The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 17, 1907, Image 4

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    Jhe JieWs-Pecopd
Editor and Publisher.
Iisuetl Every Thursday
Entered itt the Knterprine poHt offlce as
Second Clam Mutter.
(Id Advance.)
One Tear 11.50
Biz Months 78
Three Months SO
Physician Surgeon
E. T. Anderson, M.D.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Physician and Burgeon
Independent Phone.
Office up stairs In Bank Bldg.
When Passing On The Lewis
ton Road, 'Stop At The
Sled Springs Hotel.
Plenty of Stable Roon..
8. B. CONNER, Proprietor.
Win. McHroy an; Company.
FarmH, Timber Lands, Acreags,
Lots, Residence and Business
Property For Sale. Timber .Lo
cating a Specialty
3. A, Burldgh Dunlel Boyd
Burleiqh fc Boyd
Will practice in all the Courts of
tblsStateand before the Interior
and Its offices.
The most careful attention
given to all business entrusted
to our care.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Stone Mason and Gutter
Cut stone flues constantly on
hand for short order work;
also fresh lime.
L. J. Pisell, Wallowa, Ob.
Union Pacific
Dully Kx
Depart for
Time schedule,
Dally Ex.
Ar- from
Imbler; Allcet, Island
No. 81 City, La Grande, con
necting at La aramle
I:4p. m. with tralaa for all 11:90a. i
points east and west.
Low Rates.
Through Tickets To and From All
ParU of the Country.
II. II. Weatberspoon, Agent
Elgin, Oregon.
Seasons For County Seat Removal.
In a pathetic, almost heart-rending appeal to Joseph and Lostine
citizens to put their John Hancocks on the county seat election petition
- -which rumor says has only a little over half enough names after
weeks and weeks of house-to-house canvassing the Wallowa Sun gives
itswonderful reasons why Joseph and Lostine residents in particular
and others in general should sign.-
Is it because Wallowa is a more central location than Enterprise?
Oh, nol Enterprise wriile not in the exact geographical center of the
i eS a l a l 1 1 r ii
cuunty, is itvr nearer to it man waiiowa.
Is it because Wallowa is easier of access to a majority of people
than is Enterprise? Oh, no! Three-fourths of the people can reach
Enterprise by better roads and easier grades than any other town. The
county has recently appropriated thousands of dollars to make poseible
roads to Wallowa, and a sum greater than the cost of the county high
school building will be spent before certain districts close to Wallowa
can reach that town over grades as easy as lead out of Enterprise in all
Is it, because a court house can be or would be built more cheaply
in Wallowa than in Enterprise? Oh, no! There would be practically
no difference in the cost.
Would there be any decrease in county expenses in any direction
so that the tax burdens woulchbe less? Oh, no! The taxes would in
all probability be heavier, for there would be the cost of moving the
offices, and as a victory for Wallowa would mean a county court
wholly devoted to Wallowa's interests, it would also probably mean a
much more expensive court house than any county court that can be
be elected would build in Enterprise. Also, having the whip hand,
Wallowa would need to put up no bonus or even site, while Enterprise
already has a bona fide $15,000 offer up, or half enough to pay for a
first-class county building, and the offer is on file in the county clerk's
Now if the Jonas county seat "fight'' is not based on any of the
foregoing reasons, which are surely the only ones that can appeal to
residents of the county outside of the two interested towns, in the name
of common Bense, you ask, what are his reasons? -
We are going to tell you, and if you think because they are so
ridiculous and improbable that we misquote, you get a copy of last
week's Sun and convince yourself.
First: Kill Enterprise.
Second: Enterprise gone, Joseph will have undisputed sway in
the sou'h half of the valley, which will be good forJoseph. (Maybe.)
Third: Revenge. Joseph is supposed (by .the Sun) to have a
heart black with hate of Enterprise because the latter town exists.
Fourth: Enterprise gone, Lostine will gain Alder Slope trade!
(Notice: Joseph has already been given the trade benefit of no Enter
prise, which means Alder Slope trade, and now he also given it to
Lostine. A little thing like that is easy for a logician like Mr Jonas.)
Fifth: Wallowa being built up big and strong helps Lostine.
Two towns can't flourish in the south and largest end of the Wallowa
and Prairie creek! valleys, but two in the north end flourish aJl the
better because there are two.
Sixth: Because the people yotd for a county high Bchool.
Seventh: Because the county court (consisting of one Wallowa
man, one north country man and one Alder Slope man) after asking
for bids from all the towns, located the high school in Enterprise. (Be
cause the people here put up the most money and thereby decreased its
cost to the taxpayers over the county.)
Eighth: Because this same county court, in' its wisdom, or its
folly, as you majr regard it, or in the courage of its convictions, know
ing it was signing its own political death warrant, added enough
to the levy to pay off the county debt,
Now, honest, those are the reasons advanced by the Sun. Is any comment
needed? Don't they answer themselves to the mind of every didinterested. Intnl.
11 gent reader.
Does the editor of the Sun assume that the farmers, whose votes will decide
the question, are fools. ,
. Let Our Light Shine. -
A number of extra coDies of the NewRonnnl
a " - iivsv f M J4(4l?V VJ UljU
sent East bv local subscribers last week. "Thorn aia farfa artAiit k!a
valley in every issue of the News-Record that will appeal to home-
i ti j i . . . . . .
aeejters,-- Haia one wno sent six copies to Nebraska and Iowa friends.
This week's News-Record with the hieh .r,nn! riilaar. .k
O via vw l l VS DUO
glorious news of rushing the building of the railroad is a good set-
f l : t f , . .
tier uriuger. vuue a numoer oi copies nave already been eogaged for
that purpose, but an extra number have been printed and will be sent
. mL- ; - w . . .
upon request, ine price per copy is o cents, or six copies for 25 cents,
sent to any address in the United Slates. Just enclose the names and
addresses and the papers will be sent direct from the office without
extra charge for postage.
The News-Record will endeavor to have something each week this
winter that it it reaches the eye of any person anywhere looking for a
better location, he will investigate the resources of and opportunities
in Wallowa county. An additional Bupply of papers will be printed
each week, many of which will be seni to distant points by the pub
lisher, but plenty kept on hand for those who wish to aid in the work
of upbuilding our county.
Further announcement along this line will be made as soon as
certain plans of the paper are matured.
Big Job Oa Bis Hands.
The great secret is out. "The Mystery of the Sun, or Why Put
the Court House on Wheels,1 is a rnystery no longer. Brother Jonas
let the cat out of the bag last week. '
In a column and a half editorial in his paper, Tho Wallowa Sun,
he gave the truthful reason and moving cause for the effort to get up a
county seat fight in Wallowa county TO WIPE ENTERPRISE OFF
Now isn't that a truly virtuous and patriotic reason?
We ask, seriously, the 'hundreds of residents of the Prairie creek
and Imnaha valleys; the hundreds who have homesteads on the fertile,
s In S&ht
And it'is up to you now to get ready
for cold weather, Our stock for Fall
and Winter is now complete except a few
Examine our line of ladies' and chil
dren's Cloaks and Furs. New and stylish
and prices within the reach of all,
' The best line of boys' clothing we
have ever shown.
Calland see the Silk Petticoat we are
selling for $5.00.
Ladies' outing flannel gowns.
Ladies' Fall and Winter Shirt Waists.
Schoql Supplies of all kinds. '
Overshoes and Rubbers,
Boys' Overcoats
Cotton and Woolen Blankets. v
Get one' of those beautiful Indian
Blankets before they are-.all gone.
Come into the store and we will tell
you all about It.
hills extending many miles east and north'of this, town, on Trout cr-ek
Crow creek, at Chico, the Buttes, Zumwalt and on the Chesnimnus;
many in the Leap, and yea even the Whisky creek eeetions; scores and
scores in the north country, and practically. all of thi prosperous farm
ers on Alder Slopeall the foregoina of, whom. have hptfer rnnU r.t
easier grade to Enterprise than to any other trading point, and . who
now Denent oy tne competition of tire Enterprise mills and the Enter
prise merchants we ask, you, isn't it a truly splendid .thing that
Brother Jonas and a few others have.set out to do wipe "Enterprise off
the map? .
Poor Enterprise!
But say, isn't it a pretty big job even' for so versatile a man and
great logician as Mr. Jonas?..
Shortage of Eggs.
W. B. Glafke, a member of the board of governors of the Portland
Commercial club, has put before 4he club some intensely interesting
figures on the poultry and egg business, for general circulation through
out the state. One hundred
. wvu w -gt,a aiuiic were nuiijiicu uiw
Oregon during the past five months. ..These would average, the year
" ,uu"u per car. Uregon growers supply the chief demand for
turkeys, ducks, geese and chickens, but four times"the present produc
tion would find a readv home mrlr. Kiu ; .. i,;i
- ....... ... cgjo rc ilJIglili HIUIVlljr
oy ten and still the prices would pay as well as. any product grown
... ,, ,ttrm or in me orchard.
Poultry and eggs will be another source of wealth to Wallowa
county after the railroad is completed. ' At present, ranches raise onlv
enough for the local murW iw ... .-:a:..
ditional expense the output can be increased many fold. It doubtless
Will Ha whan ! 1
iv ii. nouses or dealers give an unlimited market,
which they can do when shipping facilities give them access to city
markets. .
The Portland Commercial club's weekly bulletin says' lecturers
throughout the East are dmsnn.'.i:j.. -u' s . -t r.
-..ft nuumug views oi vrcg"u.
The lecturers will have only the second best unless they secure slides
showing views of the Wall
is the prettiest scenery, mountains,' vales.treams or waterfalls, in the
iaics. Al ia wen named the Switzerland of America.
Forty and fiftv bushels
f 1U to 30 an acre must sound 'r,wvV . i, v.-u : t .k
are tickled ha.f to death when they can get 18 To 20 bushels to the
acre on trieiv tirvn t.j
Come to the country where one year's crops pays for the land.
That has been done in Wallowa county in this year of our Lord, 1907.