. .. 1 Semi-Annual Statement. Of the amount of Money and Warrants received for Taxes, and Money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon, for uic oiA iiiviiuia cuuuig on me outn uay ox To amounts received During April In Coin and Currency $22815 29 In County ' Warrants 221 30 May $2435 31 $2435 31 May $2435 31 Total received $23036 59 By Amounts Paid Apr. $22815 29 221 30 To County ' Treasurer Total paid Treasurer $23036 59 $2435 31 .'2228 71 2183 98 Total Amount paid Treasurer $29884 59 State of Oregon, County of Wallowa ss. ,...-.. I, J. M. Blakely, Sheriff of said County, do hereby certify that the fore going statement is correct and true. - Witness my hand this 26th day of Oct., A. D. 1907, J. M. Blakely, Sheriff of Wallowa County Semi-Annual Statement. , ... Of the County Treasurer of Wallowa County, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 30th day of September 1907 of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source and on what account paid out. ' Amounts received General Funds. To amounts on hand last report $54253 76 " " Received froni Sheriff . 29884 59 " " " " County Clerk 1379 15 " 1 " " " County Library 266 20 " " " Assessor ' 121 00 " ' " ' " Institute Funds . 70 00 : " State Treasurer Fines ' Amount paid out Special schools County orders v Contingent Funds County road County School County High School State Road Institute Fund Road Districts City of Enterprise City of Joseph City of Wallowa County Library Chas. Moore Estate. Amounts on hand General Fund , ' 5 ' County High School County School Contingent Ceunty r6ad Miscellaneous . . . , $92691 52 State of Oregon, County of Wallowa, ss. I, Frank A. Reavis, do hereby certify thit the foregoing is a tru e and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in, the County Treasury of said County for the six months ending on the 30th day of September A. D. 1907. Witness my hand this 7th day of November A. D. 1907. '' .' Frank A. Reavis, County Treasurer. Second-Haiid Store ' E2C RODGERS BROS. Proprietors Dealers in New and Second-hand goods, Bicycles atid Bicycle Repairs. Furniture Repaired, Upholstering done. Counters, Show Cases, Store fixtures, and Old Mission Furniture made to Order, . All, goods called for and delivered any place in town.; We are located in the 'Enterprise Restaurant Building, west side of the city square. Call' in' and see us. Enterprise TO THE PUBLIC . Our Fall and Winter Stock of LADIES' COATS .. . , ...... has arrived and are selling very rapidly and if you want a bar gain in a hand-tailored Coat, come at once before the stock is picked over. Prices range from $ O up as high as $28 and we think we have the prettiest line that has been shown in Enterprise. MENS' AND BOYS' . OVERCOATS We have a good strong line of these coats and are offering good values for your money. If you will call and examine our stock we will please and save you money. Every department is fitted with fall and winter merchandise and we are kept busy showing our many patrons the bargains that we have to offer,' but i? you will call we will try to convince you that our prices are the lowest. Come and we will treat you right, B. Dept., a, u. isui, the month of June July Aug Sept $2183 98 $2228 71 $2228 71 $2133 98 Total amount received $29884 59 During the months of June July Aug. Sept. $2228 71 $2183 93 4248 48 2468 40 $92691 52 ; General Fund $1565 62 34796 64 ! 677 49 ' 4177 00 1 10601 98 4152 75 1956 31 ' 96 25 4969 71 341 17 . 865 42 675 51 259 56 79 00 5752 56 10946 89 5701 53 854 56 514 16 707 41 Oregon Respectfully, M. & ML Semi-Annual Report. Of the County Clerk of Wallowa Ccunty, Stata of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the County Court of said county, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st. day of April 1907, to the 30th day of Sept . 1907, both in clusive. On what ac'ct al'ld Am't of claims al'ld Am't of warrant d'n September. 30, 1907 Road and bridges Pauper Stationary n Salary Court House and jail Circuit Court Justice Court County Commissioners Road Supervisor's Salary Insane Jury Teachers Examination Rebate on tax ' Miscellaneous Board of Prisoners County High School Total amount claims allowed and d'n $36386 16 $36386 16 Amounts of outstanding warrants unpaid Principal Interest Outstanding unpaid county warrants and not presented for payment on the 30th day of Sept.' 1907. " 335 07 Estimated interest accrued thereon Total amount of unpaid County Warrants $335 07 State of Oregon, County of Wallowa, ss. I, J. A. French, County Clerk of the County of Wallowa, State of Ore gon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said County for the six montha ending on the 30th day of September 1907, on what account the same, were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and in my official custody Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County this 9ch day of November, A. D.. 1907. J. A. French, County Clerk. Semi-Annual Summary Statement. Of The Financial Condition ef the County of Wallowa, in the State of Oregon, on the 30th day of Sept. A. D. 1907. Liabilities Amounts September 30. 1908. . . To warrants drawn on the County Treasurer and out standing and not presented for payment $335 07 To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon ' Total Liabilities Resources ' ' ',. September 30, 1907. By funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of county warrants' By estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to the pay- . ment of County warrants Total Resources Bauer Recovers His Team. j The bay team of workhorses cwned j by Jacob Bauer of the Enterprise Ilctel, winch liave been missing lor over a month, were brought to town Monday night and turned over to the owner by4 James Moxley who found them between Big and Little Sheep creeks. 1'he horses got out of Bauer's barn lot here OctoberO and it was first believed they were stolen. A filly disappeared at the same time but she whs found a few days later in a pasture field near town. The team was found near the head of Sheep oreek a few weeks ago but broke Bway. when being brought in and have roamed the range until rounded up by Moxley. Mr. Bauer offered a reward ot 825 for the horses and $100 for trie arrest' and conviction of the thief at the time when it was thought the animals had been stolen. Admires The Scenery. Hon. Joseph G. Camp, the lecturer, is enthusiastic about Wallowa valley and its surrounding mountains. "The most beautiful country I have ever seen," said Mr. Camp. He took out with him a large number of views of the valleys, mountains and lake, mainly from F. A. Reavis' splendid collection. Co. $7612 56 496 84 631 76 5116 80 532 59 1763 90 242 85 271 30 1933 12 19 00 1506 30 74 00 40 47 605 90 195 31 C730 90 $7612 56 496 84 631 76 . 5116 80 532 59 1763 90 242 5 i 271 30 1933 12 19 00 1506 30 74 00 40 47 605 90 195 : 1 6730 90 $335 07 Amounts $ 5752 56 22021 24 $27773 80 Real Estate Transfers 2 Weeks Ending Nov. 9, 1907-rrejared . By Vallowa Law, Land & Abstract Co. James A. Funk to William Makin, se sw see 2, t 2 s, r 44 e. $2000. William Maklu to Thomas Morgan, se sw sec 2, t 2 s, r 44 e. $2400. Charles N. Walker to the George Palmer Lumber Co., lots 8 and 4, see 19, 1 4 n, r 43; the s half of no and nw of Be see 24, t 4 n, r 42 e. $1.00. John McDonald to Lyman' Lydall, lots 11 and 12, blk 2, in MeDoiiuld add to Wallowa. 100. U. C. Couch to Crossett Timber Co., s half se sec 12, t 1 n, r 41 e, and lot No. 4, see 7, and lots 1 and 2, 8 nee 18, tin, r42e. $1. Amm M. Whiting to Crossett Tim ber Co., se ii w se sw and lots 6 and 6, sec 6, t 2 ii, r 41 e. $1. Matilda Neal to C. J. Hewitt, lot 5, block 1, Riverside add to Joseph. $125. Aaron Wudo to Jos. A. Eggleson, the se of the lie, sec 13, t 2 s, r 44 e. $500. W. J. Ktraley to PinK Straley, lots 3 and 4, of sec 4, 1 6 n, r 45 e. $1250. Newell Btubblelleld to Falicho Ktub blefleld, an undiv half lilt In lots 2, 3 and 4, blk 4, town of Enterprise. 15 per Cent od Your le in '1 wo Houses Paying $18 a month rent. $1500 FOR BOTH Lots one-fourth Block in Size for from $100 to $400. Residences from $1100 to foOOO All atmve property in Enterprise. Good Furin Propositions W. E. TAGGART, ENTERPRISE, OREGON Special Offer to Subscribers. In order to help make known the resources of Wallowa county and the opportunities here for ., hoinesetker- and investor, the News Record makes this special offer: Atiy regular sub scriher may have sent one or more copies of the! News Record to any address outside the county, at the following rate: :Yearly subscriptions each $1.00. Single copies 6 cents, 6 copies same Issue 25 cents, mailed from ofllce with out extra charge, Harness and Saddles L Will supply your needs in the Leather Goods line more cheaply and give better satisfaction than any other tlealerin-Wallowa county. Let him lit you out for the season's work. Bepair work a specialty. MAIN STREET, FIRST-CLASS RIGS CAREFUL DRIVERS ARE SPECIALTIES OF THE ENTERPRISE LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Horses Boarded by Day, Week or Month Good Care of all Stock. . BEST EQUIPPED STABLE IX THE COUNTY One Block North of Court House. J. C. SHACKLEFORD, Proprietor. ALDER SLOPE. Miss Bella Millard Is confined to the house this week with mumps. Cleave Weaver returned from Imna- ha Saturday. He reports the winter range quite short there. Miss Stella Laird, who has been ilj for the past year, is much improved.' Alder Slope Bitch company has just completed a new head-gate on the ditch. . Bert McCormack and Bort Day started Friday from Imiiaha with a bund of horses for winter range. J. B. Kooch delivered 24 head of hogs at Enterprise Monday which averaged 100 pounds each. J. L. Mcltitiney started for La Grande Monday with. a load of house hold furniture for David CornelLson. - James Hays and Sylvester Millard returned Sunday evening from a hunt ing trip on Ininaha. They report hav ing killed three deer. Rev. Owen wilU4r4.a singing school at Alder next Friday evening. I hope he will have a large attendance ami a great success. THE PARK- Frnita, Nov. 7 W. Musty and family have returned from the Valley, where they were visiting. Mrs. Musty iti acting as postmaster in the absence of Tlios. Rich and family. School commenced Monday Nov. 4, Mies Myrta Hays as teacher. L. O. Pago is busy gathering his cuttle to be delivered about the 15th. Mr. and Mrs. (iillaspie, Messrs. E. (iillaspie and Chns. White were callers on Tbos. Rich and wife, Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Hodgin returned home Monday, after a two weeks visit at Joseph. Win. Poth returned to Joseph after making a visit with his brother, Walter, and sister, Mrs. Jennie ltlcvims. PRATT SCHOOL. The illustrated lecture-sermon given at the school house here Saturday by Rev. M. J. Thompson was a decided success. The pictures were .plain and conveyed a graphic description of home life in India, th.'ir cimtoins and modes of worship. Appropriate songs were sung with good effect and the entire program was listened to by an attentive audience. This is the second of a series of six lectures. The next will Iks given about Nov. 20 or 23, and will be on "Life In Darkest Afrluu." Boom On at Miriam. Joe Harvey of Minam was at Elgin last week, and told the Recorder man there wuh a boom on at Minam. There will be quite a tiwn at the bridge fomn day and no mistake. North Country Altitudes. County Commission! r W. C. Wilson gives the following as the government HnurcH on altitude along the Enterprise- I'aradisn road : Enterprise 3740 feet, Snow hill 5020, Red Fir 4!I50, Carltrn Akins store, Paradise, 3000, (irando Rondo ferry, 7 miles north of Paradise 1100. Creditor's Notice. In the County Court ol the htate ot Oreuon, fur Wallowa County, fit die of On'Knti. In the matter ot the Kutnto of Klmer V. Moore. Deceased. Sntlep la hereby (riven that the under pinned, K. Moore, hm been duly appointed iih the administratrix of the en tutu of Klmer V. Moore, dei-eimed, by Die County Court of anld County, and a audi administratrix lots been duly quulllled; nil peraona holding clalmk ajcuinM wild palate are hereby nntllled to prt-wiit the mime to the underpinned ad ministratrix, Ht the oflWyo Kiiteprli", Oregon, duly verified n required bylaw, will. hi aix montha from the date ot thin notice, luted tlilt 24th of October, 1007. E. Moohk, Adinltil"trnr x of the Extato of Kliner V. Mnori'. dt- rttf'. MUt , BniatUjH n Uoto, Attorneys iur Kttute. THE HARNESS AND SADDLEM AN ENTERPRISE, OREGON Professional Directory AND Business Cards Physicians and Surgeons. Physician Surgeon E. T. Anderson, M. D. Enterprise, Oregon. Physician and 8urgeon C. T. HOCKETT, M. D. Independent riione. , Olllce up stairs in Bank Bldg. v :t neys-at-Law. .1. A, Burklfli Daniel lloyd Burleiqh 8c Boyd flttorreys-ai-Law Will pructlco in all the Courts of tlilsSlateatnl before the Interior and its olllces. Tho most careful attention given to all business entrusted to our care. Enterprise, Oregon. Hotels. When Passing On The Lewis ton Road, Stop At Tho Sled Springs Hotel. Plenty of Sin I lo Rom... S. 15. CONNER, Proprietor. rjftlscellaneous. 'I Win. Mcllroy an Company. Farms, Timber Lands, Acreage, Iots, Residence anil Business Property For (Sale. Timber Lo cating a Specialty KUiiX. - OKKUOX. Stone Mason and Cutter Cut stone flues constantly on Land for short order work, ulso fresh lime. L. J. Pihki.l, Wam.owa, Ok. Ruggles & Lothrope, The House MOVERS We will move your house, barn or other buildings in a careful manner also put in new foundations when wun ted. If you are in need of any work In our line, call on or address us at ENTKKPUISK, OH E (ION Order the New lie ;ord sent to an Eastern friend and hull) bring another 1 settler here.