1 Wallowa County Farm Land is the Best Investment in the West VOL. 1, No. 23 Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Saturday, October 5, 1907 Whole Number 443 ON LAST LAP OF RAILWAY GRADE Big Force Pitches Camp at Wades ' Will Finish Grading By New Years. The last lap in the grading of the railroad into this valley , was begun this week between Lostine and Enter, prise. Three crews of bridge builders began work on the bridges over the Looking Glass and Grande Rondo. The 0. R. & N. may surprise everybody and make good its statement that trains will be running on the Elgin and Joseph extension in four months. The foregoing is the railroad develop ments of the last week. A big force of (traders pitched camp on the P. V. Sheahan place on the west side of the river near Wade's Tuesday. The principal ungraded portions of the right of way lay between Lostine and Enterprise, and the only difficult piece of work is near the present camp, where there is considerable of a fill to be made. The dirt for this fill will be taken from the point of a hill nearby. The remainder of the grade is all plain i ecoop work, and if the contractors are not hampered by lack of laborers, will be finished in a few weeks. The grading in Wallowa canyon is prac tically completed. The three bridge crews working ou the bridges have complete outfits of boarding and sleeping cars. Both bridges are of steel and will have con crete piers. All the material for the bridges is on the ground. J. E. Patterson has a sub-contract for grading the Enterprise depot grounds and as far as J. W. McAllister's. ' All grading will be finished by the first-of - the year ' say representatives of the contractor Weddings at Wallowa. Miss Mae Rich, daughter of Abu Rich, a prosperous Wallowa county pioneer, and Joe Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Harris of Union county, were married at Wallowa, September 25. After a short wedding trip to La Grande the happy couple returned to Wallowa where thev will make their home. Mrs. L. C. Martin of Seattle, Wash , and Mr. A. Wi'son of Eustis were married in the parlors of Hotel McCrae, Friday night of last week, Rev. II. E. Merryman of the church of the Latter Day Saints officiating. This is the NEGLECT RUINS 1 00 WATCHES Where use wears out one. Keep your watch clean, and it's as natural for it to go as it is for your heart to beat. Let it get dirty and stay dirty and you are shortening its life every, day. You should hand it to our repair department. Then when you get it again you are handed back practically a new watch. This is printed for the benefit of you and your watch. As for' Jewelery, no matter what the condition of your purs something satisfactory can be purchased. Come in and see ou U ememter the place. Wheat's Jewelry Store ENTERPRISE WrUWRuffiWNOE ad Ilea 9l -mm parties. . They Miss Emily Cary and Mr. J. E, Kessler were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cary, on Whiskey creek, Monday, Rev. J. D. Bird of the Methodist church officiating. Plowing on ImnaHa. G. W. Neil, prosperous rancher from The Buttes, was in the city Thursday buying his winter supplies. Mr. Neil reports fine crops up there this season, harvesting heavy yields of wheat, bar ley, timothy and alfalfa. Mr. Neil also owns a place on the Imnaha. They have had plenty of rain there and the farmers are busy fall plowing. New Brick Store For Main Street A brick store and office building will bo erected on the north side of Main street, opposite D. W. Sheahan's law office, by Daniel Boyd, work starting this week. The structure will be one story in height and have a depth of 45 feet. The front is 48 feet. Besides a commodious store room there will be an office suite occupied by the Wallowa Law, Land & Abstract Co. Aider View Eesiience V. M. Gregg bought two lots- of Daniel Boyd in Aider View addition and resold them to Dr. C. T. Hockett, who has closed a contract for the erection of a handsome T-room residence that will be started right away. Fine House at Flora Wm. McCall, one of the solid citizens of the north country, was in Enterprise Thursday after brick for the flue of the fine residence he is building at Flora. The brick was bought at Sol Pace's yard. Mr. Pace has a quantity of the best brick ever burned in this county, hard and smooth as rocks. Moves to Enterprise Curtis Maxwell of Imnaha, has bought a residence property in Gardner's addition of L. Burnaugh, and is moving into it. Stage Schedule Unchanged E. W, Rumble, manager of the Elgin and Joseph Btage Hue, while in Enter prise, Monday, stated the schedule of the regular stage would not bo changed until the h roads made it necessary. For the present the stage will continue to make the through trip daily. OREGON -nfDDCM CCVTAM ff . 'J Chicago Also New Trilby and Charm Heaters All prices at ) Enterprise, Oregon second trip far both will reside at Eustis. BEEF BRINGS IN SCADSOF MONEY Fall Sales of Cattie Amount to Over. $190,30 Stock And Farm Notes Over 3000 head of cuttle will b e taken out to market from Wallowa county this fall estimates W. R. Holmes, of the Wallowa National bank, and over $100,000 in cash will return here in payment. Logan McCormack, J. W. McAllister, Charlie Holmes and others took out 200 head last week. Will Zurcher and Ray Vest sold 00 head to Aaron Wade, who will feed about 100 head this winter. S. T. Tippett sold a bunch hist week to Masterson & Wiley. Cottonwood Ilange Fine Wm. Stevens and T. M. Butler, slfeop men from the north country, were in town Thursday transacting business. They Bold 450 lambs to Samuel Litch. Mr. Butler has' been ou his ranch at Paradise the past slimmer while Mr. Stevens has looked after their stock, which will be taken to the winter range on the Cottonwood on their way back. They will have about 2200 head in their band this winter. Mr. Stevens, whose ranch is on the Cottonwood, says the grass on the range was this summer and is now the finest he ever saw tliere. Last wiucer tney amn i feed a pound of hay, yet secured an average clip of 8 pounds a head. Horse.1 for California John Hanson left Thursday with two ear loads of work horsoa that he will take to Modesto, California. building: ,V' Death Be cord Jerome Early, an old and highly respected citizen of Joseph, died nt his home tliere Wednesday, (September 24, after an illness of almost a year. The funeral was held from the Methodist church Thursday afternoon. Funeral of Charlie Wiley A very large number of friends of the bereaved fondly attended the funeral services in Wallowa cemetery, Wednes day afternoon, September 25, of Charlie Wiley, the 10-year old son of E. L. Wiley, who vina killed by the fall of a ANNOUNCEMENT Of WALLOWA COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL . ' Enterprise, Oregon, October 2, 1907. To the Public: ' The Wallowa County High School will open for regular work on Monday, Ocrober 7. It ' is hoped that every boy and girl who are qualified and who intend to enter during the year will be on hand at the opening or report to the principal the probability of later enrollment. v The High School will offer two courses an English Course and a Commercial Course. It is the intention of the school authorities to see that the character of the work done in the school is thorough and complete in every respect. The High School will be supplied with typewriters and fixtures for a complete commercial course. A first-class labratory for the study of Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology will be fitted up as rapidly as the requirements of the school demand. Both vocal and instrumental music will be taught as soon as the full course has been established. The scope of the work will be such that pupils may acquire a complete training for commer. cial life or be fitted for entrance to any state college on the Pacific Coast. The courses will bo strong, thorough and complete. Pupils who attend the High School will be held to a strict accountability of their conduct, and will not be permitted to frequent public places or lounge about the streets. The regular study hours must be observed and the habits and conduct becoming to ladies and gentlemen will be demanded of the pupil at all times. The success of the County High School will largely depend upon the support given it by the people of the county at large. Every parent and patron must feel an interest in the school and put forth an effort to build it up. There is no reason why Wallowa County cannot maintain a High School which will rank with the best in the state and stand as a monument toward which the people may point with pride. Now that the High School has been established and is maintained by the citizens of the county at large, it is necessary that every parent, patron and pupil give their hearty support and free good will to the cause of higher education. The High School Board and the teachers will do everything within their power to make the school grow and prosper. Any inquiries regarding the school addressed to Principal W. E. Moore will receive prompt attention. Board of Education , O. M. Corkins, Chairman W. C. Wilson Sam Litch John W. Kerns, Secretary Frank A. Ileavis Principal W. E. Moore ' ' . horse he was riding. The Wallowa school attended in a body, the class of which he was a member and his Sunday school class marched carrying flowers at the head of the cortege. The ser vices were conducted by Rev. J. D. Bird, and a choir composed of Wallowa and Lostine singers rendered several beautiful hymns. The form of the little hid, who was beloved by all, was laid beside his mother. Street Lighting Rate At a meeting of tho Wallowa Council Monday night, the street lighting offer of tho Wallowa Mercantile company was accepted. 'Four arc lights and Ki incandescent lights of 10 candle pver each will bo supplied at 635 a month. Ready for High School Opening The principal of the new county high school, l'rof. W. Ei Moore, and County Superintendent J. W. Kerns arc hard at uork preparing for the opening of the initial term next Monday, laying out the courses of study and making arrangements so that the school work may go smoothly from tho first. It is expected that from 20 to 25 pupils will bo enrolled the first week and that the enrollment will reach 50 the llrst year. As tho advantages be- icome better known over the county,' I and districts where now the ninth and tenth grades are taught, drop ' those j grades, tho attendance at the high school will increase. The Crook county 1 high school started with nine pupils, the number reaching only 10 the second year but now has an enrollment of from 00 to 70. Tho new school starts with a good equipment of furniture, maps and apparatus. " County School Notes Miss Lclah Cole took tin examination for a teachers certificate before Sup erintendent Kerns this week. District No. 53, The Hutte, has oliered the school to Miss Ireno Sargent. Tho district school of tho county are short about 10 teachers. A new school house is being erected in the Troy district. It will ho a one story frame building anil be ready this fall. The Chico district is building a new school house, a one story frame build ing that will be ready for the next term of school. BOMB HILLS EX-SHERIFF Atrocious Crime Committed by Un known Parties at Baker City. ftaker City, Oct. 3 Harvey K. Brown, ex sheriff of Haker county, was blown up by a bomb as he entered the gato of his homo at half-past 10 o'clock Mon day night, lie lingered in great agony until death relcis.id him at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. lie recovered con sciousness Tuesday forenoon and inado a statement saying he believed his death duo to persons connected with the Western Federation of Miners. Brown mado enemies hero by tho strict enforcement of the law while in ollice against saloon men and gamblers, lie incurred the enmity of tho Federa tion by arrest of Steve Adams and se curing of evidence against him. Brown was well known over the state. Reward of $3000 already offered by county for slayers. All business houses closed today during funeral. Borah Acquitted Boise, Oct. 3 United States Senator Rorah was acquitted by the jury last night of chargo to defraud government of timber lands. Jury out only loua enough to take ono ballot. McCormack Ranch Sold. L. L. McCormack has sold his home stead six miles north of Enterprise to A. E. Hartley, a neighboring rancher, for (1050. The lund is. fenced, hus a houso and barn on it and about 00 acres under cultivation. Promise School - The Promise school will open next Monday. Miss Ruth Hayes is teacher. Court House Notes New Suits W. II. Graves by his attorney J. A. Burleigh has begun an attachment suit against Joe Allen ami W. E. Taggart. Marriage Licenses Sept. 27 CI. L. Williams and Kdith M. Foster. Sept. 27 A. Wilson and L.C. Martin. Oct. 3 Archie Uutter and i.'amio Driskell.