The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 10, 1907, Image 8

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    Choice Residence
Property for Sale
Eight-room house and one-half block of land.
Fine location. In second block off Main street
and business section. $1800. Will sell house
hold goods with house if desired. '
Inquire of or address,
J. A.
City and County
Brief News Items
. Guorpe Chililers of Lostine was in
Enterprise, Saturday.
Miss Everyl LuCerte, who has been ill,
is convalescing siowiy.
John Bookout, a Trout Creek rancher,
was in town Saturday.
George W. Hyatt was at Joseph,
Saturday, on a business trip. ,
Born to the wife of William Zurcher
'a ion. Mondav, October 7.
. Mra. Flemings of Joseph visited
Enterprise stores, Saturday, i
A large crowd attended the opening
of the Hkatinpf rink Tneiil'iy night.
George Boling of Troy was buying
' supplies of Enterprise merchants, Tues-
day- ,
. Stone jars, all sizon, fo handy for
'fruit; stono chump, crocks and jugs at
Hartshorn A Keltner's.
8. M. Yoran, grand lecturer, A.
F. &
A. M., of Oregon, paid an official visit
to the Enterprise lodge Wednesday
night. ,
Mm. Mahol McAllister of La Grande
arrived Wednesday niuht for a visit
with her Bistor-in-law, Mrs. W. A.
I Moss, and family.
J. P. Averill and Cieorgo Wright,
prominent stockmen from the Swamp
creek country, were in the big Saturday
crowd of trader. ,
.. . I !-.. T .1. Url,ifii.nn f
Trout creek woro trannacting business
' with the local merchants and at the
court house, Tuesday.
J E. Patterson went to Elgin Wednes
day to close a contract lor running a
,i maw mill this winter ,on Looking Glass
creek for limn bio and McCully
Mrs. E. J.IIouck and daughter Efllo
of Joseph were visiting the former's
daughter, Mrs. J W. KernB. Miss
EfTlo will probably enter the high
school soon.
TliU is the vonr vou can afford to buv
that range for your wife. We have the
Universal, the best and most moderate
priced range on the market. Ask the
women. Hartshorn & Keltner.
xr. t 11 aI .1...
H was staving with ber daughter, Mrs.
J. A. Funk, has had to return Ijonie on
account of an attack of rheumatism.
Mis Jessie
Jewell is now with her
i Regular services in the Christian
church next Sunday. Sermons by the
pastor, Uov, M. J. Thompson, at 11 a.
in., topic, "Ability and Responsibility,"
and at 7:30 p. in., topic, "Who Is
Responsible for The Crucifixion of
Christ?" Sunday school at 11, a. m.;
C. B. nt 6:30 p. in. The papering and
refitting ot the interior of the church
will be completed this week and the
pastor extends an invitation to all to
come and see the results of the work.
The employes of the E. M. & M. store
and a few other guests woro nicely
entertained at the homo of Mr. and Mrs,
George W. Hyatt, Saturday night, the
function being in honor of the thirteenth
marriage anniversary ot Mr. and Mrs.
llvatt. A delightful evening was
passed in a social way and delicious
refreshments enjoyed. The guests
were Messrs, and Mesdames J, L.
Brow ning, Henry Flotcher, I). II. Jor
dan and W. R. Holmes ; Miss Robertson,
Messrs. X. K. Hue, HorWrt Browning
and John Wortmun. The host ar.d
hostess were pivseuted with several
, reminders of the anniversary.
W. M. and Art Pearson of the Buttes
were in town Monday.
A. Levi left Tuesday for his winter
home at Sau Francisco.
J. E. Patterson has returned from a
business trip to Spokane.
Try those home made chocolates and
phinoches at Seibert's. Only thing of
this kind in town.
Earl Corkin8 of St. Louis came in
Tuesday and is a guest of hia uncle,
Judge O. 51. Corkins.
Look at those lovely pieces of Batten
burg and Mexican drawn work at Mrs.
Seibert's. Just the thing for Xmua.
Rev. E. Owens of the Baptist church
will preach in-the M. E. church next
Sunday nt 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m.
Varnish stains and brushes, and
Lacqueret makes old furniture look
like new at Burnaugh & Mayfield's.
Mesdamos Charles, Fred and James
Fitzpatrick of Lostine were shopping
in Enterprise the latter part of last
Chris Ejdcs.C. II. Laird, "Sandy"
Murray, S. T. Daggett and D. D. Brock
were Alder Slopo farmer transacting
business with local merchants Saturday.
Thanksgiving turkeys taste 50 per
cent sweeter w hen roasted 111 a Savory
Roaster. Ask the women. Sold only
by Hurtshorn & Keltner at Enterprise,
J. A. Bnrloich, O. M. Corkins, J. J1.
French, D. W. Shoahan, Georgu S
Craig and Daniel Bovil attended Mason
ic lodge at Lostine Tuesday night and
witnessed the conferring of the third
degree on C. A. FiUpntriek.
John West of Whisky creek is nt the
home of Leroy Haggles suffering from
poisoned hand and arm, caused by
splinter or piece of chaff. The hand
was badly swollen but is now yielding
to treatment by Dr. Ho'ckett
LW. Blckford and It.-L.Pay brought
an Indian skull to town Wednesday
that was excavated from the rocky hill
where the railroad graders are at work
Several have been unearthed there
which seems to have been an Indian
burial place.
Thomas J. Myler of Joseph attended
services 111 the catholic cnuren here
Suuduv. Mr. Myler recently came
from New York City to this vallov at
the solicitation of Father O'Rourke
He is employed as a bookkeeper
Large congregations greeted the new
Ipastor of the M. E. ohnrch, Rev. ! red
(i. Potter, Sunday morning and even
ing. At the morning service. Rev. Pot-
t)r's talk was of an introductory na
ture i--A ho asked tho co-oprrarin of
tho members iu making his work fruit
ful of good results. In the ev ii ing he
preached an interesting seri'C'- fron
the) text "Is thv huart rwht?''- W Pilnps
urn u xi, is my neari nam. i eunes
dav nitfhttho members and citizens een
,, , . , . , t
er.illy gavo a pound sottal and reception
v, i i iiuva, iiiici & wtvvi-, i u v umi t.ii
Hev. Father Y. f. O'Rourke held
mass and preaching seVvices in the
newly renovated Catholic, church Sun
day morniug. The faithful members
attended mass and a goodly sized con
gregation, including many non-Catholics,
heard an interesting , soul-search
ing gospel Bermon by Father O'Rourke.
At tho close of the sermon he ac- J
knowledged in a few well chosen words,
the help of the citizens of Knterprise j
without regard to denominati n wlo
so generously helped in the expense of j
renovating the church. The interior of !
the .editlee is quite handsome and the !
pastor and members, nre pardonably I
proud of its appearance. Father O".
Rourhe's next effort will bo. to fence j
the property and beautify the yanl.
R. D. Seibert is . isil ing hia brother, '
J.B. Seibert, of this city.
Mr?. C. V. Bo.itman is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. M. K. Bcitimm of Lostine.
Skating rink open every Tuesday,
Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to
10 p. m. . tf -
A. C. Jacobs and family of Hayesville,
la., are quests of his brother-in-law, A.
M. Warner.
JJerttiine Cream, the best preparation
for chapped hands and face, is sold by
Burnaiiu'li & Mayfleld.
The Wallowa Cream company will re
ceive cream twice a week, Tuesdays and
Saturdays, beginning October 12.
Shingle Stain, Shprwin-Williams' is
the world's standard, and is no higher
in price at Hartshorn & Keltner's.
D. H. Jordan,- bookkeeper for the E
M. & M. Co., is going into business at
LaGrande. He has shipped his house
hold goods to that city.
Preserve your roof with Sherwin
Williams' Shingle Stain. Prevent.-decay
and saves you money. , Handled
only by Hartshorn & Keltiifi i 'uu-
Price & Homari have bout I'M head
of cattle which they are tutu 1.1111; at
.Carl Whitmore's ranch on Ald 't sinpe
that Enterprise people nia ! aire ni
tender, juicy steaks this wint- r.
. Origin of Aunt Flat
The proposal to change the route VI
Aunt Flat road' has caused num. re
marks about the queer name, and some
have said it should be spelled Ant Hut.
Surveyor A. II. Rudd says Aunt is
right and backs it up with the following
account of the origin of the name.
East of the flat' is a hill the outline of
which resembles the bust of a woman. It
used to be called Maiden Hill, and later
in joke it was nicknamed Aunt Maryf
In course of time the flat from which
Aunt Mary" was viewed become
known locally as Aunt flat.
Calvin to Build Bungalow
W. I. Calvin has bought four lots in
Alder View addition from Daniel Boyd,
and will improve them and build a
bungalow residence. Mr. Calvin's
present yard on East Main
street is earnest' of how he will treat his
new property. He is an artist in land
scape gardening and the stream across
his Alder View lots will give him ffn'e
scope for his ability.
Change River Channel
About 25 Greeks are employed on the
big fill for the railway grade north of
the Sheahan place. The nose of a rocky
hill is being used for rock and gravel to
make the till across the ibottom. The
river makes a big bend to the west at
the hill and a new channel is being cut
that will straighten- the stream and
leave the old bed of the river next the
hill for the road bed of the railway.
$7500 buys the best 160 acre
ranch on Prairie Creek. 2oo
inches water. Nut a foot of waste
land; 57 acres alfalfa and timo
thy. Extra good outbuildings,of
all kinds, new barn, abundance of
shade trees. Some one will buy
this in the next 30 days. Will it
be you? - O. R. I. CO.
The Publisher's .
Claims Sustained
United States Court of Claims
The PuMWirrt of Webster' International
Dictionary Hlletrethat it "Is, in fact. I he popu
hir UnitlirUlired thoroughly re-edtteil inexery
detail, and vastly enriched In every psrt, witn
the puriKwe of xdaptinir it to meet the lamer
and severer rvquirenieuu ol another genera
tion." We are of the opinion that this alteration
mOHt rlf'Arlv unA a, t h.
- ! wrk tjlt nas iwn aoeoiupllsln-a ami the
result tlmt bus iwon reached. Tin) Met ionary,
- 1 M, it now stands, bus becn-tlioiouniiiy ro-
. .uiu in t.i , , uomiii, una turn mi ii1. im m
eveiy part, and lsadmirably uioet
the InrKur and severer rcquii uir-ms of a
generation which demands ui' io f ii ipojar
pliiloliiifical kuowledire than any fcouuiutioo
that ruo world has ever com nlncj.
It is perhaps needless to add tu,n 'no refer
to the dictionary In our Juduv mk aiof
the hifrhest authority in awi.Kicv nt dellnl
tioo: and that in the future h Hi o imstit
wlU be the suurceof eonataut irirww
CBABLBO.Kmr,C!.k" .'.'ilea.
JOHN Plls,
fHtKlAH U UoWKk'.
7 , Mum.
The above rtfert to WEBSTER'S
(the highest award) was (riven to the Interna
tioual at the W orld's r air, 61. Louis.
Ton will ht intended in our
tpKimcn payct, aentree.
; Wedding Bells '
Miss Mamie Driskell ot Joseph and
Mr. Archie Butter of Enterprise were
marriedj at the home of the . bride'.B
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Driskell,
Thursday evening, October 3, at B o'
clock, Presiding Elder J. D. Gillian
performing the ceremony. Miss Bertha
Hamilton and Mr. Paul Rutter were
the attendenta A fine wedding supper
was'served afterthe bride and groom
had received the hearty congratulations
of the guests. The groom is a son of
Mrs. Ella Rutter of Enterprise. Mr.
and Mrs. Rutter will make their home
in Joseph.' .
. Summons.
In tr.e Circuit Court of the Mate ot Oregon,
for Wallowa County. ..
W. F. Kunktn, Plaintiff, )
vs '
Frank H. fierce. Defendant. ) I .
To Frank H. Fierce, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon; you are
hereby notified to appear and answer the
eomplalnt filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause on or before the
expiration of six weeks from the date of the
llrnt publication of tills summons, which
'l ite of first publication is Saturday, Sep
' 1 inber 28, 1907, and if you lull to appear and
'i,t.wer within said time, for want thereof,
u.e piniittff will apply to the court for the
iviii'f prayed fo in hia said complaint, to-
wit: . ,
l-'or n Judgment against you for the sum of
'117.00 with interest thereon from the 13th
rlay of May. 1905, until paid, at the rate of per cent per annum; the further sum of
jltO (Was an attorney's fee In this suit, and,
for the costs and disbursmenta of this suit..
'For u. decree foreclosing that certain In
denture of mortgage executed and delivered
by Frank H. Pierce to W. F. Ruukln and
Olen Reel upon the following described real
property, viz. 8V4 Nr SV4 NWy and
w SWK of Suction 7 fn Tw. 8 N of R. 60
E. W. M. In Wallowa County, to secure the
sums above mentioned, which mortgiige Is
of record in the office of the County Clerk ol
Bald oounty In Volume "H" at page 867
thereof, and the sale of said described real
property to satisfy said jU dgment, attorney's
fee and cokM and disbursement, and forever
barring and foreclosing: you of all right, title
and interest In and to said premises or any
part thereof.
This summons is served upon you by publi
cation thereof for the period of six consecu
tive weeks in the News-Hecord, commencing
with the lSHue of September 28, 1907, pursu
ant to the order ot Bon. O. M. Corkins, Coun
ty Judge ot Wallowa county, Oregon, made,
and dated September 28, 1907. .
22t7 . BURLEIGH & BOYp, ".
. Attorneys for Plaintiff,. .
Summons. ,
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon
for Wallowa County.
W. K Stubblefleld, Plaintiff, )
Angle Stubblefleld, Defendant, )
To Angle tttubblefleld, the above named
defendant. .
In the name ol the State of Oregon: You
are hereby required to appear aud anitwer to
the complaint filed ngalust you In the above
entitled cause on or before the expiration of
six weeks from the date of the flrit publica
tion of this Summons, which first dttte of
publication ' is Saturday, September. 2lst,
1907, and if you fall to appear and answer
within said time, for want thereol the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed tor In his complaint, v.ik:
For u decree dissolving the bonds of matrl.
mony now and heretofore existing between
tho plaintiff and defendant, upju tin
grounds of willful desertion. '.
This Summons Is published pursuantto an
order of the Hon. O M. Corkins, County
Judgbot Wallowa county, Oregon, made and
entered on the 18th day of September, 1007,
directing the publication thereof for the
period of six consecutive wee commencing
witn me uate oi sepiemDer 21 hi, ivi7. i , ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for w allows County.
H. P. Throe. Plaintiff, )
vs 5
Mary A. Danforth and)
luelua Danforth, her )
hiislianil, and Larklu
Hunley, DtfandanU. )
To Mary A'. Danforth, Lucius Danforth
and Larkin Hunley, the defendants above
named: '
in the name of the State Oregon: You and
each of you are .hereby required to appear
una answer to complaint filed against yon
In the above entitled cause on or before the
expiration of six weeks from and after the
! dale ot tho first publication ot this Kamroons,
I which date of first publication la Saturday
: September 21st, 19074 and If you foil to to ap-
: pear ana answer, for want thereof, the plain
(ill will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In his complaint, to wit:
For it decree requiring you'and each of you
-.i net forth the nature of your claim or In
e'lKt la and to Lot numbered Eight and the
Ninth one-half of Lot 'numbered Mine In
IHock numbered Eleven In the town ot Joa-
in, Walowa county, Oregon, and that all
.idverne claim of yoa and each ot you be
, m'-iki mined by said decree; that you and
. u'li of you be adjudged and decreed to have
, u.i interest or claim 4n anil to said real prop-
i ty or any part thereof; that plaintiff's title
1 thereto he adjudred and decreed to be good
and valid against yon and each of you, and
hia title thereto quieted; and tbat you and
eaen oi yon be forever Barred and enjoined
from asserting any claim or interest in and
to xaid real property or any part thereof, ad
vtr e to me title of plaintiff; and for soeh
other and further retlej aa to equity shall
seem meet and agreeable.
This summons Is nerved npoa you by pablt
cation thereof In the News-Record, for the full
period of six consecutive weeks, commencing
with tne date of September list, ItHff, pnno
ant to an order of the Hon. O. M. Corkins,
lountyjuageol waliowa county, Oregon.
whit a order is made and dated on the 18 th
day ot September. 1W)7. , "
Attorneys for riulntiff.
Leather Goods :
; i
My Stock; 1b the largest in
this section of the state, and
inmost important of all is the
personal ; element entering ,
into the' make-up of my goods.
It is : something to, me that
the product of my shop Bhall
be right.". Call in and let
me show you around.
, LBerland
Enterprise. . . Oregon
Petition for Change of Roai:
The petition for changing the route of
Aunt Flat road through the Bookout
place north of. Enterprise was very
largely eijjntd.this week. The new
route will shorten the road over a mile
and besides do away with several heavy
grades. The present road lies . over
hills where the grades reach as high aa
1) per cent, while no grade on the pro
posed route will, be over 8 per cent.-
It is supposed Mr. Bookoot will vigor
ously oppose the changing of the road
aa the new route'euts -through his farm.
Enterprise mill is paying: Wheat 60
d bu., oats fl per eyrt., rye 90c cwt.,bar-
tey ooo cwi.
Flour sells at 4.50 per bbl, shorts $20
and bran $15 a ton.
Merchants are paying 75c cwt. for
potatoes; and to 2c for apple.
No change in retail prices for fruit.
Onions 4c a lb.
Ranch butter 25c, creamery 35c, eggV
Send the News-Hecord to an
eastern friend.' . Two months for
25 cents.
f: .i
For the
Thirty Days
If you want a tailor-made
nuit we are prepared to
take your order'from the
"old reliable". ROYAL
want a coat
If you
your wife, we have a large .
assortment of the latest
styles from which to select.
-If you want anything in
the.1; line,- of - Hats, . Caps,.
Boots and Shoes, you can
finii your fit at our store.
'"J ' t ' 1 '.
We also keep constantly
- on . hand a full stock of
Building Paper, Nails, Doors and
' Windows, etc.
Preparatory to moving in
to our new quarters we are '
.offering SPECIAL BAR- ''
GAINS , for. Ihe next SO
days in. almost every line.
Call, get our prices and be