The County "Where the Dollars Grow on the Sheep's Back." THE N WSRECORD The FamousBunch Qrass Country Formerly The Wallowa News Wallowa County's Most Representative Paper Established in 1899-$1.50 the Year VOL. 1, No. 19 Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Saturday, September ,7 1907 Whole Number 439 NEGLECT RUINS 100 WATCHES Where use wears out one. Keep your watch clean, and it's as natural for It to go an It is for your heart to beat. Let It get dirty and stay dirty and you are shortening its life every day. You should hand It to our repair department. Then when you get It again you are handed back practically a new watch. This Is printed for the benefit of you and your watch. As for' Jewelery, no matter what the condition oj your purse, something satisfactory can be purchased. Come In and see our line. Aemeinber the place. Wheat's Jewelry Store ENTERPRISE Singer Sewing Machines W. W. Orcutt has been appointed the sole agent for the Singer Sewing Machine, the best Sewing Machine In the world, and have exclusive control of this territory. I sell tbem for cash or Installments Bee the demonstration in Rodgers Bro's. store. Come In if just to look. CASH OR INSTALLMETS W. W. Orcutt, Enterprise, Ore. The Best is the Cheapest Is the Best For proof call or write R.H.JONAS, WALLOWA, OREGON 640 ACRE STOCK RANCH 800 acres plow land, plenty of spring water, Home fine timber, good fences and cross fences. Farm implements and chopper goes with place, for $17.60 per acre. Easy terms. 1,283 1-2 Acres on' Prairie Creek Fine rich soil, all seeded to alfalfa, clover und timothy, with plenty of water for irrigation. Suitable for colonizing Will be sold at the ridiculously iuw prion of (45.00 per acre. 5 Room House in Enterprise With one large lot, for only $735. Terms. 360 Acres Meadow Farm Land Iwo miles from Enterprise at $40 per acre. This can be bought on small payment down. ' 160 Acre Hill Ranch- 90 acres plow land, young orchard, good well, three-quarters of a mile from Enterprise. Now listen the price Is only $10 per acre. 200 Acres 1 1-2 Miles From Lostine- Ideal for all kinds of fruit, 600 trees now on place, consisting of ;cherrles, peaches, plums, prunes, and apples. Petohes mature here when In all other places they area failure. Tbls will not last long at the price. $2,000. We Have The best farm on Alder slope for $40 per acre. The beet Dairy farm In the county for 121,000. We have many more, so If you dou't see what you want, call on us. Oregon Realty & L. E. Jordan ENTERPRIsr OREGON OLIVER Investment Co. Fred A. Wagner OREGON A Case of Sour Grapes "Reasons Why" npasmodioally appearfng in the Wallowa Sun, seems to have overtaxed the men tal faculties of the erstwhile editor down the line and at the present time his argument seems to think ing people as clear as mud. He is striving to show the taxpayers why the county seat should be moved from Enterprise to the burg of "300" on the Wallowa. Among other spasms recently appearing we notice that he switches to the old and now stale proposition of the "County School." He writes: "They, (the people) of this county have not forgotten, nor will they soon forget, the amount of money that was taken from their pockets to build the county high school at Enterprise and to clear the county of debt." Child's talk. The fact that a tax would he necessary to erect the school building waH apparent to every voter on the proposition. The Sun oversteps itself in its pretended eagerness to "do some thing" for the dear people and casts a slur on the intelligence of every citizen who voted to have the school built. The News-Record trusts that the voters of, this county knew what they were voting for, even if the Mmi-intelligent "Prof." editor of the Sun comprehends not. The Sun and the few disgruntled poli ticians who dictate its policies are the ones who are making the noise and not the voters. , Jt is clearly a case of "sour grapes" "Alkali" will take care of her self, and-her up-to-date, enterpris ing citizens will continue to work for the upbuilding of the "county seat" and the whole of Wallowa county. No, no, Mr. Sun the peo ple are not displease-l, it is only your hallucination. Regents Cut Off State Support The board of regents of the Oregon state normal school has ordered that the Monmouth and Drain normals be discontinued unless supported by private donations. The Monmouth normal bus an income of $4500 from the local school district, $4000 from tuition and President Reselar has said that $0000 can be raised by donations. The teachers have agreed to serve for $750 a year each. School Ma'ams are Scarce. Have You Cot One? When the schools open up about the first of September in Idaho, Oregon and Washington, there will be a great scarcity of teachers. School trustees all over the country are growing anxious over the shortage and a teacher is always sure of a good salary, as trustees are bidding against each other for the services of the best ones. Some of the schools will not be opened at all, as the funds of the districts in some counties are too low to allow of higher salaries, Joseph Lodge Now Owns Home On Friday at one o'clock p. m. a large assemblage from Enterprise, Lostine, Wallowa and other points gathered in answer to invitations ex tended to the Odd Fellows and Rebeckahs of Wallowa county, to attend the dedication of tbe I. O. O. F. hall in Joseph which Is now completed as a home for the Joseph members. Grand Master Scott of Portland was the guest of honor and after his address a special program was rendered which was highly appreciated by all present. In the evening a banquet was served and thorn who were unable to attend j missed a great event. Tbe nmv hall in one of which a:y order might feel justly proud and we dtwir to compliment the mtiiiburs qn their ;iclioivcmiil. The Big Educational Rally at Flora Monday, September 2nd was the big day at Flora.. The Enterprise band and many others from this eity were in at tendance and helped alon the good work. Well known speakers addressed the teachers and visitors assembled. We are proud of our schools here in Wallowa county and of the trained intelligence they give our children the opportunity to acquire. It should be a source of genuine pride to Supt. Kerns that his efforts have met with no small measure of success, and that there has gradually been built up in the minds of the teaching profession at least, a con fidence in the ideals and ability of the Superintendent. During no year has this been so markedly emphasized as during the year just past. . We con gratulate him on the gratifying results of past efforts, his resolve constantly to raise tbe high standards already set and to merit in a still greater measure the confidence so generously shown. R. S. & Z. Ownership Changed The firm of R. S. & Z. which has been doing a general merchandise business here for many years has changed owuership, G. S. Reavis purchasing the interests of C. H. Zurcher and E. W. Steel. The consideration at present is not known but will be given later. We all know Mr. Reavis' business ability and predict for him smooth sailing in his mercantile bark. Beautifying Structure The Catholic church of this place has been receiving attention and it now presents a very attractive appearance as the outside surface has an elegant coat of paint while the interior has the appearance of a most modern edifice. The seats have been stained, the walls papered, and the woodwork made to Bhlne like old oak. The work will be finished today by our popular painter and decorator J. B. Seibert. New Business for Enterprise We are informed that we will soon have the pleasure of ushering into our thriving town another business to be conducted by J. B. Seibert who is the owner of the comer property on Mill street and Main. In addition to carrying a splendid stock of millinery, a complete line of notions, cigars etc., is to put in the east half of the building an archway connecting it witli the main structure. The opening date will appear later. Schools Open for Fall Term. ' The publio schools opened last Mon day with one of the largest attendances it has ever had. The school is in excellent hands, the following being the names of those who will teach the young idea "how to shoot" this school year: Prof. Sutton Principal; Mrs. Sutton, fifth and sixth grades; Mrs. Stella Hanvllle' third and fourth grades; Miss Church' Primary. Harrest Delayed Recent rains have been the order of the day here and threshing is going slow. The second crop of alfalfa is also ready to cat but must wait for mora settled weather. Who said Wallowa county wasall.aage brush and sand. If you think so just come and see. Visits County Fred Wagner of the Oregon Realty Si Investment Co. spent several days this week in touring the county, leaving Mr. Jordan in charge of the officii. They report business very good and inquiries are coming steadily. New State Law A state law goes into effect Peptemlier 1st, forbidding the sale of cigarettes in the state of Washington. We need one Cut out the just like ft in this state, coffin m.lli. Irrigation Meeting Will be Held in Grant's Pass Septem tember 10, 11 and 12. (Special Correspondence) Portland, Oregon' September 2nd, Oregon sent a magnificent delegation to the National Irrigation Congress at Sacramento, California, led by Gov ernor Chamberlain who Is president of the Congress, and many of them will stop to attend the Oregou Irrigation meeting at Grants Pass September 10th, 11th, and 12th. Secretary Taft's visit to Oregon is attracting stato-wide attention. All will be welcome to hear his address at the Armory, Friday evening, September 6th, at 8 o'clock P. M., where there is ro m for 6000 people. His audience promises to be the largest in recent years. The $5000 offer in cash prizes for articles on Portland, Oregon, and this part of the United Status in newspapers printed outside of Oregon and Wash ington, is open to every citizen of Oregon, and it must not be forgotten there are eighty chances to win. This has been stated before but there seems to be a general misunderstanding alout it, judging from the letters received here. All of the 400,000 leaflets advertising the low rates to Oregon will be in circulation before the close of the week, a record in advertising never before excelled in the United States. - The prominent citizens of New York composing the Brooklyn League went away delighted with Oregon. A report comes from Chicago that , the Passenger As sociation will never again make colonist rates after those now in effect and to continue until October 31st, so that the people of Oregon should make the most of the present o portunity. Reports received from many of the cities and towns throughout Oregon indicate enormous building activities both within their limits and throughout the surrounding country, and there ia every assurance of a very active Fall and Winter. Both city and farm real estate is in demand all over Oregou, but it is hoped there will be no stiff advance in price . which will deter the thousands of colonists bound this way to find a homo in Oregon. Eastern Oregon Pas tors Assigned The Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Methodist Conference, held in Boise, Idaho last week made tbe follow ing ministerial appointments : J. D. Gillilan, presiding elder; Baker City, Jacob Finger; Cambridge City, J. L. Baker; Cove City, to be supplied; Elgin, J. M. llixson; Enterprise, to lie supplied ; Flora City, C. B. Fulford; Haines City, P. L. Johnson; Hurney, II. E.Carter; Huntington, C. D. Faw sctt; John Day, J. M. Johnson; Joseph, to be supplied; La Grande, C. E. Deal; Long Creek, F. M. Jasper; Lostine, II Martin; Nyssa, J. E. Garver; Ontario, B.F.Meredith; Payette, G. G. Haley; Prairie City, J. M. Dressier; RoHelcrry, to be supplied; Snmmerville, II. F. Kline; Sumptcr, to bo supplied; Thun der, J. W. Miller; Union, W. W. Deal Vale, C. F. Wheeler: Wallowa, J. I). Bird; Weiser, A. W. Hartshorn; C. E. Ilelman, superintendent anti-saloon league; L. W. Wheatey, missionary in Nevada; S. Allison, missionary in Utah. J. C. Walker, W. W. Switzer and O. L. Kendall were not given appointments as they wished to make furtlu-r theolo gical studies. At his request, Rev. D. Smith, of (Ontario, La Grande district was given a place on the sujwrannuntcd list. Prospects Proving Good The placer mines on the Imnaha aro proving better than expected and Harl Akin left Friday for the camp. Jerry Bunnell and others are lit work and tho ownors aro highly gratified with tho marked improvement in the property,