The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, November 14, 1907, Image 2

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    An independent newspaper
l'ulilisiicd every Thursday at Enterprise, Oregon
Formerly the Wnllowa ewii, KHtnbllf.hfd March A, 1H99. New prlc licifan ApTll 30, 1!)07.
Editor and Publisher
Km.rcd itt the Knttrrprisi. poHLoltice hk MtH-imd-ftiisH mutter.
One year f 1.50 Throe mouths 50 cents
.Regular subperibers may have as many copies as t hey desire sent outside of the
(utility at the: following rate, cash in advance'
Secords Great
Prize Contest
Editorial Page.
The Two "Sticks "
Just 75 yearn aio a man with a backbone occupied the presidential ciiair,
who waH not afraid of man, devil or money kiiiff. He huh called Old Hickory,
and tho ho used on tho self-apppointed giiiird'aiiH of yovenmier.t money,
when lie ordered it, withdrawn from the V. bank, was as hard aa any hickory
switch ti. at ever fell on convict's hack.
In all iiiu years ellirfe iffi'lrew Jackcon defied the wishes of the masters of
high limine;,' no ntaij has, occupied that chair who was hold euough to do as the
hero of New Orleans did not one until now, when another man with backbone,
and who is hot afraid of man, devil or money kinj!F, sits in the White House
nnd represents the plain people. Ho is termed the "Uitr Stick," and Wall Street
gamblers cowered Monday when Roosevelt told them they niul at oncn return
the money borrowed from Western banks or the government deposits would be
withdrawn from New York banks. '.
Kvcn all the .kings of "liijjh finance" cannot continue a money squeeze
unless the government surplus is deposited where they can control it.
It was a long time between presidential "uticka" but another finally came.
(Ilory be! '
., . Come Where Dollars Grow.
The story of Pam Litch is typical ol Wallowa county. A few
years ago herding 6heep; today on the receiving end of a $50,000 deal
for u fraction of his property. ' .
And the rewards are just as great here for intelligent, industrious
men as they were 10 or 15 years ago, and the chance are more
numerous; where one was on the road to wealth then, there are a
dozen today.
Due Credit Given.
Let us hasten to give the O. R. & N. credit. As scon as the
managers of that road read in a hundred Oregon newspapers that its'
local agents were shipping all cash received to headquarters, the order
was piven to discontinue shipments and deposit cash receipts in local
banks. So you see Harriman is not so bad; it was those confounded
local agents who did not have any more sense than ship the money
and not keep (heir mouths shut.
Give the devil his due.
The Wage Earning Army."
There are Jin round numbers, by government rep rts, thirty
one and a half millions 'of workers in the United States. Their yearly
wage averages in excess of $400. It wouW take every dollar of coin
and currency in the .country to pay their wages for three months.
That's the army that could corner the money niiirkat if it was organ-
1901 on1 r1 tx Ai atmoi Mrtn - An an
"Brite And Fair."
Like the bad boy's diary, every day in beautiful prosperous Wal
lowa county is "brite and fair." This applies equally to the sunshiny
weather, or the financial situation. Wallowa county is certainly a
favored spot on this footstool; an independent empire within itself
with climate perfect, soil of unsurpassed richness, people intelligent,,
progressive, industrious, and having iho fullest, confidence in 'their
banks. . .
- " Grand. Prize $165.
Lot 7, (if block 4, in Beautiful Alder View Addition to the city of
Enterprise. The lot is on Litcb street, one block from Depot street.
It is 50x145 feet in size, level, sub-irrigated, all in lawn grass and its
soil is of the. finest. It is situated midway between the business section
of the city and the O. K. & N. railway depot. Leading business arid
professional men have bought lots in Alder View addition 19. lots
sold there in the la6t three months and beautiful homes are being
erected all around the grand prize lot. It is not as good, it is better
than' each. All the lots in the immediate vicinity are held at $165 or
higher one across the street at $300 and an advance will surely
occur before spring. It is needless to tell of Alder View everyone in
the county is familiar with this peerless residence section of Enterprise.
TI ;ere are no undesirable lots there but the grand prize lot is one of the
choicest. It was purchased of Daniel I'oyd, manager of the Wullowa
Law, Land & Abstract company, who owns and has the exclusive sale
of Alder View lots. ,
Special Prize $15.- -
PRIZE NO. 11." ' . .' ,
Ten subscriptions to the News Record for 'the first list of 10 new yearly
subscribers received through the mail by the News Record between 7:30
a. m., hour, of opening of po&tuflice in Enterprise, Wednesday, Nov. 20,
and.5 p. m., Saturday, Nov. 23. This is open td.all contestants.. Only
new subscriber count. If two lis's of 10 arrive at same time, each
contestant will receive a prize of 7 subscriptions; if three lists of 10,
each will receive a prize of 6 subscrir tions; if 4 or more.' each will re
ceive a prize of o subscriptions. This guarantees to EVERY. CON
TESTANT sending in a list of 10 new subscribers between the dates
and hours named, a PRIZE of 5 SUBSCRIPTIONS to the News Record
to dispose of as each may desire. Remember, the votes for new sub
scribers go with this prize. If you send in the first list you receive 10
subscriptions that you may sell for $15, and SIX THOUSAND
VOTES toward the other prizes. If you send in a list of 10 whether
it is first or not, you receive 5 subscriptions to do with as you please,
and THREE THOUSAND VOTES toward the other prizes;
Three First Prizes $135.
One offered to the leading contestant (except winner of Grand Prize) in
each of the three districts, into which the county is divided for this
First Prize $45.
New Royal Sewing Machine pur
chased of Fred S. Ashley, dealer in
furniture and stoves. It iso-draw-er,
drop head of handsome new
design, beautiful nnd symetrica! i,
every de'ail. Center drawer i- -er-jientine,
side drawers rounded.
Stand equipped with latest improv
ed ball bearings. L st price $50.
No higher grade machine on the
market than the New Royal, for
which Mr.. Ashley is exclusive agent.
The prize machine is on exhibit at 'his 6tore, opposite the Wallowa
National hanS.
First Prize $45.
Improved Victor III Talking Machine bought of E. B. Wheat, jeweler
and dealer in watches, silverware and musical instruments. Victor III
has handsome quartered-oak cabinet with hinge top, 10-inch turn
table, double tandem spring motor, playing several records with one
winding and can be wound while plaving, 200 needles free, horn latest
large bell of beautiful design. ' Mr Whe;.t in sole agent for the Victor,
and the prize machine can be seen in the window of hit' establishment.
First Prize $45.
Rambler Bicycle bought of Rodgers Bros., dealers in new and second
hand furniture, stoves and gener 1 furnishing goods Nothing' need
be said in praise of the Hatnbler everybody knows it is and i-as been
for years the standard high-grade bicyle none belter made. The
prize wheel is on exhibit in Rodgers Bros.' store, on River etreet ono
block south of W. J. Funk ec Go's.
Portland bankers could help some in restoring confidence in that
town by a rigid examination to see if thero are any more bank vaults
that contain only $1 for each $72 owed depositors.
As far as making schedule time is concerned the Elgin-Joseph
stage's have tho Harriman railroads beaten 40 miles We don't know
the ills we miss by having no railroad. In the words of that prince of
good fellows, O. J. Roe, "Cheer upl The worst is yet to come."
Town Without a Policeman.-
Enterprise is a law-abiding place. It
has had no regular peace Officer for
years since long before tlx pijMicnt
mayor, Daniel l?oyd, was Vfcr.ted.
There has boon no regularly ornpioyed'
marshal since February. "Undo Joe"
Ilea via acts when occasion requires but
that is so infrequently that ho Is clear
out of practice. The conditions hero'
ore probably unique. Thero is probably
not another trading center of 1000
inhabitants for a big stock country
where thero is no policeman, and no
great need of one.
Lease 1. N. Titzcr Farm.
J. a ICenville and M. 8. Miller of the
north country were in Eutorprise
Monday having the papers drawn for
their lease of the I. N. 1'itierfurm north
-of Paradise. Mr. I'itzer was formerly a
well known resident of Knterpiise.
Our Photos.
Draw Attention , ,
TUere'ii one way to get a cor
rect Idea of our work and that is
by coming to our studio and
Inspecting the work we do. Our
talk here won't give you an Idea
nor will any one else, come and
see. '. . ' '
, All our photos have that ex
qulsita flulsh everyone desires.
. The Photographer
Information Concemiag Eighth Grade
Final Examinations.
1. ; Hates:
'January 1M, 24. UtOS.
b May 14, 15, 1D0S.
o June 11, 12, lilOS.
2. Program: . v
a, Thursdays Arithmetic, Writing,
History and Civil Government.
b Fridays Grammar, Physiology,
Geography and Spelling.
3. '-'Sources of Questions:
a Ih'ogiHphy State Course . ' of
Htildyv'ltedway and Hiniiun's
Natural School Geography,
b Aliening Eighty per cent, from
Heeds Word Lessons, jind
twenty pet cent from manu
script In Language.
c Writing Specimens of pennmfi
' ship as Indicated in copied mat
ter and from manuscript In
language. ,. ' '
d Lauguage Buehler's . Modern
, English Gnunmar, no diagram
...liilng. ' V
. e Civil Government United Stales
f History List of tuples from His.
Ury Omlliis In State Course of
. Study and Vurnut Even U - - -'
Notice: Teachers preparing, clashes
for examinations will please notify
county HiiHriiiteulent M days before
examination" according to law.
v' J. W. Kkknb, '
, County Superintendent of Schools, ,
Minam Homestead. .
Mead Elliot was out to Im Grande
last week to make final proof on his
Minam homestead. Ed Chcstuut aud
and A. J. Tucker accompanied lilta a
Three Second Prizes $60.
One for the next to the leading conlestant (except winner of grand
prize) in eachjof the three districts.
Second Prize ; $20.
Elegant, Four Drawer Dresser, with French bevel mirror (24x30. inches)
bought of G. I. Ratoliff, the Enterprise furniture dealer. The dresser
is 6 J feet high, 3 J feet wide, 1 J feet deep; is of beautiful Golden Oak
finish, made of kiln-dried Oregon ash, which for hardness and wearing
qualities is superior lo plain oak. Top drawers have the fashionable!
swell f.-ont. The dresser is on exhibit at Mr. Ratcliff's store, and hel
makes the special offer if tho winner perfers he or she can have $20 in
value of any other article in his big stock.
Second Prize $20.
Single Breast Harness bought of L. IierlanJ, the well known dealer in
harness, saddles and leather goods. It is a splendid harness, patent
leather finish, nickle plated mountings and carries Mr. Iterland's
guarantee of good value for the money. It can be seen at his shop on
Main street. ' ?
Second Prize $20.
Ilandsonfb Gold Watch, guaranteed to us as first-class time-keeper in
every respect, and with a ten-year warranted gold-filled, case. '
Conditions of News Record's Great $405
Prize Contest.
. All the prizes, except tho Special Prize, No. 11, will be awarded in
order of number of votes credited to contestants. Each coupon clipped
from a News Record counts 5 votes if voted within its time limit. Ad
ditional extra votes for payment on subscriptions as per table pub
lished each week in News Record, if voted within 14 days after certifi
cate is issued from News Record office.
No employe of the News Record is allowed to enter this contest, or
any member of the family of the publisher. ' v
For the purpose of equalizing the chances of contestants in differ
ent parts, the county is divided into three districts: as (Jlows:
" " " . 4, Liberty
" " " 19, Trout Creek
" " " 17, Falrview
i- v
v ' :
Three Third Prises $30.
One for the third leading contestant (except Grand Prize winner la
each of the three district. . '
. , . Third Prize $10. ''
Choice of the following: 1. Guaranteed Belmont razor," genuine
horsehide strop, shaving brush, automatic bill-eloping leather pocket
book, Moore's non-leakable $3.o0 fountain-' pen. and handsome brier
pipe; or 2 Beautiful s itin covered handkerchief box, best hair bru.-li,
.mirror and stand, $1 battle of bert perfume,' box, 3 cakes, lies toilet
soap, Packer's, Pears or Colgates, BotileVisdom's Robertine, box besi
stationery, set, 3, finest scissors. Articles of this prize 'bought of Bur
naugh & Mayfield, druggists and dealers in beautiful Christmas gifts,
and are on exhibit at their store on, Main street. .
. Tliird Prize 10.
Choice of the follt iwing: 1. Bciiutitully decorated, gold edged glass
tea, fruit and water set; 23 pieces; or, (2 ) 22-culibre Hopkins & AJlen
rifie, E M. Dickin-oti, ShefiielJ, hu'iting knife and hih-grade ' Keen
Kuttet" pocketknifc. Articles of ' this prize 'bo -ight' of ' llart'shorii &
Koltner, dealers in dishes, stovos, general hardware, roofing, . doors,
windows, paints, guns and sporting good., and can bo seen on exhibit
at their etore on Main street. . ..... '.
Third Prize 10.
"' PRlZE;No. 10 ? . a
Webster's International Dictionary, newe?t, up-to-date edition, bourid
in.full sheep; 2380 pages, 5000 illustrations, and with 25,000 new
words recently added. -
All Contestants will te paid fcr their Time :
In addition to the prizes each and every contestant will receive a liberal
commission, so that each one will be paid liberally for his or her time. You
can't lose aud if you work diligently and persistently you will doubtless make
the be9t wag.-syou ever din In the same time. Do not delay. Start now.
Write to the News Record for complete instructions, terms, each.
School District No. 21," Enterprise
" " " ' C, " Joseph
" " '" "' 2, Alder
" . ' 23, Reavis
School District No. 7, , Destine
" . " 12, Wallowa
" " " 1, Lower Valley
" " 19, Willow Springs
'. ' " 40, Pace
All the school districts in the county
not Included in districts 1 and 2.
Contestants will' bo credited to the district lu which they rexide, but are
allowed to secure subscriptions aud votes will be credited to ibem from any-
fwhere In the United States.
The Oraud Prlw Will be given to the contestant credited with the most
votes. ' ' 1 '.
First cboleool tlw. first prizes will be given to contestant having next high-
act number of vote. "The 'other tw.o first prines will be given to the lea ling
contestants in the other two districts (barring always tb Grand Priae wluuerj
Seeoud aud Third Prises awarded in same way, making 3 prises for each
district, a Grand and a Special Prise for all listrleU. If three ontHtanU lu
Knterprlfto should secure, Hay; 15,000, 12,0CJ and 10,000 votes respectively, and
the leading contestant In District 3 ouly 5000 votes, the latter would Mverthe-
letw secure one of tho first prises valued at f 15.00. . - , -.
All oertiacatea for extra vote will be niarbed. non-transferable and will be
Issued only in favor ot one person. , .
Extra Additional Votes for Cash . Payments
on "Subscriptions. ' ,x
For every 25 cents paid on back subscription
For 1 year Advance Kubscrlption (old)
" 1 ' " " (new)
" 2 " " " (old or new)
" 40 mouths" . " , "' .
$ .23, votes 50 Extra
1.50, " 450 "
1.50,- " 600 "
3.00, " 1500 "
5 00, 3ooo ",
Fill this out and send to News Record
' r?.. .....; P. 0 11107
The News Record : . '
I nominate M i .
as a candidate in the News Record's
great 1 103 P ize Contest. ,
Sitfuature '
NOVEMBER 21, 1907. '
! .' In the . 1
. GREAT, ;
This coupon 'must be voted on or
beforexNovemberi8, 1907
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