RIVER BOAT BURNS Explosion on J. N. Teal Results In Loss ol Two Lives. ANOTHER BOAT TO PUT ON RUN Connected With Portage Road Celilo to Handle Traffic of Upper Columbia. at Portland, Oct. 24. In a fire that fol lowed an explosion on the Open Biver Transportation company's steamer J. N. Teal, at the foot of Oak street, at -4:45 o'clock yesterday morning Mrs. Amanda E. Jackson and James Collins 'were incinerated, Jack Hasley was seri ously burned and the vessel's super structure was totally destroyed. Whether the accident was caused by "the explosion of an oil burner or of one -of the boilers is in doubt. An official investigation will be started by the United States inspectors to determine the facts. The steamer was practically new, having been launched the latter part of Way. On June 20 she was placed in commission between Portland and the -state portage road at Celilo, connecting with the steamer Belief, which was 'Operating on the upper stretches of the Columbia. During the i) months the craft bad been in service she never missed a trip. She completed three round trips a week. It is declared that -no other boat on the river ever ran more steadily than she, and this is the first accident the boat ever experienced. Though not regarded as an unusually speedy boat, she succeeded in maintain ing an average speed of about 15 miles an hour. Aside from carrying general freight both up and down, the Bteamer handled a, large number of passengers. Primar ily she was built for the purpose of setting an independent steamer line established and to add to it as occasion demanded, with the view of having "water transportation facilities as far inland as Lewiston, Idaho. The slogan of the company was an "open river,' hence the name chosen for the corpora tlon. Of late the major portion of her car goes on the down trips have been made vp of wheat. The Belief, running from Celilo, or the upper terminus of the portage road, brought grain on the clown trips almost altogether and man aged to keep enough of the cereal at the portage to keep the Teal busy in con section with the other line of freight she handled. Joseph N. Teal, secre tary of the company, states that the Belief will be kept In service. Before too great a quantity of freight .-accumulates at the portage he is conn dent that another boat to handle the traffic at this end of the line will be chartered. EMPRESS OF CHINA SINKS. Crack Oriental Liner Resting on at Vancouver. Mud Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 24. The Canadian Pacific Railway company's crack Oriental liner, Empress of China, ank last evening alongside her dock in this port. Her seacocks must have toeen opened, but how, no one can ex plain. Her main deck on the port side ie awaeh with several feet of water. She sank and keeled over on her port side, so that the main deck is now at an an $le of about 45 degrees. Her engines nd dynamoes are entirely under water She is resting on a mud bottom, but the problem in saving her will be that of righting the vessel and preventing iier from completely turning turtle. Just after 6 o 'clock the steward no ticed that the water was coming in over a lower deck. All day the liner had been loading flour, 600 or 600 tons of -which is now being slowly turned into paste in the watery hold. Instantly the steward gave the alarm. Officers at dinner hurried to their stations as the big vessel began to list. All hands manned the pumps, but it was too late to save her from Binking and soon every person was ordered ashore. Will Pound to Bits Crescent City, Cal., Oct. 24. The stranded British steamer Queen Chris tina lies in the same position she took 'when she ran aground last week. The ea continues running smooth and the tipper deck has been dry ever 'since ,the accident. It is the opinion of local seafaring men that the first heavy torm will pound the vessel to pieces There is no chance to salvage the heavy articles aboard from seaward, as it is too late in the season and because there are too many sunken rocks around the steamer. Chopped to Pieces by Murderer. Helena, Oct. 24. A special to the Record from Livingston, Mont., says that T. O. Oram, employed on an ex. tension of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, has been found foully mur lered near Willow creek tunnel. His throat was slashed in five places and there was a dozen ugly stabs in hi chest, while his head was badly bruis ed, as if with a blunt instrument. The identity of the murderer is not known nor is there any trace. Ruef Sentence Postponed. San Francisco, Oct. 24. Judgi Dunne yesterday postponed the trial of Abe Buef on the four charges of extor tion for two weeks. Ruef was also given two weeks' respite before being sentenced on the extortion charge, to which he confessed. JURY IS COMPLETE. Second Trial of Ford for Bribing Frisco Supervisors On. Sun Francisco, Oct. 23. The jury to try ex-Attorney General Tiiey L. Ford, chief counsel of the United railroads, accused of bribing Supervisor Jennings J. Phillips in the sum of $4,000 to vote for the trolley franchise was completed shortly before the noon hour yesterday. The prosecution exhausted all five of its peremptory challenges in the selec tion of the jury. The defense used only five of its ten. At 2:10 p. m. Mr. Heney began his opening address. After stating that the indictment charged Patrick Cal houn, Tirey L. Ford, Tbornwell Mul lally and William M. Abbott jointly with the bribing of Supervisor Jennings Phillips in the sum of $4,000 to vote in favor of the United Railroads trolley franchise, Mr. Heney sketched in out line the facts he expects to prove in asking for a conviction of Ford. He followed closely the lines of the open ing statement made by him to the uiy in the first trial of Ford, in which the jury disagreed. The only marked difference lay in the fact that throughout his statement yesterday Mr. Heney intimated that be would prove these allegation! without the testimony of Ruef. The general belief is that Buef is holding out for a contract with complete immunity. Notwithstanding his submission of himself to the bribery graft prosecu tion, Mr. Heney and his associates have repeatedly declared that it is their in tention to send Buef to jail when they are through with him. The surprise of the day was the seem ing recalcitrancy of Jennings J. Phil ips, the second witness called. He declared himself unable to remember whether Supervisor James J. Galla gber, allegedly acting in behalf of the United Railroads and by direction of Buef, had paid him the first half of the $4,000 bribe before or not until after the passage of the franchise; and Mr Heney had great difficulty in getting him to admit that "to the best of his recollection" the offer of money was made in the period that elapsed be tween its introduction and its passage STRIKE OVER IN NORTHWEST. Union Calls It Off at Helena, Big Re lay Point. Helena, Oct. 23. That a third great dam across the Missouri river near here will be built immediately is no longer a possibility, it is an assured fact. Ex. Governor S. T. Mauser has just re turned from New York, and stated that the necesfary $3,000,000 had been se cured before the great slump in stocks and tightening of money. The state ment is further borne out by the fact that the Capital (Jity rower company today bought from the state of Montana all of the remaining land which is to be flooded by the backwaters, and which lies on either side of the river While a portion of the power gene rated will be utiilzed in the Butte mines and Anaconda smelter ol tbe Amalgamated Copper company, no small amount will be used in the re' clamation of arid lands in this immedi ate vicinity. Speaking on the subject, Governor Hauser said that the financial success of the first two dams was all the argument needed to enlist capital for the third. THIRD DAM ON MISSOURI. Capital Secured and Bottom Lands Bought for Undertaking. Helena, Oct. 23. At a meeting of the local Telegraphers' union in this city last night the strike was formally declared of and 10 men have asked Manager Taylor, of the Western Union or their old positions, .forty men walked out in this city when the strike was first inaugurated, and the first break in the ranks came several days ago when one ot tbe strikers acked for reinstatement and was sent to the St. Paul office. It is believed that tbe action cf the local union here will have the effect of breaking the backbone of the strike throughout the Northwest, as Helena, being a big relay point, is one of the most important offices west of Chicago.' Mr. Taylor believes that before to morrow night practically every operator who quit the service of the Western Union here will ask for reinstatement. Stamping Out Plague. Seattle, Oct. 23. Mayor Moore yes terday formally requested Governor Mead to request the surgeon general of the Publio Health and Marine Hospital service to take charge of the prophy lactic measures that may be necessary to stamp out bubonic plague in Seattle, and Governor Mead immediately wired the department at Washington. The city council has prepared an ordinance providing for a bounty on rats and the board of health has divided the city into sanitary districts for the purpose ol cleaning up tne city. Driver Puts Up a Fight. Helena, Mont., Oct. 23. A letter from Lewistown, Mont., says that the Musselshell stage was held np by two robbers, but that tbe driver, named Launceford, put up such a fight with one of the robbers that the second man was obliged to leave the horses' heads to assist his comrade in crime. While the fight was in progress the team ran away, thus permitting the malls and other matter to escape the hands of the robbers. Emperor is Much Improved. Vienna, Oct 23. Information ob tained from all sources indicates that the condition of the emperor is very much Improved. Last night was a good night for him and yesterday was a sjood day. NEWS FROM THE UNCLE SAM'S MEAT TRADE. Over Ten Billion Dollars Represen ted in Industry In America. Washington, Oct. 25. A capital of $10,625,000,000 is directly concerned in the raising of meat animals and their slaughtering and packing, accord ing to a report on meat supply issued by the department of agriculture. This amount ia five-sixths as large as all capital invested in manufacturing in 1904. Seven-eighths of the meat and meat products are consumed within this country. The stock of meat ani mals has increased since 1840, but has not kept pace with the increased popu lation. The report adds: "That meat consumption per capita- has declined in this country since 1840 is plainly indicated. How important meat is in the diet of the different countries is shown in the following meat consumption per capita in 1904, in dressed weight: "United States, 185 pounds; United Kingdom, 121 pounds; Australia, 263 pounds; Mew Zealand, 212 pounds; Cuba, 124 pounds ; Fiance, 79 pounds Belgium, 70 pounds; Denmark, 76 pounds; Sweden, 62 pounds; Italy, 56 pounds." LITSLE COKE ON COAST. Washington Only State Which Pro- duces Any Amount. Washington, Oct. 26. Washington is the only one of the Pacific coast states which produces coal of quality suitable for the manufacture of coke. The cokemaking operations of Wash ington are not of special importance when compared with the output of other cokemaking states, but they are of interest as establishing the fact that it is possible to produce metallurgical coke from Pacific coast coal. There are five coke establishments in the state, three of which made coke in 1906. Two plants, having a total of 31 ovens, have been idle during the last two years. The production in 1906 amounted to 45,642 short tons, valued at $226,977, againBt 53,137 short Ions, valued at $251,717, in 1905 All of the coal used in cokemaking in Washington in 1906 was washed. Two of the plants used washed run-of-mine, and one plant used washed Black. The washed run-of-mine coal amounted to 70,685 tons and the washed slack to 6, 211 tons. The cokemaking industry of Wahington began in 1884, when 400 tons of coke were produced. Williamson Case Goes Over. wahington, uct. Z4. Argument in the case of ex-Representative J. N Williamson was today indefinitely postponed by the United States Su preme court in order to afford the at torney general an opportunity to pre pare his argument. The motion to postpone made by the government was resisted by the attorneys for William son, who were anxious to push the case to immediate bearing, it having been originally set for argument today. As customary in such cases, the court granted a postponement. Northwest Postal Affairs Washington, Oct. 25. Washington postmasters appointed: Christopher, Maurice W. Thompson, vice J. A Shoff. resigned ; Eagleton, John E. Bunker, vice Niel Anderson, resigned; O'Brien, Anna K. Burke, vice F. 8. Warner, resigned; Richmond, Ralph P. St. John, vice S. E. Holloway, re signed. Elmer E. Hales hag been ap pointed regular, A. H. Kirby, substi tute, rural carrier, routeB 1 and 2, at Adams, Uregon. Will Modify Greeley Order. Washington, Oct. 22. The War de-or- partment will probably amend the ders issued by Genera) Greeley. gov erning the practice ride of officers of the department of the Columbia, so as to make them conform to orders observed elsewhere. The department will only require officers to be examined by serv ice surgeons before and after the ride. The secretary of war has authorized the election of a gymnasium at Ft. Casey, Wash., to cost approximately $20,000. Wall Loses Rich Mine. Washington, Oct. 24. The Sup reme court today decided the case of Leon Idas M. Lawson and others versuR the United States Mining company fa vorably to the company. The case in volve? a question as to the right to fol low mineral veins from tbe apex in the Jourdan extension, Northern Light and other mines in the West Mountain dis trict, near Brigbam, Utah. Commissioners Hear Complaints. Washington, Oct. 24. The members of the Interstate Commerce commission go this week to various parts of the country to bear hundreds of com plaints. Chairman Knapp goes to New York, Commissioner Prouty to Buffalo, St. Louis, Kansas City and Denver, and Commissioner Clarke to Kansas City. All told, 2,700 complaints will be heard. Barred from Use of Malls. Washington, Oct. 24. The post master general issued an order denying tbe right oi the Health Appliance com pany, of Seattle, to hereafter nee the mails. This is a reputed quack medi cal concern of unsavory character. Plans to Receive Warships. Wahington, Oct. 24. Secretary Met calf today received a communication from San Francisco setting forth plans for the reception of the battleship fleet upon its arrival there. NATIONAL CAPITAL TOO VALUABLE TO BE SOLD. Japanese Say Philippines Thrive Un- der American Rule. Washington, Oct. 23. Mail advices from Manila report that Akasa Tsuka, the Japanese coasul for the Philip pines, baa recently concluded his first visit to the southern islands. Upon bis return to Manila, the consul said that the great natural wealth ot the Southern Philippines astoniehed him and that he can readilv Bee that the United States will never desire to sell the islands. He was very much impressed also with the military government of the Moro provinces. He considers it one of the most effective and practicnal sys tems that could be devised for tbe Moros. 'The Moro," he said "seems to be bright and henest, and will, under the present system of government, develop into a fine citizen some day, as have the natives of the' mountains of For mosa under the Japanese government. "Everybody in the southern islands seems to be talking hemp and conra and leaving politics to shift for them selves, and there seems to be no ques tion of race, or anything except the de velopment of the country. This and bettering their own condition seem to occupy Americans, Japanese and Fili pinos, and I think that this account for the present prosperity," said Mr. Akasa Tsuka. WATER SACRAMENTO LAND. Irrigation Project Approved for 12,000 Acres Near Orland. Washington, Oct. 22. The secretary of the interior has definitely approved the allotment of $050,000 for the con strution of the Orland irrigation project. in baramento valley, Cal., and the final plans for the necessary work ' will promptly be prepared by the reclama tion service, after which construction can commence. On December 18, 1906, the allot ment was made, Bubject to the usual conditions, with the proviso that 12, 000 acres of land be pledged. The peo ple in the valley not only have compli ed with these conditions but the land subscriptions aggregate in excess of the limit placed by the secretary of the in terior. Tbe Orland project contemplates the storage of water in the foothills on tbe headwaters of Stony creek, and its di version and use in the vicinity of the town of Orland. It is considered an integral part of a scheme for the gener al development of the JSacramento val ley. Westgate Gets Appointment. Washington, Oct. 26. If any fight is being made on G. A. Westgate, re cently indorsed for surveyor general of Oregon, it will probably prove futile Mr. Westgate's commission was for warded to the president while be was on his bear hunt, and was returned to the White House several days ago bearing the president's signature Senator Bourne says he understands the commission was forwarded to Mr, Westgate immediately upon receipt at the White House. Mr. Westgate will be authorized to assume charge of the office as soon as he qualifies. Report on Land Grants. Washnigton, Oct. 24. A. McD. Mc Blair, special assistant to the attorney general, who has been assisting B. D Townsend in the investigation of the Oregon & California land grant caee in Oregon, will report soon. When Mr Townsend's report is received, steps will be taken by the department look ing to the preparation of a bill, Bpecial counsel will be engaged and the case will be taken into court in the hope of compelling the railroad company to dispose of its surplus land in accordance with the terms of the grant. Takes Up Meat Packers' Case. Washington, Oct. 24. The Supreme court of the United States today took jurisdiction or tbe meat packers' case wherein the Armour, Swift, Morris and Cudahy packing companies were fined $15,000 for accepting a preferential rate from the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, on shipments of meat for ex. port from Mississippi river points to the Atlantic seaboard. The case in volves the application of the Elkins act to export shipments. Earthquake In Indian Ocean. Washington, Oct. 23. The Weather bureau today announced that Its inhtru ments registered an earthquake begin nlng at 11 o'clock last night and lasting until early this morning, and that its origin may have been at a point west of Australia, in the Southern Indian ocean It is believed to have been of considers' ble intensity at it origin. Northwest Postal Affairs. Washington, Oct. 23. Charles MacLean has been appointed regular Margaret E. MacLean substitute, rural carrier, route 1, at Georgetown, Wash Washington postmasters appointed McCormick, Artbur N. Beges, vice H W. McCoimick, resigned; Plaza, Har vey II. Mott, vice W. J. Nlckerson, re signed. 1 Bourne Stays In Washington. Washington, Oct. 25. Senator Bourne will not return to Oregon be fore the convening of congress. Ha finds that various matters of Import ance to the state require his presence in Washington and be believes he can ac complish more by remaining here than by making a brief visit to the itae. SMALL QUITS IN 1 EARS. Striking Telegrapners Hiss Former Leader from Platform. Chicago, Oct. 22. Followed bv ieers i - i and hisses, S. J. Small, former presi- aent ot tne Commercial Telegraphers' union, left Ulrlch's hall in teais Sun- day afternoon. He did not get the vindication which he sought at the hands of the rank and file of the local union. As Small left the hall he appeared broken-hearted and declared he had I given up the fight for restoration to his former position. His successor, W. W. Beattie, of Washington, who was vice president of tbe organization, was for- ially recognized as the new head of the union. He announced that his pol icy would be an aggressive one r nuuiu nil OitttcM. com u ifun - When the meeting opened, President Small, who bad been waiting in an ante-room for a chance to be heard, was platform. Hardly had he ascended the steps to the platform, when a number of strikers got up and left the room. The others hooted and hissed so that the words of the former president were drowned. In a pathetic ay be appealed to the older members of the union saying that he bad child ren and that they should not te dis graced by the branding of their father as dishonest without one bit of evidence and without a hearing. This appeal, however, had little ef fect, although a great many of the strikers after the meeting had adjourn- agreed that Small had been treated shamefully and at least should have been received with common decency. It was voted to assess broker and leased wire operators two days' pay each week in lieu of calling them out on strike. POLITE TO WOMEN. Robber Makes Demands Only on the Men Passengers. Salt Lake, Oct. 22. The Murray stage, used for the cenveyance of pas sengers on the line between Bingham Junction and Sandy was brought to halt by a masked robber early this morning at Lovedahl. The driver and the male passengers in the coach were ordered down from their seats and when the robber faced them with drawn re volver they readily complied with his demand for money and valuables. Only $12 was obtained from the party, it was said today, but the driver, who had a considerable sum of monev in his possession, managed to sequester it under the Beat of the stage while his passengers were climbing down from their Beats. The purse was overlooked by the robber Tbe women passengers, of whom there were a number, were not molest. ed. Satisfied that he had obtained everything ot value that his victimB possessed, the bandit, after permitting them to return to their seats, took a place alongside the driver and rode with the party to the end of the Btage linn, wham hA (llHmrmntail ami flflrnnml under cover of tbe darkness. Bourne Offers Prize. Washington, Oct. 22. Hon. Jona than Bourne, Jr., of Oregon, United States senator, lias taken a unique step to test the sentiment of the country on the presidential situation. Through tbe National magazine, of Boston, he has offered a cash prize of $1,000, open to American people, for the strongest and best written argument in support of a second elective term for Boosevelt, The prize will be awarded March 15, 1908, the contest closing one month earlier, and three judges will be named ehortly to pass upon the arguments. Americans In Russian Jail. St. Petersburg, Oct. 22. William English Walling, of Indianapolie, his wife and sister-in-law, Miss Bone Strunsky, were arrested in this city to night by a force of gendarmes because of their association with several mem bers of the Finnish Progressive party, They were still being held at the gen. darmes' headquarters at a late hour. A representative of the American em bassy appeared at the headquarters in their behalf. Capture Mexican Bandit. Mexico City, Oct. 22. Special dis patches to this city report that the leader of the gang which last week stole $15,000 worth of bullion from the pre cipitating room of the Kuanajuara Con solidated Mining & Milling company, has been captured after being wounded three times. With him was taken all the stolen bullion. In his confession he Implicated 40 persons. Prairie Fire Is Raging. Barnesville, Minn., Oct. 22. A prairie fire Is devastating the northeast ern part of WilkinB county, Minnesota, and three farms have already been wip- eu oui. me uamuge uiun mr id esti mated at $50,000. Thus far all efforts to check the progress of the fire have been unavailing, but all the farmers in the vicinity tonight are plowing the country in an attempt to stop the flames. President Is Snubbed Jackson, Miss., Oct. 22. Declaring that President Boosevelt is a cruel bear-chaser, Governor Vardaman yes terday announced that he would not be in vicxsDurg today to welcome the president 10 Mississippi, lie will go to i . . . . - ......... Memphis BO that be may not be in the staie at xne same ume as tne president. Hurricane in Norway. Trondhjem, Norway, Oct. 22. A vio- lent nurrioane nas been raging over the province of Bingmark since last inursday. Many nshing boats are missing and op to the present time seven lives have been lost. OPEN UP MISSISSIPPI . . .... . leXI 01 dP6SCQ Dy M MMeM , Vfplrohniin 31 VICKSDuTjJ. FARMERS ARE HELPED PRIMARILY Next Session of Congress Will Be Asked to Start Improvement of This Great River. Vicksbnrg, Miss., Oct. 22. After a fortnight spent in the canebrakes, and - - - looking bronzed and vigorous, President Boosevelt paid a flying visit to Vlcks burgthia afternoon. The president was introduced by Con gressman John Sharp Williams. When Mr. Williams said thatJTheodore Boose velt was president of the whole country Dixie land and Yankee land alike. the demonstration was notable. When tbe president arose to reply the big crowd accorded him a noisy demonstra tion that lasted several minutes. In his speech here the president said: "It seem to me that no American president could spend his time better than by seeing for himself just 'what a rich and wonderful region the lower Mississippi valley ia, so that he may go back, as I shall go back, to Washington, with the Bet purpose to do everything that lies in me to see that the United States does its full share in making the Mississippi river practically a part of the sea coast, in making it a deep chan nel to the Great Lakes from the Gulf. I wiBh to see the levees so strongly built as to remove completely from the minds of dwellers of those lower regions all apprehensions of a possible overflow. I advocate no impossible task. Xo difficult task. The people of Holland, a little nation, took two-thirds of their country out from under tbe sea, and they live behind the dykes now and have lived behind them for centuries in safety. "With one-tenth the effort we, a much greater nation, can take the in comparably rich bottom lands of the Lower Mississippi out of the fear ot be ing flooded or even being overflowed by the Mississippi, and while I do nob like to Bay in advance what I Intend to do, I shall break my rule in this case &nl say that in my next message to congress I shall advocate as heartily as I know how, that the congress now elected shall take the first steps to bring about that deep channel way and at tendant high and broad levee system, which will make of these alluvial, bot toms the richest and most populous and moet prosperous agricultural land, nob only in this nation, but on the face ol the globe, and, gentlemen, here is the reason I am particularly glad to be able to advance such a policy. I think any policy which tends to the Uplifting f any portion of our -people in the end distributes its benefits over the whole people. But It is far easier, originally, to put into effect a policy which shall at the moment help the people concen trated in tbe centers of the population and wealth than it is to put into effect a policy which shall help the dwellers in the country and the tillers of the Boil. "Now here we have a policy whose first and direct benefit will come to the man on the plantation, the tiller of the soil, the man who makes his fortune from what he grows on the Boil. "Mr. Williams has said that in our day we can sink all mere party differ ences. Since I have lieen president I have found, nye, most of the time I have needed to sink them, because the differences of party are of small im portance compared to the grent funda mentals of good citizenship upon which all American citizens should be united." The president siiid lie agreed heartily that the constitution of the United States represents a fixed series of prin ciples. Yet he said that, in the Inter est of tbe people, it must be interpret ed, not as a straitjacket, not as laying the hand ol death upon all develop ments, but as an investment designed for the life and health and growth of the nation. - More Powder for Japan. New York, Oct. 22. Japan is man ufacturing more munitions of war ab the present time that at any time dur ing the war with Bussia. Under peace Japan has one more arsenal and one more naval base than it had under the exigency of war. Both the arsenal and the naval base have been established within the last six months and at each place day and nipht shifts of laborers are being worked. Poit Arthur or Oy- rojti, as the Japanese have renamed the place, is the new naval base where there is so much activity. Stamping Out the Plague. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 22. At a Joint meeting of the city and state health boards here lust night, it was decided to auk the state board of Oregon to co operate with Washington health au thorities In the handling of the bubonio plague, which has made its appearance in (his city. One case has been report ed, that ot a Chinese who died nearly a week ago, but the city health officers, have adopted prompt measures to sup- Dress any threatened danger i - Leak In Mare Island Dock. San Francisco. Oct. 22. The massive drvdock which the government is hav- ln2 constructed at the Mare island navv lvard sprung a leak Friday, and In or der to. save the structure from almost complete destruction it wss necessary to blow out the entire front of the deck. The cost of the dock, whloh Is being I built by contract, will be $3,000,000.