The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 19, 1907, Image 3

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Roosevelt Says He Will Not Run
for President.
Quotes His Statement of 1904 and
Says He Has Not Changed
His Decision.
Washington, Dec. 12. President
Roosevelt will not be a candidate for a
third term. All doubt on this point
was last night dispelled by the author
ative statement, from the White House,
that Mr. Roosevelt still adheres to the
declaration of renunciation made on
the night of the election three years
ago. v
It appears that the president had
been awaiting the call for the Repub
lican national convention to afford the
proper opportunity for making his po
sition clear and unmistakable, thus
leaving the field clear for otber de
clared or receptive candidates for the
Republican nomination. The presi
dent's statement follows:
"In view of the calling of the Repub
lican convention, the president makes
the following statement:
" 'On the night after election! made
the following announcement:
" 'I am deeply sensible of the honor
done me by the American people in
thus expressing their confidence in
what I have done and have tried to do,
I appreciate to the full the solemn re
sponsibility this confidence imposes
upon me, and I snail do all that lies in
tny power not to forfeit it. On the
4th of March next, I shall have served
three and a half years and this three
and a half years constitutes my first
term. The wise custom which limits
the president to two terms regards the
substance and not the form, and nnder
no circumstances will I be a candidate
for or accept another nomination."
" 'I have not changed and shall not
Will Again Recite Grewsome Account
of His Many Crimes.
Boise, Dec. 11. Charging that Geo.
A. Fettibone, the defendant at bar, is
the most guilty of all those charged
with causing the death ofJex-Governor
Frank Steunenberg, James H. Hawley
outlined the state's case yesterday.
Little effort at oratory was made by the
chief prosecutor, but he plainly told
the jury what it is proposed to prove.
For two hours he spoke of what he
i termed the most gigantic conspiracy in
the annals of crime, always keeping in
the foreground the part which it is al
leged Fettibone took in it.
The taking of evidence began at the
afternoon session and before court ad-
ourned for the day the state had estab
lished the corpus delecti, clearing the
way for Harry Orchard, who will today
take tbe witness stand and for the sec
ond time tell to a jury the history of
blood. Orchard was brought from the
penitentiary to the city yesterday.
Senator Borah, who has arrived from
Washington, conducted the examina
tion of state's witnesses.
Witnesses placed on the stand by
the state proved by hotel registers
and other evidence that Harry Orchard
and Jack Bimpkins were in Caldwell at
the time of the assassination of Steu
nenberg. The defense made no effort
to cress-examine the witnesses.
At the conclusion of Hawley's state
ment Durrow announced that the
defense would reserve its statement un
til the conclusion of the state's case.
Harriman Negotiating for Immunity
From Prosecution.
Chicago, Deo. 12. A dispatch to the
Tribune from Washington, says:
Negotiations are nnder way between
the attorney general and E. H. Harri
man looking to an agreement by which
the Union Pacific will abandon all its
direct control of the Southern Pacific,
in return for which the government
will agree not to prosecute Mr. Ham
man for violation of the anti-trust law
and of the competitive clauses in the
Interstate oommerce law. The negotia
tions have not actually been concluded,
but they have reached a stage where it
is believed an agreement will been
tered into. ' 1
Thursday, December 12. . it would provide for an investigation
Washingtan, Dec. 12. The practice into all matters contained in the reso
of certain o( the executive departments ' lution offered by senators concerning
of sending drafts of bills to the senate ! the financial stringency and the effort
for nassaue. which bills have been im- i or, me government to relieve the situa
Martial Law Expected at Goldfield
When He Arrives. s
Goldfield, Nev., Dec. if,. It was re
ported here last ' night that General
Funston is to come to Goldfield person
ally to take charge of the situation here.
More troops, it was also said, may be
sent. Governor John Sparks arrived
yesterday afternoon from Carson and
had a conference with colonel Aiired
Reynolds, in command of the Federal
troops here. Meetings of tha executive
committee of the Goldfield Miners'
union and of the Goldfield Mineowners
association were held last night.
It is believed here that President
Roosevelt is responsible fcrthe decision
of General Funston to come to bold'
field ; that the intention is to take the
conduct of affairs out of the hands of
Governor Sparks and the Esmeralda
county officials and that martial law
will be declared in Goldfield jmmedi
ately upon the arrival of General Fun
s ton.'
Doubtless the request for this drastic
action by the president oame from the
mine operators here, who are fearful of
the consequences when the attempt to
reopen the mines is made, but appar
ently are determined to carry out their
intention to resume operations tomor
mediately referred directly to commit
tees, was discussed in the senate today.
Carter, of Montana, presented a pie
pared list of instances wheie the heads
of executive departments had addressed
the senate requesting the passage oi
certain bills. He said that Teller, of
Colorado, had himself sent bills to the
senate for passage when he was secre
tary of the interior.
Aldrich said that, no matter how old
the practice, it should be stopped; that
the executive departments had no right
to seek legislation in such direct man
ner. After speeches by a number of otber
senators a communication from the sec
retary of the interior was referred to
tbe committee cn rules with a request
to report promptly what action should
be taken to stop the practice.
A report was requested from the sec
retary regarding clearing house certifi
cates, Panama bonds, certificates of in
debtedness and other matters.
A bill giving the secretary of the
navy authority to purchase three steam
colliers was introduced yesterday by
Senator Lodge. It provides that they
shall be of American reigBter.
Washington, Dec. 12. Speaker Can
non, during an eight-minute session oi
the house today, announced the ap
pointment of the following committees:
On rules The speaker, Dalzeli, Rep.,
Pennsylvania; Sherman, Rep., New
York; John Sharp Williams, uem
Mississippi; Dearmond, Dem., Mis
On mileage Brumm, Rep., Penn
sylvania; Kennedy, Rep., Louisiana; A.
D. James, Rep., Kentucky; Lewis,
Dem.. Georgia; Denver, Dem., Ohio.
Bills exempting all lumber and coal
from import duty were introduced in
the house today by Mr. Booker, of
Missouri. '
What Was Expected, But Third Term
ers Can't Be Silenced.
New York, Dec. 12. Regarding Pres
ident Roosevelt's announcement that
he adheres to his determination not
again to be a candidate, the New York
papers this morning say:
Herald Those who from the first
have had full faith in the sincerity of
Mr Roosevelt's declaration that he
would not accept a nomination will
now say, "Why, of course." On tbe
other hand, those who have argued
that he could not decline if the conven
tion should overwhelmingly demand
him as a candidate will remark, "We
shall see." And there yon are.
Times Mr. Roosevelt's statement is
what those who respeted him most and
knew bim best expected him to make
No diffeient statement was possible.
World So far as words go, President
Roosevelt could not take a more posi
tive stand. At this late day can he
etop it? Can he turn back the tide?
Suppose the Roosevelt sbouters, as
Oovernor Hoch, of Kansas, bas threat-ened,-
ride over the convention like a
herd of Texas steers, will he still de
fine? Will he be able to decline?
Steamers Dodging Texas Law.
Peneacola, Fla., Dec. 12. Fearing
that tbe vessels might be seized upon
the judgment secured against the com'
vany by the state of Texas, tbe Stand'
ard Oil company yesterday ordered the
eteamer Captain A. F. Lucas and Bark
No. 05 to proceed from this port to sea
and not to come within three miles of
shore until further orders were re
oeived. The vessels, both of which are
among the largest of the oil carrying
fleet of the company, had just returned
from London, where they carried an
immense quantity of oil.
Babes Saved From Big Fire.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 12. Fire
arly today almost completely wiped
out tbe big plant of the Pau Manufac
turing company, makers of plumbers'
supplies In Reading Road. Tenants of
houses in tbe rear of the burning plant
fled from their homes and policemen
Percentage In San Francisco Less
Than at First.
Washington, Dec. 11. The next re
pott of the public health and marine
hospital service will contain the state'
ment by Passed Assistant Surgeon Gen
eral Hobby that bubonic plague infec
tion "is still generally distributed
San Francisco but the percentage is
very much lower than was at first re
"Investgation along the wateriront,'
he says, "chows that there is a consid'
erable diminution of rats present and
still more marked decrease in sick or
dead rata seen. Of the dead rats found
many were proved to have died from
the results of the rat crusade now being
waged. Late observations indicate
that the number of rats found on board
vessels in the harbor of San Francisco
is being steadily reduced."
Passed Assistant Surgeon Rupert
Blue, in charge of the plague exter
mi nation campaign in San Francisco,
will report that up to December 7 the
number of cases reached 112; total
deaths, 67; death rate, 69.8 per cent
The statistics show that in India
from April last to October there were
653,557 cases of plague and 474,914
deaths therefrom.
With this assurance Culberson, of
Texas, and Clay, of Georgia, agreed to
permit their resolution to go to the
committee for its consideration. Till
man allowed his resolution on the same
subject to lie on the table until he se
cures data he desires to present to the
Senator Culberson today introduced a
bill to prohibit corporations from mak
ing election contributions or to make
contributions in connection with elec
Senator Fulton today introduced bills
appropriating $100,000 for public build
ings at La Grande, Pendleton, Oregon
City, Albany and Roseburgand $2,500,-
000 at Portland.
Owners Will Open Up Goldfield Mines
Goldfield, Dec. 10. Wednesday
has been definitely decided upon as
the day for reopening the mines in
An authoritative statement was
made tonight that already sufficient
men are on the ground to work the
mines. The total number of those
(that have been quietly brought In
'and those who have secretly made
application to return to their former
positions is placed at 1000. There
are about 1,500 Western Federation
men out. The men who are to take
the places of the strikers are not to
be housed at the mines, but will be
scattered through the camp and pro
tected, for each individual will be
guaranteed protection by the Mine
owners' Association.
Two propositions have been posi
tively decided upon, the making of
an open camp for all time and the
early lowering of the wage scale. At
the same time the Mineowners' As
aociatlon is going to begin a vigor'
ous crusade to lower the cost of liv
ing in Goldfield.
Voyage to Pacific Greatest Test Ever
Undertaken in History of the
American Navy.
Monday, December 9.
Washington, Deo. 9. The senate
was in session a little more than one
hour today, and did little business be
yond the introduction of bills. The
resolutions of Clay and Culberson, call
ing upon the secretary of the treasury
for information concerning the recent
bond issues and deposit of public mon
ey in national b .nks came up, but in
the absence of Aldrich their considera
tion was postponed until another day.
Tillman introduced a resolution di
recting the committee on finance to in
vestigate the recent proceedings of the
secretary of the treasury in connection
with the financial crisis, and alBO to
make inquiry concerning the clearing
house certificates. The resolution was
presented in two series, the first deal
ing with the operations of the Treasury
department and the second with clear
ing house certificates, each being di
vided into three subdivisions.
Wednesday December II,
Washington, Dec. 11. Passionate
oratory marked the proceedings cf the
senate today. Senator Jenerson Davis,
of Arkansas, who when elected declared
that he would attack the trusts imme
diately after taking his seat, fulfilled
his promise, although he was a lew
days late in doing so. The speech was
filled with sensational declarations and
was given with that vigor for which the
Arkansas senator is famous in his own
state. Quaint phrasing, pointed de
nunciations and evidences of Intense
emotion characterized his remarks. He
was given a careful hearing by senators
and the galleries weie well tilled
throughout the time he held the floor.
Beginning shortly before 1 o'clock, tie
spoke for a little more than an hour.
At the close of the speech the senate
went into executive session and at 12:10
The bouse was not in session today.
After declaring that his bill, rigorous
ly enforced, would kill the trusts, with
dramatic effect Mr. Davis challenged
any senator tastep forward and contest
the issue with him.
Speaking of the great expense of the
government, Mr. Davis said:
"Our president, and 1 speak oi him
in the most respectful terms, besides
his salary of $50,000 a year, and I eay
that is not excessive, is paid by this
congtees $15,000 a year for traveling
expenses, and approximately $113,000
annually for living expenses. Ah, Mr.
President 1 This is enormous! This is
unreasonable! Tbe president of the
United States has five children, I bs
lieve. I believe they should live in ac
cordance with the dignity of the presi
dent's position the highest place on
earth but, Mr. President, I have
Roosevelt 'skinned a city block' in the
matter of family, and it does not take
$113,000 for my living expenses. No,
sir! The greatest president that ever
lived on this earth, that was ever in
augurated in this capitol, in my judg
ment, was 'Old Hickory' Jackson, who
rode his horse to the White house,
dressed in a suit of blue jeans."
The senator denounced stock gam
bling, and Bald he wonld do away with
gambling in cotton, grain and the ne
cessities of life.
Washington, Deo. 9. In the house
today the bills lntroduotd included the
By Hall, of South Dakota Remov
ing the duty from imports of lumber,
whether dressed or rough.
By Macoudrey, Missouri Making it
a folony punishable by imprisonment
of from two to five years, or by a flue,
to publish or circulate any false or mis
leading advertisement; retiring on pay
roll veterans cf th Civil war who have
attained the age of 70.
By Fulton, of Oklahoma Prohibit
ing the mailing of any statement of
margin or other stock wagering trans
action, and making it a felony under
the Interstate commerce law to utilize
the telegraph for that purpose; direct
ing the secretary of the interior at once
to place on the pension roll the names
of all survivors of tbe Ulvil war. wnetb
er regulars or volunteers, who served at
least 60 days, and eo increasing pensions
that no such survivor shall receive less
than $40 monthly.
Ail Agree on Extradition.
Washington, Deo. 12. An extradi
tion treaty, the basis of which is essen
tially the same as that existing be
tween the United States and the ooun
tries of Latin America, has been agreed
upon by the delegates to the Central
American Peace convention. Earnest
efforts are being made with every
promise of success for an agreement for
the establihment oi a general system
of education, with a normal school in
each of the countries oi Central Amer
Denver, Dec. 10. The executive
board of the Western Federation of
Miners tonight Issued the following
statement concerning the present
controversy between t.he Goldfield
Mineowners Association and the
Goldfield Miners' Union:
"On December 6, President Roose
velt Issued a proclamation ordering
federal troops to proceed to Gold
field, Nev., ostensibly for the pur
pose of protecting life and property,
That there was ever any danger to
either person or property Is empha
tically denied by the officers of Es
meralda county, and by the mer
chants and citizens of Goldfield. The
only reason for the present trouble
was the decision of the mine opera'
tors to force upon the miners a scrip
that would not be taken at par by
the railroad company, the Wells
Fargo Express Company, the post
office, the stores or the boarding
houses. Neither would the mineown
ers guarantee that they would re
deem this scrip at any time in the
"In refusing to accept this worth
less scrip in exchange for their hard
labor, the miners of Goldfield are
taking a manly stand against the
usurpation of governmental tunc
tions by unreliable banking firms
which assume the right to set aside
the legal money of the nation.
We desire to call the attention of
the American people to the awful
disaster at Monongah, W. Va., where
500 coal miners were murdered by
the capitalist system in its greed for
profits. Had President Roosevelt
been as anxious to enforce the laws
in West Virginia, had he considered
as well the protection of the lives of
those miners by demanding that the
mineowners safeguard their em
ployes against unnecessary dangers,
as he is to send the regular army to
crush an organization whose only
aim is to better the conditions and
make happier the lives of the work'
ing class, 500 blackened corpses
would not today be laid upon the
altar of greed at Monongah, W. Va
around which weep widowed wives
and orphaned children.
Appointees Are Confirmed.
Washington, Dec. 13. The senate
yesterday confirmed George A. West
gate aa surveyor general for Oregon;
Louis A. A meson, receiver, and Charles
W. Moore, register, of The Dalles land
office; Hugh C. Philips, register of the
Vancouver land office; Fred V. Tinker,
receiver of the Boise land office.
Eighty Thousand Will Be Replaced by
Americans Near.Pittsburg.
PIttBburg, Dec. 10. Independent
cokemakers of the Pittsburg and
Connellsville district have decided to
decrease the price of producing coke
by increasing the price of their
workmen. The day of the foreigner
has passed, and hereafter none but
American born or naturalized citi
zens of the United States will be era
ployed about the 20,767 ovens of the
Independent operators. To these
Americans will be paid higher wages
than was paid to the foreigners, bu
the operators expect to decrease the
cost of production
. There are 29 of these lndepend
ents who own 20,767 ovens, the H
C. Frlck Coke Company, the fuel end
of the steel corporation, owning and
operating 19,900 ovens.
In the 40,667 ovens In the di
trlct, owned by both Independents
and the steel corporation, there are
Nobel Prizes Awarded.
Christiania, Deo. 11. The Nobel
peace prize is this year to be equally
divided between Ernesto Teodore Mon
eta, of Italy, and Louis Renault, of
France. This announcement was made
today by Judge Loveland, tbe Norwe
gian premier. M. Renault is the per
manent delegate of France to The
Hague tribunal, and represented his
country at the second peace conference
last Bummer. M. Moneta was promi
nent as a worker for peace in Italy.
He was elected president of the Fif
teenth Universal Peace confeience.
Tuesday, December 10
Washington, Dec. 10. Senator Aid
rich today informed the senate that tbe
committee on finance wonld within a
very short time bring in a resolution
providing for an inquiry into tbe recent
bond issues of tbe government and that
Will Get Coveted Seat.
Washington, Deo. 13. From the
best information obtainable it seems
certain that Senator Fulton will secure
the place on the committee of judiciary
to which he has long aspired. This is
one of the most important committees
of the senate.
II Preparations Completed for
Great Naval Movement.
Old Point Comfort, Va., Deo. 10
The double-starred flag of blue, em
blem of the commander-in-chief of the
Paoifio bound battleship fleet, was flung
the breeze from the main truck of
the battleship Connecticut yesterday,
and Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans
formally assumed his position as leader
of the greatest naval movement In tha
history of the American people.
Yesterday was assembly day for tbe
fleet, which iB to Bet Bail next Monday,
and of the 16 great fighting machines
ordered to skirt the southern end of all
America and inaugurate a new naval
era in the Pacific ocean, there were but
two laggards. These were the 16-0000-
ton Minnesota, flagship of Rear Admir
al C. M. Thomas, commander of the
second squadron of the fleet, and the
Kentucky, whose paltry 11,150 tons
relegated her to a position at the end of
the armored column. The Kentucky
also 1b the oldest vessel among the 16,
having been laid down with her sister,
tbe Kearsarge, in 1898, at the beginning
of the war with Spain. Nine years ago
is an ancient period in modern battle
ship construction, so great have been
the strides in American naval archi
The collier Abarenda has preceded
the fleet south with coal. There were
scenes oi activity on board the vessela
yesterday. The crews of many of the
battleships were engaged in filling tbe
bunkers with "picked" coal, while oth-.
era were '.ngaged in loading supple
mental magazine stores.
Band of Rescuers at Monongah
Making Slow Progress.
Monongah, W. Va., Deo. 10. When
darkness came last night a total of 66
bodies had been brought from the two
wrecked mines at Monongah. Rescue
work, while slow, was progressing
smoothly and as rapidlfas due precau
tion for the rescuers would permit.
It is believed that close on to 100 of
the dead will have been recovered by
daylight today. The fire which caused
a suspension of rescue work Sunday and
early Monday in mine No. 8, was ex
tinguished, it is said, at noon yesterday.
The fourth day was a repitltion of Its
three predecessors in the matter of pa
thetic scenes; ' hundreds of women re
mained near the mines all day, scream
ing and crying until they almost col
lapsed. As on former days, hot coffee
was served at intervals by the company
to keep the unfortunate women from
falling to the ground in exhaustion,
American Army to Experiment
Washington, Doc. 10. The army Is
already looking beyond the simple bal
loon, the dirigible balloon and like
contrivances for navigating the air, to
the more scion ti Ho aeroplane, and it
was announced today that the chief sig
nal officer will soon call upon American
inventors to submit plans for a practi
cal machine, heavier than air, to be
used Instead of a balloon for military
purposes. The terms of the advance
ments are now under oons'deration.
The beginning of experimentation in
employed more than 80,000 men, the the use of aeroplanes, It is said, will
majority or wnom are at tne present not interfere with the War department
mvnn,B II prTnnT P Plfln9 nw in cution for the training
n n a vprn po rr IXh tpp mnnt n Tha . . .. 0
statisticians find tlint of tbe $85 aj
month which the foreigner makeB,
, Appointment Goes Over.
Washington, Dec. -13. It seems
probable that a successor to District
Attorney Bristol may not be appointed
until after congress reatssembles In Jan
uary. The attorney general has re
quested both senators to make recommendation.
Federal Courts and State Law. 1
Wahinsgton, Dec. 11. So to amend
the interstate commerce law as to en
able and require the Federal courts to
recognize and apply the provisions of
state statutes for the trial of interstate
violations is the object of a bill Intro
duced by Representative Sabath, of Il
linois. The purpose is to obviate the
long delays in the conduct of interstate
com meases by lack, or declared lack, of
Taggart Will Meet Committee.
Chicago, Dec 11. Thomas Taggart,
chairman of the Democratic national j jurisdiction in the Federal courts
committee, leis nere uxiay tor wasn
ington, where the committee will meet
on Thursday to decide upon the date
carried Bleeping babies from the row of i and place of the next Democratic con
frame tenements on Weft Twelfth vention. Before leaving, Mr. Taggart
street, nasslne through- dense smoke to. gave out the official list of cities which
do so. All were rescued. The loss Is ! are after the convention. It includes
St. rani, Atlantio Ulty, Louisville,
Chicago, Denver, St Louis and Cincinnati.
4125,000 to $150,000, partially insured.
Mrs. Longworth III.
Washington, Deo. 12. Mrs. Nich
olas Longworth, wife of Representative
Longworth, of Ohio, a daughter of
President Roosevelt, is ill at the White
House, suffering from appendicitis. It
-was stated last night that Dr. Finney,
f Blt)BM, will perform aa operatioa.
Disastrous Fire In New Zealand. '
Wellington, N. Z., Dec. 11. The de
partment buildings, the library of
which contained a large and valuable
collection of books, were destroyed by
Art today.
Extend Powers of People.
Washington, Dec. 11. The new state
of Oklahoma has offered through Rep
resentative Fulton, to engraft the prin
ciples of the initiative and referendum
and the recall upon the constitution of
the United States. One of several bills
Introduced by Mr. Fulton provide that
in "all general elections for represents
tive or delegate in congress, the voters
shall have the right to have printed on
the ballot and to exercise their judg'
The punishment provided is a fine of J ment upon any political questions."
of from three months to five years. must be by petition to the president.
he puts back Into circulation but $20
a month, living in absolute Bqualor
during his stay in this country.
While the remaining $65 per month
Is saved. '
r-uneral of Mrs. Taft.
Millbury, Mass, Dec. 10. The fu
neral of Mrs. Louisa Taft, mother of
Secretary Taft, who died early Sat
urday, will be held Tuesday, at 1
o'clock, at Torry residence, the home
lot selected men in the use of balloons
nor with the projected construction of
at least two dirigible airships.
of her sister, where she passed her
laBt days. Rev. E. A. Putnam, pas-'cruisers, destroyers and torpedo
Build Only Big Ships.
Seattle, Dec. 1C. According toad
vices received by the steamship Km
press of Japan, the naval program of
the Japanese admiralty will entirely
eliminate cruisers, coast defense ships,
dispatch boats and gunboats, which in
view of the past experience are consid
ered useless. A prominent Japanese
naval official says that future building
will lie confined to battleships, armored
tor of the First Congregational i Ihe new battleships will be of 20,000
church, will conduct the services, tons and the armored cruisers not
Immediately following the services greatly inferior in armament.
tne uoay win De ranen to tjincinnnu
where it will be burled beside that
of Mrs. Taft's husband, Judge Al
phonso Taft.
Labor Troubles for Mex'co.
Mexico City, Dec. 10. That MeX'
lco, which for years has been free
Confess Land Stealirg.
Carson City, Deo. 10. In the Dnited
States Circuit court yesterday Senator
Williams and his In-other, George B.
Williams, indicted for illegally appro
priating government land, through their
' 11,. L 1 I
from the question, Is to have her " J iiwreu pie. oi gumy. oen
labor problem, was made evident to- tence win be T)a8,,e,1 "J J"'1" Farring-
ine punisnmem provioea isa nneoi iiinv upon any punucai queBimni. day wnen t wa8 announced that a ton today. The United Stafc grand
from $1,000 to $5,000, or imprisonment Reinest for the submission of questions mee) n)f of delegates from various jury has brought In an indictment
branches of labor throughout the against A. R. Hardin, one of the richest
republic would be held early next cattle owners of Humboldt county, Nev..
Propose Mall Subsidy.
Washington, Dec. 11. Ship subsidy
legislation is again to be attempted this
winter. Not the old subsidy plan ad
vocated by the late Senator Henna, but
Analyze More Bullets.
Washington, Dec. 12. The report of
the senate committee on military af
I fairs as to its finding in the Browns
ville, Texas, investigation will be de-
January. It is planned at this con
vention, by certain of the newly cre
ated labor leaders, to organize a
great union society similar to the
Federation of Labor
for illegal fencing of government land.
Reduction of Wages.
Goldfield, Nev. Deo. 10. Late yes
terday afternoon the Goldfield Minera
association issued Its ultimatum to the
miners in Goldfield, in the shape of a
a much modified bill, restricted in its layed until more of the bullets found I
operations, and more popularly known st tbe scene of the riot can be analyzed.
as a postal subvention act. At the last Analysis has shown a quantity of anti-1
consresa each house of eoneresa went mony In the ballets submitted, while
on record as favoring a mail subsidy j War department officers testified thst'i
Dill, but tbe bill was eventually kin-1 me army Duneu m nse Dy the troops Notre Dame. The thieves carefully of wagoa to be in vogue from this time
AfViw Alihnatav In tha i VAM Innnnuul U1 mnn n tin anflmAnv .... jw v. - . . i . . . i t i . . .. .
. . -- IT. r tui uu iub ciuiii i rum iua irame un, luawing n towering oi ine scaie
mjioLvn. """ ana carnea k away.
Vtluab'e Painting Stolen.
Pnurtpiil Tlolcrliim nan 1 A Ana
of Van Dyke's great masterpieces ?ftt '. )tons adopted at the meet-
Tha Erection of thn C.rnnu hna ,nH whicn had been in progress all day.
been stolen from the Church of the These resolutions embody the new scale
about 20 per cent.