You'll Like the Pose We Give to Your Photo you'll like other things about the pictures when they are done. We would like to have you come and examine some of our photographs and see the new mounts we are using. We'll Please You in Every Particular MRS. N. A. FALLMAN ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE Watch for Next Announcement Oregon ShopjLine Aim union Pacific Daily Ex Sunday. Depart (or Time schedule, Eigiu. . Imbler; Allcel, Inland No. 81 City, La Grande, con. nectlng at La arunde 8:46 p. m. with trains lor all points east and west. Dally Ex. Sunday, Ar- from No. 82 11:80 a.m. Low Rates. Through Tickets To and From All Farts of the Country. For fukther particulars, addrkbs, II. fl, Weatberspoon, Agent. Elgin, Oregon. Fashion Motes "Never before in the history of dress has the length of the skirt been a matter of such importance as it is this antumn," writes Grace Margaret Gould, the Fashion Editor, in the October Fashion Number of the Woman's Home Compaulon. "It is on the skirt length question that the American woman and the French woman have such widely difforont views. The short skirt for comfort is what the average Amerioan woman likes, while the French woman favors the long trailing skirt with its graceful lines. "Here in America this year there will be two different types of skirts in fashionable favor, One is the walking or trotteur skirt, which is shorter than it has ever been before. It will vary in length according to the individual preference of the wearer, Borne walking skirts escaping the ground by but two inohea, others being as short as five inches. It is needless to say, however, that the short skirt will be worn exclu sively for walking. The most fashion able coe turn ea for all other occasions will have the very long skirt the skirt which not ouly touches the ground, but rest upon it, having a decided sweep at the back." Two Mew Dwellings Frank Cook and Roy McCoy, who reoently purchased acre tracts in the southern part of town through the O. R. A I. Con commenced the erection of new residences on their properties this week. Lon Wagner has the contract for erecting the buildings" and they wll be pushed to oompletiou with all jposslble speed. Editorial Everybody that means you should go to the county fair at Los tine. Go not only as a matter of duty or pleasure but to learn what a grand county you live in. There will be exhibits there that would awaken enthusiasm in a cynic Your self respect and your pride of home will both be increased by a day spent at Lostine the second week in October. The railroad will not be an unalloyed blessing to Wallowa county. Conditions here now as far as people are concerned are almost ideal. There are very few "undesirable citizens" in Wallowa; fewer than found in any community of which the writer is familiar and he has lived in a number in the central states that were rated very high for intelligence, thrift and morality. The railroad will change that condition here in a degree, but the benefits will far outweigh the draw backs. Besides, it will be a pretty tough character that the influence of as good people as reside here will not reform.. The Elgin Recorder article on the delay in Wallowa county mails, published in another place in this paper, deserve reading. The people over here have been long suffering and will likely be patient yet awhile, trusting that the advent of the railroad will correct matters. It may be many months after the completion of the road before the mail facilities will be improved, bo it would not be a bad idea to try and have the Wallowa county mail sorted and sacked at La Grande, leaving only the Elgin branch mail for this county to be sorted in the Elgin postoffice. Then perhaps the stage would not leave part ot tne man in Jiiigin to toiiow the next day, thus giving Wallowa county mail that is from three to four days old." C. H. Allen, teacher in the Flora school, in anxious to debate with County Judge Corkins on the question, "Resolved that he action of the county court is honorable and commendable." What action is not explicitly stated in Mr. Allen's rather rambling article published in the Flora Journal but he says the argument is to be along the line of the "injustice of the high tax, the uncompensative expending of money." Mr. Allen gives the Judge the fixing of the particular Sat urday night when the high wind is to occur but reserves the right of naming the place of affliction. Mr. Allen will probably be disappointed in his heart's desire, but for the sake of lexicographers yet unborn a hall should be hired and he given a chance to coin a few more phrases such as "uncompensative expending." The long nights of winter are approaching and anything that will add to the hilarity of life should not be overlooked. Delay Wallowa Mail at Elgin Terminal Town Postoffice Force Over taxedIncoming Mail Days Old The people of Elgin were put to' a test Monday on account of the way they had to wait for their mail says the Elgin Recorder. That paper explains and comments on the condition as follows: The train was late and there wan a large mail, therefore our business men were compelled to wait until the next day to answer their correspondence. This is getting to be a regular thing and the people are getting tired of it. The fact that the postmaster has to distribute the Wallowa mail before he can attend to the Elgin mail is some thing that the people of Elgin 'should not stand. When the mail arrived Monday there were 17 sacks of mail to be distributed for as many different offices in Wallowa county. This the postmaster is sup posed to do before he is allowed to commence on the local mail and besides this large mail there were 20 packages of registered mail wbioh he had to look over and receipt for. This is supposed to be done before the stage leaves for Wallowa county but such is not the case for the stage is not compelled to wait longer than 2 o'clock and they leave part of the mail -here which fallows the next day, thus giving Wallowa county mail that is from three to four days old, which is an injustice to that county as well as Elgin. Thore should be some steps taken to relievo this congested state of affairs for it is a rank imposition upon the people of this community to have to wait sometimes until 4 o'clock for their mail. It is not the fault of the local office but thoe who have in charge the schedule of the way the mail is han dled. If the Wallowa mall were distrib uted on the train as it should be then the local postmaster would not have to bother with it and could give us our mail In time for it to be answered before the mail leaves in the evening. And Just as long aa our people submit to such treatment so it will continue, The thing to do is to stick up for our rights and stay with it until we get them. Gets $60 Machine for $31 "Ted" Johnson was the lucky man in the "one dollar a day off" sewing machine sale instituted by the popular furniture man, Fred 8. tAshley, some weeks ago. The machine started at $60 and diminished in price at the rate of one dollar per day until sold. A num ber of people were anxiously awaiting the time when it should be at the lowest possible price but alas! they wauea too long. hit. donnson was fully aware of the value of the drop head Singer machine in question and grabbed it np at $31. Lathrope Bros. Complete Bridge The bridge across the Wallowa river at the Geo. Wood ranch, east of Lostine was completed last Wednesday and the bridge crew was laid off pending the awarding of the contract for the con struction of the Salmon river bridge, Lathrope Bros, did the work just fin' ished, and have been but about three weeks at it. One Hundred Words On Oregon Fruit At the requeet ot the Oregon Devel opment league, Hon. Wilbur K. Newell, president of. the state board of horti culture, has condensed in the following one hundred words a statement about Oregon fruit that should be printed in every language known to the tongue of man: "Oregon excels in fruit. Proof: because her apples are the acknowledged standard of the world, bringing highest prices from the trade of New York, London, Paris and Berlin. "Her pears, cherries, dried prunes and strawberries have a national reputation, unequalled by the fruit of any other section of the United States. "Why? Because nature has given her a soil containing the necessary plant food, a climate without extremes, and moisture and sunshine just right to produce a fruit of beautiful color, firm texture, and unrivaled flavor "And her people have the intelligence to ake advantage of these conditions." FIRST Shipment of Fall Goods just came in. New fallSuitings and Waist pat terns. Get an early choice. Sample swatches of Mens Suits for fall and winter. We guarantee satisfaction as to style and fit. We refer to our many patrons of the past season as to our record in this respect. Our Summer goods, such as Shirt-Waists, Dress Goods, Ladies andChildrens Oxfords are not all gone and we are closing them out at greatly reduced prices. W. J. FUNK & GO. Enterprise, Oregon A REAL SNAPI 7 Room House, outbuildings, large barn, plenty of land, stream of water, shade trees, ONLY TWO BLOCKS from business part of town Only $1250 Just pay $300 cash and your own time on balance. October 1st, Price wiU be $1500.00 Daniel Boyd Secy, of Wallowa Law, Land and Abstract Company Pie The old lady who distinguished her pies by marking them with a 'T" signifying "'tis mince" and "taint mince," has been outdone by the culinary expert of a little hotel among the Green Mountains. The chance guest had finished the serious part of a wholesome dinner, when the cook, who was also waitress-and landlady, asked him if he didn't want some pie. "What sort of pie have youf" he asked expectantly. "Well, we've got three kinds," said the hostess, "open-faced, cross-barred and kivered all apple." Woman's Home Companion for October. Mrs. E. B. Wheat started to the Hot Lake Sanitarium Wednesday morning, where she goes to receive treatment for rheumatic troubles.