BUSINESS I CARDS Physician Surgeon E. T. Anderson, M. D. Enterprise, Oregon. Physician and Burgeon C. T. HOCKETT, M. D. Independent Phone. Office up stairs In Bank Bldg. When Passing On The Lewis ton Road, Stop At The ' f Sled Springs Hotel. Plenty of Stable Rooiv.. 8. B. CONNER, Proprietor. Wm. Mcllroy anD Company. Farms, Timber Lands, Acreage, Lots, Residence aHd Business Property For Bale. Timber Lc eatinga Specialty ELGIN. - OREGON. Stone Mason and Gutter Cut stone flues constantly on hand for short order work, also fresh lime. L. J. Pisell, Wallowa, Op. WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK O. W. Hyatt, Pre. W. R. Holme, 3eo. 8. OaIk, Vice Pres. Frank A. Kenvle, uwbier. AHHt.a Capital. $50.000. ' Surplus, $30,000. Directors. Geo.W. Hyatt, Mattie A. Holmes Geo. 8. f?ralg, G.Pennell, W. R. Holmes. We do general tanking business. Exchange bought and sold on princl. pal cities. IHTtmUt, 0X1308 J. A. Burleigh Daniel Boyd Burleigh k Boyd flttorneys-at-Law Will pnotloe In all the Courts of this State and before the Interior and its offices. f The most careful attention given to all business entrusted to our care. Enterprise, Oregon. ALLEN & TAGGART Enterprise, Oregon. Hides, Pelts, Furs and W We will buy vour hides, etc. See us 'U-Jagg&rtV Peal-Estate Office before'dlsposlng of your goods Vergere Phone Ruggles Sc Lathrope, The House MOVERS We will move your house, barn or oth,er buildings lo a careful manner; also put in new foundations when wanted. It you are lu need of any work in our line, call on or address us at ENTERPRISE, OREGON. OREGON ShotLine and union Pacific Dally Kx Time schedule, Dally Ex. umlay. aunday. Depart for Elgin. Ar- from Imbler; Allcel, Inland No. 81 City, La Grande, con- Nq. 83 netting at i.a oramle 3:45 p.m. with trains for all 11:80a.m. pulntK east and west. Low Rates; Through Ticket To and From All Parts of the Country. For further particulars, address, H. H. WeatberBpoon, Agent. Elgin, Oregon. Leather Goods My Stock is the largest in this section of the state, and "most important of all is the personal element entering into the make-up of my goods. It is something to me that the product of my shop shall be right." Call' in and let me show you around. ' L Borland Enterprise - Oregon WALLOWA LODGE DIRECTORY.-. MA80NR, Btandley Lodge, No. 113 meets eve ry flint and third Saturday In each month. Members of other Lodges are Invited when In town. Hector MoDonald Kdgar Marvin w- M. Secretary. EASTERN HTAR. Jessica Chapter, No. meets every second and fourth Saturday each month In Masonlo ball. Members fn m other Chapters are cordially Invited, Mrs. Maude Marvin. Worthv Matron. C. A. Hunler Secretary Jhe jk.Ws-Jecord Conducted by JAMES L. COREY Formerly The Wallowa News Issued Every Saturday Application has been made at the Enterprise, Oregon, post offlve, fur entrance as second class matter. ' SUBSCRIPTION KATKK I (la Advance.) One Year tl.6S Six Months 75 Three Months 50 A Few Facts (Continued from fourth page.) 1907. When the people of this county give, during a period of two years, to una roaa, oaicuiatea to Denent chiefly the town of Wallowa, the sum of $4383. 50, am I not justified in saying that they are not nnklnd. And they say that Enterprise controls the court and is using it for its own elfish purposes. That, to me, is the "most unkind" cut of all. I have a very distinct recollection that in the campaign of three years ago I had the misfortune to he a candidate for county Jndge. My protestations that I was under no obligations to Enterprise more than to other parts of the county were not believed. I got nearly all the votes in Enterprise, yet I lost. . I have been credibly informed that my defeat was not a personal one, but duo to the fact that I lived in Enter. prise and was considered Enterprise's candidate. And I have always believed it. Judge Corkin's was Wallowa's candidate, nominated and elected by Wallowa's influence. He lived in Wallowa and was Wallowa's friend. That he is still her friend is demon strated by the fact that more money has been appropriated by the court to the roads and bridges of Wallowa precinct and to the roads leading into and chiefly beneficial to the town of Wallowa than has been appropriated to the roads and bridges of any other four precincts in the county. To say that Enterprise g;ts favors from the court is unjustified and un true. Enterprise has never asked for and has never received anything to which she was not entitled. And the Snn says that, due to the in fluence of the people of Wallowa, (pre sumably in the hold up, as aforesaid) the road from Wallowa to the Flora country fs shortened nine miles as com pared with the present road, and that it is six miles shorter than is the road from Flora to- any .other town. We would commend to the editor of the Sun the truth of the saving of that eminent ' American philosopher. Mr. Josh Billings:' "It is better not to know so much than .to know so much that is not so." Asa matter of fact the notes of the survey made by the oonnty surveyor show tliat from Sled Springs to the junction with the old road, the distance is 14 3-8' miles. From that point to Wallowa is approximately 6 miles, mak ing a total of approximately 20 miles. From Sled Springs to Enterprise, by the section lines is exactly 20 miles. Now then, we have a road t hat is practically ilie same in length, and that is incomparably better and 815 feet less of hill to climb, the altitude of Wallowa being 2935 feet, while that of Enterprise is 3750. But the Sun, in its attempt to give reasons why the court house hhould be moved from Enterprise to Wallowa is for the most part so silly and childish that it is not worth while to pay any attention to it, , I hold that this matter should be settled and settled permanently. That it should be settled in that manner which will best serve the interes of the most people. That that town should be the county seat which is most con- venient to the most people and at which the county's business can be transacted at the least cost to the tax payers.. It is purely a business proposi tion, affecting the poeket of every tax payer in the county. Comparing Wallowa with Enterprise as to location how does the record stand? To the people of Lostine, Leap, Mud Creek, Flora, Paradise, Lost Prairie, and Grouse it should be a matter of in difference, so far as distance is con cerned, each town being equally distant. The people of Wallowa, Promise, iSmith Mountain and Powwatka have to travel the extra distance from Wallowa to Enterprise to reach the county seat. There were 332 voters registered from those precincts for the last election. The people of Enterprise, Joseph, Prairie Creek, Trout Creek, Pine Creek, Butte, fcureka, Pittsburg, Imnaha, Park and Divide would be obliged to' travel the extra distance from Enterprise to Wal 1 ' it 11.-11 . . . luwn ji v ii owa were me county seal. From these precincts there were 776 voters registeed for I the last election. Now does lit look reasonable that the rights of 776 voters should suffer that the interests of 332 should U advanced? And isn't It a self-evident faot that It the oonnty seat were established at Wallowa, the added cost of maintain ing the county government, in the way of Increased mileage and per diem would-be a heavy penalty upon the tax payers of the county? And may I add that I trust that nothing I have said will betaken in a personal way. Wallowa is a nice little town. It is prospering and I have faith that it will continue to prosper. It has some of the .very btt citizens in the county men I very highly esteem and w hose friendship I would not willingly loose. JIt has bad the good fortune to acquire, during the past two years, a large amount of new blood In its business circles. 1 The new men would be a valued acquisition to any community or to any county. We are glad they have come, but sorry that they did not better Inform them selves as to the geography of the county and of the conditions prevail ing here before embarking upon what must prove, to tbein, a disastrous campaign. As I have said, the people of Enter prise believe that the beet Interests of the whole couuty require that this matter be settled and settled perman ently. It the people of Wallowa wish to amuse themselves bv oonduotinv a campaign In their own lu teres ts there i Is no possible objection that can be urged, provided that in their campaign FIRST Shipment of Fall Goods just came in. New fall Suitings and Waist pat terns. Get an early, choice. Sample swatches of Mens Suits for fall and winter. We guarantee satisfaction as to style and fit. We refer to our many 'patrons of the past season as to our record in this respect. Our Summer goods, such as Shirt-Waists, Dress Goods, Ladies and Childrens Oxfords are not all gone and we are closing them put at greatly reduced prices. . W. J. PUNK & GO. Enlerprise, Oregorv Second-Hand Store RODGERS BROS. Proprietors Dealers in New and Second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs. Furniture Repaired, Upholstering done. Counters, Show Cases, Store fixtures, and Old Mission Furniture made to order. All goods called for and delivered any place in town. We are located in the Enterprise Restaurant Building, west side of the ciy square. Call, in and see ns. Enterprise Enterprise Livery 1 Feed Stable Good care of Stock. Good Hay and Grain. A new sybtem of checking so thaf teams be properly cared for and avoid loss of whips, etc. One block north of court house. . , . v J. C. SHACKELFORD. PROP.. Enterprise, they will be honest and fair, will not impute to enterprise tnings of whlon she is not guilty, will not endeavor to make capital for herself, by' creating prejudice lagainst her rival, will not stir up strife which will make impossi ble that harmony of action which Is so essential to the upbuilding of the whole county. If, after such a campaign sixty per cent of the voters, the number required by law. decree that the county seat shall be (removed to Wallowa, Enter prise will submit without a murmur. But, when we oonslder that the direct personal lute rests of a vast majority of the people of " the county will be Injured by such a rtmoval, we eonuot make ourselves believe that there la any danger.: v Very respectfully, A. C. Miller, Pres. Enterprise Commercial Club. RSB9 Oregon Oregon . Vou'll Like th Pom We Olve to Your Pboto you'll like other things about the pictures wheu they are done. We would like to have yon i oonfeand examine some of our photographs aud see the new mounts we are using. We'll Pleas You la . Every Particular MRS. N. A. FALLMAN