Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, December 29, 1910, Image 6

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    - 1 m. . , . . r - m ,
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I Tz ' i -SI
N appreciation of the liberal patronage we have enjoyed
during the year, we take this opportunity to thank our
many friends and customers for their valued patronage which
has been a contributing factor in our success during the year,
now drawing to a close. We are placing ourselves in a position
to handle your requirements in our line, in a better and more sat
isfactory manner. In extending to you the season's greetings, we
offer at the same time our best wishes for your abundant success
and prosperity during the coming year.
All Around Briefs
Of General Interest
The Oregon Agricultural college
will commence its annual special
short courses for farmers oa Janu
ary 5, and the instruction to be of
fered this year Is probably tie best
since these courses were s:arteu sev
eral Tears ago. Experts in the vari
ous tranches hav toca secured aad
the special work will extend over a
period of sis weeks.
A eprained tmkio will uusoilv dis
able the Injured person for thrt
or four weeks. This is due to Lack
of proper treatment. When Chamber
lain's Liniment, is applied a cure nay
be affected Jn three or four days.
This Liniment la ons of the best
end most rc-markaole preparations in
The Red Front
Blacksmith Shop
by the reliable
VT. P. Hambleton ift Son
Machine Repairing
Same old atand
Enterprise Oregon
u.:e. Sohl by numau.ax & JiayiieZd.
i;:td ali good drug?iis.
James J. Hill playei Santa C-laus
la.it n';k bv visiiux Oroio:i; nroai-
i iia? new railroads. Extrusions of
I the Oregon Trunk liue from the pre
j suit propo.-d terminus at Bend
'couth through interior Oti-Son, the
I pushing o: the Uai'ed Hallways y.-cj'-i
ward to Tillamook and the b'lliding
j of an independent Hill pastK-jigr
ja.atioa in Portland, were some of
I the things the Empire Builder out
' lined.
Foiey Kidney Pllis are tonic In
i action, qukk In results, anf Tee tore
the natural action of the kidneys and
j biadder. They correct irregularities.
, Iiurnauga & Mayfleld.
j Oregon may one day have the
most beautiful scenic highway in the
wori'l. for the new road now under
j construction to Crater Lake from
.Mciford UsaiJ by experts to te su
' perior to any on this con.-ineat or
through the .'Jp3 In the grandeur of
: Its scenery. Road exports of the
Government in charge of the work
; say the new htshwa;- will ha,v no
superior anywhere and characterize
the work as "Forty-five miles of mac
;adamizing through the greatest scen
ic section of the -world ."
j If you are usfering from bilious
i -. constipation, indigestion, ehron-
Headache, inve.it one cent la a post!
card, cend to Chamberlain .iedi-
tfamp;e of Chamberlain's biomach and
Liver tablets, sold by Burnaugh &
.Mayfield, aad ail good druggists.
Head in December Sunset Maga
POSITION CITY." Superbly Illus
trated in four colors. Now oa sals
All News Stand H cents. 6Aa5
LaJier is the first city Jn Ore
Bon to adopt the commission plan
of government. It is workin success
fully and it is likley other communi
ties in this state will follow the lead
of the Eastern Oregon capital in re
vising the present methods of ad
'uiiiWtering tlie affairs.
Kept The King At Home
; "For the past year we have kept, the
King of all laxatives Dr. King's New
' Life Pills in our homo and they hay
j proved a blessing to all our family,"
. wri;eB Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo,
j N'. Y. Eoay, but Bure Teaedy fori all
1 Stcmach, Liver and Kiiney troubles,
j Only 25c. at all Druggists.
Get The Genuine Always.
A substitute is a dangerous niake-
j shift esiiecially in medicine. The gen
i ulne Foleys Honey and Tar cures
j coughs and colds quickly and is in a
j yellow package. Accept no eubsti.
tubes. Burnaugh & Mayfield,
Take Care!
Remember that when your kidneys
are affected your life is in danger. M.
Mayer, Rochester, X. Y., says: ".My
trouble started with a sharp shooting
Pain over my back which grew -worse
daily, i feit sluggish and tired, my
kidney action was irregular and in
frequent. I started using Foley Kid
ney Pills. Each dose seemed to put
new life and strength into me, and
now I am completely cured and foe!
better aad stronger than for years."
Burnaugh & .Mayfield.
Fire Chief Marshal Horan who was
killed in the fire at Chicago, was bur-
ed with military honors by the city
Notice is hereby given that th
annual meeting of the stockholder
i cine Co., Dw Moines. Iowa with vour T me "wa county vmmg
! name and addraa plain'-v on the "back 1 Deve!opnlent Company will be held
I thoy will fo-ward Vou a free i at oWice of Ui Vany ka 0
i j city of knterpn-.se, Oregon, on Moa-
mm - "lay, January 16th.. 1911. at 10
a Doara or aireciora lr tae
such o'.ner butvlaios as may legally
L: H. X. WILLIAMS, president.
13c3 J. A BURLEIGH Secretary.
When you buy o farm, or a town lot,
what is the first thing you demand?
An Abstract of Title
Is that all? Not by a long
"waj'S. You insist on a
Reliable Abstract
Careful work enables us to fill that demand
. Boatman $ Bilyea,
A Woman's Great Idea
;i3 how to mate hermit attractive.
I But u-iilimif, fuvniih At- la tinfv for htr
: to he ioveiy in face, form or temper.
j aad irritable. TJonaUpoUon and Kid
P3 : ney poisons show in pimpieo, blotches
iSKhi eruptiona and a wrotclied com-
p lesion. But Electric Bitters always
I health, beauty and friends. They teg.
u'.ate Stomach, Liver and Kidneyfl,
i purify the blood; give strong nerves,
i br1 c eves ntrr hraaLh em oof h veJ.
voty akin, lovilv complexion, eood '
Many persons find themselvea af
fect. with a persistent cough after
in at'ack of influenja. Aa this coug
.n be promptly cured by the use
jf Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it
should not be allowed to run on until
it becomes troublesome. Sold by Bur
naugh & Mayfield, and all good drug-giita.
The Mazamas, the mouii'tain climb
ing club of Portland, wild probably
make the ascent of Glacier Peak
in the Chelan Lake region, next sum-
i mer. The club has about fixed up
on Glacier Peak as the objective
j point of the next climb, it being
the cutsom to scale a -different
uiuun'iain eacn year, uiacier peaK
lis in the milst of magnificent
mountain scenery and is about ten
thousand feet hlh.
"Say. I hav an, awful pain. I
wonder tf It Is appendicitis? Can
you tell me on what side one gets
"Why, on the Inside, of cours."
Columbia Ja'jr.
oathegroateatffc.un taaiD4
by a fifonoat magaaim a Mdoi
of l6-pag article, daasriWag pi,
turing the wonderful attractana of
U Pacific Coa: country.
The 8eris Baglna In
December; 6n FranclKO "Th Cly
Tha. It."
January: Loa Angelaa "Homoland."
.Many gthar acroag ftotures including
a fascinating serial novel of Callfor.
nia. -The SpaU - by C. N. end A. M.
V.'ililiameon, Authors of "The Light
niug Conductor," Btes will contribute
to maka SUN'SETT MAQAZL'lEJ tha
beat value of the yean.
25 cents
Tho paculiar pj opartias of Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy have been thor
oughly tested during epidemic of in
fluenza, and when It was taken In
time we have not heard of a alngla
case of pneumonia,. Sold by Bur.
naugh & Mayfield, and all good drug-etas.
Klamath Falls will hare the flawt
Postal Savings Bank In Oregon,. The
government la preparing to establish
such an institution there and M this
sort of a bank is popular, other Ore
gon cities will have them.
Marvelaus Discoveries
r ark the .woatlorful progrecs cf the
aco. Air flig-hts oa heavy macaln s,
telegrams wkkout wiroa, tarrible war
ijiventiona to kill men, and that vr Or
dor of wonder Dr. ing Now Dto
ccvory .to savo life vhon threatened
1 y corha, colds, la grippo," ostinaa,
croup, bronchitis, homorrhages, hay
fever and whooping cough or lung
trouble. For all bronchial affections
it haa no er.ual. It relieves instantly.
IU tho surest cuio. James M. Dlack
of Aslievlllo. N. C, R. R. No. 4. writes
It curod him of aa obstinate cough
after all other remedies failed. 50c.
and $1.00. A trial bottle freo. Guar,
antced by all Druggists.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 81;
blueitem, 83c; red Russian, 80c.
Barley Fsed, 122; brewing, 2.
Oats No. 1 While, 121 w ton
Hj Tlmotay, Willamette Vail?,
, $ll20 par ton; EasUrn Ortoa,'
S21031; alfalfa, S14.
Butter Creamery, S7c; rancn. Ho.
Egs Ranch, candled, 42c.
Hops 1M0 crop, 12l4c; 1J0I, it;
olds, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon 1JJ17 iD .
Valley, 17S19c lb. ''
Mohair Choice, 32330.
Wheat Bluestem, 83c; Club. 80e;
red Russian, 79c.
Barley 22 per ton,
Oats 129 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $26 per ton;
f 19 per ton.
Butter Washington creamery, Bc;
ranch, 22c.
Eggs Selected, local, 40c
Sunset Magazine
313 Battery St., SaaFranclsoc, Cal.
P1J J Iw "iUJISKT" for three month.
"rdnee with your .peci.1 otf r. .
MKlosed find SmU UUmiw or coin)
. Town.
Tho grea'eit danger from Influenza
Is of i s rejolting ln pneumonia.
This can be obviated by wtag Cham
berlain's pough Remedy, as ft not
only cures Influenza, but counteraots
any tendency of the disease towards
pneumonia. Sold by Burnaugh ft
Mayfield, and oU good druggists.
The White
Q j
If you want a high grads s,wta
BaaU waleh U a
The aaaehina la cnaurDssMri in
slmplicHy, durability and tfc abar.
ciar or u work U wlU do. it k
Bad la two styles, it Vlhaatar
trhuetl ana the atasrored Botasr
Shottls- Tha laetW aiaahlaa aea
Uhar a look ar a eaaba attefc.
TaaM ass a ausobar of stylas tat'
choosa Iraai aad the woaA work la
the handsomest posalbia.
Fred S. Ashley
handles the WHITB MACHINH in
Wallowa count.