Local Laconics PR GES After our very successful Spring and Summer Sales there are many remnants of Spring and Summer Dress Goods not old and shelf worn but new and first-class -in our large and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, we offer you these goods at a tremenduous discount. These goods will perhaps answer every purpose as well as costlier goods. . 95c Mens' Ball-Briggan Underwear, was $1.25 suit, now . Ladies Muslin Underwear 25 per cent discount. One lot Warners Corsets worth ' jO , $1.50, Present price . . " Summer Corsets worth 62c are how ' going at . One lot Sun-Bonnets, good value at thirty five and twenty-five cents, now fifteen v and twenty-five cents. , Our line of ladies Neckwear is second to none in the city. Please examine it before gor ing elsewhere. 50C Big reduction in Lace Hosiery. 1 Ladies Summer Waists will go at twenty five per cent discount. Remember we carry v a large line of Trunks and Valises. If you or any of your family are going away" for a trip give us a call. One lot Dress Skirts thirty-five per cent jdis count. These Skirts are good, heavy and serviceable. These goods can be worn any season of the year. 1 ; Call and see us and we will treat you right. , Respectfully Gnterp rise Go. HS!W-""W 21 TIE COUHTI FAIR "VSTill t3 Vfc 1ol& greatest event y of t3e year LOSME OCTOBER 9-10 -11. Where good things will be displayed from farm and garden. The housewife too will exhibit culinery DAINTIES CANNED GOODS PRESERVES ETC., ALL KINDS OF LIVESTOCK Fine line of gents', neckwear nt Busy Big Store. Fresh oranges and leinoiiH tit tho V., M. & M. Store. (Jet one of those niee huid bags at K. SI. & SI. Go's, r.ig Store. You can get a pair ot Buckingham Ilecht shoes at tlie Busy Big Store. If you want pence Jjtf the family get your wife a Shelby washing machine. li. SI. & SI. Co. keeps them. 'Twill goon be school time. Don't forget that Burnaugh & Slaytield are headquarters for school supplies. Beat lino of tablets in town. Dermine Cream, the best preparation for chapped hands and face, is sold by Burnaugh fc Mayficld. Therefore tho county seat should stay in Enterprise Don't forget that tho News-Record ia fully equipped, and always ready to look after your job printing. No mat tor how large a job it is, or how difficult, let us figure with you. Say son, get your mamma somo Jap alac at Burnaugh & Mayfield, 8 so she can make that old furniture look like new. Their varnish stains will help the looks of your cupboard and table too. Do not fail to make your display at the county Fair the best one. There will be many fine prizes awarded. Ice cream for Put day last was not a realization. The cream was used for butter owing to its having passed tho sweet state. , L. Couch and John SIcDonald of Wallowa were business V visitors here Saturday. They had gentlemou with them who were looking for a home. Wallowa county is tho best place for them. Slore opportunities to the square mile than anywhere in the Pacific Northwest. ' Puane Lathrope was in town Slonday looking for men to assist in the building of a new bridge across tho Wallowa at the Wood's ranch. ' ' ' Frank Ileskett of Leap was a recent vieitor here. He says crops are tine iu his locality and there will be a splendid display from his section at the county fair. I, Borland our local harness dealer, was a Joseph visitor recently. He keeps his eye on business throughout the county. , If you or your neighbor did not get ft pabcr this week call at tho office and learn why. T. J. Wayno and F. G. Conley of Portland were visitors in the county sent for a short time on business. Mr. Conley ia traveling salesman for the Poison Implement Co. and Sir, Wayne is with the Oregonian of Portland. S. L. Corey former leasee of tho Newa Record;has,gone to accept a position in Dakota. Enterprise niiHses him very much as he certainly was a boon tor. Get the habit. Get the Nows-Record. Crof. Womack of Lostine is suffering with rheumatism but is somewhat improved. Threshing is under way througout the county and hut little damage resulted from the recent rain. W. W. Orcutt went to Joseph Slonday on business in regard to his duties as organizer. Slessrs. Roy anil Orange Bishop wero seen iu Enterprise Sunday. A large number of legal blanks for sale at a bargain if tukeu utonce. They include notes, deeds, chatlle and real mortgages and bond for deed. Call at News Record. S. II. Carnahan was In town tho lirst of the week with vegetable atid fruit, lie is quite a welcome caller aud is treated better than tho: average visitor tie is paid for them- because he deals in fresh fruits and vegetables Watermelon are Ixjing brought in I ..... C.wH.,.. ,..o.l a.,1.. l'U,.l,..u are gone but, other fruits are taking their place. Several timlier men are investigating timber lands throughout the county The purchase of great acreage oi timber the past year has greatly increased the assessed vauation of the county. M. Mullen of Lostino was in town Monday. We acknowledge a pleasant chat. Several outside parties are enjoying the excellent fishing afforded by the mountain streams here. Slany good catches are reported. Wavne Wado of Iostino was a county seat visitor a few days ago. He won accompanied by a cattle buyer. Miss Rcta Rennlo has severed mr connection with tho Wallowa Chieftian and expects soon to leave for outside points.