The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 12, 1907, PART TWO, Image 12

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    News Record's Great
Prfee Contest
At the foot of the first column on the editorial pnge is a
voting coupon that counts 5 vo'es for the candidate whose
name is written on it. Anybody can vote the coupons for
any candidate. We advise candidates to ask their friends
to save coupons or send them direct to the oflice as one
coupon may decide a prize.
Payments on subscription count the most. A candidate
who secures a new subscrib r for a year receives 600 votes
See the table on this page of extra votes for mibscriplion
Three First Prizes $135.
One offered to the leading contestant (except winner of Grnnd Prize) in
each of the three districts into which the county is divided for this
First Prize $45.
New Royal Sewing Machine pur
chased of Fred S. Ashley, denier in
furniture and stoves. It US-drawer,
drop head of handsome- new
design, beautiful and y metrical in
every detail. Center drawer ip ser
pentine, side drawers rounded.
Stand equipped with latest improv
ed ball bearings. Ivst price $50.
No higher graHo machine on the.
market than the New Royal, for
which Mr. Ashley is exclusive agent.
The prize machine is on exhibit at his store, opposite the .Wnl Iowa
National bank.
First Prize $45.
Improved Victor III Talking Mach
ine bought of K. 15. Wheat, jewel
erand dealer in watches, silverware
and musical instruments. Victor
III has handcomo quartered-oak
cabinet with hinge top, 10 inch
turn-table, double tandem spring
motor, playing t-everul records with
ono winding and can be wound
while- playing, 200 needles free,
horn latest large bell of beautiful
design. Mr Whet is solo agent
for the Victor and the prize ma.-
vchine can be seen in the window of bin establishment.
First Prize $45.
"Rambler Bicycle bought of Itodgers Bros., dealers in new and second
hand furniture, stoves and general furnishing goods. Nothing need
be said in praise of the Rambler everybody knows it is and Iiub been
for years the standard high-grade bicyelo nono better made. The
prize wheel is on exhibit in Rodgcrs Bros,' store, on River street one
block eouth of W. J. Funk & Co's.
Grand Prize $165
feLot 7, of block 4, in Beautiful Alder View Addition to the city of
fEnterpnte. The lot is on Litch street, one block from Depot street
fjlt is 50x145 feet in size, level, sub-irrigated, all in lawn grass and iu
iisoil is of the finest. It is situated midway between the business section
nof the city and the O. R. & N. railway depot. Leading business ant1
professional men have bought lots in Alder View addition 19 lott
jtsold there in the last three months and beautiful homes are beinj
' erected all around the grand prize lot. It is not as good, it ia bettei
than cah. All the lot3 in the immediate vicinity are held at $165 01
higher one across the street at $300 and an advance will surelj
)tcur before spring. It is needless to tell of Alder View everyone in
he county is familiar with this peerless residence section of Enterprise
There are no undesirable lots- there but the grand prize lot is one of thej
hoicest. It was purchased of Daniel Boyd, manager of the Wallowa
jaw, Land & Abstract company, who owns and has the exclusive sale
1 Alder View lots. -
To equalize the chances of all candidates the county id
divided into three districts, as told in "Conditions of Con
tes." on this page.
Candidates in district 2 do not compete with those in dis
tricts 1 and 3, except for the grand prize. There are 3
prizes in each of the three districts
Each new subscriber secured by a candidate receives the
News Record until January 1, 1908, free. New subscribers
and those now on the list who pay a year in advance are
given their choice of the following j remiums free:
One year's subscription to the American Farmer.
The News Record sent free 3 months to any address
outside of Wallowa county; or
An order for a cabinet photograph, $4 50 size, at the
Fallman Studios iu Enterprise.
Three Second. Prizes $60.
One for the next to the leading contestant (except winner of grand
prize) in each of the three districts.
Second Prize $20. ,
Mi V--V sh ' 1H ift
Elegant, Four Drawer Dresser, with
French bevel mirror (24x30 inches)
bought of G. I. llatcliff, the Enter
prise furniture dealer. The dresser
is 6J feet high, 34 feet wide, J4 feet
deep; is of beautiful Golden Oak
finish, m ide of kiln-dried Oregon
nok f v,-,i . 1
iDti, n 111111 iui umuiies? nun ntrni
ing qualities is superior to plain
oik. Top drawers have the fash
. ionable swell front. The dresser is
on exhibit at ...Mr,-RatcliffV store,
and he makes the special offer if
thewinner perfers he or she can
have $20 in value of any other
article in his big stock.
Second Prize $20.
ngle Breast Harness bought of L. Berland, the well known dealer in
amess, saddles and leather goods. It is a splendid harness, patent
eather finish, nickle plated mountings and carries Mr. lierland's
guarantee of good value for the money. It can he seen athis shop on
Conditions of News Record's Great $405
Prize Contest.
All the prizes, except the Christmas Gifts will be awarded in
order of number of votes credited to contestants Each coupon clipped
from a JNews Kocord counts o votCH H voted within us time limit. Ail
dltional extra votes for payment on subscriptions as per table, pub
lished each week in News Record.
No employe of the News Record is allowed to enter this contest, 01
any member o the family of the publisher.
For the purpose of equalizing the chances of contestants In differ
nt parts, the county is divided into three districts us follow:
nsiaioT XO. 1.
, School Dlstrlot J No. 21,
(I II li o
2, Alder
23, KeavU
,. h'chool District No. 7, Justine
" " " 12, Wallowa
Trout ''reek
" " . " 1, Lower Valley
" " ' 10, Willow Sprint'
" " " 40, lu:e
All the school district In tho cnuntv
not Included in dial riots 1 and 3.
, . Contestants will be credited to the district In which they reside, but are
. allowed to secure subscriptions and votes will be credited to tliom from any
'.. where In the United States.
The Giand Prize will be given to the ooutestant credited with the tnos
First oholoe of the first prizes will be given to contestant having next high
; est number of vote. The other two tlrnt prises will be Riven to the leading
- contestants In the other two districts (barring always the Grand Prim winner
Second and Third Prises awarded in same way, making S prizes for each
district, a Grand Trine and Christmas Gifts tor all districts. If 3 contestants in
" Enterprise should secure, say, 15.0C0, 12,000 and 10,000 votes respectively, an
the leading contestant In District 3 only 5000 votes, the la tier would neverth
less secure one of the first prizes valued at (45.00.
All certl.Vates for extra votes wilt be marVed nnn-traiWerable and will be
Issued only In tavor of one person.
I" . - 1
t K .rv 'JV-t .-.r- - I
Second Prize $20
Cold Watch
Guaranteed to us an a first-class
time-keeper in every respect, and
with a ten-year warranted goW
fillod case.
Three Third Prizes $30.
PRIZES NO. 8,-9 AND 10.
One for tho third Wdintr rnntrwtn.,t r.....t n i n . i . .
.-o ...... av,cjji, umuu rriite t winner I in "
each of the' three districts.
Third Prize $10.
PRIZE NO. 8. -
Choice of the following: 1. Guaranteed Belmont razor, genuine
horsehide strop, shaving-brush, automatic bill-clasping leather pocket
book, Moore's non-leakal.le 8X0 fountain pen, andhaZ.eSr
pipe; or 2 Beautiful satin covered handkerchief box, best hair brash
mirror and stand, $1 bottle of beet perfume, box, 3 cakes, bes h to let
soap, Packer's, Pears or Colgate., Bottle Wisdom's Robertine, bSx best
stationery set 3, finest scissors. Article of this prize bought of Bar
naugh & Mayfie d, druggists and dealers injbeautiful Christmas fflfts
and are on exhibit at their store on Main street
Third Prize 10.
Choice of the following:
yl. Beautifully decorated, gold
edged glass tea, fruit and water
sets, 25 pieces; or,
(2.) 22-calibre Hopkins A Alls
rifle, E . M. Dickinson, Sheffield.
hunting knife and high-grade
'Keen Kutter" pocket knife.
Articles of this prize bought of
Hartshorn & Keltner, dealers in
dishes, stoves, general hardware,
roofing, doors, windows, paints,
guns and sporting goods, and can
be seen on exhibit at their store on
Main street.
Third Prize 10.
Webster's International Dictionary,
newest, np-to-date edition, bound
n full sheep; 2380 pages, 6000
illustrations, and with 25,000 new
words recently'added. "
All Contestants will Ids paid for their Time.
In addition to the prizes each' and every contestant will receive a liberal
eoinnilssion, so that eaeh ono will be paid liberally for his or her time. You
can't lose and If you wofk diligently and persistently you will doubtless make
the best wag. you ever dia iu the samo time. Do not delay. Start now.
v rite to the rsewa lteoord for complete instructions, terms, etc.
Extra Additional Votes for Cash Payments
on Subscriptions.
For every 25 cent9 paid on back subscription
For 1 year Advance Subscription (old)
" 1 " ' (new)
" 2 " " . (old or new)
" 40 months "
$ .25, votes 50 Extra
1.50, ' 4M) '
1.50, " 000 " .
,8.00, " 1500 '
5 00, Sooo "
5, $10, $20 IN GOLD
Most LSlvral OfTon Ever Made for
fk-curinu; Subsiribers. Open to all
roRularly nomliia'nl or entered can
didates. If You Wish to Win One of These Prizes
and Have Not Entered. Sen! our Name to This Office.
Special Ctuista Gift Offer
To each candidate who sends in a list
of 3 rew subscribers dnrtng the week
ending Dec. 7, and a list of 3 during
week ending Dec. 14, and a list of 4
I during ten days ending Dec, 24, or 10
new suoscribers in all, the News Record
will present as a ChrUtmas Gift
. $5 in Gold.
To each candidate who sends in a list
of 7 new subscribers during week ending
Dec. 7, and a list of 7 during week end
ing Dec. 14, and a list of 11 during ten
days ending Deo. 24, or 23 new sub
scribers in all, the News Record will
present as a Christmas Gift
110 in Gold.
To each candidate who sends in a list
of 15 new sulweriliers during week end
ing Dec 7, and a list of 15 daring week
ending Dec 14, and a list of 20 during
t -n days ending Dec 24, or 50 ne w sub
scribers in all, tho News Record will
present as a Christmas Gift
$20 in Gold.
These gifts are in addition to the
commissions allowed on new subscrib.
ers and the votes for other prizes.
With the 10 new subscribers there are
6000 votes, with 25 there are 15,000
votes, with 60 there are 30,000 votes.
Recently Enlarged
25.000 Nfcw Words
Wew Gazetteer of the Wei-Id
jrlth more than ss.009 tltlM, based on the
latest oenaus return. .
We w Biographical Dlctlenarr
containing tt name of orer 10400 no tad
persona, data of birth, death, oto.
17ultadStatesConunlaskoerof Bduooloo.
2380 Quarto Pa.a
Needed In Every Home
Aiao Wtixtar'a CUglaM Dtctloaar
Ul Poa, 111 ULnkitloaa,
Reralar Edition talH Mm. ttt..
DaLozaKditiaasjdMixiu. rttaMna
t REE, 1H1IM,TWriM,- Him
rasiium, eprlatgnald. M