The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 17, 1907, Image 1

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    1 :
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VOL. 1, No. 25
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Thursday, October 17, 1907.
Whole Number 445
Bails Now Laid To Month of Wallowa
-Mile a Day Up The
"Rush work on the grading j It must
be oompleted by December 31, for the
steel gangs are crowding us." That's
the message from the representatives
of Erlckson & Peterson, who have the
contract for the railroad grading, to
John E. Patterson, sub-contractor for
the depot grounds and the 2J miles of
unfinished grade from Enterprise north.
Mr. Patterson was sent for Monday
to meet Superintendent Jeffries and
Assistant McManus at the camp on
Bheahan's place and sign his contract.
They impressed on him the necessity
for rush work. The temporary bridge
over the Looking Glass is finished and
the rails are laid down the Grande
Ronde to opposite the mouth of the
Wallowa. Rails and ties are on hand
to rush the laying of the track up the
canyon as soon as the bridge across the
Grande Ronde is finished, which will be
in about six weeks or by December 1.
All grading iB done except the 1 miles
north of Enterprise, the fill at Wade's,
and .two short stretches between Lostine
and Wallowa. Gangfe are at work on
the last three places now and Mr. Pat
terson riH-frave a force at work in a
few days. He will use local labor if
possible. Mr. Patterson was told ' the
rails np the .valley would be laid as
soon as the grading was done. He be
lieves track will be .down inside the
county before January 1, and completed
to Joseph early in February.
' Engineer R. I. Long confirms the
good news of rush work. He says the
truck will be. laid as far as Wallowa by
Nw Years. It is expected a mile a day
will be put down this aide the Grande
Routle bridge. . , " -
Mr, Patterwon has closed the contract
"Cartful Banking latum th Safety olDepotlt.
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS 30,000
'We do a General Banking Business
Exchange Bought and Sold on
All Principal Cities
to operate a sawmill on the. Looking
Glass this winter for Rumble & Mo
Cully. The temporary bridge over that
stream was being used when he was
over there Friday. The big slide that
so long delayed laying of rails down the
Grande Ronde is still an obstruction,
but a temporary track has been laid
around it.
Fine Range On
Lower mi
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vest will leave
in a few weeks for their cattle ranch
on the Imnaha where they will spend
the winter, which will seem less long
and lonely than heretofore as now
there is a weekly mail delivery down
the river 19 miles .from the bridge.
The mail route is locally known as
the Lightning mail route, not from
I any unusual - celerityin its delivery
but because its northern terminus is
the mouth of Lightning creek. Mr.
Vest sent in 3300 pounds of supplies
and horse feed Tuesday. They will
help beguile the long winter nights by
reading the News-Record each week.
The range in that country is lux
uriant and nutritious almost the cold
season through. Last winter Mr. Vest
fed his cattle only 5 days and the
winter before only 10 days. Among
the well known cattlemen who will
have stock this winter along the lower
Imnaha, Lightning :nd Cow creeks and
other tributaries, are Mr. Vest, C. G.
Holmes, Logan McCormick, C. F.
Graves and J. M. Blakely of Enterprise;
Haas Brothers and Lawson & Beecher
of Alder Slope; James Rice, Leonard
Snell and Bowman & Faught of Joseph.
Bow's This for "Dry Land"?
W. E. Lewis reports threshing a field
of oats for JJaker on the old Hedrick
place at Whisky creek that weighed
out 99 bushels to the acre. - He also had
three days threshing of wheat np there
"that averaged 40 bushels to the acre.
Jupiter Pluvins did all the irrigating
that land received. 1 '
For One Week Only
Gold-Filled Caxe, warranted for 20 Years.
Men are tired of clumsy watches.
This small, thin model case is more
convenient and easy to carry. Case
Is very handsome: American Walt
ham or Elgin movement.
For One Week Only, Meg Satnrday, Oct
27, we quote the Special Price of $12.50.
' Vice President
Assistant: Cashier
Fire at Paradise Destroys $3900 Worth
Of PropertyAttempted Arson at
Two barns owned by Willis C. Straley,
the Paradise storekeeper, were buftied
about midnight, Monday, together with
$1000 worth of hay, some machinery,
and a buggy, all the property of Mr.
Straley ; two horses, harness and rig
owned by E. W. Southwick, the Wal
Iowa stage driver. . The total loss is
at least $3000; insurance only $1000.
One of the barns was a new structure
and the largest and best in the north
country. It cannot be replaced for less
than $1500. The other was an old log
building. The fire iB believed to have
been of incendiaryjorigin as it started
in the lower unused corner of the log
Mr. Straley was in Lowlston at the
time of the tire. His neighbors worked
hard and helped by a favoring wind
saved the store. One of the stage
horses was cremated and the other was
burned so badly before it got out that
it will die.
Attempt to Burn Procter's Horns
Rev. M. J. Thompson believes an
attempt was made to burn his home on
Residence street the first of the week.
Mrs. Thompson discovered a little
pile of partly burned kindlings under a
board up against the kitchen, with every
appearance of having been carefully
laid. It is supposed the board smoth
ered the fire.
Rev. Thompsou believes the design
was to burn his house in revenge for his
activity in prohibitloa work. He is
president of the' Anti-Saloon league in
W allnwa county.
Court House Notes
New Suite
J. S. Applegate, by bis attorneys,
Burleigh & Boyd, has brought suit
against M. R. Applegate for the sum
of $1800. The complaint states that the
plaintiff leased 80 acres of land from the
defendant in sections 24 and 25., t 5 n,
r 44 e, and that by a contract and ag
greement between them at -.the end of
the lease M. R. Applegate was to buy
the improvements the lessee put on the
property or sell the land to him at a
reasonable price. Tie plaintiff says he
pnt on a dwelling house, barn, wood
house, smoke house, fencing, wind mill
-and pumping plant, the whole' of the
reasonable value. of $1800, and that
defendant refuses to buy the same.
Fred W. Falconer, by his attorneys,
DePue & Cook, has brought suit to
foreclose mortgages amounting to $1350
on the w haf of ne and w half of se of
sec. 35, t 3 n, r 45 e. The land is owned
by G. H. Daugherty who gave a mort
gage to A. Levy, Oct. 1, 1903, to secure
a loan of $700, also a mortgage to
Falconer, April 2, 1907, to secure a loan
of 8950. The Levy note was bought by
Falconer. The Enterprise Mercantile
& Milling Co., W. T. Bell and R. D.
Sanford are also made parties to the
suit as they claim some interest in the
real property owned by Daugherty.
Doings In Prolate.
Mrs. E. Moore, the widow of the de
ceased, has been appointed administra
trix of the estate of Elmer V. Moore,
anclalso guardian of the minor children.
Order of appraisement and inventory
was issued Wednesday. -
F. X. Musty has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate in this county'
of James Musty, who died.recentH in
Jackson county, '.v
XUrrlaga Licestei v
Oct 14 Green 6. Trump and Belle
Oct. 14 Walter Sutherland and Cora
E. Stubblefield.
Oct. 10 George B. Balea and Laura
E. Rucker.,
Engineer Long Bart
Engineer R. I. Long of the O. R. & N.
was badly bruised about the head by
being dragged and kicked by a runaway
team south 'of town Thursday. He got
ont to open a gate and grabbed the
inea when the team started to run .
He was dragged some distance and
kicked once, but Dr. C. A. Ault.'who
dressed the wounds', reports no bones
$25 Alfalfa on $35 Land
B. A . Reynolds of Alder Slope paid
$35 an acre for his land. His alfalfa
fields this se.ison brought him $25 ai
Splendid Fruit
at Lostine Fair
The fruit and fancy work exhibits
were the successes of the county fair at
Lostine last week. The fruit surprised
even those best acquainted with the
possibilities of Wallowa's soil and cli
mate. Thero were apples', peaches,
prunes and plums of splendid quality
not ouly from the Imnaha but from this
valley. The fruit tree agent in charge
acted boorishly in refusing to allow a
photograph taken of the exhibit that
was to be used as an illustration 1n the
advertising pamphlet gotten out by the
county court.
The live Btock exhibit was a disap
pointment in r umbers, but the horses
and cattle shown were fine animals.
McDonald's peerless Clyde, Whitmore's
and Allen & Fades' Purcherons, a year
ling Percheron owned by Fred Fitz
patrick, and the German Coach horse
from Wallowa were all splendid stal
lions. L. P. McCubbin's two Percheron
mares were voted by many horsemen
the largest ami bestl.for age ever seen .
Ho also walked away with the blue rib
bon on a splendid Jersey , bull. W. C.
Dorranco, George Craig and the Fit,!-,
Patricks exhibited Hereford bulls. El
liott's and Makin's jacks were show;).
The sheep exhibit was not represen
tative and twine wore conspicuous by
their ab?eni . The .ruee entries weru
few but tb'iso run furnished exciting
sport. , T. . . , ;.,.,.,-..-
the e: .'Mt hall rjceipts on Enter
prise day were about $150 and on
Wallown day less than one-third of that
The Lostino people .worked hard 'or
the success of the fair, entertained hos
pitably and are not responsible for the
small number of exhibitors In tho live
stock department.
We Mean
What We Say
You can buy lots on your
own terms in Alder View.
New orders are
"Rush Work!!!
Steel Gang Is Coming!"
Patterson must complete
. grading by December l3.
If you don't believe Alder
View lots are cheap, try to
buy from those to whom
we have sold. Their price
is double ours, and some
Secy, of Wallowa Law, Land and Abstract Company
Sent to State School Board for
proval Will Add Library and
Laboratory '
County Judge Corkins, Superinten
dent Kerns aud Treasurer Reavis of the
high school board held a meeting Mon
day and considered the purchasing of a
library, equipment for a physical labor
atory and other necessary fixtures for
the high school. The course of study
was adopted and sent to the state
school board for its approval. Principal
Moore reported one addition to the en
rollment, and submitted the following
letter; which was real and Nordored
The County High Sohool
There is nothing to which our people
should point with more pride than to
ward our schools. There is no one
thing of more importance to the public
in general than the education of the
rising generation. Taking these facts
into consideration every citizen should
feel morally bound to manifest an in
terest, yield support and become a
factor in bringing about a higher school
standard and more proflcieut school
This is an age when an education is
essential; public and private affairs de
mand it. The boy or girl that goes out
into the world without having at least
acquired the fundamental principles of
the common school branches is deprived
of that which affords the greatest oppor
tunities and assures suet ess in life if
only backed up by a little energy anil
We should not be contented to stop
with good common aVhools bu should
be anxioiMi for- our children to l.avo the
advantages of higher, wluratiom-- Thti
ago demands it. The conditions govL "
erning commercial and professional .life''
are changing, the requirements are '
becoming more stringent and compet
ition is growing stronger. This is an
ago of commercialism a time when
every boy and girl should be taught
(Continued On Last Puge)