The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 19, 1907, Image 7

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    The Kidneys
When they are weak, torpid, or stagnant,
the whole system suffers. Don't neglect
Americana Tell of Queer Happenings
While "Doing- Europe."
Flow eat language U unalterably con-
f 11 ntK kin I .. 1 M
the achnK back, the bloated face, the saltow ! ' D S
complexion, the urinary disordered begin ha f f" f ? 7? W
. ; . . """li""oegin have arrived at the Hotel du Louvrs
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which contains the best and safest curative
In usual liquid form or Jn chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
For the Defence.
Ma I hear that you've been playing
with Donald Smith again, Tommy.
Now, I told you Tommy Piaylug
with him 1 You see the black eye he's
got and you'll soon guess if there was
any playing about It. Punch.
Hia Wooden Excuse.
It was the next morning and Mr. Jap
way was penitent.
"This Is positively the last time, my
dear, be said to his wife. "I had been
reading about the exhaustion of the tim
ber supply and I wanted to go on one
more bat before it was all gone."
Wayalde Communings.
Adam Zawfox They say meat Is goln'
to be cheaper.
Job Sturky If It's any cheaper than
the kind they've been handin' out to me
lately somebody'U hv to pay me fur
eatin' it, b'garsh 1 I'm no garbags reduc
tion plant.
A New Parlor Game
For the Long Winter Evenings
Go to your dealer and buv a pound pack
age of 20-Mule-Team BORAX. Cut off
the top panel from package and mail to
Pacific Coast Borax Co. Oakland, Cal.
with 4c in t tamps and the WHIZ game
will be promptly sent you Prepaid.
WHIZ, the Sew Parlor Card game,
can be played by all the family. It is
composed of 44 handsomely printed cards
inclosed in a flap case with full and com
plete rules for playing. Entertaining,
instructive or educational. Similar
games cost 50c in the shops. You can
get it FREE.
Mail Orders
You run no risk in sending
your mail orders to us. We han
dle reliable goods only and guar
antee perfect satisfaction both as
to price and quality. Send for
our new reduced price list.
New Fall Stock Women's Tail
ored Suite, Skirts, Waists, Hos
iery, Muslin Underwear, Corsets,
Gloves, Dress Goods, Table Lin
ens, Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc.
McAllen & McDonnell
Cor. Third and Morrison
Portland, Oregon
- The store noted for Best Goods
at Lowest Prices.
rL ,
Find Santa Claut in Picture end
Win a Fine Reward
For every correct solution of this pua
ste, we will give, absolutely, Mu
ele Book, containing 50 good o d fnvor
te National Sanga, with words and mu
sic (only one book to each person) a io
many other valuab.e prizes free. Ev
eryone should know these songs s?nd
today. Directions Mark outlines of
Santa Claus plainly, cut adv. out, place
In enveiope, enclose stamp lor reply and
mall to our address below.
Washington St
Car. Park
V -
Winners wlU be soil Sad promptly by
after "doing Europe" for the first time.
The party Is composed of W. VIrges,
a lumberman from Tacoma, and E. E.j
Coovert, a Portland (Ore.) attorney,'
and his wife, who has been studying
operatic singing In Dresden. I
"I didn't know we had crossed the
Germun-French frontier," said Mr. Coo- j
vert, "i was asleep on the seat aud a .
French lady with a cat In a basket
got aboard and went asleep alongside.
Buddenly the cat started to cry, and,
waking up, I discovered I was leaning
too close to the lady (probably mashing
the cat), and as she awoke, too, sh'
pulled out her ticket, waving it In my!
face. As I couldn't talk French, I told
her In English I didn't want he ticket,
but to give It to the conductor; When
somebody came to explain I discovered
the trouble to be that I was taking up
too much of the seat Things like that
don't hapien at home."
At Mayence Mr. VIrges says b
worked a unique scheme to see the
Kaiser during the maneuvers.
"Some one told me It would be 'al
most impossible to get close enough to
see him," said Mr. VIrges. "But 1
went to the authorities and told them
was a Journalist from some Pacific
coast newspaper, and after I had se
cured the necessary papers I went tc
the maneuvers In an automobile, pulled
out the papers and passed the police,
who saluted. I took with me to a hotel
afterward two Phlladelphians, and w
dined overlooking the boulevard whert
the Kaiser was to pass. Almost Imme
diately he appeared, and when the Phll
adelphians cheered the Kaiser looked
IP and saluted."
Mr. and Mrs. Coovert nearly go.
locked up In the opera here.
Mrs. Coovert, whom I came over t
bring home from her studies la Dres
den, wanted to see 'The Valkyries,"
said Mr. Coovert "I expected to set
a big ballet, but Instead two or thret
persons came out and sang until oni
died. The curious thing waa that when
we left our hats coming la neither ol
us took any notice where. When w
came out we could not find the sami
cloakroom and neither of us could
speak one word of French. We pre
sented the ticket at four different
places, and I was getting mad. Aftei
everybody else was gone one of the at
tendants, taking my wife by the arm
showed us the place. They were Jusl
slamming the doors when we started
out of the building.
"After these experiences I am strong
ly In favor of a universal language
and that ought to be the American lan
guage. New York Herald.
For that
aa sasBSSBMsaeaas MsaasBasaaa saaaaiaaf
There Is one thing that will
cure it Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
to you healthy hair, no dan
d ruff, no pimples,no eruptions.
The best kind ol a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
The Striking: War an Oxford Notable
Won -a Nickname.
Dean Stanley once went late to din
ner with his collar flapping. His host
ess ventured to ask him If he knew.
"Oh, yes!" answered the dean,
you mind?" "Not at all." said
lady. "Then I don't mind, either. The
button dropped off while I was dress
ing." And the dean continued bis con
versation. Rev. W. H. Tuckwcll Is responsible
for the history of how an Oxford nota
ble In the thirties got bis nickname,
"Presence of Mind" Smith. He went
boating with a friend and returned
alone and was asked what had become
Catarrh, la not merely aa inflammation of the tissues of the head and
Do throat, as the symptoms cf ringing' noises in the ears, mucous dropping back
the into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, etc., would seem to indi
cate ; it is a blood disease ia which the entire circulation and the greater
part of the system are Involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of aa excess
of uric acid ia the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be
come torpid and dull in their action and instead of carrying off the refuse
aud waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system.
This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all
parts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame
the different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting
of a cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable
symptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all part3 cf the body the ca-
i rr 1- n i, 1 . i-u. i ,i i . f.,11
of his companion. He explained that feelinir. nose continuallv stoooed ur. -n.-i-na above t!ie eves, sli-rht fever
his friend had fallen Into the Thames, comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and
"and If I had not with great presence . . . . . affected by this disease. It is a waste ot
of mind hit him on the head with a .Jerando iVcSSid ho time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays.
boat hook the both of us would have oeen worse. I triod everything washes, inhalations, ets. Cuch treatment
been drowned." auited. ithenWi
The late Joseph Joachim was a great could see a UtUe
1 v frnm h .rf. Vint
Also BianufMturara .f
! auited. I then i eg-an B. S. s., ami does not reach the blood, and can, therefore,
.tie imDrovexnenb An iiti
.. .. 1 J.1 " '"1'""" ""J .
favorite In London, and for more than taking- it a abort while was the discomfort of the trouble. To cure
sixty years rarely missed a season
there. A certain noblemnn told him
that be was going to St. James' hnll to
hear him, and Joachim later asked him
If he had found It tedious. "Not at
all," serenply answered the titled per-
tnld onBB- I enjoyed myself Immensely.
xm waa aix years ag-o, ana 1 in Catarrh, permanently the blood must be
as well today ob any man. Itiiink .i ... J ... . . , .
Catarrh ia a blood diBeaao, and thoroughlypuriUedandthesystcmclcansea
know there ia nothina on earth F nil ,,.V.-.r n,4 f i cn.nA tima
Making Thlnara Even.
Customer fto wntohmnkerl I
rou that my watch lost half an hourl m not recognize you at first under
yuur ulsituise ue n uivr. uul uiier i
laughed all the more." The nobleman
had strolled by mistake Into a min
strel show Instead of the large concert
every day, and now that you've repair
ed it It gains half an hour.
Watchmakei" Well, don't complain.
It's onlv working to catch up lost time.
Liability of a city for Injuries due tc
a fall upon a si le walk covered with let
and snow, where the Ice, which accumu
lated from natural causes, was lest
than an li. cn la thickness, and the par
son Injured knew when he went upoi
It that it was smooth and slippery, and
there was no other defect. Is denied Is
Evans vs. Concordia (Kan.), 7 U R.A
(N. 8.) 983.
Notwithstanding the statute provide
that a mortgage of real estate shall not
be deemed a conveyance, whatever Iti
terms, to as to enable the owner of tb
mortgage to recover possession without
a foreclosure, It Is held, In MoncrleS
vs. Hare (Col.), 7 L. It. A. (N. 8.)
1001, that a court of equity may, pend
ing foreclosure, Impound the rents and
profits to be applied In reduction of the
That each proprietor and wholesale,
of patent medicines Is permitted to de
termine for himself to what retalleri
he will refuse to sell is held. In Jayxn
vs. Loder (C. C. A. 3d C) 7 L. It. A.
(N. 8.) 084, not to prevent an under
taking on the part of associations of
proprietors, wholesalers and retailers
to prevent rate-cutting from being
within the Sherman anti trust act, If
they bind themselves by an agreement
not to sell to aggressive cutters of
prices, and the agreement is enforced
by the retailers notifying wholesalers
who are aggressive cutters and putting
upon the list of aggressive cutters all
wholesalers who do not desist from
selling to persons on the list so fur
nished, the result of which Is greatly
to Increase the cost of proprietary med
icines to consumer throughout the
Hie Coaaolatlea.
John and Willie are twins. Theli
best friend and playfellow ia ArchU
who Is gifted with red balr and a hot
tamper. One day they quarrel ad and
Archie started bom la a huff. The
unsympathetic twin called after him :
"Red head, red head!" Archie seemed
not to bear until the Insult waa re
peated. Tben be turned and called
beck, "Doa't car If I am red beaded j
I ain't twLaa, and folk can tell m
apart I" Grand Fork Press.
Prescription Given Which Sufferers
DrettJ Disease Can Easily Make
Up and Try at Home at
Small Cast.
To relieve the worst forms of Rheu
matism, take a teaipoonful of the fol
lowing mixture alter each meal and at
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one hall
ounce: Compound Kargoa, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sariaparilla, three
These harmless ingredients can be
obtained rom any druggist in the
mailer towns, and are easily mixed by
lhakinc them well in a bottle. Eelisf
Is generally felt from the first few
This prescription, states a well-
known authority in a Cleveland morn
Ins paper, forces tn clugged-np, Inac
tive kidneys to filter and strain from
th blood the poisonous wast matter
and uric acid, which causes Rheuma
As Rheumatism is not only th most
painful and torturous disease, but dan
geioos to life, this simple recipe will
no donbt be greatly valued by many suf
ferers her at home, who should at one
prepare the mixture to get this relief.
It is said that a person who would
take this prescription regularly, a do
or two aaily, or even a few time a
week, would never hav erios atidaey
or Urinary disorders or RheumatliBS.
Cut this out and preetrr It. Good
Rhemnatttn o prescriptions which really
relieve ars searce, indetd, aad whes
yn need Ik, yon wast it beely.
Visitor How are conditions here? Has
oundfoce returned?
Resident Coaditions are Siowly aet
tling down to their former bis, but con-
Quence has notj returned. Moat of the
oeoiile still believe it was the children of
:heir next door neighbors that carried
iway their gates.
Mothers will And Mri. WInilow Bonthlna
Bvruu th remedy to uu lor their children
during- the teething period.
Dflnorior mo dioou tuna d. s, d. . , , ... T . . .
Nohod- thlnka more of B. s. 8. strenrthenedauabuiltup. Nothintf equal9
than I do. M.JIXS0M, S. S. S. for this purpose. It attacks the
tapeer, Mien. disease at its head, rocs down to the very
bottom of the trouble and r.iake3 a completa
and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every
particle of the' catarrhal poison from the
blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh
and healthy. Then the inflamed mem
branes begin to heal, the head is loosened
and cleared, theliawkinr and spitting cease.
every syniptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health
restored. S. S. S. also tones tip the stomach and digestion and acts as a
fine tonic to the entire system. If you are suffering with Catarrh begin the
use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of your case and our physicians will
Bend you literature about Catarrh, and give j'ou special medical advicfl
Without charge, S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
PAZO OINTMENT is gna?antecd to cure any
(Hue ol Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Plies in 6 to M da; a or money refunded. 60c.
rerteotir uenr,
Teacher? Tommy, the lesson speaks of
ihe "thread of life." Does that convey
. ,
Tommy-'Cause she might .
X U 111 Ul J A IH 1. 1 . u. iimi.
rou feel when you've got a stitch in your
Te He Avele4.
"Do you believe there Is any future
for me In politics?"
"Tee," answered Senator Sorghum;
"but In the? days of graft you want
te take mlality good car net to be oue
of those fellows who start In with a
8ae future and cetne out with a terri
ble past." Washington Ktar.
St. Vrtna rtaare ane all lverrona J)laaaat
permansntLr cured by lr. Kllae'a Omul
rv Restorer. Head fur r JtK& z trial Dome ana
mailt. Dr. H. lLltUae, .. au Area uu, Phlla.,!".
Tkea the Fire 'orka.
"I ibnd a call from Mrs. Multiplunks
"I heard she was going in for lun
nlug." Houston Tost
Small Harold, after sizing up the
new baby, said : "Well, that kid hasn't
got any hair to comb, but he's got an
awful lot of face tb be washed."
Mamma Oarret, your conduct Is just
dreadful. Why do you act so naughty?
Garret (age 8) Oh, I guess it's be
cause I'm too little to know any better.
Momma Do you love your teacher,
Tommy? Tommy Yes, mamma; but I
don't want you to tell her. Mamma
Why not?
sue me for breach of promise.
Visitor Well, my little man, hav
you any brothers? Bright Hoy Yes,
ma'am; I have one, but my sister has
two. Vlsltoiv-Why, how's that? Bright
Boy She has me and my brother.
"Why, Nellie," said a mother to her
small daughter, "you never saw me act
naughty as you have been acting." "Of
course not," replied Nellie, "I'm too
much of a lady to notice such things."
Little Sally (reading) What Is a
prolonged conflict, Harry? Small Har
ryI don t know. I asked papa this
morning whnt it was and he said It
was something I couldn't understand
intll I grew up and got married.
"Why, Nettie," said her mother,
"what In the world ere you pounding
your doll with your fathers slipper
for?" "Because slie refuses to obey me,
mamma," replied the little miss. "I'm
not going to have the neighbors say
that I spnred the sllppor and spoiled
my child."
Little Lloyd fapa, was
Washington married to England? Papa
Of course not, my son. Why do you
ask such a silly question? Little Lloyd
This book says England Is our moth
er country and as George Washington
was the father of his country I sup-
nosed they were married.
Coeldn't Be Fooled.
The younger son of n well-known po
litician of Chicago has s'iit pretty
much all of his life In the big city by
the lake, and, cmisequeutly, knows lit
tle of country ways and things.
Not long ago he visited a man be bad
met in Chicago, and who maintains a
big farm near Cairo, whither he bad
Iqslsted the youuguter come for a
lengthy stay.
One day the Chicago youth was wan
dering about the farm, closely exam
ining the top, ends and sides of a cer
tain trim, well-made object fenced
round In the paddock.
"What are you searching for, Jim
my?" BKkcd the owuer of the place,
with a quizzical smile.
"Where are the doors and windows?"
asked Jimmy. .
"Doors and windows! Why, Jimmy,
that's a haystack."
"Look here, old man," exclaimed Jim
my; I may be only a green person
from the city, but you can't bluff me
that way. Hay doesn't grow in lumps
like that!" Harper's Weekly.
The mattresses used In the German
irmy are stuffed with little rolls of pa
pei, and are said to be a great improve
ment on straw.
nOWAHD E. BURTON Aaayer arl Chemist,
. lioailvtlle, Colorado. Kpeclmen prlt-eni Oold,
Wtver, t.- ad, tl ! Hold, Hllver,7!c; Oold, o Blno of
Conpt-r, tl. Cynnldo ti-mii. Mulling envelop and
plre work Bollclled. ltelereuuwl
Lou iliuilc
llcatlon. Control and Urn-
Carbonate IN w
Write Us
Portland Oregon
Tor Infants and Children. j
The Kind You Have Always Bought
ViflLiiiilWw-S'""" 250
Willi, Two Mop, Three Htep
etc. Dance r ompl-ntvly tauiflifc
and ffai-ranlpd In four .mhom
ll.rseh Bi-c-i Portlnmi. Off hou j'
Bears the
Cleanses trie Ura Effect
ually; Dispels Lolds and ilea
aclies aue to Constipation;
Acts naturally, acts Truly as
a Laxative.
Best forMenvmen an
ren-ybun anJ Old.
Io et its TJenefirlril Effort
e Genuine wkich
I il s
name of The Lorn-
t Ro Sraup Co.
Wtotwai it is neaufactureJ.nrinteii on trie
IU rent et every pockn!e.
having lately wad the 'Adventures of SOLO Br ALL LEADING DRUGGIST!
l . oelHreeaUir pnee SO-bottl-
Pesr Bk teepeaur.
Pepy'a Diary, 1609-1869, commenting.
on Bhakspeare'f plays, says of "Mld-i
summer Night's Dream," "It Is the
most Insipid, ridiculous play I ever saw
In my life," and upon reading " Othel
lo, Moor of Venice,' which I have hith
erto esteemed a mighty good play, bat
having lately read the 'Adventures o
jIt Honrs,' It seems a mean thing.'
Io get Us De
Alwav buy the
has the Jul. na
Unavoidable Belay.
"Tou can prove an alibi on this charge,
ean't you?" aaked his lawyer.
"Tes'r," said the captured crook ; "hut
we'll have to wait a week or two. The
fellies I'm goin' to prove it by ain't out
' Jail yit."
Hate ot Ohio, City of Toledo ) .
Lucas County. 1
Frank J. I'benoy makes ontli that he la wnlor
tanner ol the Arm ol P. J. Clicnuy ft Co., dcitnn
DtielneMintheCtty of Tolwlo. County and (Hale
iforonald, and that gaid firm will pay the sum
l ON'g HUNDRED DOLLARS 'for euch and
very ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
I uie use 01 nan a watarrn i.ure.
Iworn to before me and su birlbed in m y nes-
Bnca, mis oiu uay 01 uweouwr a u in.v.
tBea1-' Notary Public.
Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken luternally, and
tets directly unn the blonit and mucous sur
laeea of tbesysum. HcnU fortt-HilmonltilK free.
T. J. Cll KNEY & C0.,Toledo,O.
Bold by all drnairlsts, 7.'ic.
lake llall's Ksmily 1'lUs for eonstlpatlon.
Klub 47 What do the letters U. I.
itand for?
Copy Chopper Depends on the con
text. They may stand either tor United
Presbyterian or for Ilnrrimau.
Mull u nny (food
picture wit h jt hIh
ortlor for 91 W nn&
wtt will Htnl you
tiettiitiliil photo en
litrueiiittnt of Prime
framed In ft.hni
ojiip frump like out:
nii'nldu n'HiiNiire or
fmine lfx)M InclitM.
Vh ilo nil kin or
enlnrv'lnfi nrttl rimlnk
iinitshtnif. Hfnd u
jour H m to l lw
elopetl mid HiilnhMl.
We pay returu ptmt
1 63 W.P-rk St.
PorlUodr Offtw
Jest a Sesseatloe.
"Oh, my!" exclaimed the excited wo
man who had mislaid ber husband.
"I'm looking for a small ruun with oue
"Well, ma'am," rejilled the polite
shopwalker, "If he's a very small man
maybe you'd better use both eyes,"
rhat is LAXATIVE IIHOMO Ql'lNlKK. Look
lor the siKiiature of h. W. CltoVK. I'sed the
World over to Cure a Cold lu One bay. ibu.
University statistic of Europe semn
:o indicate that men are drsiTtlng tlio
practice of medicine aud women are Ink-
US it up.
l on stormy davs
by wearing a
4 tow,
ha? Ifta.l
- . : W vwn.i-i- .jiH
J-r uurauie
irffi'S 399 Everywhere
P. N. U.
fim. 51 -OT
TI1KN willlnir
Y rnmiilfin till
to Kitvertlaera please
II the snakes from Ji
Drove o
Drives oil aches from the body,
cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia an J
A Thoashtfal Wife.
"Why did yoa tell your husbsnd that
there would be three parts to the con
cert) There are only two."
"Yes, I know, but be will be so pleas
ed when It leaves off sooner than he
xpecta." Fl legend Blaetter.
A Bare Wlaatr,
Mr. Henpeck Those who ars on
lucky In lovs ars said to be lucky at
Henpeck If yon'd let me out nights,
dear, I think It would be a good thing
or me to play poker. Puck.
Before doing anything aa a result of
enthusiasm or excitement, see If your
enthusiasm or excitement won't wear
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES
THE REASON W. L. Kouxlasshouare worn by mora notl.
In all walks ofiife than any otlier make is lrauM of thrir
esoslkat styls, SMy-fitiing, and smarter nanus qualities,
lltenkrtioo anii olhor materials for a-li p.rt
of th. .hue and .very otail of tlie mskingi.lonli.d after hv
the most complete orgeQir.aiion of suirifitiiUtfit.,foitienKod
akillsdshosmakcrs, whoraotiv. tha hiittwiit p.idin the
aiioei ndiwtry, and whoe wurknianslup oinnot t evralkd.
If I oould take you. a to mylanisfa4itorieaat 1'rorkton.Mas..,
Sndhow you bow esrafully W. L. llougla ho.sare mafls.vou
wouldthan underhand why th.v hnldtlMirshai. 6t,
r.&r nummr and ara of arratr v. hi. than any oilier meka.
04.OO anef 0B.OO OILT CDOE Shorn m omnnol b Maaaf mt any prlom.
CAUTIONl Tha (a nelo. kav. W. L. UvMlaa uain.and prio. on botiuni. Take
le SaiMtltwte. Ask youroVatarfor W. L. I'ouslas shnn. If ha aaoant snily you, sni
aluees to (eatery. thaasaaBievmyvueie by mail. Catalog (rae. W. L. Uouglas, i)rucku,.nae