The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 31, 1907, Image 6

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In an ocean far out yonder,
As all sapient people know,
Is the land of Wonder-Wanilor
Whither children love to go;
It's their playing, romping, Hwinging,
That giveth joy to me,
While the Dinkey Bird goes singing
In the amfaiula tree!
There the gumdrops grow liko cherries,
And taffy's thick as peas;
Caramels you pick like berries
When and where and how you please;
Big red sugar plums arc clinging
To the cliffs beside that si a
Where the Dinkey Bird is singing
In the amfaiula tree!
So when children shout and scamper
And make merry all the day,
When there's naught to put a damper
On the ardor of their piny ;
When I bear their laughter ringing,
Then I'm sure as sure can be
That the Dinkey Bird is singing
In the amfulula tree.
For the Dinkey Bird's bravuras
And staccatos are so sweet,
His roulades, appoggiaturas
And robustos so complete,
That the youth of every nation,
He they near or far away,
Have eHpecial delivtntion
In that gladsome roundelay.
Their eyes grow bright and brighter,
Their lungs begin to crow,
Their hearts get light and lighter
And their cheeks are all aglow;
For ii n echo cometh bringing
The news to all and me
That the Dinkey Bird is singing
In the amfaiula treel
Yes, I'm sure you'd like to go there
To behold your feathered friend;
And so many goodies grow there
You would like to comprehend!
Speed, little dreams, your winging
To that land across the sea,
Where the Dinkey Bird is singing
In the amfaiula tree!
Eugene Field.
The Mills of the Gods
I allow It must bo nigh onto twenty
years since me an Caleb heerd that
lecture; but It seems ns If I nilnd
n'moHt every word of it yet. You see,
there hadn't bin much (join' on that
winter; an' bo, when along In Janu
ary, Caleb come home from preachlu'
I lied a had spell of nurulgy thut
day an' didn't get out an' sod there
was Koln to bo a lecture up at Nulieh
on the next Friday night, I Jest made
up my mind that I was goln But I
didn't let on to Caleb then. You Bee
a man's that queer, flrBt thing he'd
eed would 'nve bin, "You enn't go with
that nuralgy," Jest as If n body could
not hev nuralgy on Sabbath an' be
nil right agen by Friday.
I Well, as I wns siiyin', I'd made up
my nilnd to go to that lecture, bo l
aez to Caleb on Monday evcnln' it hod
bin ralnlu' an' gleetln' all day, an' he
lied bin out at Mill town after feed
an was ns cross an two sticks sez I,
"You're not thlnkln' of goin' to that
lecture, Cnlob," an' sez he, "What lec
ture?" Jest as If he'd never heerd a
word about It An sez I, "Ob, thnt
heathen lecture you was tellln' me
about on Sabbath dnyt" An' be got as
mnd ns a hornet, an' sez ho, "There
you go, Marin Aim Lurrabee, a snllln'
at things you don't know a thing
about. Here I've gone and told Undo
Billy I'd take two tickets, an' now
you don't want to go. I dcclaro If It
Isn't enough to rile a Bnlnt."
"Well," sez I, "I don't see any Ralnts
Jest 'round handy; but If you've told
Uncle Billy you'd take two tickets why
you'll hnve to take them, an' if we've
got tickets wo might as well go." An'
go we did.
You boo I'd read n bit of poetry onct
nn' there was a line In It nbout "The
mills of the gods grlndln'," an' I
always wanted to hear soinothln' more
about them mills. The man that did
tho lecturln' wasn't much to look at
nbout a lean on' hungry a-lookln' mor
tal as I ever laid eyes on but ho
could talk, an' no mistake, lie Jest
talked about them mills till a body
could almost hear the wheels hutiuiiln',
lie went on to say how every mean act,
every unkind word comes back to a
body soon or late, nn' how many n
time folks go on tlirowln' the doln's
of days an' months nn' years Into tho
hopper, not botherlu' ns to what kind
of Join's nil' saylu's the grist is made
I don't know ns I ever koerd a more
ttntlsfylu' talk. You boo thnt man
wnsn t tryln' to snow otr ills own
lenrnlu', nor to make us boo how little
we kuowed alongside of him. An'
when a body lins goniethln' to sny, an'
can say It without tryln' to do either
of them two things, It's a pleasure to
listen to him.
Well, I never forgot that lecture,
. Many an' tunny's the time I'vo looked
at the hopper and watched for the
meal, an' I've listened to folks a com-
plnluiu' and flndln' fault with the
nienl, when I'd seen them a tbrowln'
In keltor-ekelter, not cnrln' whether
It wns corn or cobs or even stones.
Well, well I the mills of the gods
purely grind fio. an' soon or late they
icrlnd It all. But sometimes the menl
makes bitter catln' oh how exceeding
titter; but It's got to be et all the
Now, thera was a second cousin of
Caleb's Henry John Stone his name
was he'd lived with us quite a spell
when he was little, an Caleb an' me
both thought a good bit of hint, though
we never liked his closeness. He mar
rid Mary Bully Lane. Nobody could
btlp Hkln Henry John, he waa a barn
worker an' that careful of his clothes,
why, I mended more for one of my
own children in a week than I did
for him In two months.
Well, they went to housekeepln' on
a place jest next to us, oeionging to
Henry John's mint Elmlra Stone was
her name, an' she was a terror If ever
there was one. Never married, "hed
no use for seen worthless truck as
men," she sed. I don t know as I
ever seen any of them runnln' after
her; but that's neither here nor there.
She hed ber good points, too.
Well, them young folks hadn't been
married long till I seen eomethln' was
wrong. Mary Emily was right proud
an' high strung an' she wouldn't tell a
thing, an' he never seemed to notice
that things wasn't goin' Jest the same
as they'd nlwns bin. Mary Emily
worked from mornln' till night, milk
In', churnln', feedln cnlves and chick
ens, weeding garden, besides cookln
nn' di jJi' all the house work. After
the flrBt year she quit goin anywhere
but to church. It wasn't thnt they
wasn't gettln' along In a money way.
Why, Henry John was always a brag
gin' to me what a good worker he'd
got nn' how well they wns gettln along.
But there wns somethln' wrong all
the same.- Mary Emily's face was get
tln' that hard lookln' It seemed as If
she hed forgot how to smile, an' folks
got to tnlkln' about how slutbby Bhe
went, nn' when they'd been married
about seven years she took typhoid fe
ver, nn' I went over to stay n week or
two till they could get some one. I de
clare nn' testify thnt I couldn't find
clothes enough to change her an' her
bed twice a week, nn' ns for the chil
dren, I nllow she must have washed out
their little dresses nt night nn' ironed
them before they got up In the morn
ln', not a one of them hed more than
one decent dress to its buck.
Well, Mary Emily died, nn' Aunt El-
mlry Stone came to stay with Henry
John nn' the children. Henry John was
all broke up, couldn't do notliin' but
talk to me nbout how good Mnry Emily
was, how she Jest worked nway an'
made things do, nn' never pestered him
for money for finery, u'n' liow she made
over bis clothes, nn' hers, too, for the
children, nn' how he'd be savin up
money nn' he'd got his horses nn' cows
all paid for an' some In the bank, till
I could hardly keep from nskln' lilm if
her workln' was all he missed. Oh, I
allow he loved her in his way, but lie
was dose all the Stones was close
with money close ns the bark on the
tree. An' when a mnn holds his money
so cloeu there Isn't much room for love
or anything else to get near him.
I look tho baby homo with me nfter
the funeral, an' Henry John wnsxover
quite often. Ho wns never done tnlkln'
nlHiiit how lucky he wns to get his nunt
to stay with htm. Sed sho hud a paper
made out, snyln' that things wns to go
on Jest the Biuno ns they did when
Mnry Emily was alive. Ho wasn't to
pay sny rent to her an' no wnges. "Jest
think. Aunt Maria Ann, she don't want
nny renl." sez he. Well, I didn't know
what to think. I knowed Elmlry Stone
hed soiiietliln' up her sleeve nn I tol.I
Henry John to be careful what he put
bis nniLC to, but ho sed he'd read It De
fore he signed It ; seemed is If he was
so tickled at gettln' her to keep h.iuse
for nothin' ho dldu't look too close at
anything else.
It wasn't long until he told me she'd
got him to draw out his money from
the bank nn' buy a new mower; sod
she'd even go to town with him an'
added sonio more to what ho had an'
got a letter machine. I got It out of
him that she'd hnd the bill mnde to her.
nn' h-ul resented It In her name. Hen
ry Jobu didn't altogether like this, but
there wns always the thought of havln'
somebody koopln' house for nothin' to
keep Mm from mnkln' a fuss; accim-d
as If money almost shone so bright !n
Henry John's eyes thnt It kind of dull
ed his slulit for anything else.
Well, It came along towards the lnt
of June nn' Henry John seemed to be
gettln peaked lookln', Jest like Mary
Emily used to the year before she died
1 went over one dny nn' ho wns weed-
In' out nn onion bed, n new one he'd
mndo thnt spring under the settln'
room window. Ho looked so worried
nn' mlsernblo thnt 1 Jest pulled him
down on tho porch step beside me. An'
I, "Where's Aunt Elmlry?" sea I
"Hows maw air lie ups an any,
"She's goin to the market now," an'
sea I, "How's thnt?" an' lie 'ups mid
lelh me thnt she allowed as the farm
was lien, she wns the one to sell the
stuff. "But," sea ho, "this here onion
bed's mine. I'm golu' to sell these on-
Ions nu' get the money for them, or I'll
know the reason why."
I declare I felt like sayln' lots, but I
didn't ; an' things got worse an' worse.
till along In September I heered Henry
John Jest a ahoutln' over at tha fence;
an' I run out to aee what be wanted,
an' ha was a wavln' an' motlonln' ma
to coma over. Bo I Jest raa orar, think-
In' one of the children hed fell or got '
hurt someway. But when I got there
him an' Elmlry Stone was havln' It hot
and heavy; seemed as If she'd sold his
onion bed an' pocketed the money ; an'
my oh my ! what a story he hed to tell ;
how he'd worked like a slave nil sum
mer an' milked, nn' raised calves that
she sed wouldn't live, an' took care of
the cblloeng an' run the farm besides,
an' how she'd sold everything an kept
the money; an' how he hadn't hed a
cent to spend ; an' how he,wasn't going
to stand It any longer.
An' she was standin 'there a holdln'
out a paper to me tellln' me to read It
An' I sez to her, "Didn't you promise
that things 'ud go on Jest as they did
when Mnry Emily was there?" An
sez she, "Well, ain't they goin' on Jest
the same?"
An' I set down an' Jest looked at
her. I allowed she'd gone crazy. But
Bhe Jest looked back at me. An' sez I,
"Do you menn to say you hev done Jest
like Mary Emily usted to do?" An she
give me such a scornful look. "Me?"
she sez, "me? well, I allow I'm not a
fool. I didn't say who was goin' to be
the Mnry Emily, did I? Henry John
alwus allowed thnt Mnry Emily ought
to be glad to work like a nigger day In
nn' dny out nn' never see a red cent,
nn' when she wnnted a callker dress she
could come beggln' to him one of tho
dollars she'd worked ns hnrd as him
to earn. Sold yer onions an' put the
money in my pocket, did I?" sez she,
turnln' to Henry John. "Well, you kin
Jest linnglne you're Mnry Emily an' I'm
you. Lots nn' lots of times you done
that to her nn' she wouldn't nsk for a
cent. An' when she died folks hed to
bring things to lay her out In. Well,
you've bin Mary Emily for nigh onto a
yenr now, how do you like It?"
Henry John Jest stood there lookln'
like he was goin' to fnll over In a fit,
an' I was dumb. As fur thnt dreadful
woman she went up-stairs an' come
down again with her bonnet on, an' as
she went out the door she looked at
Henry John, an sez she, "You've had
your lesson, see you don't forget It"
Well, I went home to talk things over
with Caleb, an' sez he, after I'd told
him whnt she sed, sez he, "Well, she's a
holy terror, but she's nbout right thera
Henry John's only gettln' back what
he give."
An sez I, "Yes, the mills of the goda
hev bin grlndln' nwny nn the menl isn't
to his Hklu'. You mind that lecture,
don't you?"
An' sez he, "What lecture?" Jest like
a man, wasn't it?
An' some folks sed Almlry Stone hed
made a smnll fortune out of the place
that year, an' some sed It served Hen
ry John Jest right, whilst there was
some allowed she did it because she
saw he was gltten that close an' mean
somethln' had to be done to open his
As for me, I never could Jest make It
out to my satisfaction, but there's one
thing I enn sny, It done him a power
of good. When he married again there
wuan't a better dressed nor a happier
woman in Nubeh tnnn Henry John's
wife. You see he nlwus wns a good
mnn, but he didn't think; no, he Jest
didn't think. I nllow It's nil for the
lest ; but when I go npast Mary Emily
In Nubeh churchyard I sny to myself,
"If only." Hut there. Them that sleeps
under the green quilt need no heart
salve. An' that's more thnn enn be sed
of the llvln'. Pittsburg Christian Ad
Comparatively Few Nntrltlve Pro
duct of the World's Inhabitants.
Certain great food staples - hnve
proved themselves within the nge-long
experience of Immunity to possess a
larger amount of nutritive vnlue, diges
tibility nnd other good qualities, nnd a
smaller proportion of undesirable prop
erties thnn nny others, snys McClure's.
These, through an exceedingly slow nnd
gradunl process of the Burvlvnl of the
fittest, hnve come to form the stapled
of food In common uso by the human
rnce all over the world. It Is realty as
tonishing how comimrntlvely few there
nre of them, when we come to consider
them broadly ; the flesh and the milk of
three or four domesticated animals, the
flesh of three or four and the eggs of
one sjiecles of domesticated birds, three
great grains wheat, rice nnd maize
and a half-dozen smaller and much less
frequent ones, one hundred or so spe
cies of fishes and shell fish, two sugars,
a dozen or so stnrch-contnlnlng roots
nnd tubers, only two of which the po
tato nnd the mnnloc nre of renl In-
ternntlonnl Importance, twenty or thir
ty fruits, forty or fifty vegetables make
up two-thirds of the food supply of the
ltihabltnnts of the world.
Instead of wondering at tho variety
and profuseness of the huma,n food sup
ply the biologist Is rather Inclined to
ejaculate wRh the Loudon footman Im
mortalized by John Leech, who, when
told by the cook thnt there would be
mutton chops for dinner and roast beef
for supHr, exclaimed: "Nothlnk but
beef, mutton and pork pork, mutton
and beef! Hln my opinion, hit's lgh
time some new hanlmal waa hlnvent-
Not I'HID.
Kadley I must confess I was pretty
cranky yesterday. Did the girls say
anything about it?
Kaudor No.
Kadley Strange they didn't notlca
my behavior.
Kaudor I guess they didn't see any
thing unusual about It Philadelphia
A poor but otherwise atrlctly bon-
est man says that tha worst thing
about rtchea la not baring any.
Flattery Is a kind of flypapar that
.catches silly people.
Handy Home-Made Tool.
All growers of blackberries and rasp
berries know that one of the most dis
agreeable Jobs of the season is the cut
ting out of the old canes on the plants
of these fields. The easiest way of do
ing this work is to use a sharp tool of
some kind so arranged that the operat
or may stand upright and work. The
tool Illustrated may be readily made by
any handy man, nnd will do the work
required quite as effectually as a more
expensive tool.
Take the handle from a worn-out
shovel or fork and have the black
smith attach to It the end of an old
scythe blade or, If one has no blnde of
this kind, the blacksmith can fashion
one from old scraps that he may have
at small expense. Have this blnde fns-
tened to the handle In the manner
shown In the cut, and when working
among the ennes of the berry bushes
use It In the way illustrated.
This tool will be found extremely
handy for this sort of pruning any
where on the farm. It will work quite
well for cutting out suckers in the or
chard as In the berry row. If the canes
nre quite tall a straight handle may be
attached to the blnde so thnt one may
have it of any desired length. Such a
tool costs but little, and If one has a
considerable area In berry plants It
rill pay to have several tools made.
"Beans" Is the title of a recent farm
ers' bulletin, by Professor Corbett the
well-known horticulturist of the United
States Department of ' Agriculture.
Beans belong to one of the most Impor
tant families of economic plants with
which man has to deal that of le
gumes. The bean furnishes food for
both man and and beast, and at the
same time increases the fertility of
the soil. It Is, therefore, an inipor-
tant crop, both In farm rotation and
In marked garden work. The new bul
letin treats fairly of its cultivation,
care and use.
Professor Wlaneko, of Purdue Expe
riment Station, has Just issued an in
teresting bulletin on soy beans, cow
peas and other forage crops. The cul
ture of cow peas and soy beans Is be
coming important with many farmers.
as they make good forage crops and at
the same time add fertility to the soil.
They belong to the legumes, and the
cost of producing Is about the same as
for corn, while their food value com
pares very favorably with corn. Sev
eral other classes of forage plants are
described In the bulletin.
To Paateurlae Mlllc.
Pasteurizing milk Is a very simple
process, the operator to be careful of
the temperature, however, which is
very Important When milk is boiled
the natural flavor Is destroyed, and
some persons object to It. .Milk is also
Injured to a certain extent by boiling,
To Pastuerlze milk, procure long-
necked bottle, which must be scrupu
lously clean ; pour in the milk and plug
the tops with cotton wool, which ex
cludes all germs. Tlace the bottles In
a deep pan or other vessel and heat to
a temperature of 158 degrees, using a
thermometer. If the temperature .reach
es 100 degrees the milk will have the
odor of being boiled. Keep the milk
heated for half an hour. The cot
ton stoppers need not be removed un
til the milk is desired for use. The
bottles containing the milk may be
placed In a refrigerator or some cool
receptnele. Milk so prepared can be
kept for two or three dnys. To sterilize
milk It must be boiled, hence Pasteu
rization is a different process.
A careful observer of poultry needs
no better sign of Its condition than to
watch the comb. A bright red comb
shows that the hen or male Is healthy
and vigorous, and If a hen, she will
probably be a good layer. After the
egg supply has failed the comb will
generally lose its color. In cold weath
er fowls with large combs must have
extra warm Quarters, as they are very
easily frozen. It Is frozen combs more
often than 'anything else that makes
Leghorns and Mlnorcas . poor winter
layers. Aa their names Imply, they are
natives of warm climates, as, Indeed,
moat fowls are. They very rarely get
into aa warm quarters In winter as
they could And anywhere In the coun
tries whera they hnd their original
.1 . .
Bo Koonlaa.
A cellar la a good place to keep bees.
but, if sheltered from tha winds and
exposed to tbe sun, a strong colony win
. Yn nt of doors.
Shredded Store.
For winter feeding of stock animals
this makes one of the finest feeds on
the farm. . The modern husking and
shredding machinery does excellent
work, and Its man-eating proclivities
have been largely eliminated. An or
dinary threshing machine can be made
to do good shredding, but the grain Is
not left In the best condition. The
greatest drawback in the use of both
husker and thresher Is that they re
quire a large force of men and teams,
hence the work Is quite expensive.
Perhaps the cheapest corn husking Is
done with the little old. husking peg.
But It Is almost Impossible to feed long
stover without considerable waste, and
the refuse stalks are a nuisance when
It comes to handling the manure. These
difficulties may be overcome by running
the handhusked stover through a com
mon cutter and shredder. This work
can usually be done without employing ;
much. If any outside help. In case ev
erything Is hired, the cost of the work.
added to that of band-bnsklng and put
ting of the corn and stover in crib and
mow or stack may equal or even exceed
tho expense of machine husking and
shredding. This is a point for each to
decide from his own standpoint Agri
cultural Epitomlst
Composition of Crop.
A bulletin of the Minnesota ' Experi
ment Station discusses the composition
and characteristics of the more common
farm crops, as alfalfa, clover, peas,
rape, corn fodder, timothy, millet, etc.
In connection with the composition
of some of the crops the protein eon-
tent of the seed is considered. In the
case of clover, alfalfa, peas, beans and
rape two distinct types of seed are
shown to recur, one of high and the
other of low protein content and the
relationship of the physical character
istics of the seeds to the chemical com
position is noted. The larger protein
content of the seed is considered as a
possible factor In the production of for
age crops of high nutritive value. The
quality of the forage In live-stock feed
ing Is of great Importance, because by
the use of more concentrated nitroge
nous forage rations can be prepared
requiring smaller amounts of grains
and milled products. The result Is a
material financial saving' of stock.
How to Save Steps.
In spite of the extensive development
and use of corn harvesting machinery
the fact remains that much corn Is
still cut by hand. Therefore the ac
companying sketch recently gent to the
New England Momested by a reader
will prove of Interest.
He hns figured out that If the plan
outlined Is followed a sixty-four hill
shock, or stook, of corn can be cut at
a minimum number of steps. The cir
cles In the center represent the four
hills tied together or between which
the shock Is built. After the founda
tion for the shock Is ready the man
goes to No. I and cuts In the direction
I iff
S (S f3 i,r
' o o t &
1 it
f.....J, O O (& b-'-f
P !p 0 -
it m tt- . g.. if. n
of the numbers until he reaches No. 8.
After placing his. armful In the shock
he begins at No. 0 and cuts to No. 16
again depositing his load and continu
ing the operation In the way the hills
are numbered until the shock is com
pleted. It will be noted that In addi
tion to saving steps this plan brings
the cutter near the shock with his heav
iest load, or when his arm la full of
Fruit from Seed.
It is doubtful If there is any kind ot
fruit that will come strictly true to va
riety when grown from seed, as there
is a tendency to deviate from the orig
inal. One may secure something supe
rior or the fruit mny revert back to
some undesirable -kind. It Is a slow
and uncertain process. Chestnuts may
be grafted when 1 year old. The nuts
are usually placed In the ground In
rows, 6 Inches deep, early In the spring
or late In the fnll, hilling over them If
in tbe fnll, and uncovering In the
spring. They are very unreliable In
germinating and prefer a sandy loam.
The European varieties are larger than
the native. The native chestnuts vary
greatly, no two trees producing nuts
exactly alike In size, flavor, etc. The
foreign varieties are grafted on the
American stocks. Trees grown from
American nuts can not be depended
upon for quality of product
A Peaceful Be.
Beehives on every front porch, giv
ing each family a supply of delicious
honey close at hand, while at the same
time the bees will Inculcate their lea-
son of Industry, are a possibility, for
the Department of Agriculture has suc
ceeded in Importing from abroad what
may be termed a peaceful- bee, which
finds onr fickle climate to ita liking.
The newcomer is known as the Cau
casian bee. The name Is derived from
Its native locality, and is emphasized
by habits of Ufa which rank It distinct
ly aa tbe white man's bee. It Is civil
ised, dignified and high-toned. It
rushes with reluctance into anything
that amacka of warfare, having, in
place of tha belligerent lnatlncta of
others of Ita class, a predisposition to
1000 Norwegians defeated tha English
at Fulford.
1108 Richard I. defeated the . French
at the battle of Glaors.
1327 Edward II. of England murdered
in Berkeley Castle.
1350 English defeated the French at
the battle of Poitiers.
1415 Owen Qlendower, the Welsh pat
riot, died at Monnlngton.'
1628 John Endicott's colony arrived at
Salem, Mass.
1630 Boston, formerly Trlmountain,
Mass., named.
1653 New England colonists declared
war against the Ntantlck Indians.
1065 The great plague of London
reached ita height
1675 Bloody Brook massacre at Deer.
field, Mass.
1607 King William's war ended by the
treaty of Rye wick.
1710 Expedition against the French
sailed from Boston for Port Royal.
1714 George I. landed In England.
1745 Battle of Preston pans between
the Royal troops and the Jacobites.
1747 Marquis da Beauharnais ended his
twenty-one year term aa governor
of Canada.
1750 Quebec capitulated to the British.
1762 St. John's, Newfoundland, retaken
from the French by the British.
1776 The first Trinity church, New
York, destroyed by fire. Built in
1777 Continental Congress left Phila
delphia on tha approach of the Brit
ish. .. .British victorious at battle
of Saratoga. .. .British defeated the
Americans at Paoli, Pa.
1702 Meeting of the first Parliament of
upper Canada.
1793 George Washington laid the cor
ner stone of the national capitol at
Washington. ,
1801 Robert Emmet, Irish patriot.
hanged for treason.
1821 Central American States declared
their independence.
1823 Samuel L. Southard of New Jer
sey became Secretary of the Navy.
1838 Opening of the London and Bir
mingham railway. .. .Anti-Corn Law
League formed at Manchaster, Eng-.
1841 Railway opened between London
and Brighton.
1847 Shakspeare's house, Stratford-on-
Avon, bought for the British nation.
1850 President Fillmore signed the
fugitive slave law.
1854 Allies defeated the Russians at
the battle of Alma.
1856 The last national convention of
the Whigs met at Baltimore.
1857 Massacre at Mountain Meadow,
Utah.... Delhi captured by the Brit
ish. I860 The American tour of the Prince
of Wales began at Detroit
1S61 New Orleans banks suspended
specie payment
1802 Battle of Antietam ended.
1803 Gen. Bragg began the siege of
Chattanooga. . . .First day of the bat
tle of Chlckamauga.
1804 Gen. Sheridan victorious at bat
tle of Winchester. .. .Gen Fremont
withdrew aa a candidate for Presi
dent 1868 Revolution' In Spain commenced.
1870 The Germans Invested Paris.
1871 Lincoln's body removed to its final
resting place at Springfield, 111.
1873 Financial panic precipitated by
the suspension of Jay Cook & Co.
1881 Chester A. Arthur took the oath
aa successor to President Garfield.
1801 The St Clair tunnel under tha
Detroit river opened to traffic.
1804 Chinese defeated with heavy loss
at battle of Ping Yang, Korea.
1895 Peary Arctic relief expedition left
St. John's, N. F., on return home.
1808 Spanish forces began the evacua
tion of Porto Rico. .. .French min
ister of war ordered the prosecution
of Col. Plcquart in connection with
the Dreyfus caae. ;
1800 Anti-trust conference at Chicago
Odda and Ends.
Methodist foreign mission schools have
over 70,000 pupils.
China and Japan together produce
125,000 tons of silk annually.
Taken the world over, the annual av
erage rainfall la sixty Inches.
Coffee plantations In bloom are snow
white and exhale a delicious odor, but
the bloaaams die In a day. ,
The steel sleeping ears which the Pull-
ma a company is building will weigh 23
per cent more than the present ears.
' As near as can be ascertained, tha on
appropriated and unreserved public lands
of tha United States amount to 79238,-
707 acres. ;
A decade ago, m the fiscal year 1890
"07, thia country did a business with the
La tin-American countries amounting ta
1234,000.000. In the fiscal year 1906
07 It bas done a bnalnass with the I tin.
American oountrlaa In excess of $000