The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 24, 1907, Image 1

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I i ' J.
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Established Mairh -a, 1899.. New
Series began ApTll 30, 1907.
Help Make ths Natural Resources
of Wallowa County Known.
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Thursday, October 24, 1907.
Whole Number 446
VOL. 1, No. 26
ay&nts By and For
Wallowa County Readers
Notice under this heading, one week, 1 cent
a word, 4 weeks 8 cents a word. Minimum
charge 15 cents. Cash with order.
BRIGHT boy to learn the printer's
trade. Wages to start and increase in
keeping with ability and usefulness.
Apply at News Record office.
MEN who desire to be on time to in
spect those good timekeepers for $12.50
at E. B. Wheat's Jewelry store. Spec
ial sale price ends Saturday night.
NEWLY married couples to begin
their partnership aright by investing
in Alder View lots on your own terms.
.See or address Daniel Boyd, becy.
Wallowa Law, Land & Abstract Co. ,
HOMESTEAD Relinquishment near
Enterprlae. Address R. S , care News
Record, Enterprise.
Yalae Doubled la One Year Shown By
Suit Started In Circuit
FARMS that will double iu value lu
five years. Sfttue of the choicest bar.
gains In the valley on my list. - W.
E. Taggart, Enterprlae, Oregon.
CANNED Fruit and Vegetables.
Apply at Presbyterian parsonage.
OLD papers for shelves or putting
under carpets. News Record offloe.
LOTS in the nicest residence addition
to Enterprise. O. R. & I. Co.
The News Record has gained an
average of two new subscribers a day,
or 70 In all, since the new management
took hold of it.
Friday, Oct. 25 Chicken supper at
Christian church.
Sunday, Oct 27 Rev. Templeton's
farewell sermon at Presbyterian
Katuiflav evenlnir. October 26 Illus-.
trated lecture at Christian church,
v "China's Teeming Millions in the
Cities of the Yangtae."
Monday, Oot. 28 Opening number of
Lyceum course at Enterprise opera
house. Attraction The ... Wilbur
Starr Concert company.
Thursday . Oct. ' 81 All Hallowe'en
' Itanna at the-Skatitltt rinlt.
WednesdRv.'Nov. B Regular session
of County Court.
MnnllllV. Nov. ll Circuit court for
Wallowa county conveues.
January 1, 1903 Construction official
say the railroad will be completed
into valley, and
February 1, 1908, same authority gives
na data .f comDlellon of railroad to
Artistio job printing cos ts no more
than the other kind if you briug your
work to the News Record printery.
The "other kind" Is not turned out
here at any price.
Some Idea of the big increase in
value of sheep is indicated in a circuit
court suit filed in the office of Clerk J
A. French, Friday. N. C. Longfellow of
Joseph, by his attorney, D. W. Sheahau,
asks judgment agayist Huffman & Son
(John W and Arnold R.) the sheep
firm, for $4800, because of the failure of
the latter to deliver to him 2800 lambs
at alleged contract price of f 1.50 per
head. The f 4800 is supposed to repre
sent the difference between the contract
price, and the reasoneme marser, vaiuo,
The complaint alleges an agreement
made Nov. 2, 1904, between plaintiff and
defendants bv which the latter were to
sell him all the lambs they raised from
their band of sheep during 1905 and
1906, at 81.50 a head, the price of the
lambs to credited on a promissory note
for (12676. given plaintiff by defendants.
It is claimed that about Sept. 1, 1905,
the Huffmans paid the note, thereby
prevented plaintiff from crediting the
price of the lambs on said note, even if
they had delivered the increase of their
flock to him. However he says they did
not deliver the lambs, and that they
raised not less than 1100 in each of the
two years, and the reasonable market
price of the little baas was ?3 each. He
claims to have been damaged to the ex
tent of $2400 for each of the two years.
This is the third time this matter lias
been in the conrte, and a non-suit de
cision of the circuit court was appealed
to the supreme court which sustained
the decision of the lower court v
Wants Dead For 1 Acre.
J. B. Ready, by his attorneys, Bur
leigh & Boyd, has brought suit against
Henrv Schmith for a deed to one acre
of land in lot 1, seo 4, t 5 n, r 45 e.
claiming an oral deal between him and
Sclnnith by whieli tne latter was to
convey the acre in return for a half h
terest in a line fence. The plaintiff says
htthas fulfilled his part ol the contract
ana further has had possession or t;ie
acre since October, 1901, but that de
fendant ref uses to give him a deed.
Hortgage on Mining Stock.
F. D. McCully & Co. has brought bv its attorney. C. K. Jiborliani,
.igainst C. V. and Anna Christy, to tnre-
cioo a mortSHit) against o-i- i"'"'j
Golden Copper oud rther minim? stock,
Uven to secure the payment ol a
promissory note for 8966.42, dated Jan.
Transcript From J. P.
E. C. Davis by his attorneys, Bur
leigli fe Boyd, has filed in the circuit
clerk's office a transcript of judgment
from Justice Smith's docket, against
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith for $43 and
interest. 1
Clark Given Bond
George B. Clark, In jail since Augut
charged with a crime against his 13
year old daughter, has been released on
bail, his attorney, D.W. Sheahan, filing
a bond with Justice Smith in the sum
of $2000. The sureties are F D. Mc
Cullv, Peter Baudon, C. L. Hartshorn
and Frank Kernan.
Disputed Ownership
J. V. Fisher of Paradise, accused by
J. C. Edwards with the larceny of a cow
fund rait, was tried before Justice A. C
Smith at the court house Monday.
crowd of witnesses were down from
Paradise. D. W. Sheahan was attorney
fnr r.h dfiffiidant. and T. M. Dill was
prosecutor. The court decided that the
ownership of the animal was in dispute
and that defendant d id not take up th
cow with intent to steal it but in the
honest belief it was his own.
Everybody Satisfied.
Not one taxpayer appeared before the
equalization board, Monday, to com
plain of his assess ment. County Judge
Corkihs, Clerk J. A. French and
Assessor Pace compose the board.
Parents Liable to Fine and Imprison-
ment If Their Children Don't
Attend School.
Work Started On
Station Grounds
Contractor J. E. Patterson brokq
ground on grading the depot grounds
here today (Thursday) . He has a
largo force of men and 11 Jeams, and
their camp resembles a white city, with
the big 40x60 tent for the horses, and
boarding and sleeping tents.- . Mr.
Patterson's foreman, W. H. Ziegler,
arrived from Spokane Monday night.
"Work is being rushed all along Jho
line. Day and night shifts are used - at
the big fill near Wade's." Supt, Pi'ji'ley
and Ass't. Supt Campbell of the O. R.
&-N. inspected the oompleted work
down the Grande Ronde Saturday and
confirmed the report that the line was
to be completed into this valley at the
earliest date possible.
O. F. Enterprise Lodge, No. 153.
Emerald Bebekah Lodge, Ho. 119.
K. of P. Enterprise Lodge, No. 94.
Juanlta Temple, No, 7, Pythian
Makmio Enterprise Chapter, No. 80, Royal
Arch Masons, meets first and third
Tuesdays ol each mi-nth In Masonic
.Hart. All visiting Royal Arch Ma
suns welcomed.
W. T. Bell, High Prlelt.
D. yr. Bheahah, Secretary.
Wallowa Lodge, No. 82, A. F. A
Wallowa Valley Chapter, No. W,
O. . 8.
M. W. A.T-Eagle Camp, No. 10497, M. W. A.
Aneroid Camp, No. 3542, R. N. ot A.
W. O. W. Enterprise Camp, No, 635, W. of W.
Almota Circle. No. 278. W. ol W.
Order the News Record sent to an
Eastern friend and help bring another
settler ijtfre.
Death Secari
Mrs. Wm. Lay died at her home in
Joseph, Monday night, after an illness
of about six weeks. She leaves beside
her husband, two little children.
Funeral held Thursday; burial in
Joseph cemetery. '
fir wi " Sl-
For One Week . Only
Gold-Filled Cune, warranted for 20 Years.
Men are tired of clumsy watches.
This small, thin model case Is more
convenien t and easy to carry. Case
Is very handsome: American Walt
ham or Elgin movement.
For One Week Only, Ending Saturday, Oct
27, ue quote the Special Price of $12.50,
"Ctrttul Banking latum th Safety ot Depotlt. 1
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
' Xarrlag Licenses
Oct. 19 Elmer Roup and Etta Meek,
both of Prairie Creek
Oct 22 Charlie Frazler of Asotin,
Wash., and Laura Miller of Flora. '
Oct U Arthur Miller and Kellie
Fleshman, both of Promise.
The enlargement of the paper and the
addition of weekly telegraphic news
eervice are only the beginnings of the
improvements we hope to make In the
News Record. The best weekly news
paper in Oregon would be none too
good for Wallowa county.
We, do a General Banking Business
Exchange Bought and Sold on
Alt Principal Cities
Vice President
Assistant Cashier
The district boundary board has
niado the following appointments of
truant offlcor under the new compul
sory schoolattendance law:
A. A. Greer for Wallowa and surroun
ding districts, includinu districts 1, 12.
10, 30, 37, 40, 47, 52, 55, GO and 28.
John A. Doud for Promise country,
including districts 38. 43, 45, 46, 49, 51
01 and 62.
Win. Fleeuor, Lostine, Districts 7, 19,
17, 34 and 4.
L. F. McAnulty, Enterprise. Dis
tricts 21, 2S, 31, 18, 50, 53, 15, 11, 33, 25,
2, 23, 63 and 41.
W. C. Moore ot Flora. Districts 10,
27. 29. 32. 35. 39: 42. 44. 48. 54, 58, 59
and 60.
A. M. Johnson of Joseph. Districts
3, 5, 6, 13, 20, 22, 9, 8 and 65.
The truant officers receive $2 a dav
for time employed. Teachers art r&
ouired to report to tliem the absence of
any child between the ages of 9 a nd 14,
also between the uces of 14 and 10
unless the boy o girl is employed. The
truant officer notilies the parents, who
are liable to a fine of from $5 to (25 or
or imprisonment from two to ten days
in couuty jail or both. All school
officers mus-t assist in the enforcement
of the law under .penalty of a heavy
. County Sohool Notes
The.boundary hoard will meet daring
the next session of the county court
Two petitions will come before it. One
for a new district, No. C7, at Elk
Mountain, changing the boundaries of
No. 31 and 8; the other to change the
boundaries of Nos. 32. 55 and 66.
S. R. L-anders of the north country
was In town Monday, They want a
teacher In his district.. ' Joe Deach and
Cliarlos Kuhn of Paradise were .here
Saturday, also in search of a teacher
AnssJessie matiocit, leacuer in iuo
Lostine school, and Mrs. Daisley were
callers at Superintendent Kerns' office
Saturday ; also Max Wilson, teacher at
Iu- naha bridge.
PerrV Fontul of Prairie Creek was in
to see Mr. Kerns about teaching.
County High School
The work of the county high school
is movine alone very nicely. The first
three years work is being taught and
the fourth vear will be added as soon
as there is any one ready for it,
At a meeting of the county high
school board Saturday arrangements
were made fdr ordering a Crowell
cabinet for the science department?
This cabinet will contain all the
apparatus neoessary to perform alwut
400 experiments in physics. The work
in the'physics chihs will not be all
theory but instead each pupil will bo
required to do laboratory work. The
board also authorized the purchase of a
set of the Century dictionary and
cyclopedia and other roferonce books
for the library.
The hieh school boys and girls have
decided to take hold of debating and
enter the State Inter-IIih School
league. The team that will represent
the hieh school will be ready for
wcrk by the middle of November.
A special effort is being made to get a
collection of specimens for use in the
geology and physical classes. Any one
having good specimens or knowing
whore some may be found will do the
school a favcr by reporting to Mr,
Rudd. Good care will be taken of
specimens loaned to the school.
Arthur II. Kadd, a graduate of the
Colorado School of Mines, has been
eirlployed to teach mathematics and
some of the sciences. lie began work
Monday morning.
Vernon Corkins entered the eleventh
grade Monday. From all indication
the high bc!:oo1 will have an enrollment
of 25 by the first of the year.
Accepts Call To
Vancouver, Wash
Rev. IL S. Tern plot pn has accepted
a unanimous call from the Vancouver
Wash., Presbyterian church, and he
and Mrs. Templeton will leave for that
place next Wednesday. The news of
their leaving Enterprise caused general
regret here among all the people with
out regard to denomination.
Rev. Templeton is an eloquent pulpit
orator and he has accomplished a good
work hero. Mrs. Templeton will be
missed in the church and Sunday chool
work as much as her husband for she
has been his etllcient and popular
assistant at all times. The b' st wishes of
the entire community bo with them
to their new home.
Rev. Templeton will preach his fare
well sermon next Sunday morning at
11 o'clock. There will be no morning
services at the M. E. church, so that
the members mny attend the Presby
terian. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Rev. Templeton will preach at the
Hurricane Creek schoolhouse, whore he
has been holding monthly meetings.
nev. lempieton was greeted by a
large congtegation at his farewell eer
mon at Joseph Sunday evening. A
graceful acknowledgement of his work
In the community was the entrance,
just at the commencement of the ser
vice, of the M. E. minister, Rev.' How
ard, followed by his entife congre
New Ruling By General Land Office
Does Away With (Constructive
Special Offer to Subscribers.
In order to help make known the
resources of Wallowa county and the
opportunities here for homeseekers
and investors, the New Record makes
this special oiler: Any segular sub
BcriDer may nave sent, one or nioro
copies of the. News Record to any
address outside the couittv. at the
following rates:
Yearly subscriptions each $1.00.
Six months 65c. Three months 85c.
Single copies 5 cents, 6 copies same
issue 25 cents, mailed from ofllce with
out extra charge.
North Country's
Splendid Crops
G. C. Clark, the Flora storekeeper,
was in Enterprise last week and re
ported farmers all pleased In the north
country over their big crops and the
excellent quality of all grains.
Some fine corn was raised at Lost
Prairie'this season. The ranchers are
through cutting and ricking it. George
Lytle has 30 acres ot corn and Ed
Renfrow a nice field. Mr. Renfrow
sold 65 hogs to D. G. Ralls of Flora for
6 cents a pound last week.
David Kuhn's wheat at Paradise
went 35 bushels to the aero, which Is
about the average for all fields on that
Mr. Clark cut 12 tons c f timothy hay
off six acres.
Stickney & German, -the Crow creek
sheep firm, Georye Neil of the Buttes
and R. Pratt of Swamp creek were
among thel.big crowd of traders in
Enterprise, Monday.
After November 1, homesteaders who
commute must have actually resided on
the land for 14 months. The six
mouths constructive residence is done
away with, according to a circular from
the general land office, the gist of the
ruling being as follows:
"By ruling just announced, no com
mutation proof offered under a home
stead entry made on or before Novem
ber 1, 1907, will be accepted unless
Buch proof shows that the entryman
has, in good faith, actually resided up
on and cultivated the land embraced ,
within his entry for the full period of
of fourteen months, thus doing away
with the constructive residence period
heretofore recognized.
"The ruling just announced, however, .
will not affect liorr estead entries made
previous to Kovembcr 1, and commuted
to cash, if, when proof la made, it is sat
isfactorily shown Jthat the entryman
established actual residence on the
land embraced within his entry within
Bix months from date of entry, in which
case he may be credited with construc
tive residence from date of ei try, but
in this connection i the entryman must
show that his residence, once establish
ed, was maintained in good faith for
such perixl as, when added to period of
constructive residence will equal the
full period of 14 months' residence re
quired under the commutation claaae
of tho homestead aot. Commutation
proofs will not be accepted when they
fail to show that the required residence
and cultivation was continued to the
date on which application to make final
proof was filed in the local land office."
Hcmeiteai ani Timber Claims.
U. 8. Commissioner D. W. Sheahan
reports the following recent entries in
his office: Samuel A. Gotter, recentj;v
I oLIron Mountain. Mont., Mrs. Uifymmmm,
Yandcll, Amos H. Sanforrt and W. F. (
Savage have filed on homesteads, all
within four miles north and west of
Enterprise. Mrs. Emily Wilson has
taken up a timber claim, five miles
south of Enterprise, Bnd W. F. Hender
son one near Elk Mountain.
Enterprise will have 2500 popula
tion when Uncle Bam takes the census
In June 1910.
Beautiful New Homes,
Good Families,
Good Water,
No Dust,
Good Land,
Beautiful Scenery,
We have a complete saw mill, shingle mill,
and logging outfit for sale, with plenty of tim
ber to saw.
Secy, of Wallowa Lav.
nd Abstract
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