peculiar todtself In selection, proportion and combination Of Ingredients, In the process by which their remedial Tallies are extracted and preserved, . In effectiveness, usefulness and economy, Caring the widest range of diseases. Doing the most good for the money, -Having the most medicinal merit. And the greatest record of cares, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. Wht Moved Him. Blobbs dwelt next door to Mr. Hood, Whose reputation wasn't good; And io, one da;, Blobbs moved away He did not like the neighbor Hood. The General Demand of the Well-Informed of the World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy ot known value; a laxative which physi clans could sanction for family use because Its component .parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial lm effect, acceptable to the system and gantle, yet prompt, In action. In supplying that demand with Its excellent combination "of Syrup of Figs and Elixir ot Senna, the Cali fornia Ftg Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on the merits of, the laxative for its remarkable success. That Is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is given the preference by the Well Informed. To get Its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. MADE FOR C SERVICE and guaranteed cmsoiuieiy WATERPROOF CILED SUITS. SUCKERS AND HAD Every garment guaranteed Clean Light Durable Suits 35 Slickers 35 , Joce trttsr oeutks mmmitt UTAioa net o thiamin WHAT IS PERUNA? HARM IN SMOKING. Eng-Hab. Physic-lam Smrm Create Dan a;er Lies In OverladnlKeace. Smokers are frequently tempted to BAB BILOOB THE SOURCE OFiUX DISEASE Dot (meeting Johnny) I have found you out Johnny What am I? Dot- Nobody. Johnny Goodness gracious, am discovered! 1 Pa Why did you go out In the rain today without an umbrella, John? Johnny I ate salt mackerel this morn ing for breakfast, and that keeps me dry. Johnny Say, dad. If I ate a chop and you ordered one and ate it, what would your phone number be? Pa Give It up, son. Johnny It would be 8 1-2. Little Edna Whnt Is "leisure," mamma? Mamma It's the spare time a woman bus lh which she can do some other kind of work, my dear. Chicago Dally News. He (sententlously) I always speak my mind. She (tartly) I suppose that Is why you have the reputation of being a man of so 'few words. Balti more American. Mother Whatever are you doing to poor dolly, child? Child I'm Just go Ine to put her to bed, mummy. I've IS it 3 Catarrh Remedy, Of a Increase their consumption of tobacco, ToniC. Or iS it Both? m ProPrtlon tu extension of leis- rt of the 9 dependent on the blood- for nourishment and I lira fit SVmm ri r1 ani-a Taii Tcmn a TVaaIt- ' . ' . .... . a . . n . 4 il. . . - . a a m I w v V.WU11UUUU. Diij a A. cai oxjiA a v tjub,- ---- - ! Vt a at thid Mia erfnam d 1 1 t-i thfAlinrn T n A CTrtsrcatn in CI GrnrA fir Some people Call Peruna a great ly. Smoking exerts a special fasclna- -ritv atirl rir-Wsa we re nssnrerl of Twrfert and uninterruoted healths tonio. Others refer to Peruna as a tlon when It may be Indulged every because pure blood is nature's safe-guard against disease. When, however, peat catarrh remedy. I moment throughout the' day. The the body is fed on weak. Impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of Which Of these people are right ! temptation has always been found dlf- its strength, disease zerms collect, and the trouble Is manifested in various Is it more proper to call Peruna a ca ncult to resist, when It besets a man ' ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the diuerent slun affections tarrh remedy than to call it a tonic? who Is on holiday bent The mere ab- ehow that the blood is in a feverish and diseased concuiion as a result of too Our reply is, that Peruna is both a of restrictions tends to induce mucn acia or ine presence 01 some irriiaung numor. sores anu Altera ia tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed, Pleasure seekers to be more free than the result of morbid, unhealthy matter la we Diooa, ana wieunmusm, a- there can be no effectual catarrh rem- cy otherwise would. tarrn, bcromia, contagious wooa roison, ere., are an oecp-scaLcu mow The two grounds upon which smok- ' uisorucra uiai. wiit iuuuhuc iu grow nuisc wug o immi edv that is not also a tonic In order to thoroughly relieve any 1 g Is condemned, which appear case of catarrh, a remedy must not only have a epeciflo. action on the mu cous membranes affected by the ca tarrh, but it must have a general tonio action on the nervous system. catarrh, even in persons who are otherwise strong, is a weakened con dition of some mucous membrane. There must be something to strength- These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood ia various ways. Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and form tiric and other acids, which are taken up by tlie blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Coming ia contact with contagious diseases is another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and tnir-roViM nf Mn-laria into our lunp-s. and when these pet into the blood itt health or happiness no sane person BufHcient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. . Soma would ever contend. All that Its most Ks so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs, of some old devoted friends can claim is. that smok-1 constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are ing is an inexpensive luxury. A lux- J constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis ury, in fact, that affords an amount ; ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to worthy of serious consideration, are the poisonous action of the nicotine and the useless expenditure entailed. Let us take the latter objection first That tobacco is a necessity for en the circulation, to give tone to the 0f enjoyment out of all proportion to j suffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best arteries, and to raise the vital forces. Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. The wonderful effl- Its trifling cost " remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any More serious harm results from lack and all poisons, Buppues the Healthful properties it needs, and completely of self-control with regard to dietary than Is ever likely to follow from even an excessive use of tobacco. Indeed, cacy of this herb has been recognized there is not a single thing we enjoy, many years, and is growing in its hold though it be perfectly right and law- upon the medical profession. When rul in lt8eir' tnnt 18 not equaiiy open joined with CUBEES and COPAIBA a to some similar objection. remaps ine strongest argument sup posed to tell ngalnst the smoker Is based upon the poisonous action of nic otine when It has entered the circula tory system. This Intoxication has never been disputed, for It Inevitably follows a too extravagant consumption of tobacco. Yet It is only when tho smoking is excessive that any baneful Worse Yet. The timorous Chinaman fled with aglllt- Y, but the boys grabbed his Q and yelled "Kill It!" Then they cut off the said Q close to his head, While he dnnced around like a P in skillet. Tr:pstoCaIifornia OVER Tlic Road of a Thous- . and Wonders" - From Portland to Los Angeles 'through San Francisco An urtlstle book with 114 beautiful roloied pictures has been published by the Southern Pacific Company Illustrat ing and describing the attractions of this wonderful road and the co.intry thi ,uirh which it passes. It can be ob ta( ,el bv sending 15 csnts to Chas. S. Ka , Pas'seiifter 1 raffle Mansger, room 091 Flood Building, Kan Francisco, Cai., or rfhe undersigned. When you get ready to ro East remem ber that you ran save two-thirdsofaday and enjnv a through trip direct to Chi cago without change, first or second lass, by purchasing vour ticketover the ' K. & N., Short Line, Union Pacific Jad Chicago & Northwestern. Address dr apply to any O. R. N. agent for more complete Information, nm. Me Murray, General Passenger Agent, Port land, Oregon. "mis HAtTia-a voier True to Nature The New Victor Talking Machine with taper ing arm. Drtngt every aina 01 musie ana soni to vour home. It brings there-to stay-the tal ent that 11,000.000 could not seeara for aven one night. Magnificent ban t selection!, beautiful vocal soioa, comic reeiiauona ana stirring mei oaies. When You Buy a VICTOR Talking Machine , Too will have the worth of what you Mir over and over again la-Naal Plaaaav ajid WUafact lon. Other talking machines coat ! tkaa the Viator, but there Is no ecoaomy in the purcbate of sueh, because they do not lira real aatiafsu). tinu. Th-Victor ia not me ear a talklnar ma chine, it la a moslcal Inatruaentotihe higher! oroer. It does not imliaia It reproduces tb human voice or tone of any Instrument exactly- precisely w thout the screeching, acratchin.; grating noisea always ynwat wimi wwy machine. W an abeolifterr mmrVkiera M low la prica a $10. $17 and $22. Larger machine from 133, $40, $SO ua U $100. taey tarrn of aay- awata if daalrea. "THE HOUSB Of QUALITY" SHERMAN, CLAY & GO. Sixth and Morrison Sts., opp. the Postoffk PORTLAND, OREGON P.N.U. New 41-07 HEN wiitlwc to ShdTrUTS flaw) How'svThis? we oner one Hundred Dollars Reward foranv rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's ij&i&rrn iure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O We. the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bulsness transactions ana nnanciauy aum w uarry vui say ouiiga lion maue dt nin nrm. WAL111NU. KINriAN I MARVIN. Wholesale Drugglsta, Toledo.O Hairs catarrah cure is teen internally, act ing directly upon tWe blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. xaite 11 all a f amily nut lor constipation. tnken off her hnir. hut i cim't iret her trio of medical agents is formed in Pe' teeth out Sourire. nina which constitutes a specifio rem' Old Lady (improving the occasion)- edy for catarrh that in the present You know, boys, it's only the body Btate of medical progress cannot be whioh ua here. Now. whnt is it bom improved upon. This action, rein- to Heaven? Small Boy (tentatively) forced by scch renowned tonics as Is 'ead. rauin. Plck-Me-Up. UUJLLlfl&UJiJjft, CAMADEMSIS, COB' npii ybr. aim anM her hnshand mar- YDALI3 F0HM0SA and CEDEON rled her for her beauty. What do you SEED, ought to make this compound influence is exerted on the healthy think of that? Belle well, I think her an meai remeay ior caiarrn m au lis body. husband must feel like a widower now. stages ana locations in ine Doay. Exactly the same kind of toxic prop- -Catholic Standard and .Times. 1 XTOm a meoreucai standpoint, there- erties that nonsmokers ascrlle to to- MlstresB Bridget, hare you cement- fore, Peruna is beyond criticism. .The bacco attach to other vegetable growths ed the handle on to the water-Jug use 01 Jreruna, connrms this Opinion. In common and dally use. which you dropped yesterday? Bridget Numberless testimonials from every Now, what are the conditions so fre- I started to, Mum, but most unfor- quarter of the earth furnish ample quently described as the direct out tunately I druppod the cement bottle. evidence that this judgment is not conie of excessive smoking? They are Punch, overenthnsiaatifl. When nro.r.irail at. but two in number. 1. Ah altered 'The body of the late Major Jinks Derience COliflrmsawell-CTOundedthe- rhythm in the beating of tue heart; was cremated." "What they coin' to ory the result is a truth that Cannot bd 8 nd 2- nn impairment of vision, which do with It?" "Ills widow has him shaken. corked up in a fruit Jar. Says It's the last of the family Jars." Atlanta Coii stltutlon. The Wife, during a quarrel I'm go ing right home to mother; so there! The Husband That's right, dear, of two evils always choose the less. Please don't bring your mother here. Yon. Vers Statesman. Pa You naughty boy, you've been fighting again 1 Johnny No, pa, I was only trying to keep a bad boy from hurting a little boy. Pa That was a noble act, my sou ; who was the little boy? Johnny Me. Department Store Manager The clerk In the butter department says he's not going to He about our butter any more. The Boss What salary does he get? Manager Eight dollars a week. The Boss Give him nine. Sweet Singer De Hammer says he has a high place in the next show he goes out with. Comedian Well, I should say It Is high. lie sits In the files and tears up paper for the snow storm scene. Chicago News. Dot I heard yo"ur soldier brother wrote you a birthday letter. Was there any war news in It? Johnny I don't know. You see It was printed on the envelope "Return In five days." So I kept It that long and then sent It back. Walter 'Girl (In restaurant) We've got frogs' legs, chicken livers, calves' brains and Johnny (turning to his pa) I say, dad, they must be queer people who' live in this place. Don't you think they ought to call In a doc tor? "Is Mrs. WIbo at home?" Inquired Mrs. Chatters, standing In the shadow of the doorway. "I don't know, ma'am,1 replied the servant "I can't tell till I git a better look at ye. If ye've a wart on the side o' yer nose, ma'am, she ain't" Philadelphia Press. "Thar, my son, you see what larnln' done fer yer daddy, dont you?" "What maw?" "Why, Jest as soon as the gov- er'mlnt knowed that he could do figgors In his head they p'lnted blm postmaster at $00 a year, an' purty soon he'll be sellln' stamps whnt goes on letters!" Atlanta Constitution. "But" asked tho proprietor of the Bongtong apartments, "do you think this man la the best one you can get for Janitor?" "The best ever 1" replied the manager. tie nas been at various times an. Iceman and a street-car eon ductor. lie's as sassy and Independent as he can be." Philadelphia Press, "What I would like," said the eager young actress, "Is a part with a death scene In It I never fall to make a big hit when I die." "I don't doubt It replied the heartless manager, "and I may say that you would make the big gest hit of your life If you would go sway somewhere and die right now." Chicago Record-Herald. Johnny (sitting up In his bed at 12 :30 p. m.) Dad, I'm so thirsty. Pa Lie quietly and go to sleep. Johnny (after a pause) But dad, I must have a drink of water. I'm so thirsty. Pa If you don't go to sleep this minute III have to thrash you. A long silence, then Johnny replied AH right dad. If you're getting up to thrash me, you might bring me a glass of water at the game time. and permanently cures blood diseases of every kind. The cction of S. "S. S, ia so thorough that hereditary taints are removed and weak, diseased blood made strong and heal Lb y so that disease cannot remain. , It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sore3 and TJlcera, Skin Diseases, Contagious , Blood Poison, etc., and does not leave the slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and i3 absolutely harmless to any part of the system. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class fbrug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write THE SWiFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm PURELY VEGETABLE Aecordlnar to Rnlea. . Sentry You can't leave. Soldlet? But I have the captain's oral permission. Sentry (Importantly) Let's see It. Translated for Transatlantic Tales from II Motto per Rldere. F-T St. Vitus' Dance ana all Nervous DUrasea permanently cared bv Dr. Kline's Or cat iM'erve Re IRRIGATED LAND IN WASHINGTON The Wenatchee Valley Irrigated Ap ple Orchards are paying $500 to $1500 per acre this yen-. Ciiaondo Orchards, one mile from Leavenworth, is now on snle. Get particulars free irom II. C. fetors, 022 Alaska lildg., Seattle Artistically Speaking;. Mrs. Kavvler (looking at photograph) It's an excellent picture of you, but it's an exceeding! poor one of your'husband, Mrs. Crossway I know it, but I like it all the better on that account. He makes such an admirable er foil, you know. C ASTOR I A Ior Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought ire of reduces the power of distinguishing colors. These conditions are never brought about unless the smoking has been car ried to unwarrantable excess. When either of them Is detected, whether by the physician or the smoker himself, there Is ample warning to put a man on his guard. If he Is prompted to reduce his consumption of tobacco, or to abandon smoking altogether, the trouble soon clears up, and no perma nent Injury Is the least likely to en sue. The late Prof. Huxley once wrote "There Is no more harm In a pipe than there Is In a cup of tea. You may poison yourself by drinking too much tea, or kill yourself by eating too many beaksteaks." Dr. Laukester said : "I dare not as a physiologist or a statist tell you that there exists any proof of an Injurious Influence (of tobacco) when used In moderation. The flret symptoms of giddiness, palpitation, Indolence, or any uneasiness while smoking should in duce you to lay It aside." Of course, whether at home or on holiday, If a man stubbornly persists In smoking after It shows signs of dis agreement, he must expect to have to pay for it. If a man who ordinarily smokes, say, two ounces a week dou bles or trebles this quantity as a holi day pleasure, then .bis smoking lays him open to serious risks. nuirer. Kftnd for FHRE 12 trial bottle and treatise. Ir. B. H. Kllae, Ld., 8S1 Arcto bU, PbUa.,Pa, So Slnsrnlatr. "Funny," said Baretop, "but there was a time when the barbers used to speak of my hair." "You mean before you began to get bald?" asked his friend. "Yes. Now they speak of my hairs." Philadelphia Press. Mothers will find Mrg. Winalow" Soothing Byrup the bvat remedy to use lor their chllilrea during the testhliig period. Wheat "Do you think the railways will be willing to obey the law?" "Oh, yes," answered Mr. Dustln Stax; "we'll obey the law all right But not until after our lawyers get through explaining Star. ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING , HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon 20 Mule Team BORAX will rlennse every rrtlrle In your kitchen or dining room imtko tliom orltfht-und for Hiker or pewtotf give a hlifh polish. All ilenlerM. Hnmile, booklet nnd F rlnrtlnnie "WHIZ" 1U. Pclllo Ooast Borax Oo., Onklnnil.Cnl Goes Up, Bacon Has he been successful with his new airship? , '' , Egbert Purtlally so. .Hff 'goes "up It." Washington ln tne alr" evurv tlme 110 titoa to atart the thing. Yonkers Statesman. Bears Signature Incurable. The professor was- welcoming a niece. who had just returned from a trip abroad. "Had a fine time, had you?" he asked. "Perfectly splendid." "Yet you were going-around between showers all the time.' "Why, how can you talk so! It didn't rain a drop while I" 'Don't Interrupt me, child. I know what I am saying. It was raining when you started away from hers and It's rain ing now. Comprehend?" Aa Ha Talla It. Just as Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson wera getting off the street car at the crowded corner downtown, Mr. Ferguson felt a band slyly inserted in his pocket. But he did not turn bis bead. . He recognized his wife's delists touoh. Marrying to Heform. Hardly a day passes that I do not hear of some girl who has wrecked her life by marrying a man to reform him. The good resolutions last for a few months, then the wife's influence wears off and things are worse than ever. The pretty little home goes to wreck and ruin, the wife loses hope, health and looks. There Is nothing but mis ery everywhere. 1 I tell you, girls, that no matter bow handsome and Irresistible a man may be, he Is no good If he drinks. Before you marry be absolutely sure that the man Is sober and Industrious. If he Is given to drinking he never will provide a decent home for you. You and your children will be miser able and poverty-stricken. f, SMACKS OIL CONQUERS 25)-ALL DRUGCISTS-BOo. FOR STIFFNESS, SORENESS, SPRAIN OR BRUISE, NOTHINQ 18 BETTER THAT YOU CAN,08E LUMBAGO'S PAIN, RHEUMATIC TWINGE, YOUR BACK FEELS LIKE A RUSTY HINGE SCIATIC ACHES ALL PLEASURES SPOIL, FOR HAPPINESS USE ST. JACOBS OIL. A man Isn't necessarily generous be cause be gives himself away. Often a man Imposes on Umsel r IS I OUT Hair Sick? That's too bad I We had no ticed It was looking pretty thin and faded of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayers Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a perfect hair re storer. It keeps the scalp clea'n and healthy. lolna II preventlnc tha balr from aplhtlDK aft ends." MI1S yam, Vwdum, Mich. A Hnsi by J. Q. Am Co., Low.U. Mm VB AiQ l.niilketOTCTS f , uefs IAISAPABILU. FILLS. CBEIKT FGCTOKAL. Narrow Bacape. Not long ago a gentleman had occa sion to consult one of tho medical cele brities of the national capital. Previ ous to gaining an audience of the phy sician, the Congressman was compelled for many weary minutes to cool bis heels ln an anteroom. Finally, his pa tience becoming exhausted, he summon ed aa attendant, to whom he said : Tresent my compliments to the doc tor, and tell him that If I am not ad mitted ln five minutes I shall be well again." - The Congressman was immediately received by the physician. New York Times. Latitat Idea la Old Horn Wexika. Outlate This Boston Idea Is a good one. Mrs. Outlate How would It be to celebrate an old home week right where you are? New York Sun. Trr Tbla. Keep your troubles to yourself. Put your worries on the shelf, Ask your friends your Joys to share Don't divide with them your care. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Don't hover about your sore spots. HSLLs MILITARY ACADEMY A boarding and day school lor young men and boys. Accredited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, Amherst and all statu universities and aKricultuial collegia. The prinelpal has hud 2H years' experience lit i'ortland. Make reservations now, )or llltibtratcd catalogue and other literature address J. W. HILL, M. D., Principal and Proprietor, PORTLAND, OREGON .fX. 7 mf r Fresh from the Ear to the Can in Maine Preferred Stock Sweet Corn ii packed for ut there because the Maine toil and climate combine to produce the sweetest. tenderest, most delicious corn in- the World t canned right In this wonderful corn garden rathered and packed the tame day, with original crispnesi and sweetness perfectly preserved. This it the secret of "sweet com goodness" in Preferred Stock Canned Goods toto Wswhu Us Smi ars Orova Thi pick tfthi erep PREFERRED STOCK at jour Crocer't ALLEH 4 LEWIS, Wfcsleuie Grocars. P0BTLAHD, OREGON. U. S. A. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES 1ST IN THI WORLD CS-IHOIS FOft EVERY MEMBER OFy"r THE FAMILY, AT ALL PHIC'-S. "C . iltdZO fUUU ) bm-Jmm dom not mmkmtmmU ?auaaw 1 mo- ' 3a.flO ! aTtC Wsiru I tftmnmnyothmr mmnufmolurmr. THE RKABON W. L. Doi(la. shoes are worn by more people , in all walk, oflife than any other makaia becauaa or their lasllcnt style, eary-nitlnc, and superior wearing qualiti... The saUation of thaleathar. and other materials for eaoh part eftka .bos and every detail of tha making I .looked after bv the most eomplata organization of superintendent, .foremen and akllledaSoamaker., who raosiva tlia nigheat wage, paid in the boat adustry. and who work man ship cannot I ex.!icd, If I could take you ntomylargefaetoricsat Brockton, Maes., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are mads, you would then understand why they holdtbeir.hape, fit better, Nrl nnmr and am nf arrtatar valtia than anv other make. aufw MA.aO atfMf tH.OQ HILT EDGE Bhamm amnnal feat moumltad mi anv urktm. CAUTIONl Ilia genuine have W.T., Uouglaa name and price lainpaii on bottom. 'I'.ks Ma siwbatllaita. Ask vour dealer for W. L. I'oualae shoes. di.-act tafaatory, Biwesseoleverywbereby toad. Catalog free. W. L. Douglas, bi If be cannot supply you, tend rack tan, ma suwa taia pmpmr. (Written by a man who does.) when be taxes his memory.