The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 17, 1907, Image 6

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U3 asiss32Sxj cg8
There Is a world of dlffereuco between the personal appearance of John
I. Rockefeller and Umt of his only son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. John, Jr.,
Is the Image of his mother. There Is not about the younger John a single fea
ture, cither of face or form, Indicative of his kinship to John the elder.
The younger John has a brond, full, heavy-featured countenance, with
large eyes, wide ami protuberant forehead, big nose, big mouth, and full,
heavy chin. He Is much taller than bis mother, but, like her, Is built on
jjenerous lines. '
John I). Rockefeller has a sharp, Irregular, acquisitive set of features.
Ills forehead Is low and receding, almost on a line with his long, keen nose.
Its chin Is short and sharp, his muth small and pursed, his lips thin and
kiis eyes small. His ears are long and thin quite different from those of
John, Jr., which are thick and medium-sized.
If all labor difficulties could be ad
justed with the celerity and decision
displayed by Professor Jowett, the fa
mous master of ltalllol, questions of
employer and employo would not mani
fest themselves In so violent a manner
as Is frequent. The famous teacher
was noted for his brevity of .sieech
ii nd despatch of business, but these
qnnlltles never shone to greater ad
vantage than on the famous occasion of
his dealing with the refractory washer
women of nalllol.
These worthy dames struck for
Wgher wages In one department
Twelve collars for a shilling was the
statutory price. They came to present
their claim to the master.
' "The washerwomen have come to see
you," said the butler.
"Show the ladles up," snld the mas
tor. They clumped Into the room, to
find him poking the Are. He turned
"Will you wash twelve collars for a
Shilling?" ho asked quietly. ,
They began to expostulate. He
touched the bell ; In came the butler.
"Show the ladles down." .
"Presently the butler appeared again.
"They seem very sorry, sir would
like to Bee you again."
"Show them up."
The washerwomen found the master
Intent, as before, on the Are grate.
"Will you wash twelvo collars for a
Hhllllng?" piped his cheery little voice.
A stalwart speaker began to make
explanations. He touched the bell.
"Show these ladles down," he said,
and down they went. Again the butler
reappeared, expressing a hope that the
waster would see the women again.
"Certainly. Show them up."
They entered the room for the third
"Will you wash twelve collars for a
"We will!" thoy cried. .
"Thank you good day, good dayl"
said the master. "Knight, show these
ladles down," and the strike was over,
Vomi Crow Properly Prepared Uaed
aa Liver Hranlator.
In Japau the lower orders of life
not only supply meat, but they evince
sundry othor peculiarities that rende
I hem luvnluablo concomitants of clvlll
cation. A few days ago a number of
leoplo were seen gassing Intently toward
(he upper llmiis or a large pine tree.
Ntotmliui to learuthe secret of this un
'"utmai" Interest, a man was observed de-
aoendlng the tree, while a crow was
furiously casing and beating about his
bead; the it was seen that thejres
ttassor had possessed himself of one of
her brood, sa unprepossessing little
chick, that no one could be Imagined
fancying for a pet, says the Detroit
News-Tribune. Asked what he intend
ed dolni wits the young crow, he re
plied that tt made excel leu t medicine
for the blood: "Uni-no-micai-no au
surl," to use his exact words.' To In
sure the efficacy of the medicine, he ex
plained, the bird must be taken before
leaves the nest, If possible, or, If It
has left the nest, before it gets to
here It can drink water; for, he as
serted, If It has of Itself taken water,
loses all virtue as a blood cure.
The process of preparing the remedy
la, first to kill the crow, and, without
leaning It, Incase the body In an air
tight covering of cement or clay. The
mold Is then baked for two or three
days in a hot fire. When the clay coat
Is removed, naturally the crow will be
found to be black, a lump of pure char
coal. This Is pulverized and converted
Into pills of the "pinV order, which
re very popular here as a blood regu
lator. He reminded his Interlocutors
that the medicine was very rare because
of the difficulty of finding a crow that
had not taken water."
The man was perfectly sincere, and
appeared extremely (iroud of his suc
cess lu having secured the bird. He
was reluctant to leave the tree lest
there should be ' another one on the
ground somewhere.
Those who, since the brilliant
achievements of the Japanese Red Cross
Society In the last war, are accustomed
to take for granted the advance of med
ical Bclence In this country, will, of
course, bear In mind that the practltion
er under consideration had not at this
line acquired membership In any legal
ly recognized therapeutic fraternity;
but probably his nostrum was quite as
effective as much of the medicine that
Is sold to a large constituency at a high
er price In other portions of the globe.
Another favorite mncdy for undlag-
nosable ailments In this country Is hu
man liver, and a citizen of the empire
has Just been arrested on the charge of
having killed several women as a means
of obtaining this somewhat 'unusual
commodity. This phase of Japanese
life seems rather to Increase the ambig
uity of the old aphorism that whether
life Is worth living depends on the liver.
At any rate, It may be Justly counted
among the queer things of Japan, to
relate of all which would necessitate
going on ad Infinitum.
A Word About a Favorite Theory a
to Short Crops.
In the bottom of Its heart a good
part of the financial community. cher
ishes the suspicion that financial crises,
especially when caused or accompanied
by bad harvests, have something to do
with "sun spots," says the New York
Post The argument Is that these years
of Intense solar activity come some
where near once in ten years and so
do panics; that ""sun spots" very prob
ably cause abnormal seasons on our
own planet and that abnormal seasons
cause crop failures and trouble In the
stock exchange. Nobody would need to
take this seriously but for the fact that
thirty-two years ago a very eminent
English economist frankly asserted his
belief in the theory. Prof. Jevons was
so confident of Its applicability that In
1875 he . predicted a European panic
tor 1879, because the "sun-spot activity"
would then be again approaching a
But bow about the facts? The year
1837 was one of sun-sixt maximum and
also a year of commercial panic. Sun
spots were very active In 1871, 1872
and 1873 and we know what happened
In the markets. In 1883 a violent
maximum was reached; Europe had a
stock exchange panic In 1881! and the
United States one In 1384. There was
a famous "sun-spot year" in 18t)3 and,
what Is more to the point, we are still
In a period of solar activity and dis
ordered markets.
So far, this Is all very well ; but let
us be thorough. The panic of 1857 was
one of the worst on the list, and 1857
came in a period of sun-spot minimum.
In 1800, when one of the worst of Eng
land's financial crises occurred, solar
activity was at the lowest level In a
decade. A period of sun-spot minimum
began In 1889 and continued Into the
"Baring year," 1890. Evidently, sun
spots do not always have the same
Prof. Jevons thought that the effect
was brought about through crop fail
ures. The astronomers tell us, how
ever, that so far as there Is any corre
spondence, "cold years, rains and in
undations appear to correspond to
those when the sun Is quiet; dry and
warm years to epochs of great solar
activity." Now a dry year may ruin
crops as well as a cold year; but as a
matter of record among panic years,
1857 produced an abundant European
harvest 1873 yielded a "bumper crop"
In the United States, with 1872 a good
second, and 18S4 was a year of unpar
alleled wheat production all over the
world. And what Is to be said of 1879
and 1897, when the world raised
bumper crops" In the western hemi
sphere and lost most of the harvest In
the eastern?
Doty Hot Bardeaaome.
There seems to be a popular belief
that the term duty comprises all that
we most dislike to do; that If It Is a
duty It must be unpleasant But look
at your duties kindly and they will
turn kindly faces to you. Don't worry
over them, -don't be angry with them,
aud they will smile at you In return
and you will be happy with them. But
bo careful not to make an Idol of duty,
for Idolatry Is wrong. Idols are wor
shiped, but not understood.
To Late.
Truth crushed to earth will rise
again," said the patriot
. "Yes," answered the sporting man,
"but sometimes not until after the ref
eree ha counted ten." Washington
The trouble Is, so many womei ac
cept the estlmsts ot women In the
tuagaxlne stories.
Manye Way In Which Thla Strange
Tropical Plant la Utilised.
The breadfruit tree Is a native of
Southern Asia, the West Indies, the
south Pacific Islands and the Indian
arehipelugo. In appearance It resem
bles somewhat the wild chestnut It
grows to the height of forty or fifty
feet and has dark green leaves, many
of them two feet In length, which are
deeply divided Into pointed lobes.
Hidden among the great leaves the
breadfruit grows, says the Baltimore
Sun. It Is nearly . spherical, often
weighs four or more pounds and has a
thick yellow rind. This fruit Is the
I chief food of the South Sea Islanders.
They seldom eat a meal without It
The eatable part lies between the rind
and the core and when fully ripe Is
yellow and Juicy. The fruit Is better
before It has fully matured, and the
natives gather It while the pulp Is
Before It Is ready for table use It
must be roasted, when It looks like
wheat bread and la both palatable and
nutritious. Usually the fruit Is cut lu
to three or four slices and roasted or
baked In an oven.
Frequently the people of a village
Join In making a huge oven, In which
several hundred breadfruits may be
baked at one time. Thus they are all
supplied with bread without Its cost
ing any of them much labor. Prepared
In this way the bread will keep for
The breadfruit Is In season eight
months of the year. When the season
finally draws to a close the last fruits
are gathered and made Into a ; sour
paste called "mabel.'" This paste will
keep for months and Is made Into balls,
wrapped In leaves aud baked, Just as
Bread Is not the ouly product of the.
breadfruit tree. From It cement, cloth,
tluder and lumber are also obtained.
A glutinous, milky Juice oozes from the
trunk of the tree, which makes' an ex
cellent cement when boiled with cocoa'
nut oil. From the fibrous Inner bark a
kind of coarse cloth la made, and the
big leaves make good towels. The luni
ber Is used for building bouses and
many other purposes. Besides all this,
the dried blossoms are used as tinder
when fires are kindled.
Mineral ' Wealth of the Sooth.
About one-seventh ' of " the mineral
production of the entire country comes
from the Southern States. " pf bitu
minous coal, the most valuable inlneraVj
the South produces one-fourth, and of
Iron about one-ninth. Its totaj coal
resources amount to nearly 600,000,
000,000 tons, or more than onefourth
of our estimated coal reserve.
Of mineral chemical - materials the
South supplies jnore, than one-half,
chiefly phosphate rock, all of wbloh Is
produced .In Florida, Tennessee and
South Carolina, and nearly one-third
of the mineral pigments. Of precious
stones the whole country produces only
$325,000 worth, with the South v fur
nishing Its Talr share.
The showing In Iron ore reserves Is
quite as good; a safe minimum Is.
3,000,000,000 tons, or nearly one-third
of the nation's total.' Of workable Iron
ore the South contains one and one
half v times as much as the famous
Lake Superior district, and this does
sot Include the deep lying southern
On a basis of value of product the
South furnishes more than two-sevenths
of our oil and more than one
sixth of our gas. New York Sun.
It Wasn't New York.
A gentleman who had occasion to
go to an inland New England village
ten miles from a railroad was met at
the station by an old fellow who look
ed as If he might have Just awakened
after Itlp Van Winkle sleep. Ills
horse and buggy were In keeping with
their owner's ancient appearance.
"Here we air at last" said the driv
er, when they finally came to three
houses and a blacksmith's shop.
"This Isn't much of a-place. Is It?"
said the depressed stranger, looking
"Oh, you don't see all o' -it from
here," was the reply. "Thar's two
mere houses over behind that hill thar,
an a cooper's shop jest around that
bend In the road thar. Come" to bunch
'em all together an' It's consld'able o'
a place but o' course It ain't New,
York." Woman's Home Companion.
A Failure.
Not long ago a man appeared at the
capltol and had his card taken In to
Senator Bailey. The Senator did not
recognize the name, but, In accordance
with his usual courtesy, came out to
where the stranger was waiting.
It took only a few minutes' conver
sation to develop the fact that the In
dividual simply . desired to make a
"touch." It was the regulation "Been
unfortunate, sah, and desire to get
back to my own country, sah."
"What Is your business, colonel?"
the Senator Inquired. The rusty frock
coat and black hat seemed to warrant
the title. "
1 "Why, I am a gentleman. Senator,"
the stranger replied, pompously.
"Oh, I see," the Senator said, pleas
antly. "Have you Instituted bankrupt
cy proceedings yet?" Philadelphia Rec
ord. ' .
' If j
August la the month of Intermit
catarrh. The mucous meat'
braaes, especially ot the bowels,
are very liable to congestion,
causing summer complaint, and
catarrh ot the bowels and other
Internal organs, Pe-ru-na Is an
excellent remedy tor alt these
conditions. . .
The Prlae Cow.
-- Take for yourself a well bred cow,
get her on full feed, cram and feed
and stuff and cram her for, say, a year.
Go to the trouble of washing and cur
rying and scrubbing and combing her
twice a day, get down on your hunk
ers, my friend, sandpaper her hoofs,
groom her legs, polish ber horns and
brush her tall, and by the time show
season comes around you should have
very creditable looking show cow.
Sheridan (Mo.) Advance.
.Running for office costs almost as
much as running sn automobile.
So Many!
Thev went In to dinner together. He
was very bashful, and tried In valu
to draw him out. Finally she bean
to talk books; and he became respon
sive. "And Hugo?" she asked. "Do
you like his style?"
"Oh, yes," he replied. "I find him
Intensely Interesting. I've read a num- '
ber of his books."
Then she asked, "Have you read '
."No, I've er only read three. I .
didn't know he had written so many." ,
LlDDlncottiu '
Witty Journalism.
Jacob A. RUs, the author and Jour
nalist, was talking about witty news
paper headlines.
"As witty a headline as I know,"
said he, "was written by a youth of 18
In a San Francisco newspaper office.
There was a bill up to prohibit the sale
of alcoholic drinks within four miles of
the University of California, and this
bill tbS yuth headed: "
" 'An Act to Promote Pedestrianised
Among Our Students."'
And system disordered
Catarrh 13 not merely an Inflammation of the tissues of the heal audi
throat, as the symptoms cf ringing noises lu the ears, mucous dropping back:
into ue inroat, continual Hawking and 6pittmg, etc., would seem to indi-i
cate ; it is a blood disease iu which the entire circulation, and the greater
part of the system are Involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an excess
of uric add in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowel3 frequently be
come torpid and dull in their action and instead of caAylng off the refusa
and waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid In the systemj
Thi9 Is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all
pans oi ine system, inese impurities in the blood irritate and inllama
the different membranes and tissues ef the body, and the contracting
of a cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable
symptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all parts of the body the ca
tarrhal poison affects all parts of the system. The head has a tight, full .
feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, Blight feven
comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and
I had Catarrh tot aW fifteen f.neClf fT 1
yean, and no man oouid have time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays,1
feldhEr eiSuftrSSfVS rhca inhalations, etc. Such treatment i
suited, x then beeanB.8. and Qoes not reacn ine blood, ana can, tnereiorey
tr.ttrr nothing more than temporarily relieve
taking-it a abort while waa ccred. the discomfort of the trouble. To CUM .
the blood must bo ;
ly purified and the system cleansea
aisons. and at the 'same time! '.
Nobody thinks aagra.of s. s. s. strengthened and built no. Nothing eqnala i
aO. . ... SUBAXaOJtf. S. S fnf tt,?a ,c - Tr ott.r-Va thri
" ' ritftAaOA of Ifa taA ivsad Immm 4v tti mnff
bottom of the trouble and makes a complete
and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every ;
blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh ,
and healthy. Then the Inflamed mem
branes begin to heal, the head is loosened
and cleared, the hawklnsr and soittinsr cease.' -
every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health 1
restored. S. S. S. also tones tip the stomach and digestion and acts as a
fine tonic to the entire system. If you are Buffering with Catarrh begin th ;
use of S. S. S. and write us a statement ot your case and our physicians will
send yon literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical ad vie '
Without charge. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drur stores.
Catarrh permanently
Catarrh ia a. blood diaeaae, and thorough
know there ia nothing on eii-to. rvf all rw
than I do.
Aiapeer, won