The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 12, 1907, PART TWO, Image 10

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    p--.--.i- ...... t - T- ,T urn, r - .f ... .i i. ,-. ...
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1 1 S St. BIB.IIGSd V BUaSiBRI'i ' 1 V I
a mj sb- -M- - - -
Women and Children
Gifts of ral value that will please and fce appreciated "by the recipient
3. U V V ill WXVU.kJ ll'liv-t "'I-'f vv-i,v,-v . i - -.
-, i . . mr tkti ciq ;r
fr T;ar t.ho CrPTiniTlft r pq.cjllTR Oi- IlJrLVmM UUUBCU vvxoo.v
Women, Young, iiddis-Apa,
Old, Married or Unmarried, f.:iJ ll.c-re a!'.;c!f?
IS tlilt
Articles that
en Want
Combs of rubber, ebony, celluloid
Hair brushes, celluloid or ebony backs
Hair brushes, antiseptic, metal-lined
Hand mirrors, pretty ones
Triplex; mirrors, the heart's desire of every
Toilet accessoriesboxes of fine soap, perfum
eries, powders, powder puffs
. Tnr1 and 'honnlrprr'hipf'5 hnYPS
rr. -1 .1 T L. J I. ,1 , .-.-!,. - , -o !
lOUCl SCT.S U1C IcUgCsl. ciUU iui!Uiua.v.:.iiv ovi
shown in Enterprise
Handbags, prett, useful and inexpensive
Art vases, Christmas cards, boxes of fine stationery
Smoker's sets, cigar cases
Tobacco jars, pipes, cigars
Traveling cases
Military sets
Shaving sets, separate musland bfTSflSSTgenu
ine hcrsehide strops
Razors A man doesn't care a snap for a "fairly
good" razor, but appreciates a first-class
one above all things else. V e have the A.
S. Holler razor the best mads. Costs a
little more but gives a lifetime of satisfaction
Fountain pens.' Gold pcn3 for mn and women
Collar and cuff boxes
Bxtra good Pocket knivsi
Make the Gmldren nappy
With a gift that they will like and yet is of real value
Colored crayon sets
Pencils of all kinds
Tablets, large and small, with pretty covers
Work boxes, beautiful trinket caskets.
Comb and brush sets
Pest card albums, scrap books
Pretty calendars and Christmas cards
Teddy Bear Series, all the rage.
Chatterbox for 1907-better than ever
The Red Line Series, for little totsall about
the Sunbonnet Twins and Polly Parsons
Books of Adventurethe right kind for boys
Billy Whiskers Series, or the autobiography of a
Gqat. Funny but full of sense
Linen ABC books
This is tha largest Book CI ua in Wallowa county. Large and compSeto line of standard works of history, biography, travels, poetry,
essays and fiction. All the latest novels. Specially bound volu nes or poems for g fts When all else fails, books always please for
ru-: iei Mif rtno of hdnntiful friffi. Ynu a - ct we'eome whether vou DJrchase cr not.
W 1111 klllCIO V lOU UUI Oi.W.wlW.IWiWwwviwji.. ww- " " " J I
enterprise BURMAUGH & MAY
Th Lcgtnd of 8t. Stephsn. First of
th NobU Army of f.Ur'.yrt.
,Evcr since that firet CUrNtnins eve
the cock has crowed all iitj,'lit long on
the anniversary to ko i uwa evil
spirits, for the cock Ih a holy bird and
a knowing one. There in n li'nnant
tale of htm and St. Kicjilicn, the first
martyr, w lione day In Dec. 20, close ly
bis dear Lord's.
SL SU'pUuu was King Herod's stew
ard. It KceniK, who served h!m lu the
kitchen and nt tuhle. One niflit ns he
was bringing In the hour's head for bis
master's dinner he saw the star shin
ing over Ik'thlebem. Immediately be
set down the bugs pluttcr and ex
claimed: "No longer, Herod, will 1 ho thy serv
ant, for a creator King thuu thou Is
"What alleth thee?" cried the king
wratbfully. "Do you luck meat or
drink that you would douert tny serv
ice for another's?"
"Nay," ouswered Stoi!n-n; "I lac);
neither meat nor drink, hut the Child
thut Is boru this ulyht Is greater than
all of us, and him only will I serve."
"That Is as true." quoth Herod, smlt
lug the table with bis fist, "as that this
. roast cock on tbe platter shall crow be
fore us."
Hardly were tbe words out of bis
mouth when tbe cock stretched bla
neck and crowed lustily, "Chrlstus na
tus est!". At this proof that Stephen's
words were true Herod was so angry
tbut be made his soldiers take Stephen
oat side tbe walls of Jerusalem and
stone Dim to death. A.ud this Is tb
' reason why unto this day 8L Stephen
Is tbe patron of stonecutters.-Ahble
Farwell Brown In Llpptucott's Mag'
selves as best thi-y can turkey, cof
fee and pie. with vop'tnliles to Oil In.
As the C!e of e:ig:e eyed youngsters
passes down the long tables there are
6wlft movement of grimy hands, and
shirt wnlsts buls. raiwd coats sag ;
ot the jwketn. lianl! is the file seat-
ed when the plaint rises: "1 ain't got
no plel . It g't swiped on me!" Seven
despoiled ones hold up their bunds.
The superintendent laughs It la
Christmas eve. He taps one tentative
ly on the IiuIk'.u-j shirt "What have
you here, my lad?"
"Me pie." responds he. with an inno
cent look. . "I was scart It would get
stole." j
A little fellow who has been eying
one of tbe visitors attentively takes bla
knife out of bis moutb uud points It at
hlra with conviction.
"I knoir you." he pipes. "You're a
p'llce commissioner. 1 seen yer picture
lu the papers. You're IUngham!"
Tbe clatter of knives and forks
ceases suddenly. Seven pies creep
Btcnltblly over the edge of the table
and are replaced on as many plates.
The visitors laugh. It was a case of
mistaken Identity. Ceutury.
hundreds of years ago. and It Is now
usual on Christmas morn
Ion estead law'
It Took Man Who Lookod Lik BinB
- ham to Find It.
Tramp! Tramp! ' Tramp! Two bun
dred and fifty pairs of little feet, keep
ing step, are marching to dinner In tbe
New York newsboys' lodgtug house.
. Fire buudred pairs more are restlessly
awaiting their turn upstairs. In prison.
hospital ' aaJ almshouse tbe great
city U bast uoj .gives of her plenty
Ilci-e un biiuiiowu frleud lias spread a
. generoua repast for the waifs who all
tbe rest of the !nys shift for them.
Whore Balls Ring Underground.
Near Raleigh, In Nottinghamshire.
England, there Is a valley said to have
been caused by an earthquake severs'
a It is now t TV t "v
mg for o,d New fciiiinsr un
men ana wuuhmi iu im i:i-u uin-iicu
and yoOng friind to jri to tlie vullcy, i
stoop down and bear tin lt!ls ilnRinS
merrily In the ruins of the church uu j
4l j ni til,. 1
- ! tu.. i ..f ... i:
Christmas Tree For Cat. 1 ' ""'-
Christmas is the great religious festl- hnnies-teada requires settlors to spend
YaJ when the kind heart finds many XI months on homestead j. TUe new
ways of ministering to the Joy and r'uUa-i will bo strict' y enforced. It
pleasure of others. The good women comes from tlut coninii.ssionor ceneral
of Boston who originated and sustain f the land office at Wn-dii- gton. Un
the Animal Hescue league have hit up- ,,er tlie clJ rule 8ix lnollths co,ecutivo
on the unique Idea of a Christmas tree rMi(,cllc9 WM all tllllt was ntfCwwarv tt(
for the cats that are waiting for homes ... . . , . - . .
at that institution. A bush is provided prove, with ht month,' actua re,..l
and trimmed with meat and other suit- wca- rhe new r"'e was adopted because
able eatables for such animals. and ,5)iw t-'iit of t!io homesteid filings
Just before they are turned Into tbo have b'en fraudulent in tho past says
room tbe members of the Kindness tlu IZat Orejnniau i i conimontiusr on
club are admitted to enjoy the antics iiie law. The six months' rulo and
or the cats. c Milrm tiva residence ' features made
This club Is composed of boys whose r ,., ,3 pAhlc 0w ow tMng u
ugca rui:;;e iiauu eiuv lu mittwu i
years and Is the outcome of "tbe -
league's work In n poor section of Ilos
ton. They ore pledged to do tome kind
net 'each dny and to protect animals
from cruelty. After ths cats have de
molished the tree and gone to sleep
the boys are given rvri-es'juients and
sent home truly fillod wtt'i tbe spirit of
Christmas. New York Vail nr.d Express.
his cecupatioii before he took up u'-t-ual
rest.liiiice on tlia land ho Mud on m
u homestead.
Flan of Contest
In Declamation
! expected to roineJy this condition.
The vurnnier.t did not intend at any
tin u under the nil laws that home
steaders could c n land, and :- ft.-r
re idiMice of several months commute
and obtain a good title.
The constructive residence feature
was iiit-nile 1 to allow the homestead
er to close out his business or give wy.
K lit or News Record: I nolloe in tho
News Kecord Hint the principal of our
county high school wishes to organize a
county oratorical contest for this coun
ty. The account gives In brief the plan
which lie wishes to follow. So I
thought, perhaps It would be of Inter
est to Wallowa county to know how
we conducted our Declamatory Con-
IcM in Dade county, Mo.
At our August institute the teachers
organize by electing a president, vice
president and secretary to serve one
year. These officers appoint such
committees as they think advisable
or the arrangements of the contest
which is held on(hc22nd of Febru
ary of each year.
The county Is divided into as many
declamatory districts as there are
municipal townships In the county.
The teachers of these townships meet
separately and organize by electing a
president and a secretary. It. is tbo
duty of these officers to see that every
school in tbeir respective townships is
represented at a - township contest
which is held for the purpose of select
ing a representative for . tbe county
contest, which is held at any place the
contest comtnittoe may select These
contestants ny et and speak for a med
al. The boy making the;beHt bhowing
receives one. .... "'.
The city schools are barred from the
foreaoina contest. ,. But now these
champions meets a representative from
each of the city schools in final contest;
and speak for. tho Champion uoia
Medal which . a presented to our
county by the president of Washington
University. Tbe one who receives this
medal is ouly allowed to wear it one
year. Tbe expenses of these contests
are defrayed by charging a small en
trance fee for the contest.
Khnuld hnv one wish to know more
about this contest I will Bend for the
constitution and by-laws, upon their
Alfred II. Holmes,
Flora. Ore., Teacher Arko School Dlst.
Pain inchest
Distress in
1 1 tx .. ..IJUr
If you have
Try One i
They Relieve Pain
Quickly, leaving no
bad After-effects
of the Little Tablets
and the Pain is Gone,
25 Doses -25
Never Sold in Bulk