Services every evening this
week and both morning and evening
on Sunday. The public is cordially in-
ited to attend all these services. The
meetings w ill close Sunday evening.
Farewell To Kr. And Mrs. Wilson.
Flora Deo. 17 A farewell 3inner in
honor of County Commissioner and Mrs.
W.C.Wilson will be given next St
urdaV afternoon at their home in Tar
adiso. AH the old settlers and pioneers
an? especially expected to be present.
The guests will bring well filled baskets
and this ostimublu family will be shown
that the north country regrets tc lose
them as neighbors but wishes them
prosperity in their new home at Enter
prise where they will move next week.
Masonic Election.
Wallowa lodge No. 82 A. F & A. M.
elected officers Saturday night result
ing as follows: Charles II. Zurcher, V.
M.; J. A. Burleigh, S. V.; D. W.
Sheahan, J. V. ; W. C. Boatman, Secy.;
W. R. Holmes, Treas.. A joint instal
lation with Wallowa Valley chapter O.
K. S.' will be held next Saturday even
ing. After the wbrk of the evening a
'upper will Iks enjoyed.
You may order the News Record
direct and have the votesaccompanying
your sub,' cription crediUdto the candi
date you prefer.
$15 CASH 51$
To the three Pupils of Wal
lowa Comity1 Schools who
bring the larpest nnmlier, of
their Buster Brown - Ads cut
from the News Kecokd to
store by Novomber 1, 1908.
Cut out the ads each week
and have all your friends save
nd for you. They nr found
only ia the New? Kkcokd.
SSiowers of
gifts for all
I nmmm i... - ...-.i. 1 i
r 1 1 n i i i n i
0 . UtllUl UUUllilUO UUuhO
and pvrj'thing to delight the
heart of a child, ever brought
to Wallowa eouiity, ttee 01 r
superb array of
Tressed and undressed, large rnd
vfinall Faiisuii, Lerman, Aintricai
Mechanical Toys, Sets cf
' lishes ana Games
and till will be sold at Hard Times
Next to' the Hank
H. Rnnstretter and family have moved
to Alder and are in wintor quarters at
the old store building. The children
have already entered school, which w as
the object in nioviilg to thfc Slope.
Quilo a number of our people at
tended ni d thoroughly njoyed the
Garber-ilowe entertainment last Mon
day night.
Mrs. II. C. Laird and Miss Nora Mc
Cornmek have been elected to teach
clause four and one respectively of the
Alder JSu'uday School.
Miss Lulu 0nbey of. Enterprise vis
ited with Miss Minnie Hays the first of
tho week. ,
Enterprise natives' maj have- many
characteristics that stamp them as
inhabitants of that progressive city.
Their .-hibboleth at Alder is stopping
to take a drink of good water.
Ruth. Rut-nel is numbered among the
few that are upon our sick list.'
George Hodge's house caught fire from
a defective flue, last Monday, and but
for the timely assistance of the discov
erors might have caused a serious con
flagration. The Aider Bchools will close for the
holidays December 24, and resume work
Jan. 2, 1908.
Diamond W Coffee sold in 1 and 2
lb. cans at E. M. fe M. Co. tf
In Favor of Postal Banks.
Flora, Deo. 17 The debate at Liter
ary Friday night was well handled by
both sides, the question being Resolved,
that the Government Establish Postal
Savings Banks. The judges decided in
favor of the affirmative. The school
room wss crowded with interested
auditors, and after the debate a fine
program of music, rechations and
dialogues was given
Christmas Trees For Many.
For dudes Spruce.
, For the winter belles Fir.
For lovers Pine.
For bad jokers The che?tnut.
For sugar men Maple.
For politicians The plum tree.
For tobacco men The smoke tree.
For dentUts Gum.
For slippery people Elm.
For swimmers Bee.- h. ,
For disappointed candidates The
lemon tree. y -
For pot's trees Dogwood. .
For oil men Olive.
For doctors Sycamore.
For carpenters Plane,
t ... .
It will pay you to read
the Christmas advertise
ments in this paper.'
' Turkey, Goose or Chicken
for Christmas ' .
Leave Your
Price & Homan
Having moved into our new
store in the Fraternal Block,
we take pleasure in announc
ing to the public that
On Saturday
we will give 15 per cent discount
on every article in the store
worn by ladies and children
which include the following:
Lalies' and Children's Coats
Gloves, Mittens
Fascinators .
Ties, etc.
On Monday
Dec. 23, will be given a like :
out on all wearing apparal be
longing to men and boyB, int
ending Hats, Caps
Sniis -
Boots and Shoes ,
Gloves, Mittens
Socks ,
German Sox, etc
Remember this ia not
closing out sale or a "sale of
shelfworn or damaged goods
hut includes every article in
this store in the time above
mentioned.. Also remember
the days Saturday and Mon
day only. . .
R. S. &Z. Go.