The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, September 28, 1907, Image 1

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Wallowa County Farm Land is the Best Investment in the West
VOL. 1. No. 22
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Saturday, September 28, 1907
Whole Number 442
Miners Believe They
Struck Paying Vein
Assay Shows $22 Copper and $4
(jold-'Four Claims Have
Been Filed On
Four quartz mining claims were
filed in the office of County Clerk
French Thursday t afternoon that
attracted much attention for the
locators brought several sacks ot rocks
that snrely looked the goods. The
claims are located on the upper Imnaha
about seven miles east ot the celebrated
Tenderfoot mine. A test assay showed
$22 copper, $1 gold and some silver.
Happy Jack No. 1 was filed on by
Isaac L. Johnson, Happy Jack by T. K.
Johnson, White Dutch by T. Q.
Johnson and F. J. Shine, Black Jack by
W. L. Young and C. I. Johnson. The
claims are adjoining one another and
are supposed to cover the main vein.
The ledge as far as uncovered is about
four feet wide. The mines are more
part'.sulfirly dtwerilx d as being "on the
hillsido about two thirds of the way
from the iiurth and touth forks of the
TninHha towmds Uxtiar Flat." " - ,
The miners brought out a lot of the
ore that was admitted by the men who
examined it at the court house to be
rich enough to pay for quite a Jong
wagon haul. The miners say a road
can be made from their claims to the
Tenderfoot mine road without much
difficulty or cost. The claims' -were
located July 30. '
The upper Imnaha is attracting lots
of attention among prospectors just now.
There is no doubt there is much rich
mineral there, and when the railroad
is completed to Joseph paying mines
will be opened.
The placer claims farther down .the
river are the talk of that country. T.
R. Akins of Enterprise, II. D. Akins
and Charles Rice of Joseph and Ed
Trippe of Tenderfoot mine farms, have
gone to upper imnaha this weeK where
they have placer claims.
Ball Game Woo By Pacer Team
The Pacers were too swift for the
Savages Sunday afternoon and after a
merry chase around the bases the final
count in the round-up showed the
former team to have accumulated 14
large, fat and juicy scores while the
club captained by W. F. Savage had
crossed the plate but 11 times.
The various pitchers had more or lesB
difficulty in locating the plate which
prolmbly accounted for the light batting.
The Savages made 11 hits and the
Pacers only 8 but the latter reached
first 7 times on passes, 3 times on being
hit by pitched balls and 8 times on
Both sides had a barrel of fun and
so did the spectators; in fact everyone
had a good time but the umpire, Sol
Keltner1. He bore off the honors 01 the
day, however, and finished with a clean
score sheet he didn't reverse a single
Arthur Pace cracked out a dandy two
bagger, and Jakey Baner landed on the
ball for three safeties, including one for
two bases. H. Weaver, Forsytho and
Savage hurled the ball for the defeated
team, and Woodell and Johnson occu
pied the hill for the Pacers. Rodgers
and Lovell caught the full nine innings
for the Pacers and Savages, respectively.
Tho feature of the game ,yas S. Pace's
star attempts at catching two nice little
flies in right field. It is a rule in scor
ing that when a fielder can't get
near enough to a fly to touch it, no
error is marked against him. No errors
were marked nsrainst Mr. Pace.
Tho box pcore is omitted because of
the frequent changes in players and
positions. Following is the score by
Savages 32211113 14
Pacers 31310100 211
A nine of unmarried men has chal
lenged one composed of benedicts to a
game for an oyster supper, but the
challenge is as yet unaccepted.
Where use wears out one. Keep your watch clean, and it's as natural
for it to go as it. is for your heart to beat. Let it get dirty and stay
dirty and you are shortening Its life every day. You should hand It
to our repair department. Then when you get it again you are banded
back practically a new watch. This is printed for the benefit of you
and your watch. As for' Jewelery, no matter what the condition of
yoor purst something satisfactory can be purchased. Conie in and see
ot li ernemter the place.
Wheat's Jewelry Store
fOPIILflRuNfflE and
:-7c V'T-
Made by
'mnty School Board
Engages Principal.
Business Department to be Added Later
"Tuition Free to Wallowa
The Wallowa county high school will
open its initial term in Enterprise, Mon
day, October 7. The hoard has engaged
Prof. W. E. Moore of Kelso, Wash., as
principal, and secured the two rooms in
the opora house as class rooms until
rooms in the new high school building
are ready for use, which are promised
by January 1.
Mr. Moore comes with the highest
recommendations as au instructor and
a citizen. He is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Washington. He and his
family, consisting of wife and three
children, arc expected to arrive this
All the high school grides, 0th, 10th,
11th and 12th, will be taught, and a
business department added soon, the
board now being in negotiation with a
competent instructor.
The county high school places Wal
lowa in the very front rank in educa
tional facilities. TniVvl'.i is freo to pv
pils of this county, and it is earnestly
desired that the people take the fullest
advantage of this splendid opportunity.
No need hereafter for parents to send
their children to distant places to fit
them for college or give them the ad
vantages of a high school or business
education. . Every Wallowa county pu
pil who has finished the 8th grade is
eligible to entrance in the county high
Court House Notes
Now Suits
Etta Stetson by her attorneys,
Burleigh & Boyd, has tiled suit in the
circuit court against John C. Thomp
son for money due.
Doings in Prolate
Win. Fine appointed administrator
of the estate of Amelia J. Fine.
Marriage Licenses
Sept. 26 Aylbin Finley and Lonnie
Loyd both of Grosxnian.
Sept. 21 Emily M. Cary and J. E.
Sept. 23 Mae Rich and Joe Harris.
Miss Ella Daley, who is now em
ployed as stenographer for the Wal
lowa Law, Land & Abstract Co., will
succeed Miss Anna Hoytas deputy In
Clerk and Recorder French's ofllce,
when Miss Hoyt leaves for the East
about October 1.
flame later. Tho whole plant was
ablaze when discovered. Only a few
small piles of lumber were saved. The
window frames and other inside lum
ber for the Fraternal building at Enter
prise was loaded on cars ready for ship
ment but were not rolled out.
The loss is a big one for Wallowa and
comes especially hard on O. S. Wigglos
worth, the principal owner of the plant.
Bridge at Troy.
County Judge Corkins says the coun
ty court has offered to build a bridge
across the river at the mouth of the
Little Salmon if the residents in that
section will build a wagon road to the
Garden of Eden. There is no road now
from Troy up into tho fine farming
country north of the Grande Rondo
river and if one is constructed, together
with the bridge, a splendid country will
secure access to markets.
Equalization Board.
County Assessor S. F. Pace has issued
tho call for the meeting of the county
board of equalization in the clerk's
office at Enterprise, Monday, October
21. If dissatisfied with your assess
ment, then and there is the time to say
so. The board is composed of tho coun
ty judge, clerk and assessor. Mr. Pace
says the assessed valuation this year
will exceed six millions of dollars.
Timber holdings are assessed at $1000
per quarter section. As the county
debt 1b all paid, sufficient already levied
and collected to pay for the high school
and money in the county treasury, it is
expected the tax rate will be very much
lower next year. Thero are no special
calls on the treasury at presont except
the liberal appropriations for roads and
bridges in the Whisky creek and other
districts north and east of Wallowa.
Akins Place Sold to
South Dakota Mao
0. J. Roe Secures 240 Acres for $7000-
Dobbin Purchases Grazing
Mrs. L. E. Jordan, who has been very
seriously ill the last week, is improved
and her muny friends hope in a fair
way to recovery.
O. J. Roe of Eureka, South Dakota,
has bought the T. R. Akins place of 240
acres, four miles west of Enterprise on
Alder Slope, for $7000. The deal was
closed Saturday, the sale being made
through Daniel Boyd "of the Wallowa
Law, Land & Abstract Co.
There is a small house and other
buildings on the property, a thrifty
young orchard and a two and one half
acre strawberry patch. Thero is a
fine body of timber included that adds
greatly to the value of the property,
which is considered a bargain at the
price paid by Mr. Ron.
The purchaser bought the tract for a
home and has already started for the
East to make preparation to move here
as soon as the railroad Is completed as
far as Wallowa. Mr. Roe may also go
into business in Enterprise. - .
Hon. Jay Dobbin ht-nitht &X' ,wn cf
grazing landl5 miles east of fintcrprmn
last week from Wm. Makiu for $5000.
Both parties are extensive sheep men
and are among the wealthiest and
most progressive citi.ens in the county.
Mr. Dobbin is the representative in the
legislature from this district.
Miss Laura Berland has opened a
fine stock of millinery goods in Fred
Ashley's store.
New Trilby and Charm
Heaters- All prices at
Enterprise, Oregon
Darness Dealers Assign
riraan Xr Knna harnpfm mnltara and
dealers, of Enterprise and Joseph, have
made an assignment for benefit of
creditors, one of the largest of whom is
the Marshall Wells Co. of Portland.
The stock on hand is estimated to be
worth about $3500. Tl total of liabil
ities and assets have not been an
nounced yet. Wm. II. McKay is in
Planing Hill Corned.
The planing mill owned -by tho Wal
lowa Lumber and Manufacturing com- j
pany at Wallowa burned to the ground
Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. The
loss reaches $17,000 with only $2000 insurance.
The origin of the fire is supposed to
have been a spark from the engine that j
smouldered unseen w hen the watchman I
left at midnight, but was fanned into I
ItiAh Scho
will open at Enterprise
. 7, 1907
The 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades
will be taught. Later there will be a
business department, in charge of a
competent instructor. Tuition free to
pupils of this county. Prof. W. E.
Moore of the state of Washington, a
successful educator, will be principal.
For further information address
County School Superintendent,