. .. . If J . - The County "Where the Dollars Grow on the Sheep's Back. THE T TTnVfCrn 7 (TV 1Th TT The Famous" Bunc Grass Country Formerly The Wallowa News 1 NiU Wallowa County's Most Representative Paper Established in 1899-$1.50 the Year VOL. I, No. 2i Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Saturday, September 21, 1907 Whole Number 44i e:j id DROWNED IN WATER DITCH Baby Dies Within Ten Feel of Kitchen Door Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cole man on Miles Place Falls Into Hole On the S. W. Miles ranch neaTIiOB tine, chubby baby boy, the darling of his mother's heart, was drowned Satur day within 10 feet of the door of the kitchen-within which the loving mother was attending to her household duties. The little one was the two year old eon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coleman, who reside on the. Wiles ranch. Mrs. watch on her baby as he played about the door, but her work claimed her at tention elsewhere for a few minutes, about a half hour before noon. The tot went to a water ditch where there was a hole large enough to let a bucket down and that was usually covered with a lid. The baby fell into the hole and waa drowned, bis frail hold' on life being gone beyond j resuscitation when the accident was discovered, though everything . waa done that could be" done. The funeral of the baby was held from the home Sunday, Rev. N. J. Thompson of Enterprise conducting the services. The heart-broken mother fainted twice, and was so near total cok lapse that the singing had to be dis pensed with. The burial, was in Los tine cemetery. ) The sympathy of the entire commun ity goes out to the bereaved parents in their great affliction. Bcath of An Old Citizen William Moore, an old and respected resident of Lostine, died last Saturday morning, Sept" 14, 1907, after a. long illness. ' Funeral services were held Sunday, conducted by Rev. N.. J. Thompson of Enterprise, and were very largely attended, the cortege being one of the largest ever seen in Lostine. Mr. Moore was born in Dixon county, Tenh., Sept; 30, 1830. When he was a small child the family moved to Indiana where he lived till manhood. He was married there in 1853 to Irena Milligan and the next year moved to Monroe county, Iowa. Four .. sons, Perry, Dee, John and Sheldon, were born there. W ith his family he moved to Kansas in 18G6 where his wife died. He came to Oregon in 1895, where he has since resided. He leaves to mourn his loss his four sons, of whom Perry, the eldest, lives in Alberta, and Dee, John and Sheldon are residents of this county. 1 ' y The deceased was a member of the Christian church which he "joined in 1878 and has lived a consistent christian life ever since. ' The sons who so faith fully nursed him through, this laBt long illness have ' the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. . . - ' Soldiers In Camp At Wallowa Lake The Enterprise Band Boys Ladies Sear Practice Concert And ; NEGLtCT RUINS 100 WATCHES , Where uje wears outWe.' Keep yourWtcb. clean, and It's as natural for it i to goaii It Is foryoiir heart "67 beat.,rLet ft. get dirty and stay - dirty-rand you are shortening Its life every day! You should hand It toour repair department. Then when you get it again you are handed back practioally a uew Wateli. " This is printed for the benefit of you and your. watch. As for' Jewelery, no matter what the condition of your puree, something satisiactory can be.purohased. Come in and see our line, ftemember the place. Wheat's Jewelry Store ENTERPRISE - OREGON Second-Hand Store RODGERS BROS. Proprietors Dealers in New and Second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs. Furniture Repaired, Upholstering done. Counters, Show Cases, Store fixtures, and Old Mission Furniture made to order. All goods called for and delivered any place in town. We are located in the Enterprise Restaurant Building, west side of the city square. Call in and see us. Enterprise Oregon figures. The men under race's, banner say tliey will lead the savages a merry pace, while the hitter are dieting on raw beef and by Sunday will be Havage enough to eat pacers or runners either. The lino up. follows: Pacers .. . . Parts of troops B and D, Fourteenth U. S. Cavalry, under the command of Colonel Godwin, passed through Enterprise Tuesday on their way to the head of Wallowa lake for a few days camp.- In all about 150 men and officers composed., the detachmont, which left Fort Walla, Walla September 10 on a practice Inarch. It will break camp Saturday and come to Enterprise where the regimental band gives a concert in the opera house that night and the detachment will camp here for a day. The' soldiers will reach tho fort about October 1. . The commissary Is of majestic pro portions for so small a detachment and is hauled, by about $15,000. worth of Missouri's nride 32 spaa of mules. The regimental qpid is one of the very- best in the entVe army. Through the courtesy of J. C Shackleford, pro prietor of the Enterprise livery, about 15 members of the local band and eight orten ladies had the pleasure of hearing the practice concert .J)y the military band at tiie camp.' from 5 to 6 o'clock Wednesday evening, .Mr. Shackleford took the party up in the big 1 band wagon. .. Aside from a few slight mishaps and the excessive cordiality of one or two citizens of Joseph, the entire party enjoyed the drive and! concert immensely. .; : Kent, apitalisttQpmes to Enterprise ". Miss1 Ella Daley, stenographer for the Wallowa Law, Land & Abstract Co., has let the contract for a six room house to be erected on her lots in Alder View addition which will be occupied by the Kent, Sherman county capitalist, J. H. Ragsdale, who recently bought the Caviness ranch for 38,000. Mr. Ragsdale, besides being wealthy, iu reputed to be an enterprising man who will be a valuable addition to the citizenship of this city. Credit is due the Wallowa Law, Land & Abstract Co. in inducing him to take up his residence in Enterprise. Lecture Coarse Tickets Are Selling Rapidly Woodell p .. Rodgers c Eurnaugh 1 b Brady 2 b Boswell 3 b Pace '.as Oakes ' c f Zurcher 1 f Browning r f The game will start Tho receipts will he arnica and court plaster, Savages Forsythe Poulson Johnson , Bauer Vest - Savage French Weaver Putnam at 2:30 p. m. used to buy BEEF ROUND UP FINISHED COURT HOUSE NOTES Clark's Brother Here. Mr. Clark of Ileppner of Oregon was in Enterprise the last week. He came to investigate- the truth of the grave charge against; his brother, George B. Clark , who Is confined in the county jail accused of attempted assault on his 12 year old daughter. Mr. Clark of Ileppner Is quoted as saying he would give no assistance to his brother if he was satisfied that the chaige is true, but if it was persecution he would aid in the defense of the accused. to oseph h Elgin Stage Go., ' ' , o gIncorporated3 o Tariff and Rate Sheet of Fares From Enterprise to Joseph Effective on and after September 1. 1907. One Way Round Trip Enterprise to Joseph $ .75 $125 " "Lostine 100 1 1.75 " Walldwa 1.75 3.00 " " Canyon Housed 2.50 4.75 ' Elgin 4.00 7.50 Baggage allowance 40 pounds for each full paid fare. Excess baggage rate same as old tariff. Makes connections with stages at Wallowa for Promise on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays . For Flora, Paradise and Anatone, Wash., on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. came UJ3. wan ana express. Connects with Stages at Enterprise for Imnaha on regular days. . Stopove privileges given on round trip rates. . The committee in charge of selling the season tickets for the lecture and musical course is meeting with grati fying success. Nearly enough names have been secured to guarantee the entertainments being given. The project, which is under the auspices of the trustees of the Presby terian church, will bring five high- class entertainments to Enterprise this winter, including the Wilbur Starr Concert company, the Midland Jubilee Singers, Hon. Josepti Kent of Georgia, lecturer, Prof. Zwicke, lightning artist, and the Garber-Howe Entertain ment company. It is necessary to sell 150 adult's tickets at $2.50 each for the course of five entertainments, and 50 children's tickets at SI. 50 each. John Iliggon of Imnaha and Frank Todd of Joseph are applicants for final papers as citizens of the United. States. Under the new naturalisation law, names or applicants for final papers miifct be posted in the circuit clerk otnee tor w days. Air. iliggon is a native of. South Wales and came to the United States in 1852. Mr. Todd was born in England but has been resident .of this country since 1890 The court will pass on their.appllcationa November 12., Oliver Hepbnrn and W T. Estes of Joseph vouch for Mr. Todd", and Sheppard Morgan and L. Lloyd of Imnaha for Mr. Higgon. Hans Peter Jensen of Lostine made application on September 14 for his first papers. He was a subject of King Frederick VIII of Denmark. New Suits Filed W. K. Stubblefield vs. Agnes Stubble- field. Divorce. W. F. Rankin vs. Olen Reel and Elben F. Dotson. Attach ment. W. F. Rankin, by hia attorneys Bur leigh & Boyd, has brought suit against Frank II. Pierce for the recovery of money, Marriage Licences Sept. 14 Roy Bishop and Myrtle Carpenter. FJD.McCully E.W.Rumble Pres. Mgr, Big Ball Game Billed for Sunday Two Local Nines Will Battle for Enter prise Championship There will be something doing at the Enterprise baseball grounds next Sunday afternoon and the whole town will be out." Two home-made ball clubs will fight ft out for supremacy, one captained by W. I. Savage and the other by Arthur Pace. While the rivalry is friendly, it is none the less intense and heavy w agers have already toeen laid on the score reaching triple New Citizens Cattlemen Rejoicing Over Good Sales Snake River Bunch- Owners Bring la Steers Bringing $40 Per Head Fine Hass Brothers brought in their cattle Friday morning. It was a nice looking bunch and brought the top of the market. Buyers from Portland, Seattle, ' Spokane and Pomcroy have been active the past week and have paid Zo for steers and 2c for cows, or around $40 a head for S-ye'ar old steers apd $25 for cows. Mike Tomliueon, Bon Johnson, Macek Wilson and Horner, Snake river cattle men, brought In 300 head . of splendid Btook this week. The annual beef roundup is completed and the cattlemon are all smiles, for many thousands of dollars will Boon swell their bank Accounts. iThe cow boys are in town in goodly numbers and are enjoying their, vacation. W. H. Graves bought a fine bunch of breeding ewes from R. F. Stubblefield this week. f' ' MARKET REPORT J The Enterprise mill is paying 00 cents a bushel for milling wheat The receipts are light as threshing 1b still in progress. . Rye is quoted on the local market by one dealer at 85 cents per cwt., but the market is uncertain,;, pats fl per cwt. - ' ' Enterprise mill flour per 60 pounds, $1.25; Lostine $1.35. Bran '75 cents per cwt, shorts (1. Bacon is selling at 20c, eastern b.-.ms 22c, lard f 1.76 per 10 lb. cp. Chickens aro scarce. A few spring ers offered brought 80o eaoh. stores are paying 25o for eggs and retailing them at the same prica. Creamery butter sells at 35o and ranch at 25o pot pound. Potatoes are of excellent quality and net the grower a cent a pound; beets lc; cabbage 2v Apples are retailing as low as 2 a box; plums l4o per pound. bits Convenience for Farmers the farmers who come to town on milling business appreciate clean and commodious bunk house and stable that have been provided for the free use of it" patrons by the Enterprise mill. The bunk house in made warm and comfortable by a stove. The company deserves commendation for its enter prise. Cavalry Band To Give Concert The management of the opera house is to be congratulated upon its enter prise in securing for a concert on Sat urday evening the Fourteenth United States Cavalry Band and Concert company, from Fort Walla Walla, Washington. The Fourteenth Cavalry band is the leading military band of the Pacific Coast and the equal of any similar band in the United States. Its leader, ProefHSor Ostcrman, is one of the noted musicians of the age and it is .due to his personality' that the organization has attained a position in the first rank of tho military bands of the world. The program will bo made up of a pleasing variety of solo and ensemble work and will be of a popular nature such as Is sure to please every body. It is eafe to say that no such treat has ever before been offered the people of Wallowa county and the News Record feels safe in predicting that tho opportunity will bo appreciated by them and Uie concert liberally patron ized. Interest In County Fair , ' i Secretary O. F. Mays, of the county fair, reports a general inquiry from all parts of tho county, showing great interest and auguring woll for tho suo cess of the third annual exhibition that will lie hold lit. I.riHtino. Oi'tnlinr 0.11. ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE One night only Saturday Evening Sept. 21 The Management wmlies to announce VT by the Fourteenth United States Cavalry Band and Con cert Company The leading Military band of the Pacific Coast IJsual Popular Prices Reserved seats now on Halo at Burnaugh & Mayflold's