Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, December 22, 1910, Image 4

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    fab t)N),
lit; .. -:( R
. n V. IV
fcn ii r h in n ii ill
Plum Pudding and Loads of Toys Are Just Fine for Xmas
But No Finer or More Appropriate than the Great Display of Beautiful and Useful Gifts at Burnaugh
& May field's. Just a few of the Thousand and One Articles from Which to Choose
Delicious Candies
in pretty gift boxes
Post Cards
make pretty
and inexpensive
rem embrances
Post Card Albums
Gifts for Men in Great Abundance
Illustrated Books
for Children of all Ages
All the Classics
Anderson's and Grimm's
Fairy Tales
Gullivar's Travels,
Robinson Crusoe,
Alice in Wonderland
Cox's Brownies, etc.
Animal Books
"Something to Find"
Tainting Books
Columbia Graphophones
Indestructible Records
Toilet Sets
Never did we show pret
tier ones. New styles.
Mirrors, Perfumes, Hand
Bags, Pocket books. Pic
tures. Stationery, Work
stand, and man- other
appropriate gilts for
See the Beautiful Gifts
in Hammered Brass
Smokers' Sets, boxes ot Cigars,
the kind PIE smokes, Pipes in
prettv cases, Shaving Sets something new in design made for use, but very handsome.
Standard makes of Razors, Safety Razors. Cutlery of all kinds, Fountain Pens, Books all the
Standard Authors and Best Sellers, Souvenir Shells.
We can't name one-tenth of the beautiful, useful and appropriate gifts for Ladies, Men and Children, but you
can see them all without charge. A hearty welcome and courteous treatment await you
at the old, reliable drug store of
s ijrjrvSs fin Trfss f) fin sS rfr
Rfilaytfield, Etiteirpirise
f.ixed Candy
10 cents a pound
Nuts. Toys of all kinds
We have presents for
everybody and are
prepared to please the
little folks as well as
the children of older
We will treat you right
Next Door to Bank
County Pioneer Paper!
Ha.3: aide Court House
UillICtt'l CCUUtU (thief tilin i bj: a q'"ioc tha'- concerns the ierfcg 11 tie circumstances, we aU companies than lighting load.
' very life tad upbuilding of this ci.v- -deemed U impractical from the Enterprise at present at peak load
As he s-v-'s tie Jo-soph corupar.y s.&adpoiitt of either cost, uili'y or demands posbihlv a trifie more for
uro',x.::or. tt-ea to: iOf-r ue uis- new. ioc me say uere tor uaorma- i.gu-j:g maa uie uii-o uwn. saj
-,j4 Pubiisned everv 1"- Is aatit hjs-:orr. and it Con of all coacorned, that supplvltg fully loo k w, but how about
"i ae- Luicrpriie Pras. t ffii::ers Ii0- ,-b.othr i: proposa'. lo lowxia from same source, oue the power demand for that "day cux-
j;- Forsythe ct wlli0 at generating suitiou re.t." I fci sa;e in saying chat
aaa uie QstXibuting poiats of from 10 u lj k w ia ali iu Bjrbi.
.ae other town from 6 to 11 njile-s at present aid the iatier amount k
d !-sa.t is mx the simp problem more iau could Ur counted on as a
TLe meat of tie v.-ho".c- tiung a? in i j-. mitiC appear to be at first gUuice. regular load. Say, Brother, how
r. Forsythe's st-'moot that the j To give all points sa'itffaviory ser- would the income on that a.uount
'ook oii the 1st. ot each month when
-he dyt.aino hosier showed up for
lis severj'.y-fhe per, to say nothing
exorbi a;.t as
.e. ure.
ae poitoffice at Emer
as seoiiJ-ciais matter.
, o.d tie vrrl.er 10 days ago, or '-ha--
' .". na i-O . a lie now scy&.
year $i.;o T'ore meatus 30c.
Ijj variably in Advar.ce.
reas on-
V.'e gia-y.y gtw spacr to Manage!'
Vo:r- :.i'--, :ot.g deieue, for this
jusoit of day current for lihtiag
a.id powr purioses is uot a per
sonal oao ao he sesks to maite i"-.
.va". company l.a-s no need to buy
r-j e:r.. This we take i taip'-ies
; has p'entr for UglKiag, power.
r!ay cTirrerst or any
r-l-ie demand.
Th-re are o.her points that wH
hi, bc-. .er dUcussei whea the data
-hat is boia; r.her.jd is at hand.
V.'e do good job printing. Trjr ua.
UL i -Ji :.
is the place to visit. Orange groves in full
bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, his
toric Old Missions, attractive watering
places, delightful climate, making that
favored section the Nation's most popular
retreat. You can see it at its best via the
Shasta Route
and "The Road of a Thousand Wonders"
Southern Pacific Company
Up to date trains, first-class in every respect,
unexcelled dining car service, quick time
and direct connections to all points south
Portland to Los Angeles and Return
With corresponding low fares from all other
sections of the Northwest Liberal stop
overs in each direction and long limit In
teresting and attractive literature on the
various resorts and attractions of California
can be had on application to any S. P. or
O. R. & N. Agent, or from
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Makes Tentative Proposal
v Current Question.
Z' Editor Newi-P.:ord: The various
Z eruptions of inlormaion aad B3'n
J iorma.t:tm appearing in law issues
of y0ur paper on the cubject ot day
Z current, etc, for Enterprise puts
me 5ii much the same frame of mind
teat I presume existed in the naiad of
of the good old B&ptJst Elder when
Z at the moraiug sorvice after reading
Z a. part of St. Paul's lsc. Luer to
J i tbe Corir.thians, ra ier startled the
J worsa-ppers by cioslrig the Book.
uikitig a survey of the congregation
i over hia glaases aad said, "Now.
w , brethren, you have hearn what Paul
Z' has to say about that; now listen
: ; while I take a rough shot at k."
w i CrotherGaUow-ay has seen V. to
Z air h't peculiar views on thJ e-"iric
situation; hence I ask permission to
I "tke a rough shot" at the proposi-
'.ion, hoping that I tncy be able to
shed a few rays of light on several
questions that, seem to be entangled
i in the cobwebs of Ida understanding.
Firstiy, the offer of the Joseph
Electric Co., to sell us their surplus
current was not "exorbitant" but at
a price that I think was as low as
ther would be jusified in asking;
hence they need ot be brought In
to this discussion, but after eonsid-
vlee would require an investment
in apparatus out of til proportion
to benefits derived from the arrai.g
luecr.; and furthermore we have no"
nor do we now Deed to buy current.
Now as to the proposition of day
current you say that. "Enterprise
is probably the only town, of ias
rank and importance iu the North
west, where there is no day lighting
aad power service." Well wouldn't
such a statement dis.urb the bats
in your belfry? I will say and refer
you to Al authority chat there is
:.ot a town in the entire United
States of JJke "rank and importance"
or population, that has day survive
except such as are situated within
zones covered by large companies.
You unders'.and my assertion is chat
no town in United Scat of "like
rank and importance" or population
ia supplied regular day service by
local company catering to 6a id town
alone. If I na wrong n this,
please name the town and I will
promptly take wjer. My authority
for this is McGraw's Electrical Di
rectory, also & write-up in the
Electrical Record about one year ago
of what purported to be the minute
history of smallest town in U. E.
holding this distinction and this ac
count was referred to and comment
ed on by all the trade Journals and
surprise expressed at the showing
made This was a town in natural
ca field of Ohio of 1500 inhabitants
and was buSt up of small factories.
This plant supplied lbt and power
for these factories and the basis
of their success was natural gas.
As I remember, their output for
lighting load was something less
than 100 kilowatts, while their power
loed was about 450 k w. For sake
of comparison let us compare the de
mands of this town and Enterprise,
and Just bear in mind while doing so
that power load is very much more
profitable and more sought after by
J- wear, tear and other incidentals .
Further, I uever made the state
ment that the Enterprise Electric
Co. would not furnish day service
iii it would pay a profit. The com
pany is jus: as anxious for the time
c arrive when they can see actual
:a.in cost in the proposition as any
rie else, and more so. I feel safe
n saying that the company would
-vea be willing to stand a loss for
i time if they thought it would be
the means of building up the busi
ness. Now in closing just a word about
"-hat "cheap power all around us go
ing to waste." Thats the part of
your various eruptions that really
interest me, you bet! Thai, sounds
I tood. As our illustrious Ex-Preeldent
T. R.wouId say, "That's Bully."
That's what I have sought for sever
al weary years, "and mourned because
I found k not." Say, Bro'her, Just
take a sneak with me some fine
morntog and point out that "cheap
power" and in consideration of same.
1 hereby agree aad covenant to take
.vou ia on the ground floor, also to
fumiah you all needful power to set
up and print such, and various com
munications as this, free of all charge
eiier day or nighty even if compel
led to turn the machinery -by hand;
and I feel sure of having to do the
haud turn act, if depending on that
"choap power."
If my memory serves me right,
this is my first offence as a writer
for publication, and I hereby agree
not to offend again; anyway not till
we get that "cheap power" going,
except always, that the provocation
be very great.
E. J. FORSYTHE, Manager,
Enterprise Electric Co.
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
terprise, Oregon, will be held at the
office of their banking house, fci En
terprise, Oregon, on Tuesday the 10th
day of January, 1911, between the
hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. for
the election of directors for the en
suing year, and for the transaction
of such other business a morr legal
ly come before said meeting.
Dated at Enterprise, Oregon, De
cember 8 th, 1910.
6384 w. R. HOLMES, OaqhVjr.
NotarxPublU .
Collections made. Real Estate
bought and told and all business
matters attended to. Call on
write me.
To the Citizens of Wallowa County
It is our purpose to handle any business
entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal
manner as to maKe the customer's rela
tion with this banK satisfactory and
profitable. Aside from our excellent
facilities, this bank has the advantage of
a lare capital and substantial list of
stockholders.' It is also a State Deposi
tory. If you are not a customer we
invite you to become one.
Mjrowffi and Farmers Nafaal Bank
Wallowa, Oregon
; 1 r
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