The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, November 07, 1907, Image 4

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City and County
Brief News Items
Phoes repaired at Itodgers Br.-s'.
I'.ii? lot of Winter Underwear and
Hosiery just, received at W J. Funk it
Skating riuk open every Tuesday,
Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to
10 p. id. tf
Campbell Bros, of The Park look
homo a big load of supplies from
Enterprise Tuesday.
Lee Fleshman, who works for J. II.
J bbin, visited home folks at Promise
the first of last wick.
Pioneer ltoofin;i. sold by Hartshorn
& Keltner, tho Knterpriso Hardware
store, is guaranteed to equal the best.
Mr. and Mrs. Hani Weaver of Elk
Mountain nr? rejoicing over the advent
of a daughter, born Halloween night
Votes on thy prize contest camo in so
lite this first 'week after its start that it
was decided in fairness to all to defer
tho first publication of them one week.
Mrs. Alice liurleigh of Arietta arrived
Friday on a combined business and
pleasure visit in Enterprise and vicinity.
She will reniiiin several weeks.
Four Lapwal Indians were in Enter
nrise. Tuesday. They were from the
reservation near Leviston, were well
dressed, clean, rode in a carriage and
seemed to have plenty of money
Tbev boiiirht a lot o pnlies from
local merchants.
Mrs. Fred Dciisler arrived Saturday of
hut week fur a visit with b r xii( iits,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hatt, and he- many
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Peusler reside
at Trout Creek, Mont., where Mr
Densler is station agent for the North
ern l'aiillc railway.
$15 CA ;h $15
.To the three Pupils of Wal
lowa County Schools who
bring the larpest number of
their Buster Brown Ads cut
from tho News Kkuoiid to
W. J. FUNK & CO.'S
Ptore ;ly November 1, 11)08.
('tit oftt the ndfl each week
nnd have all your friends savo
ads foj you. They are found
only in the News Record.
.baby's and Children' .Shoes. New lot
just in at W. J. Funk & Go's.
Twenty-five head of horses will be
told at J. C. Shackleford's livery barn
next Thursday by J. It. 1 (alley.
Va-nish stains an 1 brushes, ni d
Lacnueret makes old furniture look
like new at lurnuuih Mavtield's.
Mrs. Fleming of Prairie Creek pur
chased a fine Ktli.-.o:i phonograph at K
B. Wheat's last Week.
This is the year you can afford to buy
that rauue for your wifo. We have the
Universal, tho Lest and most moderate
priced range on the market. asK tne
'women. L'arUhorii it Keltncr.
J. A. Funk, Ross Faler ner and Levi
Smith returned the. latter part cf last
week from a limiting trip on Sheep
creek. They each secured a deer ami
saw ii(? less than nine. Their friends
enjoyed juicy venison roasts for Satin
day dinner.
A recent issue of the La Grande Star
republished, giving duo ciejit, nearly
all the I.ostine department of the Nevs
Record. We million this.'fjy remind
you that our Lostine correspondent is
dishing upgood, liwnews stories, every
week in very pleasiiijtsjylo.
The shut-dow n of' railroad construc
tion work is felt by the merchants here
in the decreased sale of su: plies for tho
construction camp. The Greeks from
the camp on Shea' r. 's phice spent a
good share of their fluid pay cheeks in
Enterprise, Saturday, for clothing and
other win or necessities.
Diamond W Coffee, the finest flav- j
ored. Sold at the 15. M. & M. Co. tf
t i ('. H.iM,-..-, a well known rnwlier
on the Little Salmon, brought a load of
vegetables to Kntcrpi isu List Thursday,
and took back u load of supplies. This
was his last trip of the sea on. Mr.
Holding says t.ho people of the Grouse i
and Kden countries are very much pleas
ed with the action of the court in ordering-
a bridge built across 'Jo Little
Salmon, and a biff celebration will mark
its completion.
The furniture for the lodge rooms In
the Fraternal building arrived Sunday.
It is of very handsome design .uid
finish anil would have cost close to
flijl) at retail but of course th:.i build
ing company got !t for much less us it
was bought through Fred Ashley who
furnished It iit cost and a s;niM com
mission fur handling-.- The furniture
came from I'oilhmd in record time.
It was (billed out. on' October 30 and
wiib received In Enterprise on Novem
ber 3.
Heating stoves at Ashley's .at the
right price.
Rodders Bros, have put in a cobbler
shop in the rear of their store.
Diamond W Coffee "Best I ever
drauk," says everyone, E. M . fc M. Co.
Mr. and Mrs.
Grouse were trading
Fred Rich man
in Ewterprisij
Dr. C. T. Hockott was confined to his
home the first of the week with an
attack of la grippe.
Mrs. B. T. Long and son Virgil started
Tuesday for Ifonestee . S. Dak., on a I
Dt nnine Cream, the best preparation
for chapped hands and, faico, is sold by
Karnaugh & Maylield.
"Careful Banking Insures the Safety of Depoe'li.'
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
We do a General Banking Business
Exchange Bought and Sold on
All Principal Cities
Vice President
Assistant C'nsliier
If the weather is favorable there will
be another hand concert in the park
next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
One man, 5.j foot, 6 foot, (S foot and
7 foot Yietur Atkins' saws none better
just in at Hartshorn & , Keltner's,
Commissioner W. C Wilson may not
move to Enterprise this fall. I lis ci ru
ing depends upon whether his son will
ho in position to move onto 41 io home
place. j
Baker and Drake of Flora sent two
ear loads cf timothy seed to Lewiston
last week. The Journal truthfully com
ments that the sbipuont speaks well
for that part of tho country,
10. B. Wheat received a big shipment
of musical ire trim ents and holiday
good-i Saturday, consisting of vio ins,
guitars, mandolins,- banjos, accordions,
hurmoniiv.s, silverware and jewelry.
J. E. Johnston of Bloon incton, 111.,
a cousin of Mayor Daniel Boyd, was in
the valley last week. Mr. Johnston is
a representative of Eastern capitalists
and was looking foi investments. lie
left for bis home Sunday morning. .
J. A. Burleigh went to Pendleton
Saturday morning to argue before the
Supreme court tho appeal in the rase of
State oi Oregon vs. .lames- JJorris, who
was tried for murder and n verdict of
manslaughter was returned.
Sunday services nt tho Christian
church: Sunday f-chool lit 10 a. m.;
preaching at 11, subject, "Are You
liigut with God?" j C 15. nt 6:30;
preaching at 7:30, subject, "How the
, ev l.ecnme neconciiou to uou.
Engineer 11. 1. Long, who was in
charge of railroad construction work in
the upper valley, was laid off along with
the gcnei al discharge of employes last
week. Mr. long left Monday for
Spokane on lirhute business, but will
return in a few woeka and make Enter
pri-ie his home. ,
Windows, Doors, Roofing and I'uilJ
ers Hardware, coin plcto linca a, id cios-
t st prices at Iluitshorn lOKcltncr's.
C. P. Ragsdale and family f Morn
arrived at Enterprise last week us
stated in the News Record. With them
camo Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly yho will
live on the Cashless ranch purchased
by Mr. Ragsdale. They brough'. all
iheir household woods ami a large
number of live stock, including several
thousand head of sheep.
Eddie Austin of Flora w as hurt w hile
trying to stop ii runaway tam nt Lin
coln Austin's place in the Star di-triot,
Thursday of last week. Tho loam started
to run while he wua closing a gate. He
grabbed the bridle of nnu horse, but
was flung violently to the ground. Both
hones of one leg below the knee were
broken. The team was some injured
,:iid tho wagon badly broken.
Tho carpenter and plastering work
on the second tloor of the Fraternal
tunMing Is complete anu tne rooms
ready for the painters. J. It. Seihcrt
is painting the room to be occupied by
the It. W. & 'A. store, and Mr. Allen Is
making tine progress with tho shelv
ing, drawers and other fixtures. The
doors and windows are nt Flight nnd
teams have been sent for them.
Chin bo it Japanese matting at
Ashhy's in all the new patterns. .
Just received a largo Jine of d,resers
at Ashley's.
Diamond W Coffee 'sold in 1 uiiTTTT
lb. cans at E. M. & M. Co. tf repairiua nekt door to Star laun
drv. Everett Flowers. tf,
Eat--, cans and baby bonnets all
last included in the bargain sale at Mrs. J.
B. Sell ert s (next week.
Ci.t out the W. J. Funk & Co. adv.
for :-o:ne boy or girl who i-t working for
the splendid prizes t ft'ered by that firm.
Vote the single coupon ou the editorial
page for some candidate. The grand
pri '.e may be awarded on a difference of
less than live votes. . " '
Peter McFherson has returned from
Lewiston where he went a few weeks
ago expecting to secure several months
carpenter work but all building has
shut down.
E. A. Hart, who intended to build a
fin j residence cn bis farm near town
this fall, has postponed its erection
until next epring, because of the scarcity
of labor.
Nothing like them ever in town before.
Brand new line Jof high grade razors
and pearl-handled pockslknives at
Btimaugh & Mavtield's. h
Tlie pattern were never
b rich tiixl handsome as
they are thlH season.
Slugle pieces, fl.lotoflS
Always in good tnste ns
a WedititiK present. Ar
ticles from fl.50 to ?;.
The event niay bo
a few weeks'' away,
but it is a pood
idea to leck around
early. We I ave
the " choice new
things' of the jewel
ry market in that
generous assort
ment that is found
only in a wholes
sale stock.
A selection from this
eleirunt class of (tnoaq
means tlint you are buy
ins something tlint will
become an heirloom. '.
Single pieces, (2.25 to $30
Solid Gold
13.50 to IS
Several citizens drove put .. Monday
and viewed the proposed change in the
Aunt Hat road through the Bookout
place. The improvement on the north
end of that road has been completed as
far south as W, F. Rankin Vplace.-
Con tractor Ha worth reports good
progress on the high school building.
The mason work is practically com
pleted, the flues and stack now being
erected, 'j lie root is nearly nnislieu
and the interior carpenter work well
along. Rooms for the school will te
ready by January 1.
No session of tho city council' was
held Monday night owing to the legal
holidays declared by Governor Cham
berlain. At a meeting called for next
Monday night if petition will be present
ed asking for the (losing of Greenwood
street from School street east, in order '
to i rovide spacious grounds around the
new county high school. The Home,
Independent Telephone com puny will
ask for a new franchise, as the one I
granted to F. I. Vergere was for SO years
whereas the city charter limits fran
chises to 10 years.
Busy Day And Night.
The E. M. & M. (Vs. mill run3 until
12 o'clock every night and still cannot
keep up with the orders for flour,
'Everybody is praising the Enterprise
Hour a:nt l.irniers are coming all over
the country with1 their wheat. The
entire north country, seemin
coming to mill at Enterprise this fa'l
iiml the big ,bunk house is much ap
preciated by those from a 'distance.
The machinery and expert niil'er com
bine to turn out the highest grado of
Market on arain remain.-! unchanged
wheat tiOc bu., oats fl per cw t., rye
)Qc cwt., barley 83c cwt.
Eloquent Orator of the South
NOVEMBER 12 , ; :1
Seats on sale Thursday, November 7, 'at
Burnaugh l& May field' si Season ticket hold
ers may reserve their seats on and
Tuesday, November 5. : . 1
Buys 6S5 Acre Ranch. .
Joe H. Peters, the capitalist from The
Pnlles, w ho w as iu tho vallev hist w eek
bought of J. F. W. Fitpatnck the
1- leaner ranch of tifio ueres one mile east
I t T . mi . j . . .
Iv is ol "osepi J ne cousiaorauon 13 given
' nni uo iii nro
County Fair Officers.
At the meeting of the fair assoefstion
held ut Lostine, Saturday, J. F. Johnson
wi s elected president, Kdwnrd Xiuson
vi president, Tj. Couch secretary , and
C. T. .McDanicl treasurer. All are
residents of Wallowa where the, fair
will be held next vcar.
Mis lli'Mirl Mi Keuzlo nt 1I10 ToHloffii-o ia
autlmrlaeil PT-ive ami rei-i lpt for siit scrip '
tloiis ami ttilvuriisliur for tho New s-Iteconl,
aud to receive ami rectliit for job woik.
Lostine May Enter
County Seat Race
and the ranchers up ami uo.vii Hie
river from Lostine w ilknearlyj if not
quite, throw the balance of power to
Best Value for the Floney Ever Offered
The News Record until January 1, 1909,--to
new subscribers
The News Record one year to old subscrib-
ers who pay arrears.
And the subscriber's choice of the following:
The American Farmer, one year, leading literr
ary agricultural journal of the nation
The News Record sent 3 months to airy ad
dress outside Wallowa County
An Order, for a Cabinet Photograph, $4.50 '
size, at the Fallman Studios in Enterprise
There has been considerable quiet
talk lately nmoug the residents of Los
tine and vicinity about making a try '
to huvo the county scat located at this
place In the event of the removal agita
tors lieing successful in bringing the
matter to u vote at the next June
This place is not only near the geo
graphical center of the o unty, but Is
also much nearer tho center of popula
tion than cither Knterpriso or Wal
lowa. Tho roads leading to Lostine
from all directions are of tho best in
the county, and are roads over which
hefjvy loads can ba hauled at any
season of the year.
Residents of tho county and travel-
era from a diatanco all agree that we
have the most beautiful towu site In
the county: Vu are ueitber built ou
an alKrtll boa 1 1 lie, l-JulerprLse nor
wedged Into a crovieeiln the rooks
like Wallowa, but are In the midst of
one of the most beautiful and fertile
spots in the county, if not in the
whole state. The resident of the
northern part of the county can reach
this town by roads which are shorter
and better than thoe leading to either
the present county seat or the would
be county seat down i n the corner.
In tho event of this town entering
the race next Juno it, will get the
support of almost every voter iu .the
northern part of the county, which
with tho voters of the Leap country
rhysician and Surgeon,
Killed a Bear.
Jojm Cook killed a large cinnamon
bear a few miles' np the rlvr- from
Lostine tio latter part of last week. .
Lccal and Personal.
J. T. Ilann delivered several huu-
dred beef steers to Hotchkiss Wednes
day. The price paid w is $3.60 per cwt.
Dr. Eugeibritzen, V. 8-, who was
formerly located here, has returned
aud will practice his profession lu this
county. I he doctor has been spend
the summer at Council, Idaho. ,
Lorn, to the wife of Mr. Crossly, six
miles east of Lostine, Nov. 1, a girl. -
Oscar Coleman aud family moved to
Prairie creek Saturday.
General disappointment . prevails
miong the residents of this place over
the recent railroad tie-up.
Members of ttie Lostine baud have
organized a six piece orchestra ,to
assist In furnishing music for a church
and Sunday school during the winter.
A wagon load of Greeks from one rf
the railroad camps turned over on the
grade just this side of Wallowa Mon
day. No one was hurt but the wagon
was badly damaged.
Miss Cliflton, teacher in the primary
department of the Lostine schools, is'
siiderlng from mumps this week. Her
place In the school Is being filled by
Miss Grace Wisdom. , ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Magill- -will
leave rtuiiy lor rrtneeton, 111., to
fpeud the winter.
Mrs. O. J. Foley Is teaching school
for Miss Ethel Fleenor out iu the hills,
the latter still being ill with mumps.
Miss Sadie Anderson has resigned
her positiou as head waiter at the Cray
hotel. ' , , '
Mrs. Joseph Pace Is suffering this
Five hundred cu:-t mers to
come in and inspect onr entire '
line cf general uieicliaiuliso" :
i end get our prices before pur
: chasiug elsewhere. 1 ' '
O . i. f
Wo curry a large and up-to-d
te stock of men's, h ys' and
youths' suits' ai d overcoats.
Also , Slickers, T.tackintiw,
leather aud rubber coats. If -you
want something . elegant t
in both quality we will
take your order for a suit from
the celebrated. ROYAL Tailpia.'
We can" 'furnish every '"man, ,
woman and child in towu with?
a pair of shoes and have plen
ty left to supply the r4utKf
ton trade. , :
We have a large and well
assorted stock of woolen and
cotton fleeced underwear to
keep your body 'warm by day
nnd woolen, blankets' galore to
keep you warm bj night.-. - ; .
We carry almost everything
in the hardware line from a
paper of tacks to a Kentucky
Drill, a Deere Gang era three
Bottom Disc.
Our stock of groceries are the
freshest because ,wo buy in
comparatively smulljuantitics
but buy often. ,;. f ,'; " . t .j .
. ' i ' '
In fact our s tock is complete
in every department and we
, invite comparison of prices
with anv store la -Wallowa
county. ,
R. S.&Z.Go.
week from au attack of bronchitis.