The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 17, 1907, Image 5

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Miss Bethel McKenile at the Postofflce I
authorised to receive and receipt for ubserlp
tlooi and advertising fur the News-Itecord,
and to receive and receipt for job work.
Mill Sons Overtime
Threshing is practically over in this
locality and farmers are busy hauling
their grain to the mill. Owing to lack
of storage capacity, the trill la com
pelled to run over time to keep the
' grain out of the way.
Cattlemen Smiling
Several bands of beef cattle have
started for the railroad in the past few
days. The advance in prices over those
of the last few years lias brought back
the smile which was such a common
sight on the cattlemen's faces during
the palmy days of 1901-3.
Band Cleared $175
The Lostine concert band cleared
$175 from their drama, "Down in
Dixie,'! during the fair and will apply
the money for the purchase of new
instruments. Under the leadership of
Frof. AmbroiBe the band is making
rapid improvement and will soon ran :
among the best country bands of East
ern Oregon. . . .
Saylor has purchased 800 head of steers
which he will feed on his Umatilla
county ranch for the spring market.
The price paid was 13 50 per cwt.
New Bridge Completed
The new bridge across the Wallowa
river near Geo. Woods' place north
of town, is completed. t
. Home for Kansas Orphans
Jas Bright will leave soon for Kansas
to bring a family of six orphan children
to Oregon. The father of the children,
'who was Mr. Bright's brother, was
killed by lightning recently. Mr.
Bright will give the children a home on
his ranch five miles east of Lostine.
Bays 300 Steers
' J. B. Saylor of Freewater, Umatilla
county, was in town Monday. Mr,
Local and Pergonal.
A crew of. 25 Greeks are putting the
finishing touches on the railroad grade
near the Bam Wade place.
Lafe Hammack and H. Cole have
gone to the Willamette valley in search
of a business location.
Harry Coleman has moved his
family into town from their ranch in
order to be nearer school.
Born: To the wife of Oscar Suaggart,
Oct. 7, a nine pound girl.
There are still several cases of mumps
in this vicinity.
John MoKenzie, Roy Haun and the
Misses Olson left Monday for Pendleton
where they will enter school.
O. J. Poley and wife ret urned Friday
from a trip into Grant county in quest
of timber claims. They were successful
in finding locations.
Geo. Willett, Lostine's tonsorial
artist, is spending this week in Port
land. John H. McCubbin and wife will
leave soon for California to spend the
Laurence and Charlie Allen, sons of
Wm, Allen, of this place, are attending
the Agricultural college at Corvallis.
C. A. F itzpatrlck, of the firm of F.
W. Fitzpatrick & Co., accompanied by
his family, will leave this etveek for
tali dp, in the hope that the 'milder
climate of western Oregon will benefit
Mrs. Fitzpatrick's health. Kenneth
McKenzie hus taken his place in tne
O. F. Mays and Robt. Bowman spent
last week in the southern part of
Umatilla county, where they each
located timber claims.
Born : To the wife of Frank Cook,
a 12 pound boy.
Wm. Daisley is running the barbery
shop during Geo. Willet's absence.
Oscar Cc leman, who with his brother,
Harry, has been running the 8. W.
Miles ranch, has rented P. Crow's
Hurricane creek farm and will move
up there soon.
Born: To the wife of Boon Childers,
of this city, a girl.
The Vergere Telephone people moved
their central office from the Cray hotel
to the residence of S. L. McKenzie
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Magill will
leave about November 1 for an extended
business and pleasure trip in the East.
They will be absent about six months.
R. C. Goodman has moved into his
new cigar shop first door south of the
drug store, and in addition to his line
of home made cigars, has put in a stock
of confectionery.
Horses Boarded by Day, Week or Month
Good Care of all Stock.
One Block North of Court House. .
J. C. SHACKLEFORD, Proprietor.
Physician and Surgeon,
Second-Hand Store
Real Estate Transfers
Week Ending Oct. 12, 1907 Prepared
By Wallowa Law, Land &
Abstract Co.
RODGERS BROS. Proprietors
Dealers in New and Second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs.
Furniture Repaired, Upholstering done. Counters, Show Cases, Store
fixtures, and Old Mission Furniture made to order. All goods called
for and delivered any place in town. We are located in the Enterprise
Restaurant Building, west side of the city square. Call in and see us.
F. D. McCully et al to Michelle
Baker, lots 6,' 7, 8, 9 and 10, blk 6,
amended Riverside add to Joseph
$350. '-'
F. D. McCully et al to John Baker,
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, block 6, amended Rlv
erslae add to Joseph. 375.
Lucy J. Hammell to Rosa L. Groat
lots 5, 6, 7 and 8. blk 14, tnwu of
Wallowa. $1,000.
Louis Miller to Charles P. Cory, lot
2 and se nw ue se sw lie, sec 7, 1 1 n
r42e. fl.
E. C. Berry to John McDonald, lots
3 and 4, sec 2, and lot 1, see 8, 1 1 n, r
41, and se se of sec 34, t 2 n, r 41 e. t
Hattie Johnson to E. C. Berry, lots
3 and 4, sec 2, and lot 1, seo 3, 1 1 n, r
41 e, and seo 84, t2n, r41e
William G. Locks to Agnes Con noil
nw of seo 11, 1 6 n. r 43 e. f 21C0.
Ella Flowers to Daniel Boyd, all of
Still Doing' Business
We have had our one-day Fur Sale and it was a great success.
Many people were made happy on that day. But we still have
a very large and well assorted line of -
that we are offering at almost unheard of prices. Neck
from $1.26 to $20.00. Then we have sets, Muffs and
to match, we also nave a compieie une ot
' . . .
Crushed Plu?h. Bear Skin and Astrakan, All of these gar
ments are well made and going very reasonably. We have
not space to quote prices, but invite you to come to our store
and examine for yourself, and we know we can convince the
most skeptical. Our Fall line is in, so come early before the
goods are picked over.
. IB. M. & ML Co.
lots 3 and 4, seo 2, 1 1 n, and w half of
sw qr, seo 35, 1 2 n, r 44 e. $1600.
Walter E. Boner to Geo. W. Boner,
blk 8, Riverside add to Joseph, except
a parcel deeded to Francis V. Rowley.
Alse nj ne ne se, seo 80, 1 2 s, r 45 e, ex.
oept a certain strip or parcel ot land 80
feet In width running the full length
of the n side thereof.
U. S. pre patent to David W. Kuhn,
ne ne seo 20, 1 6 n, r 45 e.
U. S. R. K. to James H. Fisher, se
seo 6, 1 1 n, r 44 e.
U. 8. R. R. to Ernest Relsland, lot 4,
seo 3, 1 1 n, and v and sw sw nw Bee
84, t2 n,r43 e.
U. 8. K. R. to Emeretta Dalley. aw
sw sec 20, nj nw, and nw ue seo 29, 1 2
r 41 e.
U. 8. R. R. to Levi L. Dalley, s se,
seo 13, n4 ne seo 24, t 2 n, r 41 e.
U. S. Pre Patent to James Pool, sw
qr seo 29, 1 4 n, r 42 e.
U. S. Pre Patent to Russell Martin,
n sw seo 11, and ne se and se ue, sec
10, 1 5 n, r 43 e.
U. 8. Pre Patent to Herbert K. Bush-
nell, n sw and w se, seo 21, 1 4 n, r
44 e.
U. 8. R. R. to Hattie Johnson, lots 3
and 4, sec 2, lot 1, sec 8, 1 1 n, r 41 e.
U. 8. R. R. to Press BBankland, n
J, sw seo 17, 1 2 n, r 44 e.
U. 8. R. R. to L. M. Dickson, se sec
15, 1 2 II, r 41 e.
U. 8. R. R. to Wm. Dickson, sw
sw sw sec 15, aiid uw nw seo 22, 1 2 n,
r41e. .
U. 8. H. Patent to William Wilson,
ue and se nw and lot 3, seo 4, 1 6 n,
r 43 e.
U. 8. R. R. to Charles N. Walker,
nw se, s) ne seo 24, 1 4 u, r 42 e, Iota 3
and 4, sec 19, 1 4 ii, r 43 e.
to alil real property or any part thereof, ad
verse to the tl U of plalutlff; and for auch
other and further rvllej a to equity .hall
seem meet and agreeable.
This summons Ii nerved upon you by publi
cation thereof In the News-Record, for the full
period of six consecutive weeks, commencing
with the date ot September list, 1907, pursu
ant to an order of the Hon. O. M. Corkins,
County Judge of Wallowa county, Oregon,
which order Is made and dated ou the 18th
day of September. 1807.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
15 per Gent oo Your
Investment in Real Mate
Two Houses
Paying $18 a
month rent.-
$1500 FOR BOTH
Lots one-fourth Block In Size
for from
$100 to $400.
Residences from
$600 to 15000
All above property
In Enterprise.
Good. Farm Propositions
Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wallowa County.
H. P. Throe, Plaintiff, )
v J
Mary A. Danforth and)
Lucius Danforth, her )
husband, and Larklu
Hunley, Defendants. )
To alary A. Danforth, Lnoius Danforth
and Lorkln Hunley, the defendant above
named :
in the nnme of the State Oregon: You and
each of you are hereby required to appear
and answer to complaint filed against you
In the above entitled causa on or before the
expiration of six weeks from and after the
date of the first publication ot this Hummons,
which date of first publication is Haturday,
September list, 1D07, and If you fall so to ap
pear and answer, for want thereof, the plain'
tiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In his complaint, to wit:
For a decree requiring you and each of you
to set forth the nature of your claim or In
tarest lu and to I-ot numbered Eight and the
Hontb one-half of Lot numbered Mine In
Block numbered Eleven In the Iowa of Jos
eph, Wallowa county, Oregon, and that all
adverse claims of yon and catch of yon be
determined by said decree; that you and
each of you br'adlndged and decreed to bare
no Interest or claim In and to said real prop
erty or any pnrt thereof; Ibat plHinlllf's title
there to le ii'liii'W'l ttiM fi"ci.'1 t be
Hn'l y1II :ij(itihft v'-u Hid em ii of yiii, r)
hi- till" lie l'-t'tuii U'tl ; Hixi 1hrtt oii hii-I of vuu to f'.rvu h.irred uixl tn)oiu-i
from a-sertniif ii'i,y :l (r .nVvr'M m mil
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wallowa County.
W. K, Stubblefleld, Plaintiff,
Angle Hlubbleflotd, Defendant,
To A little Ktubblefleld, the above named
In the name ol the Mute of Oregon: You
are hereby required to appear and t BflWor to
the complaint filed against you In tl a lovft
entitled cause on or before the expiration of
aix week from the date of the first publico-
tlon ol this Summons, which first date of
publication Is Saturday, September Slat.
1907, and If you tall to appear and answer
within said time, for want thereof the plain
tin will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In blucomplulnt, vis:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now and heretofore existing between
the plaintiff and defendant, upon, the
grounds of willful desertion.
This Summons Is published pursuant to an
order of the Hon. O M. Corkins, County
Judge of Wallowa county, Oregon, made and
entered on the 18th day of September, 1007,
rectlng the publication thereof for the
period of six consecutive weeks commencing
with the date of September 21st, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Administratrix' Notice.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wallowa County.
In the Matter of the Estate of i
J. F. Burleigh, Deceased.
Notlre Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the above entitled
estate has filed her final account of her
administration of said estate with the Clerk
of Ibis Court, and the Court has fixed Friday,
November 8, 1B07, at the Court room of said
Court iu Enterprise, Oregon, as the time and
place for the settlement of said account; at
which time any persons Interested In said
estate may appear and file objections, In
writing, to said account, and contest the
Dated at Enterprise, Oregon, this 8th day
of October, 19U7.
Axici Bcbi.iiOH, '
Administratrix of the Estate of J. F. Burleigh
Leather Goods
My Stork is the largest in
this section of the state, and
"most important of all is the
personal element entering
into the make-up of my goods.
It is something to me that
the product of my shop shall
be right." Call in and let
me show you around.
L. Berland
Ruggles & Lathrope,
The House
We will move your house, barn or
other buildings lu a careful manner;
also put "' In new foundations when
If you dre In need of utiy work hi
our lino, cull on tr .iMtvh ir at
i KN'mU'iUi-K