V- BUSINESS CARDS Physician Surgeon E. T. Anderson, M. D. Enterprise, Oregon. Physician and Surgeon C. T. HOCKETT, M. D. Independent I'lione. Office up stairs in Hunk Bldg. When Passing On The Lewis tor, Road, Stop At The ' Sled Springs Hotel. Plenty of Stable Roon.. S.B.CONNER. Proprietor. Win. Mcllruy and Company. Farms, Timber Limds, Acreage, Lots, Residence and Kusmess Property For Kale. Timber Lo cating a Specialty ELGIN, - OREGON. Stone Mason and Gutter Cut etone flues constantly on hand for short order work, also fresh lime. L. J. Pisell, Wallowa, Ou. U. W. Hyatt, I . jeo, S. OrAlg, I'reh. V Ice Pres. W. R. Holmes, frank A. iu'iivIh, Cashier. AmnL ' Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000. Olrecton. Geo. W. Hyatt, Mattie A. Holmes ' Geo. H. Craig, G. Pennell, W. It. Holmes. We do a general banking business. Kxohange bought and sold on princi pal CltlOS. IHTE2HI31, ossaon J. A, Burlclgli Daniel Boyd Burleigh &;i Boyd flttorrieys-at-Law Will practice in all the Courts of this Btnto and before the Interior aud Its offices. The most careful attention given to all business entrusted to our care. Enterprise, Oregon. Ruggles & Lathrope, The House MOVERS we win movo your nouse, barn or other buildings lit a careful manner also put In new foundations when wanted. ll you are In need of any work in our line, call ou or address us at ENTERPRISE, OREGON La (rGoods My Stoo he largest in this section of the elate, (and "most important of nil is tho porsonal element entering into the make-up of my goods, It is something to mo that the product of my shop shall be right." Call in and let us show you around. L Berland Enterprise Oregon Jhe JteWs-Jlecord H. A. GALLOWAY, Editor and Publisher. Issued Every Saturday Entered lit tlie Kntcrpriso post office as Second Class Matter. RUHHi RIPTION KATKH. (In Advance.) One Year .' .....1.60 Six Months 75 Three Months 60 City and County Brief News Items Fresh oranges and lemons at the E. M. & M. Store. Get one of those nice hand bugs at E. M. & M. Co's. Big Store. If you want peace in the family get your wife a Shelby washing machine. E. M. & M. Co. keeps them. 'Twill soon be school time. Don't forget that Rurnaugh & Mayfield are headquarters for school supplies. Best line of tablets in town. Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Templeton will leave for Portland next Monday to be absent about two weeks. Rev. Templeton w ill attend the sessions of the Presftyterian synod in Portland. Miss Mary Walker of Post .Falls, Idaho, who has spent the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boyd, will leave for her home Saturday. Dr. C. T. Hockett reports that Mrs. John Johnson, who has been critically ill at his home, is improving and in a fair way to recover. Attorney D. W. Shealian was at La Grande on bnsincss this week. Dermine Cream, the best preparation for chapped hands and face, is sold by Burnaugh & Mayfield.' Therefore the county seat should stay in Enterprise WANTED: Sewing, plain or dress- niakiug. Prices reasonable, and satis faction guaranteed. One door south of Funk's store. Mrs. N. A. Fallman. Don't forget that the News-Record is fully equipped, and always ready to look after your job printing. No mat ter how large a job it is, or how diffcult, et us figure with you. Dr. E. A. Fosner and family left Tuesday for west Oregon! He will look over the towns there for a location. He still retains his property interest in Enterprise, but sold his office and practice to Dr. Ketchum. The furniture committee for tho Fraternal building was investigating prices Tuesday at the various stores. It is estimated that the cost of furnishing the lodge rooms will amount to nearly $2000. Mrs Len Emmons of Alder Slope brought in some large and very fine flavored yellow transparent apples Saturday. Lostine schools opened Monday with an increased enrollment over last vear, W. Eugene Smith of Idaho is in charge Mr. llass of Alder Slope had a load of beots weighed on Ashley's scales Tues- day that tipped the beam at 3050 pounds. J. B. Seibert returned Saturday from Joseph whore he finished painting the Catholic church. He will go to Lostine inW few davs to paint a house for hi brother-in- law, (ieorgo Woods. G. W. Hall, tho principal of the Alder school, returned this week from the Willamette Valley where he speut the summer vacation. School w ill open Alder a week from Monday. A ninth g auo lias been added (or tho coming year. Lee Tnttle, editor of- the Recorder, Ciivens Masterson, a druggist of Elgin, Scott Harris, a druggist of Walla Walla, were in Enterprise Thursday on their way homo from a three weeks huutlng trip in the Imnaha country. G. J. Wagner returned from Portland this week and will remain about two months. Owing to the lateness of the season he will not let the contract for his new store building just west of the Fratornal building, until next spring. About a dozen members of Anoroid camp, Royal Neighbors, went up to Joseph Monday evening and visited the I camp there. After witnessing the initiation of several candidates, the visitors and their hostesses enjoyed a delightful social time and a bountiful supper. j Newell Stubbleflold has sold his in terest in the White Front livery to James Stubblefleld and Roy Simmons. Tho big ventilatorspre being installed j in the Fraternal building and the i ornamental railing placed on tho roof i this week. MiSs Ethel Maxwell is visiting friends at Lewiston. I Hot I Miss Louise Bauer has gone to Lake where she has accepted a position. Miss Audrey Combes leaves tomorrow for Corvallis where she will enter the O. I. C. R. McCrae, landlord of the McCrae hotel at Wallowa, was in the county seat Thursday. Miss Edna Browning has gone to Salem to take a special course in music, voice culture and drawing at Willamette University. Methodist church: Sunday school at 10 a. m ; Epworth LeaRiio at 6:45 p. Tho members are expecting the arrival soon of their new pastor, Rev. Paul Gardner, who comes from the East. Mrs. Seibert's millinery opening. Wednesda.', was an irresistible attraction for the ladies, who greatly admired the showing of full aud winter hats. Mrs. J. W. Bunnell of Portland has been visiting this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. O. M. Corkius. J. B. Seibert has been painting and otherwise refitting the room where ho will open up his cigar store, next door to Mrs. Seibert's millinery Btore. Tho winter schedule for tho Elgin stage will go into effoct October 1. The outbound stage will then leave Enter prise at 10 a. m. and spend the night at the Canyon House. The inbound stage will reach here in the middle of the dav. A. H. Holmes of Missouri arrived- in Wallowa county thi s week. Ho . will teach Star school No. 39 in the Paradise country. Billy Wilton, tho ferryman, and Harry Brown, the well known farmer, both of Troy, were in Enterprise Thurs day on milling business. L. J. Jordan, of south of Enterprise, has been milking 1C cows for the last three months and received $80 a month for butter fat from the Wallowa Valley Cream Company. This, besides the skimmed milk which he says is worth 25c per cwt. as feed for pigs. Seven of the 10 cows are but 2-year old heifers The Wallowa Valley Cream Company paid $1425.15 for butter fat during the month of August at; its two factories. This .is the largest, amount ever paid to the farmery og.,. this county in one moutii lor dairy pruduct. ... E. B. Wheat is using a crutch and cane as the result of a painful injury caused by his stepping on a -fiail that penetrated the sole of his shoe and ran into his foot. Miss Anna Hoyt, deputy in the office of County Clerk J. A. French, will leave about October 1 for Portland where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Humphries, for a month, then leave for the east for an extended stay at her old home, Woodstock, New Brunswick. Miss Hoyt is undecided whether she will return to Enterprise, but her many friends here hope her longing for the best of all countries will be'irresist able. The basket social given by the band at the rink Tuesday night was an eu joyable affair and well attended. The concert was an too oriel m the opinion of the pleased auditors. The plavine was remarkably fine considering the short time the band has been organized, aud as J. A. Burleigh said in his happy little speech of welcome in behalf of the band, the results reflect great credit on the leader and the members. Mr n t i , .... . mincigii aiso announced mat tor a limited period the entrance fee to join the band is suspended as tt is do sired to fill the ranks to the limit of the number of instruments. The sale of baskets made lots of fun and totaled f80.23, Mr. Burleigh showing much skill as auctioneer. Claude Boatman acted as master of ceremonies. Church Notes of County Interest Rev. W, F. Sainras occupied the pul pit in the Christian church Sunday morning, in the absence of Rev. Thomp son, who was at Lostine conducting two funerals. Rev. Thompson preached in the evtuiing to a large congregation, on the topic, "Is the World Growing Bet ter?" He gave historical facts to prove thnt in charity, kindness and justness tho world is growing better. Rev. B. F.Miller of Promise was present and assisted in the service. The members of the Christian church are asked to meet at the church early next Monday morning to assist in re papering and repainting the building. A new flue will lie put inland the edi fice other ise improred-nd renovated. Sunday School Rally Pav will be ob served at the l'resbyterian ohurvh week from next Snndav, Septonilwr 29, at 3 o'clock In the afternoon, All the Sunday schools of this district, which includes those of Enterprise and Alder Slope, are cordially invited to be pres ent and participate by a talk by super intendent, or someone whom he may select, or by a special song. An invita tion has been sent to the Sunday school in the Pratt district of which Thomas Morgan is superintendent. It is also hoped that the county president, H. B. Davidhizer, will be present. -A special collection will be taken, which will go to help pay for the printing of tracts and portions of the bible in foreign lan guage for distribution to immigrants. Regular monthly services will be held in the Catholic church of Enterprise, commencing with the first Sunday in October. The church has just been re painted and repapered by J. B. Seibert and is now in first elase shape. The hour of evening services at the Christian church has been changed from 8 to 7:30 p. ni. beginning next Sunday. Evening services at tho Pres byterian church 'begin at 8 p. m. next Sunday but after Rev. Templeton's re turn from Portland in October the hour will be changed to 710. Next Sunday Services Rev. Owens of the Baptist church w ill preach in the M. E. church next Sun day morning and evening. Christian church services: Sunday School at 10 a. in; sermon by the pas- tor, Kev. in. J. mompson. at 11 a. m; C. E. at 6:30 p. m; sermon by Rev. B. F. Miller of Promise at 7:30 p. m. Regular services at the Presbyterian church, 8eriuons,.Rev. H. S. Templeton, at 11 'a. m. aud 8 p. m., topics "A Tried Philosophy of Life" at the morning ser vice, and in the evening, "The Bible and Young Men." Sunday school at 10 a. m., and C. E. at 7 p. m. Married In M. E. Cburch Miss Myrtle Carpenter and Mr. Roy Bishop were married in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Batchelder performing tbe cer emony. .The couple were attended by the groom's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Bishop. After the ceremony the party went to the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Bishop where a wedding supper was served. In the evening a party of boys and young men gave the newly-wedded an old fashioned belling and were given a piece of money to cease their musical efforts. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Carpenter of Powwatka. and the groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bishop of near Wallowa. They will remain in Enterprise for a few weeks and then in company with J. Arthur Bishop and family will go to Portland to reside. ' ' Special Session of City Coaacil At a special session of the city council Monday night, called to consider tho building'bf a Jridge across the river on Residence street, tho matter was deferred until the next regular meet ing which will bo held the first Monday in October. The action was deferred in order to learn if lumber 'can bo procured and also to inquire into tho Inland Empire's Wallowa county, Oregon, is situa ted in the N. E. corner of the state, and is a most inviting field for the homeseeker. It is about 100 miles square and has a population of 10, 000. It is new, prosperous aud ever growing; is settled mostly by east ern people who, having . grown tired ot cyclones, blizzards, malaria, high rents and other disadvantages of the over crowded East, have beeu attracted to the free homesteads, rich soil and healthy climate of "Wallowa county, as a most desirable place to live forever. In appearance Wal lowa county is rough and uneven and is divided by nature into moun tains, hills and valleys. The moun tains ara imposing in their wealth of scenic beauty and are valuable as a summer range for stock and their ( mines of precious metals. The hills are level and undulating and pro duce abundant crops of wheat," oats, rye and barley, and the famous bunch grass, on w hich vast herds of stock thrive and grow fat, making easy fortunes for their owners. The valleys are well irrigated, rich and productive, aud in addition to tho crops raised in "the hills" pro duce immense yields of clover, timo thy and alfalfa. The county is par ticularly well adapted to fruit rais ing; garden truck of all kinds do exceedingly well. It is well watered by four rivers, numerous stieams, and flue springs; it has the heaviest lainfall of any county In the auto. state of the city's finances in the street and bridge fund. The bill of E. J. Forsythe for electric lights for August, amounting to 826.50 was allowed, also one of $15 presented by G. H. Vest for the improvement of Alamo street. Several cross walks were ordered built. Mayor Boyd, City Recorder Tacgart and Councilmen Akin, Berland, Combes, Graves and Reavis were present. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wallowa County. W. K Stubblefleld. Plaintiff, v i Angle Stuhblcflold, Defendant, To Angle Klubblefield, the above named defendant. In the name ol the Slate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled cause on or before the expiration of nix weeks front the date of the ort publica tion ot this Summons, which first date of publication Is Saturday, September 21st. 1U0J, and If you fall to appear mid answer within said time, for want thereof the plain jiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for li his complaint., yiz: For a decree dissolving the. bonds of matri mony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, . upo a tho grounds of willful desertion. This Sumiuous is published pursuant to aa order of the Hon. O M. Cork Inn, County Judge of Wallowa county, Oregon, made and entered on the 18th day of September, 1907, directing the publication thereof for the period of six consecutive weeks commenting with tbe date or September 21st, 1V07. 2H7 BUELEiOH A BOYD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons in tbe C rcult Court of the State of Oregon, for Wallowa County. J H. . Tbroe, Plaintiff,) vs J Mary A. Danforth' and) Lucius Dauforth, her ) husband, and Larklu Huuley, Defendants. ) . To Mary A. Danforth, Luolus Danforth and Lurkin llunley, the defendants above named : in the name of the State Oregon: You and. each of you are hereby required to appear and answer to complaint tiled agulust you in tlie above entitled cause ou or before the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this Summons wh loll dale of first publication is Mturduy,' September 21st, 11)07, and if you fail so to ap pear and answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will upply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to wit: . For a decree requiring you and each of you to sot forth the nature o f your claim or In terest in aud to Lot numbered Eight and the South one-half of Lot numbered Nine In Block numbered Eleven in the town of Jos- eph, Wallowa county, Oregon, and that a,". ' adverse claims of you and each ot you h., j determined by said decree; that .vou and I each of you be adjudged and decreed to have , uo Interest or claim In aud to s;iiri real rr"P ' city or any part thereof; thtt yhiini'ff'a title j thereto ho adjudged uud deci'.vjj to be, xod I and valid ugaiust you and each u! you', and his title thereto quieted ; and Hiat you and each of you be fuieyer biwred awl enjoined -from asserting any claim or inivrest in and to said real property or any ntrr, tucrtof. ad- I vere to the titlti of plaint..-.!'; a-.ul for such other uud further relict :is to e'i':l;y shall set-n meet and ai ftv.or.e. This siimnu.ua Is sen n upon you bv tmbll- cation Hereof in the N-s-iiecord, for Life full pe'.loi! oEsjy eor.Heeutive ve'j!.. oomn.enelng with the date if S;-rtei;.t.vr 21st, U"T, pursa ant ton ur lei 'o! ?h Jlo. o. M. c.irkiiu, County Judge of Wallowa county, Oregon, which order is made and dated on the 1Mb. day of September, 19u7. . 2lt7 ' BUULK1GH & BOYD, y Attorneys for Plaintiff. Banner County east of the Cascades. The principal river is Wallowa, a very rapid mountain stream, of ,-ysta clearness, whose swift flow ing waters afford immense water power,1 and flow for forty miles through a valley as rich as the Nile, turning the wheels of machinery, irriiatiug vast acres of fertile land and finally .emptying into the Grande Ronde. There are thousands of acres of Government lands within the borders of Wallowa valley, yet. subject to homestead. This laud is deep, rich and productive and each homestead usually coutaius living water. The county embraces every varie ty of climate from snow capped mountains to its warm valleys, where apples, peaches, apricots and grapes are a never failing crop. Its summers are warm with cool nights; its winters are moderate aud equable. The resources of the counlare' as diversified as its surface ,'Iu the valleys and on the Grande Ronde, Snake and Imnaha rivers fruits and vegetation of all kinds abound. In the valley hogs grasses, and grain of all kinds make abundant yields; and the hills and mountains furnish feed for thousands of head of sheep, cat tie and horses. - Wages range from $40 per month on the farm, to $0 per day for skilled labor. And laboring men are always in demand.