The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 12, 1907, Image 4

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    - JKe JleWs.. Record -
Formerly th Wallowa Ne-, KxtAbllKhed Murrh i, IS9. New ertw began April 30, IflW
Published every Thursday at Enterprise, Oregon
H. A. GALLOWAY I-Mlmr am! Putillnh-r
KiuitmI lit the Kutorprtw poMolbce un wxhiiiI-i'Iush iuM:r.
One year$l.G0 Three iimntliH &0 ev iitt
.Regular BiibscrilierH niny have as nmuy copii.-H as they ilexire wut hiiihsI of tlit
county at tlx following rnte, (tiirih In niiviiiicc: Yciirlv eulwripti iih $lech.
Editorial fage.
The legal holidays which have prevails! in tbi- stutt f ir thn paot fix
weeks are to end next Saturday, according to a tt:itt;;iiet isnnd by
Governor Chanilierlain. The governor believes that the Im-ine? iu
ttreBts of the State demand that the holiday end, and that the banks
re in such financial condition that they ean protect themselves with
.out the aid of legal holidays The governor warns the people, however,
that if there is any attempt to raid the 'mnks and tie up business by
means of attachment suits that he will immediately declare additional
holidays and continue to do so un il such time as the people are will
ing to act sensibly in the premises The people of Wallowa county
fi lould take a reasorablo view of the situation and nut allow then 8 Ives
to be stampeded into making an unnecessary raid upon the banks and
the legitimate business interests of the county. There is not a bank in
this county, probably not one in the state, but what is sound and sol-
vent, and can liquidate every uoiiur 01 its indebtedness it given.
.sufficient time to call in its outstanding securities. There is not' a
bank in the county, probably not one in the state, that, could hind out
to its depositors on short notice dollar for dollar of its deposits. The
thing for everybody to do is to go quietly on with the biiciness of t e
country having faith in their fellow men and realizing that the matter
is but temporary and lhat it will ati just itself in the couise of a few
months. Creditors should be as lenient as possible with their debtors
and debtors should be as prompt in meeting their obligations as they
can under the adverse circumstances. Any other course will work
great hardship upon all the people and cause the loss and sacrifice of
valuable property interests. It is a time to bear and forbear.
lit flBABQUAKriBILS wf
'. Mis- IBM
Just Cause for Pride.
V Editorial in Elgin Recorder
Wallowa county is out of debt and
Jias several thounnml dollars in the
Jiand- of the treasurer. Despite this
fact, however, some of the papers of
that county are kicking over the matter
and wailing becauMB the taxpayers have
Ixsen called upon to place a surplus in
the trensuty. Some people will kick,
however, at any time and tinder all
oonditirns. ThoBe fellows should live
in Union county for a while where the
Promise, Doc. 8 We.ther fine at
Miss Bertha Woniack an 1 Mis Ruth
Hayes, who are touching the Runnv
sido and Promis- t-cl ool reflectively
visited Miss Mary Fluihni.ui Sunday.
John Lyons is imi rovin; slowly from
his attack of rheumatism.
Nathan Kh-slinian niailu a trip to
Wallowa Thursday on buxiuei-s. I
John A. Di odd returned home last
debt is nearly flOO.000. If the kicking I week (rom vl0wii. whem he ',n h,n
editors are dissatislied with Wallowa working for Jom 1I(ll)0, 0 the MW
.county's financial showing we will i I)lj
Fairie!, Dec. 0 School is closed
this week on account of smallpox.
.,:,,, x i i- The I'mmine nn Wallowa staee
midst, Wallowa county is making a' ,,. ... ....
... . . . .. driver reports the road In line condition
better showing in its finances than any ,,,,. ,
. . , .. . . . , for tho time of year,
jother county in the state, a fact ol
whioh her people should bo justly 1 ' 1,1 Bnk d"'1"'" '' 'or Wallowa Sun
prouj i day to visit liin 1 r.rthor Jaka w io wis
' i badly hurt a few days ago l.y falling
Money Scarcer la Idaho. f,mu 11 ll"l" wliilu carpentering.
II. II. Weathers noon, nirent for the 1'aby's and Children's Shoes. New lot
,0. R. & N. at Elgin, home from a trip ju"t in at W.J. Funk & Co's,
to Harrison, Idaho, reports financial
.conditions to be much more striugent
in that section of Idaho than in Eastern
Oregon. Diversity cf resources makes
this aunt ion of Ornirnii one of tho moat
. I
prosperous empires in tne west says l Mr. Muriel Rubles is visiting her
M r. Weatlierspoon. I pnre,ltl., M r. and M rs. Thomas Lathrope
Varnish stains and brushos, and' ('Mrlie Ilioks and F. W. Ileskett, re-Luoqueret-n.akos
old furniture look t"r"e'1 from I-(ir',le. Saturday,
like new-t Ruriiaugh & Mavllold's. w,K'ro Mr- 1,U'k" '',,B l)t0 ",HkinK ri11'
" proof on hix homestead.
Boys Dog to Kill Coyotes. n. southwiek went to his homo in
Dr. W. T. Phy is the proud possessor 1,rf"',i 'st Monday to stay two weeks,
fit a thoroughbred boarhomul. whlch , W "! Wiir ordereJ closod by the
he will use to hunt coyotes on the hills j d,rwtor8 fr ll'at lime,
near Hot Lake. The dog was brought w- T- Knapp was in Lostine Tuesday,
from Arkausas to l'lne valley, where Dr. Eutrebret-on of Lo.-tinu was look
thedootor heard of hi in and made the ing after the health of the horses in
purchase, says the La (Srande Star. I this neigh borhood Suturdnv.
J. R. Williams is buildins a neat re.xi
dencu on his ranch north of I.ostino.
Brun K&rket. I
V- -1 - 1 .. 1 I 1 . ,. i
iio uonnuo in k'ioii inurKui n ncai i;. i n 1 .1
. , . . . , Il-arl Ileskett came up treni
,COo bu., oats fl owt , rye 00c cwt., vv..u 1 . i 1 1 .1
' . ' . ' ' ' Wallowa last Monthly where she bus
bar ey Kc cw. ma Bt , wUh ,wr sJ
Hour is 4.50 bbl. i ei 1 '
I Mierod. Mrs. Sherol came with her
Dormino Cream, the host preparation nml wi'l visit with her father, E. W.
for chapped hands and face, is sold by Heskett.
Uurnaugh & Alayfiuld. 1 T. J. Drydcn is enlarging his well.
Kanlag, Hoemet 1 r. """J Fln" ""VT'l T w,i,,g 50
. , . , , rioks of wood tor T. J. Dryden.
Nov. 20 Ira E. Martin and Clara B. ,
Tulloy. KAMBI.E8.
Noy. 80 Willard lloskett and Lucy
Grace Feagins.
Dee. 2 Frank Raymond and Lela E.
Whittier. , j
, Dec. 7. Jhuller Soulhwioh and Bes
sie Hewitt. I
Diamond W Coffee sold in 1 and 2
lb. cant at E. M.AM. Co.
DECEMBER 12, 1U07.
In tho
This ooiion must be voted ou or
l)fore December 2fl, 11)07
Opera House
Next attraction of the
Lyceum Course
Gerber-IIowe Entertainers
In a hplcndid program of Music,
Magic and Mirth A full evening or
Novelty effects, Maic, Violin and
song '
Monday Night Dec. 16
Rescued seats for season ticket
holders on sale after Monday, Dec
9; general sale on and after Wednes
day, Dec 11 at Bornaugh &Maj
field's -.
Usual popular prices
elect Your Xmas Gifts Nov
Gifts for Women
Diamond rings Stone set rings
Oval band rings Engraved band rings
Solid gold watch Chatelaine watch
Safety fobs Cut glass atomizers
, Gold and plated lockets
Bracelets Necklaces Rich cut glass
gold lace pins gold beauty pins
From $1.25 to $150.00
Gifts for Men
Diamond stud Emblem rings
Emblem charrfis Fancy safety fobs
Solid gold stud sets Watch chains
gold and gold filled watches
locket charms Tobacco jar cigar jar
gold cuff links Emblem cuff links
From 50c. to $100.00
And Here is Something for the Whole Family
Ira f 'mt
IBixy a Plionograpla
And all can enjoy it. I have all the "best
makes Victors, Edisons and Colunibias
FROM $10.00 TO $100.00
Something that will please Father
and Mother, or Grandpa and Grandma.
s and I Gurantee the Fit.
Silver Plated Tea Set, Silvet Plated Cof lee Set, Set
of Forks, Set of Tea Spoons, Set of Table Spoons,
And Fine Mantel Clock, Fine Kitchen Clock
Fancy pieces of silver and cut glass. All Kinds of fancy pieces
for the table and dresser.
And for the Absent Friend iSSll?.J
. .
I have the Goods. Call and inspect them and
you will always receive a cordial welcome.