The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, September 14, 1907, Image 2

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    f "5 JliJ I
mat fur
ODe of the most Important teasons for a beginner to learn Is to hold
the camera in the proper position during exposure, says the Circle. Whenever
there are corner of buildings or other objects which give vertical Mnes, the
camera must be held ahaolutely level. If this Is not done, tie buildings In the
picture will appear to be falling either backward or forward, according to the
way in which the camera was tilted.
There are times, however, when the camera may be tilted to advantage
In acme cases It Is an absolute necessity. For example. In photographs of
clouds, waterfalls, balloons, ett, the camera may point upward; while In
taking pictures of people swimmltig or bathing, children at work or play, ebi,
it may be pointed downward. Very successful photographs of prominent
speakers, parades, crowd, etc., have been taken when the camera was held
upside down. It makes no difference in the negative whether the camera Is
right side op or not By holding the camera In the way suggested many a
photographer has secured good pictures, while others who tried to ose the
camera In the usual way made absolute failures. Often by holding the camera
by the side of tbe body and pointing it backward, one may secure pictures of
children at play and of older people In natural poses without tbe knowledge of
any menilrs of the groups.
Another warning to beginners Is necessary. Do not try to take a time
exposure while holding the camera in tbe hand. Even If tbe camera is held
against the breast and respirsjlon stopped, the action of tbe heart Is suffi
cient to cause the box to vibrate and spoil tbe picture.
for Love of his craft.
Story ef rapt
tain Wh.l '
th Hi stir
rMfcCsv ;rX-h.Cjh
""aaaaaaaasaf"" i
"If tbe people won't come to church, then take the church to the people"
Is the advanced view taken by a band of English evangelists who a- tryirg
to solve the problem of spreading the gorl The churches are specially
"constructed wagons, fitted up as homes for the workers. The idea has grown
wntil dow there are eighty wtgons In commission, carrying JSO evangelists,
lAst year 40.000 services were held from these wagons and thousands of
-country homes visited. To prt from one plac to another farmers are de
lieodcd ojon to donate the use of their horses. Housewives along tbe route
Iwlp the evangelists' domestic economy a great deal by presenting them with
borne cooked bread, pies and cake. '
Fy agreement among tbe retail deal
ers of New Orleans, says a writer In
tbe New York Evening Post, the time
lionored Institution of "lagnappe" baa
tteen atiolisbed since the beglnaing of
the new year. The word menus some
thing given "on the side." gratis, to a
oustoiwr. It come from the Spanisb
JLmerlcan word napa, w hich aueaus "to
No n.arter bow smll tbe purchase,
something had to he added "-for lag
ta4e." Generally this swanethlcg was
a small delicacy a pleoe of candy,
for example. Increasing compel Itltw
and never-decreasing greed ma3e tbe
hopkeepers devise ail sorts of scheme
for keeping tip the custom with the
aniallcrt poss.ble cost.
The children, who have been eager
ta run errands In tbe past Just for the
sake or tbe reward found la iagnappe,
suffered from this deterioration of the
mstm to soch an extent that the
board of health finally had to Interfere.
And It was at tbe instance of thr B
tborttlr that the retail dealers at laxt
decided to take the rerolirt iomry t.p
of abolishing lagnapie entirely.
Complaints have already bees beard
from anmeroos mothers that hereafter
It will be very hard to get tbe children
to do the erraod -running. Bnt that the
change to for the better, no sensible
pemoo wU be likely to doubt.
.The custom thus wiped cast was pe
culiar to New Orleans only through it
lrtcnlar form and fcy reason f the
flnsncm with which tt was cstahUahed
a an wadeolahl right. IVftartmmt
tore which give trading ataapa art
Imply doing la aacthtr way what the
merchants of New Orleans have been
doing for more than a century.
Tbe si me custom was common la
northern Europe as late as the wen
ties. It dates back to tbe days of plain
barter, when It served as a sop to tbe
feelings of the party who had tie los
ing end of a trade.
Went Dowm
One of the tiathetie ttories of the
storm that swept up the Atlantic coast
lew aays ago was that of the death
of Capt. Matheson of the schooner Nel
lie loyd. wrecked off the North Caro
lina coast, save Th R?ir.itinh 'iwr
It la of special interest in this sec
tion, because CaiO. Matheson and his
vessel were well known hereabout For
a number of years they had been fre
quent visitors at Carolina and Georirla
ports, where snip aad master became
lamiitar Dgures. When the Floyd foun
dered It was certain that she must
leave ber bones in that marine rrave-
yard off the North Carolina coast: a
Hfecraft of batches was constructed.
and tbe crew. !Tninit!n th mntoiti
piled on It Am thev were about to rmsh
off, trusting to fortune to be picked up
by a passing ship, Capt Matheson
looked back, upon his beloved schooner,
then in Its death throes. His heart
smote him. He felt like a deserter.
The suffering but Inanimate hulk called
w mm, and he could not resist the
call. I am imtnt- hb hri" k .
"good-by, and good luck to you." Then
he scrambled back to the decks, by that
time awash and fast settling. And in
sight of the crew the ship and her
captain Vent down to their fate.
It is one of Kipling's favorite themes
to Illustrate tbe affection of a cantiiln
for his ship and an engineer for his
macmnery. It is one of the conten
tions of purists that one cannot love
: anything Incapable of returning affec
tion In kind, but it Is a stretch of the
truth or license of lanznaire to mi-
that tbe sea is fairly peopled with skip
pers who love their craft with such
devotion that tbey prefer death to life
without tbem. Such was the case with
the British Admiral Tryon, who re
fused to be rescued when, some years
ago, off Africa, the battleships Victo
ria and Camperdown came Into col
lision, with such disastrous results to
the former. Admiral Trvon's flsirshln
There are those who will assert that a
good ship and a good master come into
closest understanding and affection for
each other when tbey have long sailed
together. Tbe master is Jealous of the
care of his ship and that she shall have
the very best treatment while the ship
apparently does her best to demon
strate that the kindly care is fully ap
preciated. Capt Marrvatt savs that a
ship will become sick and sullen under
the hand of a new master after an
old and klndlr one has been roiwirnt
from ber. missed the petting,
and. according to tbe fashion of her
sex, resents the deprivation. Capt
Matheson. who died with his schooner.
was a type of tbe sailor who loves his
ship and who win give his life for his
Mica Axle Grease
1 lengthens the life of the
fT wagon saves horse-
t power, time and tern
ST?7i V' Best lubricant in
ILIV1"" the world contains
ilfchL Pwdered mica
' i which ,
"T ' "'"mooti, i
hard coating on axle, and
reduces friction.
If you want your outfit
to last and earn money
while it lasts grease
the axles with Mica
Axle Grease.
Merer Had One.
Cltlman Well, well, looking for an
otner cook, eh?
Subbubs Why, no. I can't say
Citlman What? You Just said you
duoduds i aid not i said I was
looking for a cook. Th others we've
had-were not Philadelphia Press.
TITO Casrs too J1 HerVooi IHauca
IJI0 J""' cored br Dr. KliM'a Uni
rre Bnimr. 6od for r'BKE SStrUl botU and
Happening of the Unexpected.
io voa ever issue accident nn t
baseball umpires?" anxiously inquired the
"To be lure, we do," answered the man
inside the raiiing, his face expanding
witn a large and genial smile. "Just
make out your "
That s all I wanted to know," Inter
rupted the other. A company that will
do that can't get my application. Good
day !"
Why Ha Liked Fl.fc.
Bacon Did I understand vou to sav
that you like fish better than chicken?
Egbert Yes; you see, a fish will lay
a great many more eeza than a hen
and won't cackle about It Yonkers
Eta teaman.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing
w ufii remeuT uj use tor ineir cmiure j
. . tug ius muiui jwnuu.
"Harold, papa says you mustn't come
w see m any more.
"Why not, Dora?"
"He says you don't seem to hare any
"Great Scott! Til show him! Will
you marry me, Dora?"
"Yea, Harold." Chicago Tribune.
Athletic Dlaaater.
Frosh 1 Why did Cornell lose the
Frosh 2 The fastest debater broke
training cy eating pie, and it hurt his
wind so he couldn't talk as much or
aaloud as the rest Cornell Widow.
Shake Into 1 oar Shoes
- - - kj nuci. n mazes Tien
or new cboes feel easy. It it a. certain enre to:
I woes ii easy. Jt is a certain enre (o:
ritrr-BrH 1 ih, It la Aserte4, Sw,M",cJlou " hot. tired, ac hinir teet
a .. - - . ' Sold br all I1 rr.rpiti. pri -r.. i .
If 11 ,1, a . . . 1 .
Live the Teller rHa.
If akmg every mile of street railway
track In tbe Cnlted States a headstone
were raised for every death by acci
dent the rentes we daily travel would
resemble one long-drawn-out cemetery.
Within the limits of greater New
Tork the total number killed last year
rose to 227. For every person killed
a number are Injured, aame of them
erljipled for life. That this slaughter
and maiming Is criminally neeifiless Is
sufficiently attested by a single fact:
In all London In the last year of
record l!."l3) the total number killed
was ten.
According to the royal traffic com
mission the tram cars of Londoa for
1T13 carried 40r..07S.2T3 issefigera.
Tbe total truSp of greater New Turk
last year w o a little over Lioatoaooo
passengers carried. These figares, bow
ever, inclnde sabway and elevated traf
fic, while the records of London do
not. But even oa the basis of a com
parison of traffic tbe number kllle4 la
uonoon equrvaiert to abont twenty
evea, against about 2T7 for greacH
New York. And this Is no exceptional
Wnat la tme of New Tork a true
f almost every other large city ta
America. What la true f Lradoai la
true of almost every other large dty
la Europe- ceryboCy'a Vagatine.
tw aaar to FmI hur,
Tbe Londoa Ladiea World has dis
co vered that "autieaavful people are
aaoaSy aalto oewelfl f
Are the Simulil Obm.
It Is a good thing that our countrv-
bred youth does not always stay on the
farm of his father, says the Craftsman.
Somebody else, an Immigrant a farm
er from another State, or a man from
the city will take it and carry on his
work. And rotation of farmers Is as
good for tbe nation as rotation of crops
Is for tbe sail Educational observers
and thinkers are agreed upon the Ines
timable value in youthful training of
the sort of life the farmer's son leads
his companionship with nature, hie
knowledge of material things, his ne
cessitated self-reliance, his manual dex
terities. It is said that nine-tenths of
our successrui easiness men grew tip
In the country and of those who have
been prominent In tbe professional and
public life fully as many passed their
Nearly years oa the farm. Is It not
much better for the genera good that
the farmer's son should take his country-trained
mind and body Into other
activities and let the dry -bred me
chanic's or clerk' or lawyer's son have
s chance on the farm? As long as
tbe krve of a fruitful earth and a free
sky Is 1 fundamental Instinct la the
human heart there Is so danger that
tbe land will he left without occupants.
If man -does not Interfere with artificial
conditions which make It Impossible
for those who would to use the land.
Tbe erierience of those organixa
tkrai which are striving to counteract
la some measure tbe drift Into tbe cit
ies proves that the dries are full of
reople who. if they could, would glad
ly rush back to the land and when
ever the way is opened for tbera to go
back they make efficient farmers. As
things are now large masses f people
who are longing to live cpoa the land
can reach It only w hen helped by the
hind, not f charity, bnt of beoevo
lesoa. Bnt the tmdertow baa started
and has proved Its strength.
Addreas Allen 8. Olmstedj
Redd There are ao many wars. now.
days of aeparatiag fool front his
Greene Been fined agara for apeed
tag. have yon? Yorkers rnateamaa.
"Why do yaw wear aoch large states?"
I want then large eeouga to walk
around la." OrreUnd Flaia Dealer.
Uoy, Jiew York.
How Sho Flared.
"She's played bridge so much that
she can go through a game with her
eyes sunt
"Yes, I've been her partner when I
thought she was playing that way."
Cleveland Plalndealer.
Gayboy No, dear, you are mistaken
about my having had too much to
drink last night
Mrs. Gayboy Then, for mercy
sakea, why did yon take off your shoes
to go upstairs after I bad gone down
and let you In myself? New Orleans
itoom for tbe Fnene.
"You'll have to excuse the disorder
here," said the flat dweller, "all these
bundles are our summer clothes that
we had to take out of the ball closet "
"Surely, you don't need summer
clothes this weather," said his Jriend.
"No, but we had to put up a cot In
tbe closet for a friend who spent last
night with us." Philadelphia Press.
Buckwheat is a corruption of "beech
wheat" Tbe corn is so called from the
similarity of tbe shape of its grains to
the mast or nuts, of the beech.
Portland Oregoa
At Cbui it Ca Si EsurU It ta Etxt
Bliirtrj Mud Quick Writs Os Totof
A Girls' School of the highest class. Collegi
ate department. Music. Art. Elocution. Gym
nasium. Fall term opens September 18,
Before Going Elsewhere
342' Washington St. Portiaad, OretM
The skin can be slimu-
lat4 h 1-iBthfr.! tk.
-j 6 UIV
tacs twice a day with a hot solution of
"20-MULE-TFAM" BORAX? An. t..
spoonful to a pint of water (see cut), then
came or sponge tor live
or ten minutes with clear
cold water until tha
skin is in a fine
healthy glow; dry
with a soft towel.
All daler,8.itSeprn
Simp! and bootle-t. coa-
vainiiiir YuuiDie recipoa
for tlie Oonip!?xlon.H&n to
and Hair, for 5c PACIFIO
. Fly
Means cash ta roar parket berta eoat
tortatil eow awaa more milk, more rream
and more moner. Art for Llllr'a Beat Fir
Killer; It mats leu and ooea awre. Sold
by dealer. Qt., s eta.; gala.. $1.00. Made
by ih.a. H. UUy Oa., Seattle, Portiaad.
Saa Fram-laro.
The Kind Yog Hare lwnva inhe i i ' r' 1
pewonal wnn&toFt JT ms is
hea.U, of ATLXU
and allays FeTerishnei" S.r!TV, U d1,ro Worms
Colic. It rHeTa lihlBi Tr?WrrhlTS and Wtnd
and Flixiim. n..."1Wtt?1M! curr Con sti nation
StOatvaindwVls ei neZlV. latea th
The Kind You Haye Always Bougiit
f y- - wauatkure ox
InUse For Over 30 Years.