The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, November 21, 1907, Image 4

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    City and CountT
Brief News Items
Stoves at a t ig reduction at Ashley's.
Diamond W Coffee, the finest flav
ored. Sold at the E. M. & M. Co. tf
J. M. Herman, the well known tim
ber locator was in town Monday.
TE. D. South wick cf Fairview was a
business visitor in Enterprise, Wednes
day. Skating rink open every Tuesday,
Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to
10 p. m. tf
1 Sunny Monday soap makes short
. work of washing. Buy it at the E. M.
Dr. H. A. Kctcham was a guest of Mr.
and Mrs, Geo. W. Hyatt while in this
J. A. Reese, II. J. aud H. Redmond
of near Flora brought wheat to the E.
M. & M. mill, Tuocday.
Dr. G. W. Gregg and Edgar Marvin
of Wallowa -were in the county sent,
Pioneer Roofing, sold by Hartshorn
& Keltner, the Enterprise Hardware
store, ib guaranteed to equal the best.
The First National bank of Joseph
has been appoi tied United States de
pository in bankrupt estates for Wal
lowa county.
Woodbury's Celebrated Facial soap
soothing, healing, sanitary, cleansing.
' Best toilet soup in the world. For sale
at the E. M. t M.' i
Mr. and Mr. J. J. Weaver received a
new piano last week that was so badly
damaged in shipment that they sent it
back to the firm front which it was
This is the year you can afford to buy
that range for your wife. We have the
Universal, the best and most moderate
priced range on the market. Ask the
women. Hartshorn & Keltner.
I Mrs. Ellen Bonwcll left for Portland
Friday, where he will visit until after
the Christmas holidays with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.
. James Doty.
La Grande Star : Wayne Wade came
up from Elgin Friday night with: a
' shipment of two curs of cattle and one
' car of hogs which he will take to Port
' land. The stock came from Wallowa
' county.
Lee C. Henderson arrived in Enter
prise, Sunday, after an absence of five
years. His wife, who 1b a daughter of R.
t? m .1 1 1 n i j i i l .7 I i
r. Dtuuuieuuiu, auu uiiuureu uuvu uueu
here for some time living on their claim
near town. Mr. Henderson is a printer
and formerly published a paper at
Joseph. He has been working on the
"Weiser Signal. He is surprised at the
growth and progress of this city in the
last five years.
Dermine Cream, the heat preparation
for chapped hands and face, Is sold by
Burnaugh & Maydeld.
E B. Knapp has1 bought the J. A.
Funk residence on River street for
$1050, and will move into it as soon as
his wife and two sons arrive from Ta
coma, w here they are residing tempor
arily. Mr. Funk aud family will leave
Sunday for Turlock, Calif., where they
will make their home. Mr. Funk owns
a largo block of suburban property
there. Enterprise Is mighty s rry to
lose so good a citizen as Mr. Funk, and
as good people in evory respect as he
and his wife, but the best wishes of this
community will follow them to their
home. Mr. Knapp )ius a lease on an
Alder Slope ranch and has gono into
the sheep businesp. He Is from Cole
' man, Mich ,' where ho was in the mer
chandise business for many years, lie
says he did at one time contemplate
starting a store here but has given up
the idea as he wants outdoor employ
Diamond W Coffee "Best I ever
Best Value
The News Record until January 1, 1909, to
, new subscribers , -
The News Record one year to old subscrib
ers who pay arrears.
"And the subscriber's choice of the' following:
.The American Farmer, one year, leading liter
ary agricultural journal of the nation
; . . ou .
The News Record sent ,3 months to any. ad-
dress outside Wallowa County
: An Order for a Cabinet Photograph, $4.50
size, at the Fallman Studios in Enterprise
Shoe repairing next door to Star laun
dry. Everett Flowers. tf
Ashley has just received a shipment
of the One Minute Wa-hera.
D. H. Burrows of Prairie Creek was
transacting business in town Monday.
- Hubbard squashes absolutely nec-1
essary for Thanksgiving at the E. M
& M.
Albert Wurlzweiler, formerly of Jo
seph, now of Prinevi.le, was in Enter
prise, Monday.
Big lot of Winter Underwear and
Hosiery just received at W J. Funk &
Kernan Bros., the well known sheep
firm, are advertising the dissolution of
their partnership.
Windows, Doors, Roofing and Build
ers Hardware, complete lines and clos
est prices at Hartshorn & Keltner's.
The water was turned cut of the
electric plant Hume Monday morning
aud 50 pounds of whitefiah secured.
Varnish stains and brushes, and
Lacquerut makes old furniture look
like new at Burnaugh & Mayfield'H. .
Charles Zurcher denies the currer.t
rumor that he is going to open a cloth
ing store in the room now occupied by
the It. S. &Z.'
Terms have been agreed upon for a
new lease of the Enterprise Hotel by
Jacob Bauer, but the lease is not yet
signed owing to the holidays.
I. E. Johnson, Diuine I.nthrope
Harry Hearing, A. E. Tnll.-y and II. M.
Tullev, allcf Wallowa, were transacting
business in Enterprise, Monday.
Union Thanksgiv ing' cervices in the
Christian church uext Thursday fore
noon at 11 o'clock ; seiuion by Rev.
P. G. Potter of the M. E. church.
II. A. Thomas of Faradine was in
town Saturday with a load of choicoj
fruit from his orchard. He will bring
another load or two bofore winter sets
Mrs. Alex Mavor returned last week
from Suit Lake where she took her
little (laughter Alloa to have her eyes
treated. Alice will have to remain at
the hospital for some months.
Cut out the W. J. Funk & Co, adv.
for some boy or girl who is working for
the splendid prizes effered by that firm.
There was a good attendance at the
Dasket social in the M. K. church,
Tuesday niuht. considerim.' the inclem
ent weather. ' Everyone had n pleas
ant social time, the basket! sold
well and created a lot of fun.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. llnatnian of
liOstine visited their son, Deputy
County Clerk W. C. lioutiuun, and
Mrs. Boatman over Tuesday night, j
Mr. Boatman came up especially
to attend tlm meeting of Kutcrprlse
chapter, lloyul Arch Masons, Tuesday
Mr. a' d Mrs. O. J. Roe and daughter
of Eureka, S. D., uro on their way to
this valley where thi-v will make their
home, residing on tho Alder Slope
place just west of Enterprise bought of
T. R. Akins a few months ago. Mr.
Roe is bringing his household goods
und live stock.
The trout and two white fish in the
glues globe in the window of Calvin &
Boswc it's barber ahon died for want of
fresh water a few nights ago. Some
thing got out of tlx with the supply
pipe. The trout luul become so tame it
would eat out of the hand. Three
new trout now swim in the tank.
T. E. Patterson returned from Look
ing Glass, Monday, whore ho has a con
tract to build a road into Rumble fc Mc
Cully'a timber. Tho O. R.& N. engi
neers have estimated the work done on
his contract for grading the depot
grounds hero, and he will receive five or
six hundred dollars. Buttor than i oth
ing but not near enough to repay him
for the expense he incurred.
Wedges and Splitting Sledges never
any cheaper than now, at Hartshorn &
Keltner's hi g hardware Btore.
for the Money Ever Offered
Nice, winter Imnalm apples at the
E. M. & M. store.
Mr. M. E. HotchkibS, who has been
ill for many months, la very low.
Mrs. N. A. Fall man visited her son'
and (laughter on her claim at Elk Moun
tain over Sunday.
W, P. Warncck of Imanha was in
town Saturday aLd took home another
load of lumber for his new house.
Buy a winter suit of -clothes, guuran
te d band-tailored, fashionable cut,
perfect fit at the E. M. & M.
County Superintendent J. W. Kerns
is visiting sciiools iti the Promise
country this week.
One man, 5J toot, 6 foot, 6 foot and
7 foot Victor Atkins' Baws none better
just in at Hartshorn & Keltner's,
Enterprise. ;
Mrs. P. E. Boyd, won aud daughter,
of Sheep Creek were transacting bus
iness and visiting friends In Enterprise
the first of the week.
Nothing like them ever in town before.
Brand new line of high grade razors
and pearl-handled pocketknives at
Burnaugh & Mayfield's.
S. A.Foster, who lives near Joseph,
was transacting business at the court
house Monday. Mr. Foster is satisfied
with the county eeat where it is, and
believes the money for an election w ould
be better spirit, put into a court house.
Prizes For Essays
. By School Pupils
The Oregon Society of the Sons of the
American Revolution oners prizes to
the pupl's ot the public schools of this
state for essays on subjects connected
with our War for Imlependance.
Prizes of 20, 15. $10 and to will be
awarded for the hrt, spcond. third and
fourth best essays written on any of
the following subjects:
1. Washington The G reat Leader.
2. The Flag of the United States.
3. The Boston Tea Party.
4. The Treason of Benedict Arnold.
The eF8:iys are limit d to 1htee
thousand words each, must be written
in the student's own hand-writing on
one side only of the paper, and aecom-
pauied by a ceitiricate of the writer's
teacher, stating that the writer is a
pupil in a designated class, and that
the teacher believes the essay to be the
pupil's own unaided work. The essays
must he signed by the writer, giving
also his or her postotlice address. They
should be forwards. I to Mr. R. I. Erick
son, chairman of committee, room 5,
Washington building, Portland, and
should reach their destination not
later than March 31. 1!)0S.
In awarding theve prizes the com
mittee will he governed by consider
ations of:
1. Originality.
1!. Accuracy of Statement. .
8. Manner of Treatment. '
t. Orthography, Syntax & Punctu
ation. The prizes are offered to encourage
lovo of our country and the study of its
Any additional information which
mav he desired will he cheerfully fur
nished on application to the chairman
of the committee.
Joseph Is Larger.
At the special election in Joseph the
proposition to annex certain territory
immediately north and west of thn city
limits carried by a vote of 58 to 2 iti the
city and 4 to 2 in the territory to be
annexed. Legal opinion holds the
election is legul in spite of the fact it
was held on a legal holiday. The
annexation will h complete as soon as
an abstract of all tho proceedings is
Hied with. the s- cretary of Btate. City
Recorder C. U. Ebcrhard has posted
notices of another special election to be
held December It, when the new
charter will be submitted to the voters.
Sheep Alan Buys Dairy Cows.
Nine of the herd of high grade Jersey
heifers brought into the valley by A.
E. Tulley of the Wallowa Valley
Cream company were sold In Enter
prise Tuesday, Thomas Morgan buving
6 head and Pratt Bros 3 bead. That
these prosperous Prairie Creek farmers
are going In for dairy cattle is a sign of
me times, nir. morgan is a well
known sheep man and bo is used to
making good monev. That he sees a
big profit In the dairy business Is
evidenced by his purchase. The
remainder of Tulley's herd has been
taksn to H. H, D.tvldhizer's ranch.
where intending purchasers may see
mem. .
Court House Notes
Court Tims Uncertain.
Acting upon directions from Judge
Crawford, Sheriff Blakely has notified
the jurors drawn for the November
term of the circuit court that they need
not report until further notified. It is
ii definite when the holidays will cease
and no circuit court will be held until
they do.
It is possible the county, court will
convene and allow the claims, which
amount to nearly 83000. . This mone.
scattered all over the" county as it
would be, will help not a- litt'e in the
present scarcity of the real coin.
In Justice Smith's Court.
The preliminary hearing of Geo. B.
Clat k on the charge of threatening the
life of his wife, was resumed in Justice I
Smith's court Saturday, and continued j
since. The most intimate secrets of the I
married life of the ('lurks is brought j
out in the evidence. The hearing will'
be concluded probably Wednesday
evening. j
Justice Smith posponcd Saturday the j
hearing of Wm. Mahaffey on the charge j
of assault with dangerous weapon, j
because of tho physical condition of the j
Services next Sunday at the M,. E.
church: Sunday school 10 a. m. ;
preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m;
Junior League 2:30 p. m.; Epworth
league 6:30 p. m. Next Sunday .is
Home Missionary Sundiy. The pas
tor's subject will be "America for
Christ." All are welcome.
Dr. H. A. Ketchum of Baker City,
Sunday school missionary, will preach
in the Presbyterian chuich at Joseph
next Sunday morning and evening, and
at Hnrricat.e Creek school house at 2
o'clock in the afternoon.
An offering for the poor will bo taken,
at the Union Thanksgiving services in
tho Christian church Thanksgiving
Services next Sunday at Christian
church: school 10 a. m.;
preaching 11 a. in., subject "Jonah and
the Whale," and at 7 :30 p. m , snbjei t,
"The Sow; that is Washed Returns
to Walloning in the' Mire"; C. E. at
7:30 p. ru.
The third of the series of illustrated
lectures at the Christian church will bo
given Friday night of this week; sub
ject "Darkest Africa."
Dr. II. A. Ketchum; Sunday school
missionary, preached in the , Presby
terian church Sunday morning and
evening. Dr. Ketch ur was invited
to.como by Rev. H. S. Templeton,
whom he m t as Mr. Templeton was on
his way to Vanco.iver. The invitation
agreed with Dr. Ketuhum's own inclin
ation, and he will remain for about a
month in the Valley. He will hold
services in tho Joseph Presbyterian
church next Sunday. It has been
decided fo bold evaugelistic meetings
in the Enterprise Pre-b. church
ui dor tho auspices of Dr. Ketchum,
Iwrinniug about December 1. After
the 'first week, Dr. Ketchum will have
an assistant in the services, probably
Dr. Milligan, who is also a Sunday
school missionary of the Presbyterian
Thj Difference.
The Wallowa Sun can't urderstand
why the News Record allowed to appear
in its Lostine department an article
urging the advantages ot Lostine as the
county seat. The Sun man is probably
too new at the business to know the
difference between a newspaper and a
hand organ.
Shoes repaired at Hodgers Brus'.
MhM Bethel MiKenilo at the Postofflce U
authorized tr, receive and receipt for subscrip
tions anil advertising for the News-Itccord,
and to receive and receipt for Job woik.
Local and Peraonal.
The ladies of the Eastern Star will
entertain a few invited guests at a
sooinl in their hall this evening. .
Ira Bloom Jr. had the misfortune to
seveiely cut his hand while splitting
wood nt his father's home near Leap,
Monday. The wounded man was
brought to town where he w ill remain
for a few days under the doctor's care.
The ladies of the Sunday 'school will
meet Friday to formulate plans for a
Christmas tree and entertainment.
John Graham and George Fitzpatrick
and family left Wednesday for Lewis
ton, Idaho, whore they will reside in
the future.
Oscar Coleman is Coring a large
an ount of baled bay in town, which he
will hold tor the spring market.
' O. J. Foley haa been on the t ick list
the past few days.
' The Lostine bovs have organized a
football team tad will b?gin regular
practice in a few davs. The team
Physician and Surgeon,
Thanksgiving' Night,
Funniest of all Farce Comedies,
Enterprise Stook Company
Dick Preston i Mr. Wheat
Arthur Howard Mr. Gailey
Abel Preston.. ?. Mr. Miller
Worth Carew Mr. Calvin
Pollock, the gardener Mr. Burnaugh
Letty Preston . Miss Robertson
Susanne Duores ..Mrs. Boatman
Freda Von Hollenburgh ,' Miss Hess
Primrose, the cook.. . ..'... Mrs. Wheat
Usual Popular Prices. Reserved 'seat
sale at Burnaugh & May field's begins
Monday, Nov. 25. '
(h in larger anil better this season than ever before. We liave on display n grand
& collection of Watches, Silverware, Rich Jewelry, Art, Fine Cut Olass, Latent
$ Golil and Silver Novelties, Talking Machines una Musical Instrument!. It certainly
1m a Kiiperh dlHilay In nil Itx richnenx ami dazzllm; beam r. The cliolceat pattern
anil latent crentioim of exclusive (leiirns, at prices below their usiml vmue m an in
S (lui'Cinent to the shrewd buyelr uji opportunity to purcnaxo lil(h-grle wares at
ffi money-saviiiK priecM. 'These irooilB nre from leartliuf markets, are first-class In
$ every respect ami arts (luaranteed. Don't delay I I'onio cwrlyi Make your ptir.
fa chases early. We will put. them a-ay until you want thtin. Holid Hold Rluirs
from $1 up; diamond Ktntfs from up, .
. E. B. WHEA
Brown's In Town.
The Enterpi ise Stock company will
present that exceedingly fanny farce
comedy, "Brown's in Town,'.' at the
opera House on Thanksgiving niiilit.
The plot of "Brown' in Towu," if it
can be said- to have a-plct, revolves
around tl.e prejudices of Abel Prestcii,
who Is very rich ' and very much of a
woman hater. ' He had warned his eon
Dick against the wiles of the sex and
la- threatened to disinherit him should
he ever marry. Notwithstanding this
prohibition Dick marries and in spend
ing his honey:: oon with hi wife, -mder
the assumed name of Erown, when
Abel chances upon them. In tl.e com
plicartious that ensue ,there is a very
general mix-up involving the three
Prestons, Arthur Howard, a former
bi'.itor for the hand of Mrc Preston,
Susanne Daores, s mutual friend, Freda
Von II llenhurgh, a fiancee of Arthur
I low ai d's, and various, other characters.
The dialogue is bruht and witty, the
sitrations and complications absurd.
tho hole making up a play that it is
safe to say will be voted the" best seen
in the opera house since it has been
The cast i given in tho large adv. in
this paper.' The reserved feat sale will
open ou next Monday morning at
uurnaugu & AlayDeUl's.
expects to be able to meet any team in
the county by the middle of December.
Announcements are out for the
marriage of Miss Mabel. Ames and
James Pound which will take place at
Ltnatilla Nov. 28. Miss Ames is a
sieter of Mrs. John Wood, of this place,
and formerly resided here.
Editor Jonas, of the Wallowa Sun,
was a business visitor in Lostine Satur-
dav- ...
Charles Shultz, who spent the sum
mer in Wallowa county, leaves this
week for his home at Richland, Baker
Mr. and Mrs.' Chas. Melqnisl. who
made Los tic e their home for several
years, moved to Baker City this week,
where Mr. Melquist will engage in
busuiess. ,
Bert IU nter Is erecting a new res
idence on his property in the north
part of totfn, . .
Special Offer ta Subscribers.
In order to help make known the
resources of Wallowa county and the
opportunities here for honieseekers
aud Investors, the New Record makes
this special offer: Any regular sub
scriber may have sent one or more
copies of the News Record to any
address outside the county,, at the
following rate:
Yearly subscriptions each $1.00.
Single copies 5 cents, 6 conies same
issue rents mailed iroiu oince with
out xtra charge.
Five hundred cit mers tit
come in and inspect o"ur entire
line f general merchandise
and get ou prices before iur-chut-jug
eleewhere ' ' , .
We carry a large and tip-tool
te stock of men's, b ys' ami
youths' suits at d overcoats.
Also Slickers, Mackinaw,
leather anfT rubber coats. If
you want something elegant
in lioth quality and fit we will
take your order for a suit from'
the celebrated ROYAL Tailors:
We can furnish every man,
woman and child in town with
a pair of shoes and have plen
ty left to supply the out-of-town
Woolen Goods
We have a large and well
, assorted stock of woolen and
cotton fleeced underwear to
keep your body warm by day
and woolen blankets galore to
keep you warm by night.
We carry almost everything
iu the hardware line from a
paper of tacks to a Kentucky'
Drill, a Deere Gang era three
Bottom Disc.
Our stock of groceries are the
freshest because we bay in
comparatively small quantities,
: but buy often.
In iact our dock is complete
in every department and we
invite comparison of prices
with any store in Wallowa
Order theXews Record sent to an
Eastern friend and help bring another
settler here.