The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 10, 1907, Image 7

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It perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the muscles
nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitch nff with the S of
Rheumatism the sufferer is apt to turn to the linimentbot e, or some other
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
.ounter-imtatioii on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pafnfcmpo?
ranly, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more
than skin deep-it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can only be
reached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT BE RUBBED AWAY
Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by"
'mSK? SyfaemrP ustter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This
refuse matter, cominjr m contact with the different acids of the body, forma
uric ad which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the
body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains,
are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time
by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma
bsm can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison1. The disease will shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causinff
Inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system
Is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanse the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
s natter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
a wcau, nour scream, constantly deposit
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely and permanently
FUrea TJ riplivnnt-icii Q C C :4
PURELY VEGETABLE of botl1 purifying and tonic properties
just what is needed in every case of Rheu
matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is
j i j est uu vi i uuui, Aiciua uuu
barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
j-"t - - iu uvjiu uoc jl t. o. o. anu wutc
us about your case and our physicians will give you any information or
advice desired free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism.
At Culross Abbey in Fife, Scotland, a
tombstone has been .found which is be
lieved to date from the fourth century of
the Christian era.
For a violin by Tetrus Guarnerius,
dated 1095, 200 was given at a recent
sale in London : while one by Nicholas
Lupot fetched 240.
Americans and American capital are
going into Ceylon, to assist tn the devel
opment of the tea-growing Industry this
year as never before1.
Gesture language still exists In, parts
of Australasia. Some tribes possess so
excellent a code that it is almost as
efficient as a spoken language. -
The Court Six years at hard labor.
Tou'll get a chance to learn a trade,
my man.
Burglar Judge, couldn't I be per
mitted to learn it by er correspond
ence course? Puck.
Her Given A(e,
Bacon The average age of persons
arrested In New York City is 22Vi
years and one out of five Is a woman.
Egbert I suppose the age liable to
be given by the woman brings the aver
age away down. Toukirs Statesman.
Not Conclusive.
Society Leader What ! Is there a re
port out that I am going to marry Col.
Gazoop? Why, I don't even know him I
Matronly Friend That proves noth
ing, my dear. I have been married to
Dr. Permanv;an for thirty-seven years,
and I don't know h in even yet.
Pleasant for Clarence.
The sharp, penetrating voice of the
young woman's mother rang out on the
still night air.
"Marie, come in the hovfse this minute !
Haven't I told you "
"Mamma," interrupted an equally
sharp voice, appearing to come from
somewhere on the front porch, "this isn't
Jack ! This Is Clarence !"
Sir Henry Samuel, who was a Union'
1st candidate for Parliament, is the au
thor of this bull: "The legislative gar
den of the Liberals is an arid swamp."
The Limit.
Biggs The Dopsons are very exclu
slve, I understand.
Dlggs Yes, indeed. Why, they even
have wire screens on their doors and
windows so their flies can't get out
and associate with the flies of their
The history of many a race may be
read In its battle cry. The "Banzai!"
of the Japanese, the "Fng'haghballnh !"
of the Irish, and our own "Hurrah!"
have found their origin far back In
Although many authorities have de
clared that the word "hurrah" Is a de
velopment of the Jewish "Hosannah,"
the consensus of opinion now is that It
Is a corruption of the ancient battle
cry of the wild Norsemen, "Tur ale!"
meaning, "Thor aid us !" Formerly the
word was fcpelled "Huzza" and pro
nounced "Hurray." In one form or
another It Is used by almost' every
nation. .
Pass the Eaat Wind."
Miss Agnes Slack, secretary of the
International W. C. T. U., told on the
Merlon, as she. was about to sail for
Liverpool, a temperance story :
"A little boy, one evening at dinner,
gazed at his father's face a long while,
iLd then said:
" 'Papa, what makes your nose so
dreadful red?'
" The- east wind of course,' the fath
er answered with gruff haste. 'Pass that
Jug o'Nbeer, and don't talk so much.'
"Then, from the other end of the ta
ble, the boy's mother said sweetly:
" 'Yes, Tommy, pass your father the
east wind, and be. careful not to spill
any on the table cloth.'"
Th Kind vnn iiav Aiwnva Ttonirht has borne the sterna-
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
' Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-'
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narfjotlo
substance. Its ape is its gnarantee. It destroys rm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always, Bought
Sears the Signature ox
w r .oaaiiiiHBiisv
In Use For Over 30 Years.
i mr tw mvmnAV tmtfT. new rrT
Saying What You
Beliel!j Banking by Mail
I have never regarded my opinions as having
any special weight In the community. Indeed, I
have acquired the freedom of, speech which char
acterizes me through a knowledge that people
are not going to pay any attention to what I say.
This began In childhood, when I soon learned
that my elders were obliged to apologize for me
to tlte neighbors upon the broad grounds that no
body could be held resitohslble for my remarks
because thtre was never any telling what I was
going to say. I never did quite learn to avoid
expressing sentiments until somebody else had
expressed them and found they were safe.
I always did, from earliest childhood, when 1
sat listening to the safe and sane conversation of
.the visiting neighbors who were discussing plati
tudes in their company tone, get dreadfully tired
of tried and true sentiment and break out with
some mutinous idea or disturbing question that
fell like a bombshell in the camp of the ultra
respectable Christian family of which I was an
unworthy member.
In view of the number of times I was snubbed and punished for. this, it
would seem that I might have broken myself of the habit; but no, It stuck
with me, and so, late in life, when I became a member of the community, a
householder, a person of affairs, I was still regarded as a dangerous Individual
for strangers to meet, because, though I might conduct myself properly and
talk intelligently, I was quite as likely to say something unlike what any one
else ever said, and thus cause the Impression that there was something queer
about our town.
Well do I remember numerous vigorous endeavors on the part of safe
and sane people to understand that 1 wasn't to be taken account of when It
came to summing up the cultured people of the place, and that they were
never on any account to take notice of anything I said. .This left me free to
say things, because If nobody was going to notice them one might Just as
well experience the relief of getting rid of a lot of bottled up sentiment that
seemed anxious1 to get out So I just said them.
I said that I didn't thhik much of woman's rights; that I thought the
new woman was a fake. I said 1 thought society a joke and the affectations i
of fashionable women disgusting. I said I believed culture to be stupid when
consciously applied.
. I said women bad run to seed in nlceness. I said kindergarten work
taught children to be affected and insincere. I said I was opposed to young
people's religious meetings unless conducted by older people. I said I was
opposed to lesson leaves; that I did not like audible prayer, except as read
In a formal service. I said I was opposed to revival meetings.
This does not start the things that I sold, but as nobody paid any atten
tion to them, It did not really make any difference. But long years of saying
things with impunity and. not being actually run out of town, or muzzled by
order of the city fathers, has emboldened me, and I may really do some dom
age before It Is over.
However, In late years people have taken -to looking with favor upon my
open expressions of opinion, and I really believe It pays in the long run to
hold to your own ideas in spite of the efforts of society In general to "farm"
you. Young people are likely to mistake bluntness for frankness, and sarcasm
for brightness. These mistakes It Is well to avoid, but If you have an Idea
a real belief, an Instinctive objection to some popular theory, stick to It, for
the world Is always coming to grief by stupidity following "popular thought'
Juliet V. Strauss, In the Chicago Journal.
On savings deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every year. It is lust as easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Mail as if you lived next
door, Sena lor our iree dook
let, "Banking by Mail," and
learn lull particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
Uettlnir Oat from Under.
From the depths of her inner conscious
ness Mrs. Shelley had evolved a hideous
monster in the shnue of a human being.
but destitute of all the moral attributes
of humanity.
"Still," she reflected, "no fair minded
person can accuse me of being a nature
faker. I am not charging nature with
having any hand in the production of
this monstrosity."
In elaborating the story, however, she
cleverly dodged all responsibility by put- .
ing the entire blame on a helpless and
unsuspecting student of the nam of
jti Cheap at' Cm Bs Bought In Itii East
DBlivery Much Qulcku Writs Us Today
a , m w m -i i ' a-, m m -nrrv m tm i av
Former Naval Surgeon Haa Novel
Plan to Rethatch Bald Pates.
Breathe properly, and you'll never be
bald. If . you're already partially bald.
breathe properly ond your hair will
start "coming In" again. This Is the
boiled down advice of Dr. Delos L. Par
ker, a former United States naval surgeon.
Parker came to, the above conclusion
by a series of experiments. He Impris
oned a quantity of expired breath In a
jar containing a few drops of water,
and kept it in a warm room. A week
or ten days later he injected a quantity
of the liquid left in the bottom of the
jar Into a pigeon and awaited develop
ments. Presently the pigeon's feathers
began to fall out. lie continued the In
jectlons regularly, and within a few
days the bird's coat bad entirely dis
appeared. When the Injections were
discontinued the pigeon regained Its
coat The experiments were repeated
with dogs and bens, and the results
were the same.
Dr. Parker reached the conclusion
that expired air, remaining In a man's
lungs long enough for the decomposl
tlon of the organic matter to take place,
resulted In the formation of a poison
which affected the roots of the hair
and caused It to fall out Deep breath;
Ing expels the air and with It the poi
son. ' ' '
The doctor secured a. number of par
tially bald men and got them to breathe
by proper methods. In a few days the
dandruff, which Is Invariably an .ac
companiment to baldness, teased; the
hair stopped falling; out and a new
growth started. In six weeks the. Im
provement was very noticeable.
Dramatic Critic (during the second
act) Some persons are born lucky.
The author of this play died before It
Days 'Twonlil Require to Count For
tune of Din Millionaires,
If the wealth of the rich men of the
United States could be reduced to nn-
tionai Dank notes it would not be as
great a task for the nineteen expert
money counters of the United States
treasury to tally and set the amount
down In books as the average man
thinks It would. Working In the leis
urely fashion the government permits.
It would take the nineteen experts a
little more than fifty-two days to as
certain the exact number of Rockefel'
lcr 8 dollars. Assuming that Weyer-
hauser, the head of the lumber trust.
hns $(500,000,000, the count of his
weulth would be completed In Just
about the length of time It rained dur
ing Noah's yachting cruise.
Say J. Plerpont Morgan and Andrew
Carnegie each own $350,000,000, the
count of their hoard would be complet
ed in twenty-four days. All the vast
horde of poor millionaires having about
$15,000,000 would get one day's attend
ance. Those having loss than $14,500,
000 would be dismissed In six hours.
These figures are the result of a count
made of the "unused" money In one of
the vaults under control of William B.
Rldgely, comptroller of the currency.
ine count was finished a few days ago,
having been under way twelve working
days. For six years there had been no
count of the money In the vault, and
It occurred to Mr. Rldgely that he ought
to satisfy himself that the $17fl,000..
000 the booksshowed to be In the vault
was actually there. The count showed
that there were as many dollars In the
vault as the books said there should
Thirty-eight years ago a negro stole a
package containing 1,500 sheets of un
signed bank notes. He had a high time
signing the names of the president and
cashier of the bank .for which the
Before Going tlsewhera.
242' i Washington St. Portland, Orctea
Portland Oregon
A Girls' School of the highest dun. Collegi
ate department. Miirlc, Art, Kloctitinn. Oynv
n allium. Fall term opens Septcmbur 10.
Quality li our motto. We educate for auceerat
and Bend each atudent to a position when cora
petent many mora calls for help than we cmif
meet. Individual Instruction Insures rapid prog
). All modern methods of bookkeeping- are
taught; also rapid calculations, correspondence,
commercial law, office work, ate. Chartier ia
sur shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful
catalogue, business forms and penmanship free.
C. Gee Wo
The Weil-Known
Root and Hsrb
Has made s III study of roots snd herbs, and In thai
tudy discovered and It giving to the world his won-
notes bad been engraved. .Congress an- YClulZZlS.
prepriatea ;j.kk to pny for the spurl
ous notes Issued by him to Innocent
persons, DUt only 15 worth of the He rusrsntees to Cure Cstirrh
No Mercury, Poisons or Drags Used He Cure
Without operation, or witnout toe aiu
ol Knife.
Asthma, Lung,
forged notes ever came to the treasury Thro'. Rheumstism, Nervourness. Norvouc Dwi-
, . ., ' I ty, Stomach, Liver, Kidney TrouWos: slso J-oal
for redemption. Manhood. Female WeakneiaandAllr-rlveto Disease
lust Received from Peking, China Safe, Sura
and Reliable.
(f you cannot call, write for sympton blank and drcu
lar. inclose cants in stamps.
Ia the Cellar.
.Willie Say, pa, why do they call
this "bard coal?"
Pa Well, my son, If you'd seen the
time I hod getting a stand-oft for a
ton of It
called bard.-
Why Thor Afib.
"Some blg-volced men," said Uncle
Eben, "gits Into arguments 'cause dey
ain't got time to go to a ball game and
do delr hollerln' In de regular way."
1 62 J First St.. Cor. Morrison,
Portland, Oregon
Please Mentlrm This Paper.
P. N. U.
N 32- 07
WUBN writing to advertiser plssis I
mention this paper. I
1 was produced. Puck.
Washington Star.