The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, September 14, 1907, Image 4

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    We All
Be Fair !
Fair !
Dully Ex
Depart for
Time wlieiluln,
Dully Ex.
Ar- from
No. 82
Imliler; Allcel, Inland
No. 81 City, Uiumle, coii-
uectluK at i.ii uriimle
8:45 p.m. with trains for nil 11:30a.m.
polntH flint nml went.
Low Rates.
Through Tickets To and From All
Tarts of tlio Country.
For fukther particulars, address,
II. II. Weatberspoon, Agent.
'Elgin, Oregon.
You'll Like the Pose We
Give to Your Photo
you'll like other tilings about
the pictures when they aro done.
We would like to have you
come and examine some of our
photographs and see the new
mounts we are using. j
We'll Please You In
Every Particular
S1.B0 the year
Watch for
Wallowa Gounty and
It's Many Resources
Tirallftwa ftormtv. ono of the ecenic
wonders of the West. Grandeur!
Mvsturvt Beautv beyond compare!
Yet better than all these, and more J
helpful, is the spirit of the Blue;
Mountains. Its mountains are
LTiind as measured by the rule of
the Mighty Three and it has what
they have not the harmony ol
peace. To the tired eye the gently
rounded forms speak of rest, its qui
et valleys tell their sweet story to
the weary mind and body. A price
less berctage it is to the hectic peo
ples of the great cities. And they
are coming in here quite often now
departing singing the praises of
Wallowa valley and particularly of
this little city of Enterprise; and
may their children's children possess
it unimpaired throughout all time to
Wallowa county, Oregon, is situa
ted in the N. E. corner of the state,
and is a most Inviting field for the
homoseeker. It is about 100 miles
Bouare and'has a population of 10,
000. It is new, prosperous and ever
erowiua : is settled mostly by east
licrrants who. having grown
tired of cyclones, blizzards, malari,
high rents and other disadvantages
of the over crowded East, have heon
attracted to the free homesteads, rich
soil and healthy climate of Wallowa
county, as a most desirable place to
live forever, lu appearance Wal
lowa county is rough and uneven
mid is divided by nature into moun
tains, hills and valleys. The moun
tains are imposing in their wealth
of scenic beauty and are valuable as
n summer ranue for stock aud their
mitten nf tirecioua metalfi. The hills
level and undulating and pro'
duce abundant crops of wheat, oats,
rye and barley, and the famous
hunch grass, on which vast herds of
stock thrive and grow fat, making
easy fortunes for their owners.
The valleys are well irrigated, ricli
and productive, and in addition to
the crops raised in "the hills" pro
duce immense yields of clover, timo
thy and alfalfa. The county is par
ticalarlv well adapted to fruit rais
ing; garden truck of all kinds do
exceedingly well. It is well watered
hv four rivers, numerous streams,
and fine springs; it has the heaviest
rainfall of any county in the state
east of the Cascades.
Tho principle river is Wallowa, a
very rapid mountain stream, of
crystal clearness, whoso swift flow
ing wators afford immense water
power, and flows for forty miles
through a valley as rich as the Nile,
turning the wheels of machinery,
irrigating vast aores of fertile land
and Bnally emptying into tho
Grande Rofide. There are thousands
of ncres of Government lands within
.1 . , 1 - TT11
tne Doruers oi whiiowu vtuicj,
subiect to homestead. Tliis land is
deep, rich and productive and each
homestead usually contains living
water. '
The county embraces every varie
ty of climate from snow capped
mountains to its warm valloys,
where apples, peaches, apricots and
grapes are almost a never tailing
Its summers are warm with cool
nights; its winters are moderate and
The resources of the county are as
diversified as its surface. In the
vallevs and on the Grande Konde,
Snake and Imnaha rivers fruits and
vegetation of all kiods abound. In
the valley hogs, grasses, and grain of
all kinds make abundant yields; and
the hills and mountains furnish feed
for thousands of head of sheep, cat
tie and horses.
Lumber and mining industries in
Wallowa county are in their infancy;
but with the advent of the railroad,
these vast resources will receive tho
attention thev deserve.
Numerous quarries of fine marble,
eranite and building stone have
been opened up,and only await ship-
Dinn facilities to be fully developed
Ijind can vet be bought at very
reasonable prices but the price is
steadily advancing.
Wages range from 40 per month
on the farm, to to per day forskillod
labor. And laboring men arealways
in demand.
As a health resort, Wallowa valley
stands in a class by itself. Its high
altitude, pure, fresh air, warm sum
nier davs. cool nights and refreshing
slect. cold.-. crystal waters, and an
abundance of pure wholesome food,
lias returnod the bloom to many a
faded cheek, and the spark of life to
the weary eye. Many a person who
has dispaired of life, has found per
fect health in this valley.
There are rive towns in the valley,
chief among them being Enterprise,
which is also the county seat. It is
! truly the "Queen City" of beautiful
Wallowa valley. It has a fine elec
1 trio light system, w ater works, is in-
corporated and has good city govern
incut. Wallowa county, with one
exception, is the only county in the
state that is entirely out of debt.
Enterprise has a flue system of
public schools high school (just
being erected,) and four churches.
A conservative estimate places the
number of acres tributary to J)nter
prise, at 400,000, with about 100,000
already under irrigation.
FIRST Shipment of Fall
Gpods just came in. New-
fall Suitings and Waist pat
terns. Get an early choice. (
Sample swatches of Mens
Suits for fall and winter. We
guarantee satisfaction as to
style and fit.
We, refer to our many
patrons of the past season as
to our record in this respect.
Our Summer goods, such
as Shirt-Waists, Dress Goods,
Ladies and Childrens Oxfords
are not all gone and we are
closing them out at greatly
reduced prices.
W. J. FUNK & GO.
Enterprise, Oregon
wua mnntv in to have a write-up in the near future and a pam
U Rltuiia j ,
phlet containing it will be issued by the county court. This is another
.... .. Mi 1
: l.n ri.rV.fc riirpctinn bv our oniciais.
Three hundred and fifty dollars r-the amount appropriated- is small
yet sutlicienjt to supply a large number with a complete, concise ana
.,i:..i.i nf the Wallowa Country. Each commercial body in
i i;u ahhnld have issued a pamphlet setting forth the great
opportunities afforded the investor or houieseeker in this wonderful
county. It is not best that reaiesiaie ueaiers ut j V11
literature, for it tends to lead the public to think the dealers are boom-
Boosting is just and proper when you can produce the goods. This
is the BEST county in the state and Enterprise is the BEST town m
i. Tf vnn are in doubt liome ana ?ee.
WU"V . , . J- .1.-
All towns in this county are prospering, nut wmou one una muuc uic
.....ini mm h-iriiio' the nast vear?
Come and bring your friends to dwell with u in" the famous Bunch
Grass country where dollara grow on tne sneeps uacn.
v The News-Record is pained to notice that the Joseph Herald is co
:..;.i; th. Wallowa Sun in its efforts to have the county neat
i moved from Enterprise to Wallowa, f rom Uie-siiuauoii oi josrpu iu
! n, .,nt,. tta should indee Enterprise would be a much more aceess-
I able point for the county seat than Wallowa. We believe the majority
j of the taxpayers in and around Joseph desire to have the county seat
I remain exactly where it is, and there it surely will remain.
7-room house, outbuildings,
large barn, acre of land, on
stream of ; water, plenty 9f
shade trees, only two -blocks
from business part of town,
$1,325.00, $450 with your
own time on balance.
When we say it is a snap
you can depend upon it.
Daniel Boyd ;
SeCV. of WAllnwa 1 aui I -,nA nk, r.nnv
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