Banking by Mail WE PAY An Anatomical Pnsale. Behind the bridge of your noBe la a little cavity Id the' skull, the origin of which appeats to be unknown. It probably wag a gland, consisting of two tiny lobes, Joined together, and la named the Sella turcica. Physiologists believe thatthls is the remains of a sixth sense, which was of practical value to our antediluvian ancestors, but whether It enabled them to see in the dark in days before they possessed fire or helped them to find tbelr way through trackless forests as wild beasts can to-day or what other pur pose It may have served we do not know and probably never shall know. Mothers will find Mrs. Winston's Soothing Byrup the bit remedy to uss. lot their chlldrea luring ice teeming penoa. INTEREST On savings deposits ot a dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It is just as easy to open a Savings Account with os by Mail as if you lived next, door. Bend for our free book let, "Banking by Mail." and learn lull particulars. Address Oregon Trust & Savings Bank' Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon Different. "Who lss that happy, contented-looking chap?" "Q'i, he' a chap who married a girl because she was a fine cook." "And who is the poverty-stricken, sad-looking chap talking to Mm?" "That's a man who married a girl be cause she was a fine dresser." Hous ton Post ' Extenuating Clrcnmstancoe. "What brought you here?" asked the Judge. "That," replied the prisoner, pointing to a policeman, "but I was drunk." Houston Post. When the Hair Falls 1 Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, tool So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. The best kind of a testimonial 'Oold lor ovor sixty years." I :K2F4- The old Joke about eating "hot dog- UUSIiiESS COLLEGL TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL Quality U our motto. Wo educate for lueeess, nd send each student to a position when com petent many more calls for help than we can meet. Individual Instruction Insures rapioVproff- ress. All modern methods of bookkeeping are taught; also rapid calculations, correspondence, commercial law, office work. etc. Chartler Is our shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free. THE DAT8T ' (LI auaB destroys all the flies and affords comfort to every home in dining room, aleeping room and every place where flies are troublesome. Glean, neat and will not soil or Injure anything. Xry thorn one and you will never be without them, if not kep' by dealers, sent prepaid for SSOo. HABOU) SOUSES, lift PsKals At., Brooklyn, a. T. by J. U. Aynr oo., Lowsu. jaaaa. Also manumomrsrs 7 SARSAPAULUL PILLS. CUEBY PECTORAL xjers ST. HELEN'S HALL PORTLAND, OREGON A Girls School ot the highest claaa. Collegl ete department. Music. Art. Elocution. Gym nasium. Fall term opens September 16. SEND TOR CATALOGUE The Age of Discretion. Senator Dillingham, discussing Inv migration In New York, made use of the phrase, "the age of discretion." "What is the 'age of discretion,' Sen ator?" asked one of his auditors. "I should say," returned Senator Dil lingham, smiling, "that the age of dis cretion Is reached when a young man removes from his mantel the rich col lection of actresses' and dancing girls' photographs and substitutes the por trait of his rich bachelor uncle." HOWARD E. BURTON. Assayer ara Chemist. iMdvtlle, Colorado, bpeiimen pne Bllver, SI ; Oold, 811 yer, la: ; Oold, 6 Summer Peat. The Illustration shows one of the most destructive of the summer Insect pests, which attacks both fruit and orna mental trees. It is known as the yel low-neck caterpillar, and Is usually found In numbers along the branches of trees, feeding on the foliage until the limb Is entirely denuded, when they migrate to another limb. The female deposits the eggs on the leaf of the tree, where they are usually hatched during July, and the young Insects be gin feeding on the leaves. The full-grown moth Is shown In the upper part of the Illustration. The caterpillar Is about two Inches long, with a dull yellow band Just back of the black head. This pest Is familiar to most farmers, for It may be found In nearly every section of the country. BRING YOUR TOOTH TROUBLES TO US ; Before Going Elsewhere. DR. B. E. WRIGHT, 342H Washington St. Portland, Oregon rices i Ould, Cvanldo tesls. Mailing envelopes ana full price list sent on application. Control and U m- lire WOrK BOIICIMJQ, .IVkClVULV t mwvmww . m- I P. N. U. No. 33-07 rltlnr to advertiser please mention thle pmper W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES mg5F"8HOE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF- W THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRI0E8. aJtOET nnn I To any ona who can prove W. L. &mOtUUU Soougiaa dooa not maka moll I mors Man' $3 93. SO mhomm nCYwiMrU I than any othor mmnufaaturmr. THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more people In all walks of life than any other make, Is because of their . exoeUent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities. Tlie selection of the leathers and other materials for each jart of the shoe, and ererr detail of the making is looked after by the most complete organization of superlnlendents.foremen and skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid In the hoe industry, and whose workmanship eannot be excelled. If I could take yon into my larga-factorlea at Brockton, Mass., and show yon how carefully W. L. Iouglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer ana are or greater vaiue man any umer mu, my 4 out tdao ana mo uoia uona onoaa cannot h esinnss w - W !.. itniiirlaa atamna his name and orioe on the bottom to protect you aualnBt high uncos kud inferior shoes. Take No Substitute. Bold by the best shoe dealers everywhere. iott Wr JtvtltU tucd excliuivclv. Catalog mailed Jra. W. JL. DU V ULAH, ltruckton, Copper, (1. run p nlre i usual Bank. Her Mnjeaty'a Etiquette. Queen Alexandria of ' England Is strict on such points of 'etiquette as make It a breach of decorum, for In stance, to hand anything but new and unused coin, fresh from tHe mint, to the consort of the British sovereign. To make love to her majesty Is pun ishable, by the law of Britain, with death,, unlesss, of course, one happens to be the king. viva ri. Vitus Tance and all Nervous Diseases ll I O permanently cured by I)r. Kline's U-a lierve Restorer. Kend for FRKE 2 trial bottle and treatise. Vt. U. iliuuii, La., nai Area ou, ruu,r larrrins i unra. "Did you want to hLsft a boy?" ask ed the applicant at a music store. "Yes," said the manager. "What musical ability have you?" "None." "Can you even carry a tuneT" "Yes." " Then you'll do. We want you to Is no Joke In Germany any more, for no Icrs than 7,000 canines of various breeds were slaughtered and eaten by tho subjects of Kaiser William last year, according to a report from Consul (feorge.N. Ifft at Annalicrg. Tho eat ing of horse meat seems to be quitft genernl In Germany, for no less than 182,000 ltorsos were slaughtered for human food in 1000. "Horseflesh-Is very generally adver tised in the German papers," says Consul Ifft, "especially in those In large industrial centers, and most Ger man cities have at least one market wulch makes It a specialty, claiming for It a higher percentage of nourish ment than that of beef, veal, mutton or pork. Neither Is It unusual to find advertisements of dog meat or for the purchase of dogs for slaughter. In tho city of Cassel recently the police, In searching for a lost dog, discovered n private slaughter house and arrested the proprietors, who were apparently making a regular business of Htealinjf and killing dogs." In the city of Chemnitz alone, Con sul Ifft reports, 098 dogs were slaugh tered for human food In l'.MJfl, this be ing nn increase of eighty-eight over th previous year. THE YELLOW CATERPILLAB. A. good way to rid the trees of them Is by spraying -with parls green, but if this Is not desirable because of fruit on the trees, a torch made of cloth or small rags and saturated wlthkerosene may be applied to the Infested limbs and the Insects destroyed In this man ner. .How Book Learning Pays. Book learning" for farmers has been a thing to laugh at In the past It used to be thought that an almanac and one or two patent olllce reports were all a man needed to make him competent to "run a farm." We are getting past that day, and doing It at Tiretrv fast nace. In our times. Think hurry these phonographic records down of th. r.1Mrt 1ust mibnBiled bv the I to the shipping department" Kansas commissioners appointed a couple of City limes. years aeo In the State of Louisiana to Hla I'SUilc of i;ouasre. Invostlo-iita cron nests, with nnrtlenlar "Little boy," asked the gentle voiced rfrpm,n . rlK, waovll and the ter- TtT2rJrJfJ yZ Ulble injury it has wrought to the cot- Caltbnsre not. The disease known to the cabbag growers as black rot, or stem rot, has come Into prominence within the last few years, and Is said to be a serious hindrance to cabbage growing In sev eral States. From a recent farmers' bulletin prepared by the chief of tho division of vegetable pathology, It ap pears that no way Is known of curing the disease or of entirely ridding a locality of It when once It is well es tablished. Tho whole subject of treat ment may be Bummed up In one word preventing. The disease Is not con fined to the cabbage, but attacks a num ber of species belonging to the mustard family. The planting of other crops for a long scries of years Is Bald to be the only satisfactory way to get rid of this disease of the cabbuge when It has once become serious. ' don't aatch any of these fish but the smallest ones?" "It happens, ma'nm," answered Torn' my, choking back a sob, " 'cause the other boys ain't afraid to lie like blazes, bjame their pictur s, sn I am i::.,hUImi.Ii'iI,. ,;ui', uri,'i..i.K".'. inm nm Vegetable Prcparationfor As similating UicFoodandReeula Ung the Stomachs aM Bowels of Promotes DigcsliortChccrful neas and Rest.Conlalfls neither Sriiim.Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. JaaptarOUOrSmMPITCaEa SkimSmd fliOriamltSU rwuZmr A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. SourStoiTvach.DiaiThoca Worms .Convulsions .Fewrish ness and Loss of Sleep. FaeSunile Signature of N EW YORK. ' - EXACT Copy OF WRAPPER 2 Trie Kind Toa Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SO years, has borne the 6igrnatnro of and has beeamade under inn per-'37-4 Bonal sapervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good"are bnt Experiments that trifle "with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, -What Is CASTORIA Castorta Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine other Narcotio ubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Conptlpation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yeare Mav. it s.vaa araaar. mtw tosm atrfc Tasasarauat ton crop. For two years these commis sioners have been "studying and exper imenting on tlie State farms In the Ited river, region, and now they send word out to the world that they have succeeded In growing eotton that ean not he hurt by the boll weevil. Just bow they have done this we must wait to learn. Tho great faot Is tliut they have done It. Think what this will mean In money to the farmers of the cotton growing States! Nor will the benellt of their work stop there. Other people than the cotton growers are In terested In cotton. We all have use for the plant and IIb products. From the poor man down In the most obscure quarter of tho city to the millionaire lu bis beautiful borne, we all need cot ton In some form or other. And "book farming" cuts the cloud wblcb has hung over the men who grow the plant and lets the sunshine out all over the world. Cacti as Stock Food. The New Mexico Experiment Sta tion has lsued a very creditable bulle tin dealing with the composition end feeding value of the prickly pear and other cacti.' The spines of the cacti I are removed by singeing with a torch. I The protein content In the air-dry ma terlal ranges from 2 to 10 per cent, the fruit being the richest part. The cacti compare favorably with many forage plants. Heretofore the great llfflculty In the way of utilizing cacti as forage has been the spines, but since they can be removed by the torch a large amount of cheap forage Is made available to the stockmen of the arid plains. Tho Collie Dosr, The Intelligence of the collie Is be lieved by many to come as near to hu man thought as that of any animal, ana it is possiuie 10 teacn mom so many things that some very remarka ble stories are told abont them, Tbey are for this reason the great sheep dog, and no Scotch herder would attempt to get along without bis col lies, with which be lives alone far off on the hills, says the Circle. And that is saying nothing of tholr beauty and charm as companions; llkUUC Till MM til. Hediro Trimmer. The trlmmlhg of a hedge Is properly the work of an expert, many years of practical experience being required bo 'S fore llrst class work can be accom plished. As a rulo expert hedge trim mers employ a cut ler having but a single pair of blades. A Virginia man thought that a trimmer coultl bo devised which would simplify tho trimming and as- sure greuter accuracy. Accordingly he designed the Implement shown In tho illustrutlou. It comprises a pair of knives, containing numerous cutting teeth. The kulvcs are attached to piv oted haudles. one knife moving over the other. When tho latter are griiH- ed, one In eiu'h hand, cousldernlilo power can be applied to the cutter, whereby over a foot of the hedge caiv he trimmed In a single cut. It woulil I'C Impossible, wllU this tool, to trim too much In spots, forming an uneven surfucc to the hedge. The extreme length of the blades Insures an even cut throughout. Keep nasi from Tool. To keep iron and steel goods from rust, states the Mechanical World, dis solve half nn ounce of camphor In one pound of bog's lard ; take off the scum, mix as much black lend as will give the mixture an Iron color. Iron and steel goods rubbed over this mixture and left with it on twenty-four hours, and then dried with a linen cloth, will keep clean for months. Dloat. ' An old German who doctors cattlo prescribes a drench of two tablespoon fills of epsom salts, two tablcxpoonfuls of llnfeed oil, one tablcxpoonful of black pepper and one tablespoonful of turpentine. He puts the medicine In a quart bottle and Alls It wltb wan a water. In about fifteen minutes tha floating Is gono. I'aaeen Worksn, Earthworms have a special duty and they perform It the numberless mill ions of them scattered far and wide, unseen and so obscure. They have cre ated all the hm m and all the arable kind of tlie whole globe. They pass through their bodies tha fallen leaves and decaying vegetable matter and by their labor rendering cultivation and harvesting possible. When one kills an earthworm, art agricultural laborer of the most re spectable class Is destroyed.