The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 10, 1907, Image 5

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. T ! :qr, sec 2:!, t :i n, r 41 e. 1 I
RODGERS BROS. Proprietors
Dealers in New and Second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bieycle'Hepairs.
Furniture Repaired, Upholstering dune. Counters', Show ' Caw, Store
fixtures and Old Mission Furniture made to order. , A 11 goods called
for and delivered any place in town. We are located in the Enterprise
Restaurant Bi.ildiiig, west side of the city square. Call in and see us.
Joseph h Elgin -Stage Go
, . Tariff and Rate Shset of Fares From
Enterprise to Jossph- .,
Effective on and after September 1. 1307.
One Way ' Hound Trip
Enterprise to Joseph $ .75 . $125
" " Lostine 1 1 00 1 75
" " Wallowa , 1.75 3.00
" " Canyon HouHe 2.50 4 75
" "Elgin 4.00 7.50 .
4 Baggage allowance 40 pounds for each full paid fare. Excess baggage'
rates same as old tariff. .
Makes connections with stageH at Wallowa for Promise on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays For Flora. Paradise and Anatone, Wash., cm
Mondays, Wednesdays add Fridays. Carries U.S. Mail and Express.
. Connects with Stages at Enterprise for Imnaba on regular days. Stopover
iniviit-ges given on rouiiii irip raies.
Real Estate Transfers
Weekending Oct. 5, 1907 Prepared
By Wallowa Law, Land 4
. Abstract Co.
Geo. S. Fitzpntrick to John B. Wil
liamson, e half sw qr, lots No. 3 and
4, sec 7, t Is, r 44 e. $1200.
J. M. Blak'ely to John 8. Pratt,
sheriffs deed,, se qr se qr seo 8, sw qr
sw qr see , and w half nwqr, sec 10,
1 1 1, r 48 e.. Except 30 acres more or
less in nw corner of above described
land. 84,000.
U. 8. Patent to Jos. E. Lay, w half
se qr sec 10, w half ne qr seo 15,
t 3 s, r 48 e.
U. S. Putent to Geo. V. Evans, nw
qr ew qr seo 3, e half se qr se qr ne qr
sec 4, t 3 s, r 45 e.
George W. Evans to Mary Proebstel,
nw qr sw qr sec 3, e half se qr se
qr ne qr seo 4, t 3 s, r 45 e. $800.
Milo Hamilton to Mary Proebstel,
n w qr se qr see 19 t 3 s, r 40 e. " $280.
Milo A. -Huiniltoi to Mary Proel)-'
stel, ne.qr swqr sec 19, (3 s, r4(Je.
$280. . ..
J. N. MeCaw to Julius A. Halter, n
half swjqr seo 14, e half se or sec 15, t
3 s, r 48 e. $12C0. ' ' '
Nicholas Miisty to Julius A. l?al,ter,
e half n w qr sec 23, t 3 s, r 46 e. $000.
Hiram C. CraiuPr et al to John
Cramer, tract in sw qr sw qr, sec 11, t
1 n, r 42 e. Consideration, the prem
ises. . ' .
James H. Tryon to Jos.?ph-iiodge,
No. 81, A. F. & A. M., lot 1, blk 11,
original town of Joseph. $1000. '
John W. Thompson to L Lloyd, sw
qr, sw qr, sec 14, w half se qr, se qr,,
se qr sec 15, e half ne qr, seo 22, 1 2 s, r
48 e. $2070.
U. S. It. H. to Win. E. Dearlng, sw
qr se qr sec 15, n half ne qr, se qr ne
Jessie E. Taylor to II. A. Taylor,
deeil, e half, hi qr, se qr, ne qr seo 23,
ne qr, ne qr, sec '2(h, sw qr, sw qr, sec
24, 1 1 n, r 43 e. $25.
U. 8. Patent to Kudolph liork, n
half ne qr, see 9, w'half so qr, sec 4, t 5
n, r 44 e.
JT. 8. Patent to Rudolph Bork, se qr
sw qt, sec 4, ne qr, n w qr, seo 0, t 5 n,
r 44 e.
- U. 8. Patent to Fred" liork, e half, ne
qr, sw qr, lie qr, nw qr, so qr, seo 28, t
0 n, r 44 e.
U. 8. Pate-nt to 'Jacob P. Hosting, i
half, sw qr, n half se qr, sec 18, 1 1 s, r
44 e.
U. 8. Patent to Lucinda Rumble, w
half, se qr, and lots 7 and 10, sec 4, t 3
s, r 46 e.
IJ. 8. Patent to Eva B. Rumble, s
half se qr, sec 11, and w half sw-cjr, s.x;
12, t 3 s, r 40 e.
Ii. A. Jackson to Lucinda Rumble,
lot 9, blk 2, Knight's 2nd add to Jo
seph. fOO.
G. F. Conley to V. F. Me.Cully, lot 1,
blk 0, original townsite of Joseph.
U. 8. R. R. to Benj. T. Long, se qr
of sw qr, lot 0, sec r t 2 s, r 45 e.
U.S. Patent to Lewis W. Williams,
ne qr, sec 32, I 1 n, r 12 e.
Louis Berland to, Edward P.erland,
21 feet oil" a side lot ft and 4 feet ofl' n
side of lot 5, in town of Joseph, jioot).
W. H.Graves to JP. Averill, sw qr,
sec 22, s lrulf, se qr, se qr, sw qr, sec 21,
n half ii w qr, sw qr nw qr and w half
sw qr sec 28, t 1 li, r 45 e. $3n0().
Helena Green to Thomas H. Green,
se qr, sec 15, t 3 s, r 40 e. $1500.
Ellen Boswell to S. L. Burnaugh Ji;.,
all of lot 2, blk 3, (Gardner's add to
Enterprise, except a strip h feet wide
the'Jfull length aijd parallel with west
side thereof. $1500.
15 per Cent on your
'1 wo Houses
Paying lb a
month rent.
$1500 FOR BOTH
Lots one-fourth Block in Size
for from
$100 to $400..
Residences from
$000 to 851100
All above property
in Enterprise.
Good Farm Propositions
Mrs. W. M. Fleenor ai4 daughter,
Miss Hthel, of Lostine, purchased
millinery in Enterprise, Saturday. '
" - t ...
We have had our one-day Fur Sale and it was a great success.
Many people were made happy on that day. But we still have
a very large and1 well' assorted lin of .
that we are offering atalmost unheard of prices. Neck pieces
from $1.25 to $20.00. Then we have sets, Mutfs and Scarfs
to match. We also have a. complete line of y
! , ." .
Crushed Pluh, Bear Skin and Astrakan, All of these gar
ments are well made and going very, reasonably. We have
not space to quote prices, but invite . you to come to our store
and examine for yourself, and we know' we can convince the
'most skeptical. Our FalMine is in, so . come early before the
goodsjare picked over. ' ' ,
't "'j-!, ';.')', Respectfully,
mum ijiiu and m spin
Horses Boarded by (Day, Week or Month
Good Care of all Stock.
One Block North of Court House.
J. C. SHACKLEFORD, Proprietor.
Leads in Live Stock
At(the request of the Oregon Devel
opment league, G. A. West gate, sec-retin-.y
of the Portland Country club
and Livestock association the Pacific
National Show has compiled the fol
lowing on the subject of Oregon Live
stock :
"To follow President XeWell's hun
dred words on Oregon fruit with a brief
"statement about Oregon live stock
brings the realization that Mr. Newell
has produced a classic. Rill, Oregon
has won almost as many honors in live
stock, enough to convince the great
packers of Aini'iica that the packing
plants for the Northwest, Alaska, the
Orient, and all hinds touching the
Pacific, will he built in Oregon. There
are many more millions of profit im
mediately within reach in this state
through the live stock industry, than in
connection with any other industrial
"Kcmeniher this. Oregon owns the
prize dairy cow of the world, and the
first prize head of Short horns, as shown
at Sit Louie. Oregon horses, sheep and
swine iiru also winners, because con
ditions of soH, climate, water and
grasses are winning factors in tho pro-
ductioli of the best of the four footed
"Oregon offers the livo i-tock breeder
economy in feed, continuous 'growth,
early maturity, quality and soundness,
with the world lor a market. Double
your money in live stock while your
fruit trees are grow ins."
'Reorganized Church L. D.S.
Elders N. C. Knge of Stewartsville,
Mo., and A. J. Moore of Condon, Orcg.,
will begin a series of meetings in Wolf's
hail, Wallowa,. next Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, and' continuing thereafter
each evening at 7:30 o'clock in the
same place until further notice. Those
in charge of tho meetings say that
"Everyone who is willing to hour the
truth js cordially invited to come."
The preachers above named are
I'lders in the Reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter DajSaints, which
is nn entirely separate and distinct sect
from the Mormons. The Reorganized
Church-of Latter Day Saints has its
headquarter') St l.amoni, Jowa. it has
never countenanced polygamy and
claims that practice was a llrigham
Young innovation and never practiced
or 'advocated l,y Joseph Smith, tho
prophet. The Laiuoni church also
condemns tho doctrine of blood
atonement and (iod-Adam. In fact the
Reorganized church of , Latter Day
Saints looks upon the Mormons as
apostates, and the latter view the mem
bers of the Lamnni church in the same
Mrs. J. A. French and son Dwight
left the fir-fof the week for Pendleton
Where thev w ill visit w ith Mrs. French's
sifter, Mrs. D. I'.rusha, who formerly
resided lure. .Mr. French took his
wife and urn as as Lostine Mondav
and from there they went out in the
Administratrix' Notice.
In (he County l uiirt i the Sluto itf Oivgon,
for Wallowa County.
In the Mnl'er of KMnti'of I
.1. !-'. illlili '.Kll, IV'i'i'llM'il. i
rnt'Vf fi hfrchy slvcn that lln- uitdi'r
Mguiil silinlnVitratrlx ol the uliovn -: 1 1 1 1 1 -.J
i-miiK' Iiom llli:rl Iii.t firml fin-omit of her
ii'linliilKl ration of unit! eml Willi Hie ( lurk
ol thin Court, ami th Court Iiih flx il Kriiliiy,
Novi'mtier s, l'.iii", nt tlm Court room of ai
Court in Knli-rprlM', Or-ciron, an the time and
pliiiH; tor I Ii' e Ik'UC'tit of Hald uwouiit; at
whlrh t Inn- imy (nrHonn lutcnNtiil In Mihl
cutiit1 ii, tif fiinir Htiil lllff oliji'i'tioriN, In
W'ritini,', o alil le-count, uh'I routi-st the
Iiii(f'l at K,nlrirl, cri'KD:i, day
of Oftobll',
, .l.i t Ht iii.riou,
A'liniiiUu-itrlxof llif Estiile of J. V. llurJjli
d .fcnvl.
Physician Surgeon
E. T. Anderson, M. D.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Independent Phone.
OITiee up stairs in Hank Hldg.
When Passing On The Lewis
tor, Rom.), Stop At The
Sled Springs Hotel.
Plenty of Stable Root...
S.B.CONNER, Proprietor.
Win. Mcllroy anu: Company.
Farms, Timber Lands, Acreage,
Lots, Residence and Business
1'roperty For Kale. Timber Lo
eating a Kpeciilty
Stone Mason and Cutter
Out stono flues constantly on
liaml for short order work,
aliio fresh linio.
L. J. Piskix, Wallowa, Oh.
.1. A, llurlcluli
Daniel Hoyil
BuHeiqh k Boyd
Httorneys-ai-Law 1
Will practice In all the Courts of
this State at, before the Interior"
and its olllces.
The most cari-rul ntteiition
given to ill business en trusted
to our care.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Watch for
Next " .