The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 31, 1907, Image 5

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15 per Cent on Your
Solid Comfort
lwo Houses
Paying $18 a
month rent.
$1500 FOR BOTH
Lota one-fourth Block in Size
for from
$100 to $400.
Residences from
$600 to $5000
All above property
in Enterprise.
Good Farm Propositions
Miss Bethel McKenzte at the Postofflce! U
authorized to receive and receipt for subscrip
tions and advertising (or the News-Record,
aud to receive and receipt for job work.
Injured la Runaway.
As Mr. and Mrs. Charles Melquist
were driving a few miles below Lostine,
Tuesday, Jtheir team became frightened
at a passing automobile and ran away,
throwing both occupants of the buggy
out. Mrs. Melquist escaped uninjured,
but Mr. Melquist was severaly bruiBed
about the head and shoulders. He is
under the care of Dr. Hewett, and it is
thought his injuries will not prove
Shout L we
Union Pacific
' Lostine Man Promoted.
Word was received here this wei'k
that Cole Leonard.who was formerly a
LoHtiue boy, 1ms been promoted from
fireman on a switch engine at Umatilla
to fire on one of the regular O. R. & N.
freight trains running out of Pendleton.
Local and Personal.
Paul Harris has been on the sick list
the last few days.
John McCubbin is treating his house
to a coat of paint.
Oscar Coiuman has purchased the
Stone residence property, consideration
Wm. Crumbpacker returned Satur
day from a several months visit it
Lindsay Hammack recently returned
Nothing As Good As Wallowa County.
Hans Thro ani family of Joseph, were
In Tatinn Sntnrdftv on their return
. . . . I it u I
from an extensive trip oy wagon roma business triptothe Willamette
oui western anu Bouiuerii victjuu. i"c ' vauey
insnroted all the best of that portion of!
the state with a view to locate, but have I Anna Grabnni, daughter of John Gra-
returned convinced that thefe is no J ham, is suffering from an attack ol tot.
Dally Ex
Depart lor
Time schedule,
Dally Ex.
Ar- from
Imbler; Altcel, Island
No. 81 City, La Grande, con
necting at La orande
S:U p. m. with trains for all
points east nnd west.
No. 82
11:30 a. m,
Low Rates.
Through Tickets To and From
Parts of the Country.
H. H. Weatberspoon, Agent.
Elgin, Oregon.
place quite as good as Wallowa county.
Boys Dogs for Feeding.
Mr. Bowlby of Swamp creek, has pur
chased several hundred head of hogs
from various ranchers around here, and
Is feeding them at Evan Allen's ranch
one mile north of town. He also purch
ased several tons of barley to feeil them
The price paid v as 5 cts tor hogs and
one cent fur barley.
Professional Directory
Business Cards
Physicians and Surgeons.
Picked Up 40 Lbs Trout
While the water was turned out of
the mill company's ditch a short time
Saturday the two small sons of Jas.
Terry picked up 40 pounds of fine trout
in 100 yards of the ditch bed, measuring
from six to 18 inches in length.
Wants to Kno w
Editor News Record: Will someone
kindly tell me where I can find the
scripture tlia teaches that Christ and
his apostles sprinkled infants. You
would do me a great favor. Kindly
translate the word "baptise" (used in
the original). Explain.
M. J. Taompson.
More Dwellings Needed.
There is a scarcity ot dwelling houses
in Lostine this fall. At least half a doz
en more could be rented if they were
to be had.
Bring Paradise Wheat
Considerable wheat is being delivered
at the Lostine flour mill by farmers
from the Paradise country.
Physician and Surgeon,
Second-Hand Store
Vitus dance.
Harlie Fleenor worked in Fitz
Patrick's store a few days last week
during the rush.
Several Lcstine rjeonle attended the
concert at Wallowa Friday night and
report a pleasing entertainment.
F. W. Fitzpatrick spent the latter
ptirt ot last week looking after business
mutters in the Flora neighborhood.
School in the Whitmore district was
dismissed this week, on account of the
U-iiclit'r, Miss Ethel Fleenor, having the
Geo. Willet has returned from Port
land, where he successfully passed the
examination before the state board of
barber examiners.
Archie Willet will move to Elgin this
week where he will embari; in the
butcher business in partnership with his
brother-in-law, Frank Burns, of Prairie
Dr. Ansou Poley bought 180 head of
hogs from his brother, O. J. Poley, Sat
urday and took thein to his Prairie
creek ranch where he will fatten them
along with several others.
Lafe Hammack returned Saturday
from Portland and other Willamette
valley points. Mr. Hammack talks of
moving to the westei n part of the Btate
in the near future to reside.
Word has been received by relatives
here that Miss Sedalia Kucker, formerly
of Lostine but now of North Yamhill, is
suffering from tuberculosis involvement
ol the knee, and that an amputation of
the limb will probably be necessary to
save her life. Miss Kucker is a sister
cf Mrs. Bules of Enterprise
RODGERS BROS. Proprietors
Dealers in Kew and Second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs.
Furniture Repaired, Upholstering done. Counters, Show Cases, Store
fixtures, and Old Mission Furniture made to order. All goods called
"for and delivered any place in town. We are located in the Enterprise
Restaurant Building, west side of the city square. Call in and see us.
Special Offer to Subscribers.
In order to help make known the
resources of Wallowa county and the
opportunities here for houieseekers
' aud Investors, the News Record makes
' this special offer: Any regular sub
scriber may have sent one or more
I copies of the News Record to any
I address outside the county, at the
following rates:
Yearly subscriptions each $1.00.
Six months 65c. Three months 35c.
Single copies 5 cents, 6 copies same
issue 25 cents, mailed from office with
. out extra charge.
Doin Business
We have had our one-day Fur Sale and it was a great success.
Many people were made happy on that day. But we still have
a very large and well assorted line of
that we are offering atalmost unheard of prices. Neck pieces
from $L25 to $20.00. Then we have sets, Muffs and Scarfs
to match We also have a complete line of
Crushed Plush, Bear Skin and Astrakan, All of these gar
ments are well made and going very reasonably. We have
not space to quote prices, but invite you to come to our store
and examine for yourself, and we know we can convince the
most skeptical. Our Fall line is in, so come early before the
goods are picked over.
IB. M. & M. Co.
E. T. Anderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Independent Phone.
Office up stairs in Bank Bldg.
J. A, Burleigh
Dan iu 1 Boyd
Burleiqh 8c Boyd
Rttorrtey s-a 1-LaW
Will practice in all the Courts of
this Btate and before the Interior
and its offices.
The most careful attention
given to all business entrusted
to our care.
Enterprise, Oregon.
When Passing On The Lewis
toii Road, Stop At The
Sled Springs Hotel.
Plenty of StaMe Root...
S. B. CONNER, Proprietor.
Wm. Mcllroy anu Company.'
Farms, Timber Lands, Acreage,
Lots, Residence and HiiHiiiess
Property For Bale. Timber Lo
cating a Bpccialty
Stone Mason and Gutter
Cut stone flues constantly on
hand for short order work,
also freHh lime.
L. J.Pisej.l, Wallowa, On.
During the long, cold winter evenings if you
have one of these mission style, leather bottom
rockers bought of
GET THE II A (BIT It's pleasant and profitable to
trade at ASHLEY' 8.
Horses Boarded by Day, Week or Month
Good Care of all Stock.
One Block North of Court House.
J. C. SHACKLEFORD, Proprieto;.
by law, within nix months from tho dute ot
thin not ice.
Dated this 24 th of October, 11)07.
E. Moons,
Administratrix of tho"Estate of Elinor V.
Moore, deceased. 't5
UVKi.EUin & Boyd, Attorneys (or Estate.
In t he Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon,
for Wallowa County.
H. P. Til roe, 1'lRlntlff,
Mary A. Danforth' and
I.uclus Dunforth, her )
husband, and Liirklu
Hunley, Defendants. )
To Mary A. Danforth, Lucius Pan forth
and Larklu Hunley, the defendant)! above
named :
in the name of the State Oregon: You and
each of you are hereby required to appear
and aiiHwer to complaint tiled against you
In the'nbove entitled cause on or before the
expiration of six weeks from unci after the
date ot the first publication ot this Summons,
which date of first publication la Saturday,
September 21st, 11H)7, and If you fall bo to ap
pear and answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In his complaint, to wit:
For a decree requiring you and each of you
to sot forth the nature of your claim or In
terest In and to Lot numbered Eight nnd the
South one-half of Lot numbered Nine In
Block numbered Eleven in the town of Jos
eph, Wailowa county, Oregon, and that nil
adverse claims of yo.i and each of you be
determined by said decree; that you nnd
each of you be adjudged anil decreed to have
no Interest or claim In and to said real prop
erty or any part thereof; that plaintiff's title
thereto be adjudged nnd decreed to be good
and valid against you and each of you, unci
his title thereto quieted: and that you am?
each t f you bo forever barred and enjoined
from asserting any claim or Interest In and
to said real property or any part thereof, ad
verse. In the title of plaintiff: and for inch
other and further relict as to equity shall
seem meet nnd agreeable.
This tiimmniis Is served upon you by publl
cation thereof In the New'N-Record, for the full
period of six consecutive weeks, commencing
with the date of September 21st, 11)07, pursu
ant to an order of the Hon. (). M. Cork Ins,
County Judge of Wallowa county, Oregon,
w hich order is made and duted on the IHth
day of September. 1117.
21t7 HU;tM;IGII & IIOYD,
Attorneys for rialiitiff.
Can Help Make
Known The
Ruggles & Lathrope,
The House
We will moye your house, liarn or
other buildings in a careful manner
also put In new foundations, when
If you are In need of any work In
our line, call on or address us at
qLD papers for shelves or putting
nder carets. News Record ofilce.
Creditor's Notice.
Id the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wallowa County, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the Etute of Klmcr V
Moore, Decensed.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, E. Moore, lout been duly appointed
a the administratrix or the estate of bline
V. Moore, deceased, by the County Court of
said County, nnd a such administratrix has
been duly qualified ; all persons holding
claim against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same to the undersigned d the office of Burleigh A Boyd
Enterprise, Oregon, duly rerllied as required
In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wallowa County
V."K, Stubbletleld, I'lullit Iff,
Angle Htubblcfleld, Defendan
To Angle Stubbletleld, the above named
In the name ol the State of Oregon: You
are hereby required to apiiear nnd answer to
the complaint tiled against you In the nlnwo
entitled cause on or PetOre Hie expiration ol
six weeks Irom the date ol the Ural publica
tion ot this Summons, which first date of
publication Is Saturday, September Hist,
lmn, and If you fall to appear mm answer
within said time, for want thereol the plain-
tiff will apply to the Court for tho relic:!
prayed for III his complaint, viz:
Kor a decree: dissolving tho bouUH or matri
mony now and heretofore existing between
the plaintiff and defendant, upou the
grounds of willful desertion.
Thin Summons is published pursuant to an
order ol the Hon. O M. Corkins, County
Judge of Wallowa county, Oregon, made and
entered on the lHth day ol September, 1IHJ7,
directing the publicutlon thereol for the
period of six consecutive weeks commencing
with the dute of September 21st, 11W7.
Attorneys for 1'lulutlff.
By taking advantage of
the special offer to all
regular subscribers of
News Record
Send the paper to an
Eastern friend or ac
quaintance for
One Year $1.00
Six Months .65
Three " .35
Administratrix' Notice.
In the County Court ot the Slate of Oregon,
for Wullowa County.
In the Mutter of the rotate of )
J, r. Iturlelgn, Keeecutecl. )
Notice I hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the above entitled
estate has Hied her llnul account of her
administration of said (slate with tho Cleik
of this Court, and the Court has fixed Friday,
November H, t07, at the Court room of said
Court in Knterprlse, Oregon, ua the time aud
place for the settlement of said account; at
which time any persona Interested lu said
estate may appear aud tile objections, In
writing, to said account, and con lest the
Dated at Enterprise, Oregon, this 8th duy
of October, 1UU7.
Alice Bi'w.eihi,
Administratrix ol the Estute oU, K. Burleigh
Offer open to all regular
subscribers of The News
Record and the paper
will be sent regularly at
above terms to any ad
dress in the United
States outside Wallowa