The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, November 28, 1907, Image 3

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    Tie One Minute Washer
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
North Country Notes.
For Bale By
Fred S. Ashley
$15 CASH $15
; To the three Pupils of Wal
Uowa - Comity Schools who
1 bring the largest number of
their Buster Brown Ads cut
j from the News Record to
Btore by'November 1, 1908.
; Cut cout the ads each week
'and have all your friends save
f ads for you. They are found
only in the News Record.-
PA . - .... . . .
nearly three acres In the Mart of
Enterprise. No improvements
but well watered by Indlvidua I
spring branch. Will trade for
cattle, jpr sail, on terms. - Some
one win '. take .'.this in the next 10
"days. V:O.R.& I. Co.
Stone Mason and Gutter ;
Cut stone flues constantly on
, hand for short order work,
. V also fresh lime.
: L. J. Pibem.; Wallowa, Or.
From Flora Jourcal,
Well matured peanuts were crown on
the Owen Cloninger place on the rirer
about 10 miles from Flora. T, J. Clan
inger, father of the young maa who
rained the nuts, says they planted a
few for an experiment last spring and
they were so successful as to raise about
40 or 60 pounds. They were well pleased
with their effort and will save thin year's
yield for next spring's planting.
Anatone is afflicted with a number of
cases of diphtheria. Pataha City and
Pomeroy have, a. number of cases of
The jurors from this end of the coun
ty again started 'to court Sunday morn
ing and were once more headed off by
Deputy Sheriff McNulty. It is hoped
that they will not have as difficult a
time in getting away as they do in get
ting there. This time they were told
they might stay at homo until further
notified. "
8. B. Conner is now carrying the mail
between Flora and Paradise.
Vance Thomas has gone to Enterprise i
Cap. lie was .startled to. bear a
quiet voice say just back of him
"Needn't holler no lond, 'Rat,' I'll help
you in a minute," and Hanson did.
Thomas Rich ban completed the
delivery of till his ranjja stock to D. V.
Warnick of Jowph. Rich has Home
fine milch (ws lift. He recvlved $15
for yearling" sn.l 125 for cows, h
having sold thutu ou the first market
this fall. ' i
G. W. Neil of the Buttes" bas brought
his steers up to his Freezeout ranch, he
t ot being able to sell them because of
the closing of the market. It's warmer
over on the Freezeout than the name
Scbool is progressing finely under
Miss Myrta Hayes teacher. There are
but four pupils.
Fab-view, Nov.. 19. R. E. Heskett
received a shipment of fruit trees, Mon
day. .. - i
Farmers are still sowing wheat.
C. R. Elliott made a business trip
Wallowa Saturday.
T. J. Dry den has purchased a new
to attend the high school at that . place, j "Superior" drill and hereafter will sow
Parke Wilson and Dale Beach took din.
ner with him the Sunday before his
departure. .'
Fruits, Nov. 23 Mr. and Mrs. L. G.
Page are on a business trip to Joseph.
Mr.; Page sold Wylie the stock buyer
300 head of stock cattle, but owing to
his grain in rows.
Miss Heaton, representative of the
News Record, passed through our neigh
borhood enroute to Flora last week.
Lathrope Bros, are sawing ' bridge
umoer. mey expect soon to Do gin on
the bridge over Little Salmon river in
the north end of the county for which
they have the contract. -
Ira Bloom is hauling wood from the
the money stringency the Union Meat "'-old mill
company of Portland directed 'Mf. - .Road Supervisor Harvey Fisher
Wylie to receive or ship no more stock
for a time, and so Mr. Page still has
his cattle. He is buying hay and feed
in the valley to winter them.
mural uievms had a narrow
from a serious accident, in a rather
laughable mishap, laughable Bince it
turned, out harmless to him, Murat
was taking a load of lumber up the
river when a wheel came off about 1
miles above here. In 'endeavoring to
put it back on the next morning, the
props slipped and he fell with the
wheel on him and the axle of the
heavily loaded wagon resting: on the
wheel. He was saved from injury by
the hub holding the wheel partly off
him but he was fast pinioned and could
not move. He could boiler though and
he did. ," George Hanson working in a
field nearby heard him and started to
help him. Murat, unaware aid was
near, hollered again, and then thinking
if he was ever to be rescued he
must depend' on his lungs' he gave a
snout that echoed . up the. canyon
and from the Seven Devils to Engle
iiuilding new bridges in this district. ..
Ralph and Frank Southwick visited
Lostine Sunday. . t r
j ' I understand a dial is about, to be
escape , bloBed between W. T. Knaoo and .Wm.
r eagme Dy wmoh the former will ac
quire the One 160 acre , farm owned
by Mr. Feagine near the old Leap P. O.
C. W. Hicks expects to start' tor
Eastern Kansas in about a month
where he will reside next year.
F. W. Heskett has his ranch nearly
all seeded to fall wheat.
u. w. jonnson lost a valuable cow
last week. Rambler.
Seeond-Hand Store
RO DGE RS B R O ;S. Proprieto rs
Dealers in New and Second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs.
Furniture Repaired, Upholstering done. Counters, Show CssesBtora'
. fixtures. andPla; Mission Furniture made to order.. All goods called
(or and deliveHdWy place in town. We are located in the Enterprise
Restaurant Jgu.flding, west side of the city square. Call In and see us.
Lower Valley Nov. 25 Henry and
Harvey Thompson made a b islneas trip
to Promise last week and reported : the
snow to be about four inches deep,
while higher up the snow was eight
inches In depth and still snowing. Yi
The roads are getting very muddy . in
these parts.
Mr. coy q ana Mrs. Johnson were
united in marriage Moudav evening,
Nov. 18, Rev. G. W. Carper of Promise
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Johnson are visit
ing their son Grover.
Miss Lizzie Combs of La Grande Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. C. Roup. .
(Superintendent (Kerns and Ben
Weathers, editor of tiie Chieftain, Vli
ited our school last week. They bad
been visiting schools in the north end
, the last t o weeks. '
! There will be a basket dinner at the
Bramlet Chapel, Nov. 28. Everybody
j is invited to come and fetch dinner.
News reached here last' week of the
death: of A. C. Hesoock, at Dayton
Mr, Ilea cock is a- pioneer of Promise,
and he had gone to Dayton with his
wife to spend the winter. .
Diamond W Coffee sold
lb. cans at E. M. AM. Co.
in 1
and 2
; Our Fall and Winter Stock of
has arrived and are selling very rapidly and if you want a bar
gain in a hand-tailored Coat, come at once before the stock is
picked over. Prices range from :$ o, up as high as $29 and
we think we have the prettiest line that has been shown in
We have a good strong line of these coats and are offering
good values for your money. If you will call and examine our
stock we will please and save you money. Every, department
is" fitted With tall and winter merchandise and we are kept
busy showing our many patrons the bargains that we have
to offer, but if you will call we will try to convince you that
our prices are the lowest - Come and we will treat you right.
:'! . Respectfully,
Bilitor News Record : Among other
things, at this holiday season, our peo
ple should be thankful that Wallowa
county is out of debt.
Soon the OirCUlt court will convene
and with it jurors, witnesses and liti
gants from all parts of the county.
Many of them will travel a lone distance.
at great inconvenience and expense to
themselves, in order that they may
fulfil their duties as citizens. Most of
them depend on paying their expenses
at court from fees received. How
would it fare with them if the county
was in debt as of yoref They could not
get 75 cents on the dollar for their pa
per. A Wallowa county warrant would
be a beggar on the market. It would
be as worthless as a bankable note as
far as demanding ready cash ' is con
cerned. Banks are forced to protect
their cash reserves and are not paying
out money, except where stern necess
ity demands it.
At the approaching term of the coun
ty court thousands of dollars in war
rants will be issued in payments to
Jurors, witnesses, laborers and others
who have rendered services or furnished
supplies for the oonnty. Every one of
these warrants will be worth 100 cents
on the dollar and will be promptly paid
in cash on demand. The holders of
these warrants will not be nut to the
humiliation of hunting a buyer, and
begging like a mendicant, to have .them
cashed at a ruinous discount They can
walk up to the treasurer, with a feeling
of civic pride and independence, and
demand the cash "without defaulter.
tion or discount." True the t-xes were
somewhat higher than usual laet year,
but it was only for once, and money
was more plentiful and prices higher
than ever before. The court was con
vinced that then was the time to nav
off the county debt, and subsequent
events, have more than con timed that
conviction.. Further, it must not be
forgotten that this money has been
kept at home in circulation amontr our
own people. By the incomins of the
taxes rrom the 1907 roll, neatly all of
this money will have been returned to
tne hody of the county. We bare im
proved our highways,- built bridges as
never before, contributed to the sou.
mon school fund far more than it vm
before received, and paid all our obliga
tions promptly in full. B this means
the tax money has been or will be re-
A J. . . . . ...
turnea to tne channels ot trade In this
county. Time was when a stream of
gofd in the way of discounts and inter
est was flowing from the county never
to return, to satisfy the' demands of
non-resident creditors. Now warrant
are no longer discounted, and the item
of interest has disappeared from our
semi-annual statements. But best of all
at this particular time of money scarcity
and falling prices, the court will be in a
position to make the lowest levy in the
history of the county. While other
counties are staggering along under the
burden - of debt and continued bigh
levies, we will saunter along the road of
prosperity with comparative ease. If
the voters are always firm in their de
mands for nublio economv. mm will
. - rf r ...
always have a low tax levy, be out of
aew, and keep apace of the times with
public Improvements.
So, my friends, Mr. Editor and Mr,
Taxpayer, on this snlandid Thankiwlv,
ine, as we sit down to our turkev and
cranberry sauce, let us fill the flowing
dowi (witn water or course) , and drink
to the future Drosneritv of Wallowa
county ; and let this be our common
sentiment, "Kbit thb Countt Out or
Debt." Yours very truly,
O. M. Cousins,
County Judge
6. IM
. k M. Co.
Miss Myrtle Poison and Mr. Oscar
Davis were married at the home ot Rev.
W. P. 8am ms by Mr. Samms, in the
presence of Versa Davis and P. M.
Paulson. ' ' .
Calvin Hotrlck, a mill man, and
James Evans, a druggist, secured mar
riage licenses at almost the same time
in the county clerk's office Monday,
the former to wed Miss Maggie Gobie
and Mr. Evans to marry Miss Grace
Kinsley. All four parties reside In
Wallowa, but it was not a double wed
ding, the Hetrick-Goble nuptials
taking place on Wednesday, while the
Evans-Kinsley wedding is to be a
Thanksgiving event.
15 per Cent on Yoop
1 wo Houses
Paying $18 a
month rent.
$1500 FOR BOTH
Harness and Saddles
Will supply your needs In the Leather Goods line more cheaply and
give better satisfaction than any other dealer in Wallowa oounty.
Let bim lit you nut for the season's work. Repair . work a specialty.
Horses Boarded by Day, Week or Month
Good Care of all Stock.
One Block North of Court House.
J. C. SHACKLEFORD, Proprietor.
"CaraArf Bamklmg Immr lk SaMy Dftlto,
L 9positors Have That Guarantee at
CAPITAL 50,000
SURPLUS $30,000
We do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on s
All Principal Cities
Vice President
AuUtant Cashier
G. FENNELL, ... , W. R. HOLMES. -
Information Cwceroinx Eight! CraJe
. Final Eiurisatioas.
1. Dates:
a January 23, 24, 1908
b May 14, 16, 1908.
e June 11, 12, 1908.
2. Program:
. a Thursdays Arithmetic, Writing,
History and Civil Government.
b Fridays -Grammar, Physiology,
Geography and Spelling.
8. Sources of Questions:
a Geography State Course o
Study, Red way and Hlnnan'a
Natural School Geography.
b Spelling Eighty per cent, front
Reed's Word Lessons, and
twenty per cent from manu
script In Language.
o Writing Specimens of penman
ship as Indicated In copied mat
ter and from manuscript in
d Language Buehler's Modern
Engllah Grammar, no diagram
ming. e Civil Government United States
f History List of topics from His
tory Outline in State Course ot
Study, and Current Events
Notice: Teachers preparing classes
for examinations will please notify
oounty superintendent 80 days before
examination according to law.
J. W. Kkrns,
County Superintendent of Schools.
Lota one-fourth Block in Size
for from
1100 to 1400.'
Residences from
pm to $6000
All above property
j in Enterprise.
Good Farm Propositions
Cut out the W. J. Funk k Co. adv
for some boy or girl who is working for
the splendid prises offered by that firm
Easily Recognized
No trouble whatever to see the
likeness or. the high quality in
the photographs we make for
you. Every picture wr turn out
Is really excellent. We want
yon to try us and we will prove
our ability. We guarantee all
our work in finish, likeness and
permanency it cannot be excelled.
The Photographer
Professional Directory
Business Cards
Physicians and Surgeons.
Physician ' Surgeon
E. T. Anderson, M. D.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
. C. T. HOCKETT, M. D.
Independent Phone.
Office up stairs in Bank Bldg.
J. A. Burleigh
Daniel Boyd
Burleiqh k Boyd
Will practloe in all the Courts of
this State aud before the Interior
and its o Sloes.
The most careful attention
given to fall business entrusted
to our care.
Enterprise, Oregoa
When Passing On The Lewis
ton Road, Stop At The
Sled Springs Hotel.
Plenty of Stable Room.
8. B. CONNER, Proprietor.
Wo. Mcllroy AD Company.
Farms, Timber Lands, Aoreage,
Lota, Residence and Business
Property For Sale. Timber Lo
cating a Specialty 1