The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 12, 1907, Image 8

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    City and County
Brief News Items
R. F. Stubblofield is building a fine
big barn on his home place.
Two clocks valued at f 27.50 given
away for a good guess, at Ashley's.
Mr. W. 15. AppUgate, of Paradise,
was in the city Wednesday.
Win. Paisley opened iip a barber she p
In the Salisbmy building,. Wednesday,
lie recently mov..d hoio fioin Los-tine.
Frank (jroshi njr, who l ad b;:en isit
ing bis sister, Mrs. K. L. Uuriiaugh,
returned to his home at Hopkins, Orei,'.,
in the Willamette valley Fiiday.
Cut out the V. J. Funk & Co. adv
for some boy or girl who is working for
he splendid prizes t ffered by that firm.
Purdy Littleton returned t,o his ranch
on Trout creek Monday after a few days
visit here.
Buy a winter suit of clothes, gun ran.
tel band-tailored, fashionable cut,
perfect fit at the E. SI. & M.
Mr. and Mr1. Irviu Whitmor", of
Lostine, were timi-acting business In
Enterprise Tuesday.
You may order the News Record
direct and havetho votes accompanying
your subscription credited to the candi
date you prefer.
Guess the number of seeds in the
pumpkin at Ashley's and secure one of
those beautiful clocks which are now
on display in his w inilnw. Each dollar
purchase entitles you to a guess.
Contest closes New Years Evo. . .
La Grande Star: Cashier C. T. Me
Daniel, of the bank at Wallowa, arrived
in La Grande Friday night on his way
to Portl md where he was called on ac
couut of the severe illnocsof his motlter.
A card lias been received from . J.
Roe announcing his intention of leaving
Eureka, H. lak., on Decembers. With
the assistance of a man w ho conies
through ith him, be is bringing a car
. and expects to reach Knterprise about
the 15th, Ho says the weather so far has
been very good and he wants to get
away while it is.
Nice, winter Imnahii apples at the
E. M. & M. store.
The Garber-llowo Kntortninment was
.indeed a treat to the largo audience
present. Mr. Chalet Uarber is certain
ly the "undisputed prince" of the banjo,
for his handling of that instrument w'as
marvelous. Selections bv Mr. II owe
were much enjoyed, for it has been a
longtime since si ch a master of the
violin has appeared here. The company
also gave some clever musical novelty
. nets which were out of the ordinary and
were voty pleasing. Daily Mail, Ander
son, South Carolina. At the Enter
prise opora house, Monday night,
Decomber 10.
Itodgers Bros, have put In a cobblers
shop in the rear of their store.
We w
In the four most reliable companies
doing business in the United States:
Insurance Company of
. North America
Losses paid since organization
surance Company
Assets, $6,936,261.05
German American In
surance Company
Assets, $13,798,729
Agricultural Insurance
Chartered in 1853 and carries large
re-insurance foij protection of policy
Theeo companies, tho Springfield in particular,
took the lead in jmyjng San Francisco losses
100 cents on tho dollar.
Office with Wailowa, Law, Land and Abstract Company.
Shoe repairini! next door to Htar laun
dry. Everett Flowers. ( tf
Frad S. Ashley is agent for the popu
lar Singer sewing machine.
Mrs. J P, Soiliort lias a few more
suits and skirts to dispose of at nearly
W. A. Moss and family returned
Tuesday from a visit of two weeks w ith
relatives at Grande Kimdo.
.1 W. ISickfonl, of the Wallowa Valley
Cieani company, left Sunday for Port
land to attend the Dairymen's conven
tion. P.ia lot of Winter Underwear and
Hosiery just rtc-ived at W J. Funk & j
CV. '
Will Putman is insisting in E.v. H.
Wheat's jewelry store during the bol
dny rush.
It. L. Day who took a bunch of cattle
to Lettiston, Wash., fcr J. M. Hakely,
about a month ago, i:- expected heme
tt. t . wi . rif.u.nru iu tinni-m-ini
I .H ISM .Uiiwu- t , n
after a very severa illness uith pneu
I omnia. Mrs. ". 11. Flowers who was
threatened with typhoid . fever is a', so
What is conceded to be the best enter
taiiiiiient ever given in Atmore was the
Garber-llowo 1 -ntertaiuers. A splen
did audience greeted the company and
for about two hours was he'd to the
highest pitch of interest and apprecia
tion -Spectrum, Atmore, Alabama. At
the Enterprise opera bouse Monday
night, December IB.
Floyd llammack and Albert L
Ghildcrs made final proof oil home.-tend
claims, Saturday. The former is
located abvit six miles south of Los-j
tino and the latter near Leap. Archie
M. Manpiis made coiiinii'talioii proof
on a claim three or four miles northeast
of Enterprise. Charles Tho as also
(lied. proof the same day on a timber
claim six miles sout'.i of Knt -rpi i.-o.
11.1 Long, lately in chars i of the O.
R. & N. construction work between
Enterprise ami Joseph, nas op 'iien mi
engineer's oilice in this i ity. Mr. Long
is a graduate of the best schools of
engineering and has lia t lots of exper
ience in practical work of a'l kinds,
lie is besides a gonial gentleman who
has made linn friends in' Ids straight
forward, business-like ways
Mrs. L. Rorensen has received word
from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
Littleton, that they have left California
whero they bed been spending the
Bummor, for St. Joe, Missouri, and will
visit relatives there this w inter, return
ing to Enterprise iu the spring. Mr.
and Mrs. Littleton have had adulighful
trip. They were two months enroute
to California, driving through. One of
the pleasai t features of the trip was
meeting in S n Francisco two soldier
sons v ho had just returned from the
Diamond W Coffee " 1 ever
drank," says everyone. E. M . & M. Co,
F. & M. In- i
Mrs. II. J. Martin of lostine was in
town Wednesday.
La Fayette ' Wilson of Bartlctt has
made application to Judge Wolverton
to bo appointed United States Commis
sioner at Bartlett.
Diamond W Coffee, the finest flav
ored. Sold at the E M. & M. Co. tf
Mrs. flattie .Mori ill of Wallowa has
anplied to the county .court to have two
of her c'lildn-n placed in the boys and
g.rls Aid Society home in Portland.
Skating rink open every Tuesday,
Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to
10 p.m. tf
M. E. Ilotchkiss hough' two large
drove of hogs that, were brought in
Tuesday and Wednesday, the lirs-t
brought, herefort wo v eeks.
(irai d Chiisfnis Masq'ie.rad.) at the
skating rink Christina- night, December
25. Prepare to mask and have a good
Sunny Monday
work of washing.
soap makes short
lluv it at the E. M.
Engineer 11. I. Long has purchased I
the J. 11. Parrott house iu Alder View
addition, the deal being closed in the
ollice of Hnrjeigh & Boyd Wednesday.
.Mr. J. S. Prati, one of tho prominent,
fruit growers of lower Iuinaha, was
transacting business iu Enterprise
I'uoday. With his family he is visit-i
ing at the home of 1. D. Broo on
AUler Slope.
Moses I lodge finished digging a well
on bis hill claim Tm sday. At a depth of
-7 feet there was a raise of 5 feet of
water Tuesdav night. Mr. Ibdg! is
the first to strike water on the dry iand
County Commissioner WT. C. Wilson
ot Paradise has rented Miss Daley's
house in Aldei View adelitiou and will
move his family to this city about the
15th of December. Mr. Wilson has
leased his farm for a u umber of years
aud will take advantage of the excel
lent school privileges of this city.
Miss Kathryn DuFr.r has been em
ployed by the county high school boaid
as a teai'her o' music iu the high school.
Miss Dul-'ur is yt present teaching in
the high school of kahuna, Wash. She
is a graduate of tho State University of
Washington. Her work here b'-gius
Dei ember SO and she will instruct in
both vocal and instrumental music.
Tl e county court with county Sur
veyor Merryniau made a tour of inspec
tion to tho M. P. Miller road in the
rorth end of the county Friday.
Joner Trump was the cantiactor and
tho inspection was entirely satisf.ictory.
The grade is in excellent condition aud
tho work well dour. This new ri ad
meat s a saving of about live miles be
tween Flora and Wallowa besides less
hills. It will ilixibtLsd bo the main
thoroughfare between Elgin aud Lewis
ton in time.
Then was an exodus of Orientals
from Wallowa county last week. Li
Hung Chang and One Lung Burg,
otherwise known lis Ben and Charlie,
who have been cooking it the Hotel
Enterprise for several mout hs, received
their con e from Landlord Bauer and
left on Monday morning's stage for the
outside. Tnji Japs, who had bi'en
employed at the Hotel Mitchell in Jos
eph were also outgoing passengers the
sii1. eda--. Dei Boot of Prailio Creek
is now chef ut the Mitchell.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Christian church will have a social at
the home of P.ev. aud Mrs. M. J.
Thompson, Friday e'Vening.
There will bo no preaching service
at the Christian church Sunday morn
ing as Rev. Thompson speaks at Lostine.
Regular evs ning services.
The revival meetings in progress at
the Methodist church are gaining in
attendance and spiiitual power each
evening. Tho church was crowded
Sunday evening, a number from Wal
lowa a lid Lostine attending.
City Council Meeting.
At a called meeting of tho fity
council Mond.iy night it was dei ided to
include the vacation of 30 feet on west
side of Greenwood street from the west
side of Forsythe to the southea-1 corner
of block 5 in Bank addition, 'n the
ordinance vacating Water street and
others There were two plots filed in
cluding the strip in question making
the validity of its dedication iu doubt,
hence the action of council. The bill of
Goo. Anderson for street work with
team nmountiug to. tf 15.75, and that of
Tillio B. Zurcher for hauling and potts
amounting to f 1, were allowed.
The Wallowa ' Dramatic Club, will
present the thrilling, four-net drama,
" rfeomi" at the Wallowa opera house
to uights, Dec. 20 and 21. The mono
of the play is laid at Fort Grant, a
i n ilitary post in Arizona, just before the
j Spanlsh-Anierii'au War. The plot is a
J combination of the military and v. est-
em cuttli-ranch life, and is very strong.
! The cast is sustaiuel by the best
amateurs in Wallowa and a first class
entertainment is assured. It will he
given under tho anspie-es of the Wal
Continued from first pnge . .'
$!,323,3J3,o00;' the net gam of insur
ance for 1UU6 amounted to the sum f
1119,348,01)0. 1 tin not report for 1007.
There were 4.0tl death claims paid
in 1906 fur which the sum of $7,122
218.19 was disbursed. Since the or
ganization t,ie A- "1 b Jhii
uarj 1, 10117, there ha-i been 30,5')!)
death claims paid, r.'qiiii ing the dis
bursement of ."0,.00li,7o4 30.
There were 1 1,li00 local camps at the
end of the year 1H07, and so far this
year there have been 607 new camps
organiAil Willi a total of 100,997 new
Election iu other lodges
Emerald Kelekah lodge No. 119 elect
ed officer.-- o,. Wednesday night: Mrs.
Ella Litch, N. O. ; Mrs. Abbie L'ur
uaugti, V. i. ; Mrs. Emily Wilson, P. O.
Mre. Eva Willgerodt, Secy.'; V. I.
Cronin. 1' inancial Secy. , H. C. Cramer
Enterpn.-e lodge No 1513, I 0. O. l',
held election of officers Saturday night
resulting as follows: James I). Wood
ell, N. G.; D.W.Clemens, V. G. j B.
Mayfield, U. ; V, I. Crouin, P. S. ; C.
M. Locku'oud, Treas. '
Wallowa Valley chapter No 0, O. E.
S.-electeit the following olmr Saturday
night: (Hive l.ockwcod, W. M. ; W. C.
Boatman, v . P ; Ethel A. Boyd, A. JL;
Daniel I'oyd, Set y. ; D. V. Sheahan,
Treas.. Victoria Haas, Conductress; Eula
Forsythe, Assistaut Conductress.
Entcrprir-e Iodize No. 04, K. of P.,
elected iilllcers on Friday night: Pen
Weathers. C. C. : V. I. Cronin, V, C. ;
H. L. Browning, I rcl. ; Geo. M. Gailey,
M. W ; 1 red f avuge, K. of K. Si ; ftoL
oit Williams; M. M. A.; C.-M. Lock
wood, M. of E. ; JB. Mayfield, M. of F. ;
VV. E. Taggart, I. G. ; U. W. Franklin,
O. G.; Trustees, three years, A. C.
Miiler; two years, E. H. Wheat.
. Aneroid camp. No. 3)12, R. N. of A.,
elect e-d ollicers Thuivdnv evening last
v eek. PiTimlia Mat In v,:', i'm-'c; Ella
FiowiT-s V. i.i; n! rim-iw'. I'. ).
Edit!. Fay, Che., i- .he, Et-i.. ir-iu-.-u-en,
llecu: der ; Jof K- !ni.-, or ; A T ua
Hess, Maihal ; Lida Flowers, Atht,
Marshal ; t ora Mitchell, I. S. ; Margaret
Mavor; O. S.; Ida Avery, Elizabeth
Alavor and Harris flowers, Managers;
Ethel Weaver, musician. At the
first meeting in January installation
will be held followed by a musical
and literary program and supper.
Almota circle, No. 278, W.of .,
elected ollicers this week as follows:
Georgia Willgerodt, ;. N. ; Icalona
Williams, Adv. ; Maggie l'.loom, Mag.;
Louisa Day, Clerk; J. A. Burleigh,
Banker; Minnie Ciraves, Att ; Iona
Woodell.Cap. of CJ. ; Sarilda McAuu ty,
I. S. ; Amy Chauvet, O. L. ; Alta Davis,
musician ; Sarepta Weaver, Man.; Dr.
C. A. A tilt, Phy.
The new Fraternal building will be
dedicated next mouth, when the several
lodges meeting in that hall will join
t :.. .. v.:.. i
iuivco 111 a ui usiL-uittuuil.
Miss Bessie Hewitt. and Mr. Wheeler
Southwick, both of Joseph, w.ero mar
ried by Justice Colon Ebeihard at
Joseph Saturday, December 7. "
Kiss Browning Wins Praise.
Miss Edna Browning, of Enterprise,
Oregon sings the- first soprano part yi
the ladies' quartette in the "Holy City"
toi igbt at the Methodi-t church. She
has a marvelously clear, brilliant voice.
Salem Statesman.
Miss Browning w ho is taking a mus
ical course at Willamette University, i a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown
ing, and before going to Salem sang in
the Methodist and Presbyterian choirs,
where her excel lent musical talent was
receignized. Miss Browning will spens
her Christinas holidays with relatived
and friends at Enterpriser-
Shoes repaired nt Hodgers. Bri.s'
Real Estate Transfers
Week Ending Nov. 30, 1907-Prepared
By Wallowa Law, Land &
Abstract Co.
R II Coshow to J W Young, $300.
LU 2 and 3, blk 33 Gardner's Add
Enterprise, Ore.
Jan et W Bright to Alma Bright,
(5 X lots 8, 0 and 10, blk 3, Bowman'.
Add, Lostine, Ore.
Frank A. Ueavls to J W Rankin,
$300, all blks5 and 6 ReavU' AiM to
Kr terprise, Ore.
$IS CASH 51$
To tho tli ret Piii-ils l Wal-
Mwa Com I v" Heh'"
bring the lariies-t number tf f
their hunter Hrown Ads cut
from the News Record to
Ptore by November 1, 1908.
Cut out the acle each week
; and have all your friends save
' ads for you. They are found
only in the News Rkcokd.
Showers of
gifts for all
roysy Colls, Christmas looks
and everything to delight the
heart of a child, ever brought
to Wallowa county. Hee our
superb array of .
Pressed and undressed, lurge and
small Parisian, German, Americai
Mechanical Toys. Sets cf '
tishes and Games
and all will (e sold at Hard Times
Next to the Bank
Continued from first page.
Boyd for defendants.
Criminal Docket.
State of Oregon vs G B Monkman.
Violation of prohibition law. District
Attorney frr plaintiff; Burleigh & Boyd
for defen ant. .
State of Oregon V8 J L Martin.
Violation of prohibition law. District
Attorney for plaintiff; Burleigh & Boyd
for defendant.
State of Oregon vs E T Schjeur.
Violation of prohibition law. District
Attorney for plaintiff; Burleigh it Boyd
for defendant.
State of Oredon va George B Clark.
stafutory offense. District Attorney
and Burh igh & Boyd for plain' iff; D
W Sheahan for defendant.
State of Oregon vs M D Elliott. Lar-
oenv. District Attorney ior planum;
D W Sheahan and T M Dill for defend
ant. State of Oregon vs Wheeler South
wick. Statutory offense. District
Attorney for plaintiff; Burleigh & Boyd
for dtfendant.
State of Oregon vs T E Moody.
Assault with intent to kill. District
Attorney for plaintiff; Burleigh & Boyd
for defendant.
There will probably be a grand jury
called to inquire into the matter of
alleged offenses. . '
It will require about ten days -to dis
pose of all the casi 8 docketed for the
Mal e a good Guess and get some
thing for nothing at Ashley's.
The report has come to Enterprise of
the death of Miss Bertha Sumner cf
Portland. Miss Sumner was a ptate
worker in the Women of Woodcraft
circle and through freqaent vis't here
had many friends. She was a sufferer
in the San Francisco earthquake and
had not been strong since.
It will pay you to read
the Christmas advertise
ments in this paper.
Turkey, Goose or Chicken
for Christmas
l,v.Y.r NOW
Price & Homan
Five hundred custr mers to
come in and inspect our entire
line cf general merchandise
and get out prices before pur
chasing elsewhere
We carry a large and np-to-d
te stock of men's, ty ya' and
youths' suits ar d overcoats.
Also Slickers, Mackinaw,
leather and rubber coats. If
you want something elegant
in both quality and-fit we will
take your order for a suit from
the celebrated ROYAL Tailors.
We can furnish every man,
woman and child in town with
a fair of shoes and have plen
ty left to supply the out-of-town
We have a large and well
assorted stock of woolen and
cotton fleeced underwear to
keep your body warm by day
and woolen blankets galore to
keep yott warm by night.
We carry almost everything
in the hardware line from a
paper of taeks to a Kentucky
Drill, a Deere Gang o r-a three
Bottom Disc, , '
Our stock of groceries are the
freshest becanse we buy in
comparatively email quantities
but buy often.
In iact our stock is complete
in every department and we
invite comparison of prices
with any store in Wallows
lowa Commercial Club.