The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, September 14, 1907, Image 8

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Physician Surgeon
E. T. Anderson, M. D.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Physician and Burgeon
Independent Phone.
Office up stairs in Bank Bidg.
When Passing On The Lewis
tori Road, Stop At The
Sled Springs Hotel.
Plenty of Stable Roon..
S: B. CONNER, Proprietor.
Wm. Mcllroy a nU1 Company.
FarniH, Timber Lands, Acreage,
LotH, Residence and Business
Property For Sale. Timber Lo
cating a Speuiulty
Stone Mason and Gutter
Cut stone flues constantly on
hand for short order work,
also fresh lime. '
L. J. Pisell, Wallowa, Or.
Q. W. Hyatt,
, Jen. 8. CrAlg.
YT. R. Holmes, trunk A. iieiivla
vnnuivr. ANSI,. , .
Capital, $50,000. ',
Surplus, $30,000. -
Geo. VV. Hyatt, Mattie A. Holmes
Geo. S.rraig,
G. Ptnnell, W.'lt.Holmea.
We do a general banking business.
. Exchange buught and bold on princi
pal cities.
1. A, Burleigh
Daniel Boyd
Burleigh & Boyd
WUi practice in all the Courts of
thin State nnd More the Interior
and Its oillccs.
The moot careful attention
given to all business entrusted.,
to our care. , V
Enterprise, Oregon.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Hides, Pelts, Furs and" Wool
We will buy vour hides, etc. See us
U Tort's'
More disposing of your goods
Vergere Phone
, Ruggles 6c Lathrope,
The House
We will move your hoime, Urn or
ether buildings In a careful manner;
also put in new foundations when
If you are lu need of any work in
eur line, call on or address us at
The Wallowa New
Issued Every 8aturday
Application Iirh been nniile at the EuU-rprlse,
Oregon, post office, for entrance lis' fiecnnd
flims mutter.
(In Advance.)
One Year J1.50
I 81 X Months 75
Three Months ' ... .50
Leather Goods
My Stock is the largest in
this section of the state and
"most important of all is the
personal element entering
into the make-up of my goods.
It is something to me that
the product of my shop shall
be right." Call in and let
me show you around.
L. Berland
MASONS, Stnndley Lodge, No. 111! meets eve
ry first and third Saturday In each month.
Members of other lodges are Invited when In
Heator McDonald Kdgar Marvin
W. M. , Hecretury.
EASTERN KTAK. Jessica Chnpter, No.
meets every second and fourth Saturduy
each month In Musonlo null. Members fri m
other Chapters are cordially Invited.
Mrs. Maude Marvin, Worthy Matron.
C. A. Hunter
Home-Made Saratoga Chips
'"Home-made Saratoga Cbipa are
much more of a rarity than they should
be," says Fannie Merritt Farmer in the
one owns a potato sliecr, which, ie not
an expensive utensil, they are not
difficult to prepare. They are always
an acceptable accompaniment to fried
flsh, but perhaps are never more happily
in evidence than when served as one of
the assessories of a picnic luncheon.
Wash and pare medium-sized potatoes.
Slice thin, using a vegetable slicer for
that purpose,- into a bowl of cold water,
and let stand one and one half hours,
changing the water twice, Drain,
plung into a kettle of boiling water,
and boil one' minute. Drain again,
coyer with cold water, and let stand
five minutes. Take from the wnter and
dry between towels. Fry in deep fat
until delicately browned, keeping in
motion with a skimmer, throughout the
cooking. Remove with a skimmer to a
pan lined with brown paper (which
will absorb the superfluous fat) and
sprinklewith salt.. Always drain fried
potatoes on brown paper, for fried food
if properly cooked and properly drained
seldom absorbs enough fat to be in
digestible to adults.
Mining Activities
The rich mineral belt lying to the
south and west of Lostiue is attracting
considerable attention and several
camps are now working, A company
in Seattle has men at work while several
residents are developing properties
located last spring.
The ore taken out predominates
greatly in copper but carries enough
gold-and silver to pay for operating.
Several owners are showing some
excellent cuprite and bormte copper
from ledges varying from a foot to
several feet in width,
u The general course of the ore veins
is northeast southwest while ore shoots
can be found coming into these main
veins at very regular intervals! The
formation is granite, slate and por
phory. The copper bits a gosan capping
which varies in depth but inariably
shows copper when depth has been
One company in Los tine has a group
of claims on which they are negotiating
for a working bond to be given on a
basis of $5000 per claim, a crew of men
to be kept at,work continuously for 18
months. With such operations it
will be buf; a short time before it w ill
be fully determined just to whatexteut
the mineral deposits exist ' in that
locality. Lostiue bias fair to become a
mining center if a few payingjproperties
are developed. It is an easy matter to
brine ore down the south fork of the
Wallowa. The time may come however,
when the output of the mines may be
taken across the divide to Enterprise or
Joseph. It depends on other conditions
than those at present being altered.
A good quality of copper is found
above Joseph nnd should sufficient cap
ital, invested it; would make Enter
prise the center between Lostine and
Joseph with the mines equally distant.
Enterprise is so located that every
resource in Wallowa county is within
reach of it.
Engine Overturned
Edgar Marvin of Wallowa had to
leave his place of business recently to
remedy an accident which befell his
threshing engine and outfit. We are
informed that the engineer emnloved
by Mr. Marvin succeeded in getting too
much fire water and run his outfit over
a grade almost demolishing the engine.
However. Mr. Marvin appeared on the
scene and threshing is going on as if
nothing had happened. Engineers who
use tire water to excess are the cause of
many accidents, loss of life, and wrecks
both with traction, engines and those of
other types.
County Fair To Bo field Oct. 9, 10, II
Those interested in the Fair for Wal
lowa county are pushing the project as
rapidly as possible and much is being
accomplished looking to .a successful
exhibits. And now, that the date has
been set October 9, 10, 11 nd the
committees appointed to have the work
in charge, the Wallowa County Fair
will be carried through to a glorious
Now let every one line up and boost
for the Fair and aid the committee with
the work in every way possible. A
collection of products can- be gathered
together in this county this fall that
will sunrise even ourselves if the proper
amount of enertrv is exnendd and if tlml
Fair is w idely advertised many strangers j
and people from a distance will be)
induced to come and see for themselves
the wonderful resources of this wonder
ful county. The stock exhibit can
likewise be made one that cannot be
excelled by any county in the state
and it is hoped that all will manifest
an interest by entering their stork, not
alone for the prizes offered but for the
advertisement it will be for our county.
Special values in ladies' silk petticoats
in black and colors for (5.00 at W. J.
Funk & Co's.
Farther Improvement of Condition ;
on Western Ranges.
Washington, September 11.
Furthur evidence of the . govern
ment's concern over the improve
ment of range conditions in the
National Forests rs shown in the
announcement just made that
stock owners will be furnished free
of charge supplies of vaccine for
the treatment of stock afflicted
with black leg, tuberculosis and
other animal diseases, "hia ar
rangement has been made by the
Forest Service with Dr. A. D. Mel
vin, chief of the Bureau of Animal
Stockmen holding permits for
grazing in the National Forests
will now be furnished wiih an
affective means of combatting with
out co9t all of the most dangerous
diseases to which stock is subject.
The vaccine can be obtained
simply by applying to the super
visor of the Forest upon which the
stock is grazed who will at one for
ward the approved request to the
Bureau of Animal Industry where
it will be filled. Full directions
will be furnished for its use.
The Forest Service and the Bu
reau of Animal Industry are work
ing harcj in an endeavor to eradi
cate or diminish the common forms
of stock disease found on the west
ern ranges and their efforts are
meeting much success. It is an
ticipated that a large number of
stockmen will avail themselves- of
this latest offer of assistance as a
result the loss of stock will be
greatly reduced and range con
ditions improved.
Bl 1 iiaj tHIIll lW lllB
A No. 2 Brownie Camera for taking 2 x 3H
pictures, a Brownie Developing Box for devel
oping the negatives In daylight, Film, Velox paper.
Chemicals, Trays, Mounts. Everything needed
for making pictures is included in this complete
little outfit.
And the working of it is so simple that anybody
can get good results from the start. No dark-room
is needed and every step is explained in the
illustrated instruction book that accompanies
every outfit.
v Made by Kodak workmen in the Kodak
factory that tells the story of tke quality.
1 No. I Brownie Camera,
9 Brownie Developing Powders. .06
1 Pkg. Kodak Acid Fuiag Powder. .15
iww iv. m oiwDif film, Q ex
1 Foar-oe. Graduate.
Eavniiaj MM.
Price, Complete
At all Kodak Dealers.
WriUftr Bootlrt
I ! tht Aadmk Box.
Basket Social Next Tuesday.
The Enteprise Cornet Band will give,
a basket social at the skating rink next
Tuesday, to which everyone is invited
to come and all the ladies to bring a
A fine musical program will be given
after which the baskets will be sold to
the highest bidder.
A fine time is expected as all Enter
prise is interested in the welfare of the
band. '
Theo. McKinnis was in town this
week. '
Otto Henshaw started for his home
in Iowa this week. He has been the
guest of his aunt, Mrs. Bloom for sev
eral weeks. i
E. J. Forsythe, Warren Forsythe,
Daniel Boyd and Barber Montgomery
started on n hunting trip to 'the Big
Sheep country, the first of the week.
They expect to be gone about two weeks
unless they chance to encounter a bear,
in which case you may expect them
very suddenly.
James Fnnk Jr. and his sister Hazel
have been ill the past iew days of
tonsilitis. At present they are recover
ing. ' Other cases have been heard of
but none serious.
No papers came in Saturday last and
Monday night found Postmaster Belt
up to his eyes in mail when the
belated pouches arrived.
There has been a slight increase on
the stage rate since September 1st. on
the Joseph-Elgin line. See schedule
elsewhere in this' issue.
Services at the Christian church.
Sunday School at 10 a. m., preaching
at II a. m., subject The Power of the
Gospel. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.,
preaching at 8 p. m., subject, Is the
World Growing Better? Come.
M. J. Thompson, pastor.
Isaao Johnson of Imnaha spent several
days in the metropolis this week. He
expects his brother Everett to come out
soon. They will then go to Wallowa
for a short stay.
Hon. Jay Dobbins of Joseph wis a
county seat visitor Sunday.
J. P. Morelock and family of Wallowa
accompanied by Miss Haun of Lostine-
passed through town Monday enrouta
Wallowa lake.
Born Friday September 6th a seven
pound baby girl to the Wife of J.' W.
AHord. .
J. A. Bishop of Joseph called Saturday
and informed us that owing to the ill
health of his wife he must go to lower '
1 So. t Brewnie PrintngFrue, .15
1 Do. 1 x SM BrownieVelox. .IS
Eastnum ICQ. DeretapiBg-Twbet, .10
Pr DereWngTraTe, - JO
1 Dos. 214 1 S W Duplex Hounta, jOS
1 Do. Kodak Dry MoanUn Tisane. .06.
I Instruction Book, jo
; -" Rochester, N. V., r. kom cu