Jacksoi n t rv ft n amo weaver THE IDEAL GIFT STORE Victor Talking Machines. Typewriters. Toilet Sets. Jewelry, Clocks. Watches. Traveii:; Sets. Shaving Sets, Manicure Sets. Work Boxes, Fan cy Mirrors, Smokers' Sets. Jewel Boxes. Razors. Safety Razors. Hand Paintings, Cut Glass, Hand Fainted China. Books of all kinds. Pipes. Gift Boxes of Cigars. Perfumes. Hand Bass, Post Card. Photo and Autograph Albums. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Father, Mother, Broth er, Sister, and the other fellow's Sister: Let us suggest some things that will make an IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT We believe we have BEST ALL-AROUND LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS ever seen in this county, but it would take a full day and the whole news paper to enumerate all the articles we have in this line, and we will just say: Don't buy Holi day Goods until you have seen and priced the big stock at Box Stationery , Fountain Pens, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Mantel Ornaments, Music Rolls, Baby Sets, Wall Pockets, Brusli Sets, Necktie Racks, Post Card Boxes, Pyfography Outfits and Sup plies, Military Brushes, Clothes and Hat Brush es, Dolls, Games, Lownev's Candy in Fancy Boxes, Christmas Folders, Post Cards, Tags and Seals. Main Street JACRiSON WEAVER THE IDEAL GIFT STORE Enterprise Stowaway By LOUIS TRACY. Author of the "PUkr of Light," "The Vicgs of the .Morning" and "The Cap Urn of the fCaasas." Copyright 130?. by Edwtrd J. Code WnrSEIS CERTAI.V PEOrLE MEET CSTS rECTEDLY. Tjr.IS iau- ta.k from the void to fj t.d Ler-rfir lying on a truckk- iti a dimiy lighted Lovo!. ?.iz.-d up with tiacutupr- at two brown skinned iidt::g over ter. b-ssdmj; u:;e. lu eldr. was chafing her lands. The- other, a tall, grucefu: tnrl, was stirring somethiLg In an earthenware vessel. Where am I': How did I come here" Iris asked. Then she reniombered, and memory brought a feeling of helii'esaneis nut wholly deruid of self reproach. It vras bad enough that her presence should add so greatly to the daggers Lesettiiig her friends. It was far worse that she shou;U have fainted at the very ruoajent when sU'.-h w-eaknesn might well prove fatal to them. Why did she faint? Ah: A lively blush chased the pali'-r from h-.-r cheeks, and a few streny us lirt beats restored animation to her limbs. Of course in thinking that she had Iris re'i.-i.-u:zvd the vt.iuuie. jerky Pr.-t. A wi.d f.irel--diug irrii ved her heart until she was like to shudder un der its tier- anguish. "Y' U. .a: tan. Sau r.enavldes: she asked, and her utterance vaa unuatu r..iiy ea'.a:. "I, mademoiselle." he said. "and. . alas. I am alone. May I come Jr.? It is ; not well to show a light at this hour. : seeing that the Isiaud U overrun with j iuf arlated s-.idiers." The concluding seEtence was ad-dr-.;s-d to I.uisa in Ports:- ?;iese- Iieaiizing Instinctively that the ; man came as a friend, she stood aside. . tremhiing. on the verge of tears. lie i entered, and the di.-or was closed be- j ; hind him. ,-I am the only man who escaped, f m.tdem.'ise'iie. The ethers? Well, it is . war, and war Is a kttery." ; "I'o you mean that they Lave been : kUMl. all kild?" she murmured, with a pitiful sob. ' "I-I think j "1'ou think? I'o you not know?" Fie sighed. Eis hand sought an emp ty ciiMrette case. Su b was the cor- re-?t military air. he fancied to tresit : misfortunes? ratter as Jests. He frown j ed l.-e-.ause the case was empty, but I smiled at Iris. ; "it U so hard, mademoiselle, wnen one ?:-eak3 these things hi a strange . tor.gite, Fermit n.e w explain that ! wh;..-h has i-.rr:vd. We encoiintere-i a ; pi-ket and surjei-ed it. liar sag se : cur-d some weaj cs and a-.-couter- meiits. we ha.-;..-:.r-i t was n.oored the iiuit I ice wonts came du!v. She was stricken again even more shrewdly. J The gloom was closing hi on her, yet , she for- eil herself to drag the truth J from his unwilling Up. "Yes. "f e.Mirsi- I ouid not wnlt i J there li. that uj.-cu place. I was com- j j.'..i'-u 10 5 snener. iru'-s were running from t.-wn and citadel. I avuidod tut-m by a mira' ie. And uiv j ,-""t,i"t'"r ?! -yy,t"t"t"i' fpvv't iitfrt"' I DR. C. A. ATJLT i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON j ! Office In Bank Building. j I Horn phone both office and' j residence. j ' I 'i"i''i"t' sole con' ern then was your safetv.' my -..f.'-y:" he waiie l broken- j ivall me that hjv , wret'.neu eoun try, which cannot ; settle its political affairs without , bloodshed. Ab. mademoiselle. I weep wi:h you ' and tender you i my most r spect i ful homage." j A deluge of j tropical rain beat I on the hut with : a sudden fury. ii:-- '!'iay, wh..re I Conversation at steamship. Lu- om e became dLTi- I v.j.- crowuou wi;u sol- nearly im- u;ers. luey lirc-d. and there was a ' sh.jrt tight. I was kni.-cked down, and j what d you call it etotirdi whlie : one might c-.uiit ten. I rose, naif blinded, and what do I see? The ves ; sel leavi.ig the tjuay full of men en ' gn?-d iu consbat. while just b-vond !y. "How u-..-s it fivMii':- sh- uid be si., in? Wbv was I hot with them? I would rather nave died as they died than live ii! the , knowledge that I was the cause of their death." I San TenaT;de ess.ivcd n confidential hand on her shoulder. She shrank j f. ( from him. lie purred amiably: ' "Mademoiselle is profoundly nnbap- T, py. Under such circumstances one j says things that are unmerited, is It ! X not? If any one is to blame ir is mv Unv C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. V Room Home Ind. Phone in office 4 ; m and residence. ; C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in latch building. 113. 293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00 80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00 160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00 320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 City L,ot, $100 to $300 Residence Property, $6SO to $3,000 Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance W. E. TAGGART, n FmecT Mn. ENTERPRISE, : ' OREGON possible. Iris threw herself "i won.i) BATHrn n AVE DIEl.'' grief that rivaled her jieiata soieiy to the stress of sur- ! U."-- I"Jiut a w.trsniii charged emotiins Iris was mistaken, j arrivai. It wa a lirazili.m warship. What she really needed was focd. A 1 mademoiselle. Sae showed two red young woman of perfect physique and i rx-kets. followed by a wiiiie one. It dower-d with the best of health d-.-es was only a matter of minutes before rot coiiapse into unconsciousness be- ' he met the lit tie stviinsLip. I tell cause a young man embraces her and ' -V,JU that it was bad luck, that a vile each at the same moment makes the ' Wow. I was angry, ye.-. I stamp my biissfu! discovery that the wide worid f'"-t and say fwUsh things. Then I contains lo other Individual of su- . preme imp .rmn'-e. She hardly realized i li- taade no rep!y. She hid L-.r face how hungry she was until the girl la Ler hr.iais. She couid frame no Landeil her the bowL. which contained ' n;ore questions. San Iienavides was a coup!.- of eggs beaten up In miik. : trying to tell her that Hosier and the v. hhe small (juautities of rum and ' rwt had been nverwheimed by fate at sugar ca:ie juice made the compound j the very instant tscaie seemed to be I datable. within reach. The Hr&ziliau. roba- Whiie the girl Manila was furtively '-7 hecause of difficulties that beset appraising the clothing worn by Iris ' Waa in using a foreign language, did . l.er mother was listening ever for tasty footsteps among the trailing vines. At last, with a muttered prayer, she hoard the laun- h. not make It clear that he had flung himself Bat in the dun when he heard the order to fire given by some one on went to the door und unfastened the stout wocden staple that prevented in truders from entering unbidden. Some one approached. "Is that you, Manoel?" asked Luisa Gomez in a hushed voice. There was no answer. The woman ihen the lightning of a woman's in tuition pierced the abyss of despair. Surely there were curious blanks In this thrilling narrative. As was her way when thoroughly aroused. Iris stood up and seized San Benavides al most roughly by the arm. Her dis- drew back. She would have closed ' traught eyes searched his face with a the door, bat a slim, active figure i pathetic earnestness, sprang across the threshold. She j "Why do you think that the launch shriek-d In terror. The newcomer ! did not get away?" she cried. "It was was a Brazilian officer. T think you are here, mademoiselle," he said In French. "I am come to share your retreat for a little while. Perchance by daybreak I may arrive at some plan. At present you and I are. In difficulties, la lt.notJ' dark. The moon might have been In shadow. If the launch met the war ship and was seen there must have been firing." "Chere mademoiselle, there much .firing," he protested. "At sea?" back on the tres tle 111 a passion o: the outer tempest. The girl, Jlauoela, weeping out of sympathy, crept to Iris' side and gen tly stroked her hair. Like her mother, she couid ouiy guess that the English lady's friends were captured, perhaps dead. Even her limited experience of ilft's vi.-is-siludes had taught her what short shrift was given to those who defied authority. The republic of Bra zil does not permit its criminate to be executed, but it shows no mercy to rebels. Manoela, of course, believed that the Englishmen were helping the Imprisoned Iioni Corrla to regain pow er. She remembered how a mutiny was once crushed on the Island, and her eyes streamed. Meiu while Luisa Gomez was touched by the good looking soldier's plight "We must try to help you, Senhor Capltano," she said. "If the others are dead or taken you may not be missed." He threw out bis bands in an elo quent gesture. Life or death was a matter of complete Indifference to him. It Implied. "We shall know in the morning." he said. "Have you any cigarettes?" "But listen, senhor. Why not take off your uniform and dress In my clothes? Tou can cut off your mus taches and wear a mautilha over your face, and we will keep you here until there U a chance of reaching a ship. Certainly that Is better than being shot." iTO VK COJTISL'ID.l DR. W. L. NICIIO-S. j Osteopathic Physician 135-137 Lilch Eldg. Thursdr.r and Siur J Phone in Res. and office. Tuecdf.v. i I SHE. H AX COO LET . . , o Law IlKj LMtWKIit Practice In State and Federal ' . I T . i . . f vuuiui juiu ulterior uepartmeuc X I Office J 121. Home Independent Phone. J "e ! W. C. KETCHT7M DENTIST - ENTERPRISE In Liich Building. Room I Cartfu, Bcr.kmg Insures Iht Softly of Deposits." Depositors Have That Gnarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000 8UF.PLU8 $55,000 - We Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. " Geo. V. Hyatt, President Geo. 8. Craijr, Vioe President W. R. Holmes, Cashier A. J. Boehmer, AjmL Cashier Geo .K. Craig J. H. IKIKBI.N DIRBCTOB8 if W. Hyatt W, Mattie t. Holm KB K. Holm bp t THOS. M. DILL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Lltch building, Room ; 1 ii WHITE FRONT Livery, Feed and Sale Stable R . L DAY, Proprietor DANIEL BOVD j I ATTORNEY-AT'LAV t I PracUct In all State Courts and lunor Ipartment. Careful at- f T (An T irm An K.,i t T i : was Tor carrot and ruS w-oavlag see ' J. II. XIa:iv, Bntorprtae, Orogon.59b4 CHARLES THOMAS LAWYER ENTERPRISE, ORE. Practice In State and Federal Courm and Int. Dept. Abstract Bldg., oppoaiie court house t.l Good Rigs Fair Treatroent Horses Bought and Sold Special Attention to Commercial Trade Rates for Regular Boarders Bus to and From Trains Best of Help Employed Home Phone Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise : J. A. BURLEIGH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In LUch Building Enterprise, Oregon. ; Get The Genuine Always. A eubetitute is a dangerous make shXi en;iallT n medicine. Thegen ulne Foleys Honey and Tar cures cougha and colde quickly and to in a yellow package. Accept no eubsti luteb. Burnaugh & liayfleid Get Your Plumbing Done Before Cold Weather Starts I carry a complete line of Bath Tubs, Basins Bowls, ete. PRICES RIGHT. "Superior" Stoves and Ranges Best on thi Market S. K. CLARK- 3 blks. south Hotel Enterprise High Grade Job Woih ft Specialty i