NEWEST BREAKFAST CEAZE. 9 THE RED ? By O V STAVE A1MARD ? T RAIL 3 I The buffalo robe, under which the Indian was sheltered, gently rose with an almost imperceptible movement, and the red skin's face appeared, darting glances of fire into the gloom. In a moment the guide raised himself slowly along the i . . : . v. : ..u i. - I. .1 iruna or me iree ngmuai wim-u uc uu . . f been lying, embraced it with his feet and " , " "" " . CHAPTER III. . Don Martial gazed at the hunter In Amazement. "What do you mean?" he asked him. I don't understand you. hunter In a narrow valley. The caravan was lodged on the bank of a running stream, the mules had been un loaded, a tent raised, fires lighted, and when the animals were hobbled, the trav- New York Society Abandon Lunch eon for 12 o'Cluck Repaat. Because luucheon parties have grown to such complications, New York so- simple bands, and with undulating movements re- thmS3- 18 abandoning the luncheons, lu sembling those of reptiles, left the ground, so far as possible, and substituting the and raised himself to the first branches, breakfast, says What-To-Eat This Is among which he disappeared. an easy and. economical way of hon- This ascent was executed with such oring a special guest or paying off a well-calculated slowness that it had not social Indebtedness. The breakfast Is produced the slightest sound. Moreover, at 12 o'clock and everything the buffalo robe left at the foot of the , , ,e and ,uformal cajl tree so well retained its primitive folds, " ISffvention that it was impossible to discover, with- be made. out touching it, that the man it sheltered unuuren suggested tms mea, wnicn is had left It. proving sucn a Doon to ;sew iora s bo- "Yon will soon do so. mr friend." aald filer. besan to make DreDarations for their Before selecting as his resting place the clal circles. Ine grown people aaoptea Valentine. "How long have you been supper. I foot of the tree in .wnicn ne was now the style of children 8 luncheons, sucn riumlnr ahont?" One of the travelers anncared to belonz concealed, the guide bad assured himselt ag wepe recently served by the Dresl Nearly two months." to the highest class. The rest were only mat tnis tree, wnicn was very mgn ana dent-s daughter and her chums at the In that case you are well acaualnted. servants or Indian neons. Still the dress leafy, was joined at about two-thirds of .Mta tT,iao , th. mnrt I presume, with these mountains?" , of this person was most simple, but his its height by other trees. modifications and changed the name of tiff manner, hia ImooSine demeanor and Alter a lew minmea uesimuou, iuoi - , . . ui t ..ii .iu I i u i. u a .v. .n in .nine drew In hia belt. Disced bis xnite '" " """. TJLtUJl JJUBlliUU & lUUUUl ICII, UUf a WIIU UIU(Ul nu, ctiuculcu ,vV um iwuS w.- - - .- I In miAtlin ... In nsinsif rf htk beast trail which I have not followed." customed to give orders without admitting between nis teetn, ana wun a iignmess 01 h-" Good; are we far from a spot called refusal. He had passed his fiftieth year; movement that would nave done nonor to cniiurens tencuer. the -Fort of the rhlrhlmiiii.?' " ho tll. wll hullt and his movements a monkey, he commenced literally bopping it was a room made sunsniny oy an I know the place to which you refer, Were extremely elegant. His broad fore-, irom one tree to anotner, aauging Dy ma almost unlimited quantity or yellow and have often camned there on stormy heart. hia black eves larre and flashing, arms, and clinging to the creepers, wak- nhrvannthem.iins. and the tahlo decora- nights, because there is a deep cavern, his long gray moustaches, and his short mg up, as ne passea, me Diras, wmui tlons Were carried out In the same excavated by human hands, and divided hair, gave him a military appearance, new away iu amriu. inta several passages, every turning of I which his harsh, quick way of Bpeaking which I know." did not contradict. "I was not aware of the existence of I Among the peons two men more espe- thls grotto," the hunter said, with a glad clally attracted attention. One was a tart, "and I thank you for having told I redskin, the other a half-breed, with a me of It. Are we- any great distance crafty, leering manner, who, for some from this terrace?" i reason or another, stood on 'most familiar wi .w w ' decked the can quarters of an hour. At length the guide glabra and round these were massed stopped, looked attentively around him, more chrysanthemums, from which and gliding down the trunk, reached the maidenhair ferns extended nearly to ground. The spot where he now found the edge of the oval table, which Is ine himself was a rather spacious clearing, in shape In favor now. the center of which blazed an enormous jU9t readlnz the menu sueeests the 'In a atrniirht line, not more than five I tnrma ulth hla master ! his comrades call- fire, serving to warm forty or fifty red- trtimcv Yimrtunv trt ha oafvaH fill If In- . . . . I ft . I . 1 -. . 1 1 1 1 A I J v-v....fmj l" ' or Bix miles, and, if it were day, I could ed him No Carrtero, and at times gave sums, cumuieie.jr aiuu u ,vv lu eluded grape fruit, tomato boullon, enow it to you, out as we must nae rouna mm tne title oi uapaiaz. " .... lamh chnna and niv chlnken Ralnd and u .l. ' j, u u...,. 1 . tm rioia.-hmont of redsW Inn waa ppr. lamo cnops ana peas, cnicKen saiaa ana iu reat;u lue caravan roau, we uavc nuuuv i o varueru wm ic wn ui iuv i --- k(lll(1 . 1 1 - x. .. v... .7... . ui, M.n tn talnlv on the war trai . or at any rate on cheese balls, vanilla Ice cream, hot "That is a trifle, for I was afraid I lnngh and joke. The redskin was a tall, a serious expedition, for they had with chocolate, bonbons and almond Of had lost my way In these mountains, thin, dry man, with angular features and them neither dogs nor squaws. In spite course, other kinds of flowers may be which are strange to me." gloomy and sad face, illumined by two ot tne sngnt care wun wmcn ine innmns suDstitutea ror ine enrysantnemums. While savlne this. Valentine had risen Mack eves deeply set in their orbit. Like were wont to guard themselves at night, a matter of fact more mature to explore the clearing. The storm had most Indians, It was impossible to form the free and deliberate manner in which women are beginning to think they ceased, the wind had swept away the any opinion as to his age, for his hair tne gume enierea meir eacampineui prov- flon,t cftrJ M mucn fop tbe ,naleg. clouds, the deep blue sky was studded was black as the raven's wing, and his ed that he was expected by these warriors, h but ,t hag Krown to oe a -with brilliant stars, and the moon pro- parchment skin had not a single wrinkle, who evinced no surprise at seeing him, dinner and . i .1..J u ii. u.a .,M .f Sont. Ve in .i hut. on the contrary, invited him with comrortaoie sort or a dinner, ana " Tis a magnificent night," the hunter guide to the caravan, and, with the excep- hospitable gestures to take a seat at their served anywhere from 1 to 2 o'clock It hi nhatinate, alienee, there waa fire. The guide sat down silently, the spoils the appetite entirely for the Inclination to sleep. Are you fatigued?" every reason to be satisfied with him. chief standing by his side. This chief regular 6 o'clock dinner. If It seems . "T am . .r. ' the Tirroi-n nnatvered The nenna called him The Indian, or was still a young man, his marked tea- hpst to honor a sneclal truest at a mld -nrtth omlla I anmatlmM Joan a mocklne term, employ- tures displaying the utmost craft and Aa "In that case, what do you think of a ed In Mexico to designate the Indlos man- boldness. After a rather lengthened In- by a iuncneon partyi jt l, a trifle ride in this magnificent moonlight? sos; but the redskin appeared as insensi- terval, doubtless expressly granted I the 1 fe ,t a breakfast and haye -Bravo I that is what I call speaking. We Me to compliments as to jones, ano con- " "'" lt an houP enriler will bo. If von have no obiection. as far tinned coldly to carry out the task he had himself, the young chief bowed to him " xxr earner. as the Tort of the Chichimeques." imposed on himself. When supper was and addressed him deferentially : "I was about to propose It ; and, as we ended the master turned to the capataz. "My father is welcome among his sons; ride along, you will tell me in your turn "Carnero," he said to him, "though in they were Impatiently awaiting his ar- iwhat motive compelled you to come to these remote regions, we have but little rival." ' ' these unknown rerfons." to fear, still do not fall to place sen- The guide responded to this compll- "As for that," the hunter said, with a trie." mile, "I cannot satisfy you ; at any rate "I have warned two men, ml, amo," not for the present. But be easy, I will the capataz replied ; "moreover, I intend not put your patience to too long a trial." to make my rounds to-night ; eh, Jose," This happy meeting has already made he added, "are you certain you are not ment with a grimace. "Our scouts, the chief continued, ONE HEIRESS WON'T MARRY. Romance Mar Have Caused Hn. Let ter's Niece to Renounce the World. It will come as a shock to many different man of me," the Tigrero said, mistaken, and that you really lifted a milla satisfied?' "hr carefully examined the encampment fortune hunters In this city and Wash of the Yoris, and the warriors of the Ington to hear that Miss Margaret Jester are ready. Is my father Curu- l'rettyman has decided to renounce the world and become a member of a nurs es he rose.' frail? Do you know to what nation the The hunter laid his hand on his shoul- sign you discovered belongs? "Crow," the redskin answered hoarse ly. "Caral!" the master exclaimed, "if they are Crows we shall do well to be on our guard." "Nonsense I" Carnero remarked with a grin of derision. "Indians tell as many " der. "One moment," he Baid to him ; "be fore leaving this bivouac let us clearly agree as to our facts, so as to avoid any future misunderstanding." . "Be it - so," Don Martial answered. "Let us make a compact in the Indian fashion." "Well said, my friend." Valentine re- lies as qld women." marked, as he drew his knife from his The Indian's eyes flashed ; without belt. "Here is my navaja, brother; may deigning to reply he drew a moccasin from ll serve you as it has done me to avenge his breast, and threw it so adroitly at j our wrongs and mine." the capataz as to strike him across tbe "I receive it in the face of that heaven face. Furious at the insult so suddenly vhich I call as witness of the purity of offered by a man whom he always consid- Curumilla laid his right hand on his lng sisterhood of the episcopal church. chest and uttered with a guttural accent, Bayg tjie New York Tress. The news -Lgui wnicn was wun uim a mam n e, from London, where Miss Tret t V J i t,i , k A tyman Is the guest of Lady Colin The JeBter and his warriors had been z. . ,, , , r , , too long acquainted with Curumilla for Campbell, one of he lucky Lelter girls, hia silence to seem stranee: hence they Mls8 Trettyman Is the niece Of Mrs. yielded to his mania, and giving up the rl Z. Lcltor and was Introduced by hope of getting a syllable out of his closed Mrs. Lelter Just three years ago. The lips, began a conversation in signs. young woman Is possessed of a large The redskins have two languages, the fortune In her own right and It has Kite control within certain prescrib ed limits has been accomplished In Prance by means of a "deviator," and this makes the kite available for life saving purposes. A severe test was given to the device some time ago at Royan, on the east coast of France, and wonderful things were accomplished. Skates have been Invented, says the Scientific American, which will fold perfectly flat and to such small dimen sions that they can be carried lu the pocket A leather wallet with two pockets Is supplied with each pair, and when closed the package Is three- fourths of an Inch wide, 1 Inch thick and the length of the skates. Even the nursery demands automo bile thrills. A French toy of recent design consists of an automobile which, with chauffeur and mechanician, dashea along at a high rate of speed for a distance and then the thing suddely collapses. The two men are thrown out and the machine turns over and piles up like a real wreck, to the de light of the children. Among fishes that are able to ilve a considerable time out of water and that habitually Invade tbe laud Is the climbing perch," which can remain for days out of water, and which Is even said to climb palm trees, whence Its name. The "hopping goby," which leaves the sea to skip along the shore In chase of Insects and sand-haunting inollusks, has an elbow joint In Its fore tin which thus serves for a leg. Its gill cavity is enlarged so that lt can contain considerable air. It Is be lieved, however, that respiration Is aid ed by the thin akin of the tall fln. In climbing perch the gill cavity contains a special organ which seems to play the part of a lung. Landcrabs possess an analogous organ In their gill cavi ties. David T. Day of the United States Geological Survey, referring to the fact that within the last four or five yearsj the price of platinum has Increased about tenfold, says that nevertheless no real famine In platinum exists. At present lt Is always obtained by placer mining, but lt aLso occurs us arsenlds and Bulphlds. The present supply of the metal Is probably 100,000 ounces per year, and the probable future de mand Is estimated at 200,000 ounces. Systematically worked, the known placer deposits could yield 175,000 ounces per year, and It Is detuned un likely that the arsenld and sulphld de posits will be worked until after the placers are exhausted. The high prices, Doctor Day says, have mainly been, produced by a combination of dealer and hoarding of the mctnl. written and the sign lnngunge. The lat ter which has attained high perfection, and which ail understand, Is usually em ployed when hunting, or on expeditions, when a word pronounced even in a low voice may reveal the presence of an am- been said her aunt's Interest would And practical manifestation In a com fortable legacy. No sooner had Miss Prettymnu come out than she was the object of attention from those young men whose footing In society largely depends upon a profitable marrluge. The winning' of Miss Prettyman in intenttnna Take mine In erMianire. ered Inoffensive, the half-breed uttered a and one-half my powder and bullets, yell of rage, and rushed knife in harfd on buscade to the enemy, whether men or brother." the Indian. beasts. "T anxent If na a thin helnninr to But the latter had not taken hl eve off It would have been Interesting for any fee, and hero is half my ammunition for him, and by a slight movement he avoided stranger who had been' present at this would have meant more than mere you; henceforth we cannot fire at one the desperate attack of the capataz j then, interview to see with what rapidity the mercenary gain. It would have meant another, all if In common between us. drawing himself up, he caught him round gestures and signs were exchanged be- an open d00r not. oniy tb exclusive so- My horse Is yours." , the waist, raised him from the ground as tween tnese men, so strangely in up ny ca, cKes n tn8 country, but In Eng- "Mine belongs to you, and In a few easily as be would have done a child, ruuuy s'w oi me lire. ,and n(1 jnda an well several times moments Iwill place it. at your service." and burled him Into the Bre, where he Then the two men, leaning shoulder to writhed for a moment with cries of pain ahoulder, with clasped hands, eyes fixed and impotent passion. When he at length on heaven, and outstretched arm, uttered got out of the fire, half scorched, he did At length this silent council terminated. the engagement of the young woman T. . " 1 u. I u , w" reported, but In each instance ning to grow dim. and then left the clr- . " " """""" " , together the fn!Winr mnrA . not th ink of renew ne the attack, but sat pie. The redakina reaneptfnllv followed i reuyiimu ninnjB orc... uiliui ipu uy "I take heaven to witness that of mvl down, directing savage glances at bis him to the foot of the tree by the aifl of the butterfly life and the few Intimate own free will, and without reservation. I adversary, like a turnspit punished by a Nvhlch he had entered their camn. When friends who havd been let Into the take as my friend and brother the man I mastiff. whose band is at this, moment pressing "The Indian Is right," said the mastei mine. I will help him In' everything he coldly, "this moccasin bears the mark of asks of me, without hope of reward, ready the Crow nation. My poor Carnero, you by day and night to answer his first sig- must put up with it, for though the pun- nal, without hesitation, and, without re- ishment you received was severe, I am proachr even If he asked for my life." forced to allow that It was deserved." V There was something grand and solemn "The dog will pay me for it with his In this" simple act, performed by these traitor face," the capital growled. "I he reached it he turned round. secret have been busy trying to reason "May the VTacondah protect my fath- out the cause of her unexpected deel er!" the Jester then said. "His son gi0n. The one explanation most favor have thoroughly understood his Inten- Lfl u that gorrow has pulled hard on uons. ana win ioiiow mem ntera.iy. ine the neartgtrngg 0f the heiress. Al greai puiu uuuirr win nave joiuwi ma . ,,. .hnoroH r.f nn k. Ikl. !... inJ k. I. J..V,.I.. - , . eagagement between her and a mil .. , . .,, . . Ilonalre well known In Washington ik ia kuuu, uiuiuiua auawereu, nuu am no man If I do not leave his bodys ?, , it nm .i.. New1 York and London, It Is said thu moonbeams, and in the heart of the des- food for the crows he discovers so clev- who bowed respectfully before him, the she received with something more than ert, alone, far Irom all human society, eriy. . Cuief Kiiei the crePpin, pianta, and rais- regret tne woru , ot uis recuiu imir After repeating the words of the oath My poor lad," his master continued, n hlmaelf h the atrenth nf hia orrim. rlnee. In fact, there was an lucllna they embraced and finally shook hands. with a jeer, "you had better forget this w a second he reached the branches and tlon by many of her friends to favor Now let us be off, brother," .Valen- anair, which I allow might be disagreeable disappeared. the renort she went to London rather tine said : "I confide in you as In myself ; to your self-esteem ! for 1 fancy you would wa shall succeed in triumphing over our not be tbe gainer Dy recommencing the enemies. 1 By the bye. I must warn you, I quarrel. brother, that if you are not mistakenand Tbe capataz did not answer, but looked we are really following the road to the round to select one on whom he could Fort ot the Chichimeques, we shall prob- vent bis spite, without Incurring risk ; ably meet several persons there : they are but the peons were on tbelr guard, and friends of mine, with whom I have an onered htm no chance. He then made appointment and I will Introduce them to iou. They set out again, still following the windings of the track, which gradually grew steeper; and, after a very zigzag a signal to two men to follow him, and I left the circle grumbling. ' The head of the caravan remained for a few momenta plunged in serious thought; he then withdrew beneath his The journey the Indian had made was suddenly to recover from shock over very Important and needed to be so for the news of the engagement him to run such great risks in order to uure an interview ai inia nour oi tue I ma Idea of a Good Time Wl" ,lne re""K,n- ' The re,red contractor sighed as he The chief recommenced his aerial trip . , . , . , , . - with the same lightness and the same "lt0 Um "u,t " "d thoUKl,t , of good fortune. After a lanse of time com- the elaborate dlnuer and the opera that paratively much shorter than that which I were to come. , he bad previously employed, he reached "S(nne day," he said, "I'll git real the camp of the white men. The same dwp'rlt, an' then do you know what silence prevailed in its interior; tbe sen- t'll do?" miirae. reached tbe terrace half an hour tent, the curtain of which fell behind later. bim; and tbe peons lay down on the "This Is certainly the place," the hunt- ground, one after the other, with their r exclaimed. , feet to the fire, carefully wrapped up in "But your friends V the Tigrero their sa rapes, and fell asleep. lakeA, The Indian then looked searchingly The hunter without speaking discharged 1 around bim, ana, rising negligently, went tinels were still motionless at their post and tbe watch fires were beginning to ex pire. Tbe chief assured himself that do eye was fixed on him that no spy was on the watch ; and, feeling certain of not being perceived, he slid silently down the "Something terrible, no doubt," re plied his ambitious wife. "I s'pose It' wouldn't look well I print," he admitted, "tyut I can't help that What I'll, do will lie to throw away these high-priced cigars, put on geo. UVUii. -""a"". 17 - ' ' . .. . .- . . l.l lln n r.t w.m In l, his run. and at the sound three men ap- slowly to crouch at tbe foot of a tree, resumea me piace Deneatn tn "" - - " La ih.h it w.a Imnnaalhl. to w thoueb, not before he had taken the nra- buff'" robe which he was supposed not the back way an smoke a quarter they came. They were Belhumeur. caution of wrapping himself la his buffalo have left during the night. pound of cut-up chewln' tobacco In Black Elk and Eagle-head. robe. Ere long, with the exception of the sen- i UQAri&n iv. I tries leaning on mnr suiia ana motion- About five or six lea rues at the most I less as statues, all the travelers were from tbe spot where Valentine and tbe I plunged In deep sleep.' - Tlmm met. a far van. eomDoatd of some I An hour alaDsed era anythssc dlatnrh- ten person, had halted on the same night ed the silence that prevailed la the camp. P1 occupied by tbe redskin. and aJuMst at tfea saas smmu h iu ii it one a singular uung sappaiMd. i At the moment when, after tak'lng a cob pipe while I'm talkln' things over final glance around, the Indian chief die- with tbe coachman In the barn." The appeared beneath his robe, the capataz, Bohemian. who was lying athwart the entrance of tbe but, gently raised his head and look-1 A woman can usually find some fault d with strange, fixity of glance at the I with the way every other woman con' ducts ber kitchen. SCHOOL IS OUT. School Is over Till Beptembert Did I get promoted? Aw 1 I don't remember. Dad llrrak. Bhe What was father speaking to you about? He Oh, he was asking me my Inten tion. "He was? Well, I declare, I think father Is rather previous." "Oil, no. You we, I borrowed $3 from him nlxnit six months ago, and he wanted to know when he might exiect It" Yoiikers; Statesman. How They Manatee. "Every girl In that chorus has a lot of diamonds." 'That's sd." ' ' "I wonder how they can afford It?" "Why, as you may see, they hava scarcely any clothes to buy." Houston Post Only Barely Thnasta. Once In while you meet an old col lege graduate who rememlwrs what the words the Initials In the name of hid Greek letter society stood for "were. Bomervllle Journal.