Stowaway Cy LOU'S TRACY. Author oi the "Pillar of Light," "The Wings ol the Morning" and "The CapUin oi the Kinus." Copyright. 100'). by Edward J. Clod. CHAPTER IV. TrriXFn bt a mybtehiocs toe ox siioue COKE remained on the bridge un til I(Uik afler Iris had eu aud admired the cluster of stars which old time uuvigntorg usi-il to regard with nwe. When shafts of white lljjht hejran to taper penuou-lIUe In the eastern sky the pirl went Imck to her cabin. Contrary to Ilozii-i-'g expec tation. Coke did unt attempt to draw from him any account of their conver sation prior to the inexplicable mishap to tiie wheel. Ue exauiiued a couple of charts, made a slight 11 Iteration in the course and at 4 o'clock took charge of the bridge. "Just 'ave a look around now while things is quiet." he said, nodding to " llozier eonlideutially. "I'll tell you wot I fancy. A rat drassed h bit of bone into n near oox lf f,le ,.lMiji' U liadiy iv'ivn anywhere, pet the car-pentei- i" see to It. 1 do 'ate to 'uve a leellu thai the wheel can let you dowu. S'puse we was niakln' I5ahia on the hoiuewaid run an' that 'uppeu ed! it 'ml be the cud of the pore ole ship, ti'i' oi.'d credit It? Not a soul. They'll n!l say. Jimmle threw 'er away!' " llozier found a pun wed piece of bain bone lying in tbe exact positiou antici pated by Coke. The carpenter busied himself with sawing and liatnmermg during the whole of the next two days, for the Andromeda revealed many k1's hi ber woodwork, but the escapade of an er rant ham bone was utterly eclipsed by a new sensation. At daybreak one morning every drop of water in the vessels tanks suddenly assumed a rich blood red tint. This utiuerviug discovery was made by the cook, who was horrified to see a ruby stream pouring into the earliest kettle. Think ing that an iron pipe bad become oxi dised with startling rapidity, he tried another tap Finally there could be no blinking tin fact that by some un canny means die whole of the fresh waier on l' . 'i liad acquired the color If not the t Me t a thin burgundy. Cuke was summoned Hastily. No blesse ohliue. being captain, be val iantly essayed the task of sampling this stnniue beverage. "It iilti'i p'ison." he announcad. aux ins fsuspiciuMsiy at the little group of anxious la eil men who awaited bis vmniii') "It sartlnly ain't p'ison. but it's wuss inn any teetotal brow I've tackled In a:i me born days. 'Ere, Waits, j on lii nw the tuug of every kind o' lil;k(; uvea sup." "Not me"' viiil Watts. "I don't like the look i t n First time I've ever seen ivi i:'; n tap For the rest of this trip ' si i -ii to bottled beer or something a label." "It smells like an Infusion of per manganate of potash," volunteered llo zier "lines It?" growled Coke, who seem ed to be greatly annoyed. "Wot a pity It nln't an Infusion of whisky on' pot ash!" n-iiil lie glared vindictively at Watts -Koine ijjit 'as bin playin' a trick on us. that's wot it is some blank soaker 'on don't give a hooraw in hudes for tea an' coffee an' cocoa, but wants a toulo. Stoonrd!" "Yes, sir," said the mess room attend ant "Portion out all the soda water in the lockers mi' whack it ou the table, every meal till it gives out. See that nobody puts away uiore'u 'is proper allowance too. I'm not goin' to cry hush buby w'.en the Andromeda gets this sort of kid's dodge worked off on 'er." "If "i! : alli'edin' to me." put in the Incensed "chief," whose tp.,r,.i i rose on this direct provocation, "i tvm 1 to tell you now" "Dues the cap lit?" sneered Coke. "No. it doesn't. 1 never 'card of tl: kind' of potash in me life. L'ye tiilv. me for a chemist's shop?" "Never 'card of il!" cried the incen i ed skipper, who had obviously made up his mind us to the person responsi ble for the outrage. "There's 'arf a do.en oases uf it in the after hold or tUuro was w'eu we put the 'atches on." "Even if some of tlie cases were bro ken, sir, thu touluiits could not rea !i the taaks," said Ilo.iur. But the com . wander's wrat ii could not be ap peased. "Get this stuIT pumped out mi' 'ave tlie t a u k s scoured. We'll put Into Fern a u do l-.v" . A &-s, 'dyU ) I -Noronua an reuu K there. It's ou'y a guess the othi-r liquor on board '11 last till we niakt the island." I away in the direc tion of the chart room. llozier foiiud him there lafur oorlinr over V i 1 I mm r l3u a "BOES TIIE CAP MT?" B c,ml., of For. snebiikd cokk. nnnd Noronha. Iris on hearing the steward's version of the affair come to the bridge for further enlightenment, but Coke mere ly Uld Mar that the 'island was a Lta-' SNrtiea, so she eouid a- .blo to her uutfla i . an i go asnorer- she nsketf. I dunuo. We'll see. It's a convict settlement f..r the Brands, an' they're mighty partie'lnr about lettin' people laud, but they'll 'nrdly object to a nice yoimg ladj like you 'avin a peep at 'em." As his. tone was unusually gruff, not to ay. Jeering, she resolved to find an oponunity of seeking Ho ller's ndviee ou the cablegram prob lem. I5ut the portent of the blood red water was not to be disregarded. Nev er was Delphic oracle better served by nature. The Andromeda began to roll ominously. Masses of black cloud climbed over the southern horizon. At midday the ship was driving through a heavy sea. As the day wore the weather became even more threatening.' A sky and ocean that had striven during three-weeks to produce in splendid rivalry blends of sapphire blue and emerald green and teuderest pink were now draped In a shroud of gray mist. With Increasing frequency and venom vaulting seas curled over the bows and sent stinging showers of spray against the canvas shield of the bridge. Instead of the natty w,hite drill uniform pnd canvas shoes of the tropics the ship's officers donned oilskins, sou'westors and sea boots. Torrents swept the decks, aud an occasional giant amoug waves smote the hull with a thunderous blow under which every rivet rattled and every plank creaked. Despite these drawbacks the Andromeda wormed her way south. She behaved like the stanch old sea prowler that she was. Iris, of course, thought that she was experiencing the storm of a century. Badly seared at first, she regained some stock of courage when Ilozler came twice to her cabin, pounded on the door and shouted to her such news as he thought "Would take her mind off the outer furies. The first time be announced that they were Just "crossing the line," and the girl smiled at the thought that Neptune's chosen lair was uncommonly like the English channel at Its' worst. On the second occasion her visitor brought the cheering news that they would br under the lee of Fernando Noronha early next morning! Bho had suflicieni sea lore to uuderstnud that this Im plied shelter from wind and wave, bill llozier omitted to tdl her that thi only practicable roadstead In the is land, being ou the weather side, would be rendered unsafe by the present ad verse combination of the elements. lr fact, Coke had already called Watts and llozier Into council, aud they had ngreed with him that the wiser plan would be to bear lu toward the Island from the east and anchor in smooth water as close to fcovth point as the lead would permit. As for Iris" wild foreboding that the ship was intended to be lost, Philip did not give It other thau a passing thought. Coke was navigating the An droiiiedii with exceeding care and no little skill, lie was a first rate prac tical sailor, and it was au education to the younger mau to watch his han dling of the vessel throughout the worst part of the blow. About mid night the weather moderated. It im proved steadily until a troubled dawn heralded some fitful gleams of the sun. I$y that time the magnificent peak of Fernando Noronha was plain ly visible. Coke came to the bridge and set a new course, almost due west. Soon it was possible to distinguish the full extent of the coast line. Houses appeared and trees and greeu oases of cultivation. There was a strong current setting from tlie southeast, and the dying gale left its aftermath in a long swell, but the Andromeda rolled on with ever increasing comfort. Even Iris was tempted forth by the sunshine. Coke Was not ou the bridge at the moment. Mr. Watts was taking the watch. llozier was on deck forward. Suddenly the captain appeared. He greeted Iris with a genial nod. Ah. there you are!" he cried. "Not seen you since this time yesterday. Sorry, but there'll be no goln' ashore today. We're on the wrong side of the island, on' it 'ud toss you a bit if you was to try an' land in eether of he boats. Take 'er in easy now, Mr. Watts. That's our anchorage over there." And he pointed to the mouth of a narrow channel between South point uud the Isle dos Fregates, the hit ter a tiny islet that almost blocks' the entrance to a shallow bay into which rims a rivulet of good but slightly brackh-ih water. The Hhip slowed perceptibly, and llozier busied himself with the lead which a sailor was swinging on the starboard side from the small plat form of the accommodation ladder Iris did not know what was said, but the queer figures repented to Coke seemed to be satisfactory. Headland, and hills crept nearer. The rocky arms of the island closed iu on them. A faint scent as of sweet grasses reached them from the shore. Iris cou:d see several people, nearly all of them men In uniform, hurrying about with tin air of excitement that betok ened the unusual. Perhaps a steamer's advent on tlie south side of the island was a novelty. Now they were in a fairly smooth roadstead. The remnants of the gale were shouldered away from the ship by the towering cliff that jutted out ou the left of the bay. The cr,ew were mostly occupied iu clearing blocks and tackle and swinging two lifeboats out ward ou their davks. "All ready forrard?" roared Coke, llozier ran to the forecastle. He found tlie carpenter there, standing by the windlass brake. ' "All ready, sir!" he cried. Coke nodded to him. "tJive her thirty-Hve," he said, mean ing thereby that the anchor should be allowed thirty-live fathoms of chain. TW turhuiuut currant was surging aeries the hows with tlie speed of a ujlll race, so Cuke brought tho vessel rouna nntn sne ay TiroaCsTSe itn tne land and beadril straight against the set of the stream. It was his intent to d.op anchor while in that position and help any undue strain on the cable by an occasional turn of the propeller. "Keep ber there r he said, half turn ing to the man at tbe mheeL He changed the indicator from "full speed" to "slow ahead." In a few sec onds tbe anchor chain would have rat tled through the hawse bole when something happened that was incom prehensible, stupefying something ut terly remote aud strange from the ways of civilized men. The Andromeda quivered under a tremendous buffet. There came a crash of rending iron and an instant stop page of tlie engines. Almost merging Into the noise of the blow came loud report from the land, but that in its turn was drowned by the hiss of steam from the exhaust. Coke appeared to be dumfounded for an instant Recovering himself, he ran to tlie starboard side, leaned over, looked down at a torn plate that showed its Jagged edges Just above the water line and then lifted a bias ing face toward a point halfway up the neighboring cliff, where a haze lay like a veil of gauze ou tbe weather scam-8 rocks. "You blasted pirates!" be yelled, rais ing both clinched fists at the bidden "TOU BLASTED PIRATES !" HB YELLED. battery which had fired a twelve pound shell Into the doomed ship. The Andromeda herself seemed to recognize that she was stricken unto death. She fell away before the cur rent with the aimless drift of a log. "Let go!" bellowed Coke, "with fren zied pantomime of action to Uozier. It was too late. Before the lever con trolling the steam windlass that re leased the anchor could be shoved over another shell plunged through the thin Iron plates iu the bows, smashing a i tea in pipe and jamming the hawser gear by its impact. The missile burst with a terrific report. A sailor was knocked overboard, the carpenter was killed outright, two other men were seriously wounded, and Uozier receiv ed a blow on the forehead from a fly ing scrap of metal that stretched him on the deck. The gunners on shore bad not allow ed for the drifting of the ship. That second shell was meant to demolish the chart house and clear the' bridge of its occupants. Striking high and for ward, It had robbed tbe Andromeda of her last chance. iTO BE COHTIHTTBD. j SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wallowa County, .'amea Downing, Plata'tiff, va. Vdah L. Downing, Defendant. To Ad-ah L. Downing, the above named Defendant: In the name of .tbe State of Oregon ou are hereby required to appear tnd answer the complaint flld igalnst you Ln the above entitled miit widhin ten days from the date of he service of this summons upon 'ou If served within thin county, or f served within any other countyi of he State, then within twenty days rom Lhe date of the service of this iu in mows upon you, or if nerved, by jubilation thereof, then on or b ore six weeks from the claiLe of the 'im date of publication of thk sum .nons, which fliet. date of publication a Thursday, Oetber the 13th, 1910, ind the laVtt daie of publication of his summons and the last day for 'our appearance Is Thursday, Novem er 2iOi, 1910, and If you fail so to inswer for want thereof the plain iff wiU apply .to the count for the lief praved for in bin complaint, to H, that the marriage contract now ind heretofore existing between ilalntiff and defendant be dissolved ind from henceforth beld for naught. Tbe defendant will take notice .that .hie sum moos Is published by order. f the County Judge, J. B. Olmsted, f Wallowa County, Oregon, In the tVaHowa Chieftain, a newspaper pub tabed weekly at Enterprise, in said :ounty and State, and that said order equlred this summons to be pub lished in. said newspaper for a peri Mi of six weeks and seven issues .hereof. Dated -this, th 11th day of Octo ber, A. D. 1910. DANIEL BOYD, . 8c7 Attorney for Plaintiff. 5 "V I "'V BIG CONVENTION WILL BE HELD STATE GOOD ROADS ASSOCIA TION PLAN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING. Portland, Nov. 1. Arrangements aie now Le made by the S'-ate Good Roads Association upon the ex pected paseaje of Amendment No. 34 to the Constitution, giving the priv ilege to counties ta bond themselves, to call a convention of good roads enthusiasts to b held ln Portland immediately a tor the election on N-v. 8. This convention will be made up of delegates to be ppot:vUd from the State Thresher's Aocla Ion bj Secretary Phil. s. Ba;, from tht County Good -Roads aettocimiiona or ganized by Chairman D. R. Webster, and will also include all county judges as well as members of State Aui omoblle Asuoclation. At this con vention the proper methods of huad itng the expenditure of the bonding iss'Jios. will be dlficUstMxl as well a ;he appointment of a alate highway engineer and the utilization of the state convicts and county prWoners in the work In view. Th result of this convention will be the basis for an appoal to thenex lon of tbe legislature at which -line It is expected that Oregon will place the moot advanced good roads aws on her statute hooka of any JW in the unloj. onogon is no ceding nationally In good roads work and this meeting will be the larg at of Its character evoi bold In tlie J n tied States. Dates for the Hood River Apple fair have been sot for November 23-26 inclusive. The crhnlocrucy of ippledom will be on exhibition Hood River on thoae d',ie, and all ho admire fine apples, and whodoet lot, ehouj4 piun to attend H pos ilble IVndleOan vl'd have u big poultry show lasting one full week coin mojclng December 13. The poultry sihlblition is now a ponnanont feat ire for Pondleioji, it havLng recently boon Incorporate undor the nam it 'the Umati'.'.a-.ViOrrow Country pou ry Association. Law year's exhih t was doclarod to be tlie moat sue-. JeWul "firat show" ever held in the N'orthweut and hereafter thore prom 36a to he a splendid collection ol tH)uitry on vie- at each annual xhlh lion. Pens have been arranged fio -hot over 1,000 fowls can be proporly loused at the approaching show. The 1911 national convention of th Christian church will be held iu Port ."nd, It having boon secured for ithat .-ily through Portland churchea, the .'oramorcial Club and the cooperation f tho .whole eoattt. A temporary tlruciure housing 10,000 people, will h Jul It to care for tlie gathering and houaanda of dc'.ogaitaj frou all jtairj jf the country will aWe:id. The co.i eVou bureau of the Co;imoreia! Club has under consideration pUins 'or the entertainment of the vlol'-ora. The Harvest Festival that proved uch a succ.e: tlila year vlll be, MstuaUsd as an annual event. This va decided at a meeting held during he" past week by the Portland Fair & Livestock Association, at which tlx .access of the Festival was recount sd and considerable e.iUnislasm aroused. The double tracking of tlie itreet-car line to the fair grounds lu considered requisite to tlie success f future shows and assurances have 'sen given that this will be done by he trolley company as soon as proj Jrty owners make arrangements to Jave portions of tlie route traverse 1. 't le planned to mak next year's how the biggest ever. DEATH RECORD. (From Wallowa 8un.) Thomas Henry Feagins was born ! ''ayoUe County, Oklo, October 1 4, 1855, ind died near this- city October 19, 1910, aged C7 years and 6 days. Vhen a small boy lie went to IOwa vhere he lived until about 20 years jf age when he wentj to Utah where hie mother and lp-father avoided He later spent a short time In Uma ilia, Oregon, b."ore comUig to Wal owa County "26 years ago, where he 'as numberde among the . pioneer Mid has since lived an honored and respected citizen. He was married to Miss Rue! la Jane Phillips on Nov ember 2, 1885. He leaves to mourn his 'death a widow and eight children, five of whom are grown and the thiee oldest married. They are: Leonard Kdward Feagins-of thl.olty, Mrs. Jack Hud son and Mrs. Roert Bk of near this city, and 4; Thomas Oral, Ella. Frances, Verna Viola, Stella Auaile, and Albert Joseph. He Is mourned by two brotbers and a sidter, John Feagins, of Oklahoma, Edward Lee Feagins, of Umatilla, Oregon, and Mrs. Auil Lane, of Los Angeles, fcal and a host of friends, I At tlie time of his death he, bad for some years ben a member of ;he KeOrgaiiUel Church of jesus OurUi of Lat. er Day Saints. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department T tine Interior. I'uked S-ia ei Ijind Otfice at La Gramio, Oregon, Oct. lllh, 1910. No;iee Is bereby give, that Wll--itm H. Dale, of Enterprise, Ore gon, mho ou June Klh, 1905, made iijuiitad Kn'.ry No. 14W9, Serial Xo. 04-":7, f.u- E'u NE14, and N t, 3EV. Sec uon 14, Township 1 North, .-tang 46 East, lUameito .Meridian, a.-u filed notice of Intention to make r'inal Uve year Proof, o establish .iuini to the land above described, iote C. M. Loc.kwood, U. S. Coni-i)L-i;oiier, at hU of! ice. at Entr .iritio, Oregon, on C Kth day of De cember, 1910. Claimant nanie.4 as wMmises: e"r Zuniwalt, Joe Gill, and EJ Lord, ill of Zuiuwait, Oregon, and Elmer Jewell, of Enterpiise, O.t",on. 9co F. C. Lramwull, Register. NOT1CB FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S.-lanil OfJice at 1 Granife, Oregon. Sept. 2th, 1910. Notice U hereby given that Jared il. Mauley, of Enterprise, Oregon, who. on June 10th, 1905, made Home Head Eaitry No. UtoO, Serial, No. H4322. for Wi, NEVi and EVJ NWVi Section S4. Township I North, Range 13 Iast, WUlanie te Meridian, has (1h1 notice of Intention to make V'inal Flveyiar Proof, to eotabllsh lalm to the land above described, jefore C. M. Lock wood, U. S. t'om 111 bki loner, at I'ii office, at Enter prise, Oigon, on tl 17Ui day of o vein ber, 1910. Claimant Lames as wih'wi: Thoma Monroe, Theodore E. W00J, f Enterprise, Oregon, and Ltwls dart In and John linker, of Joseph, Jregoii. 7c3 F. C. P.ramv,-e!l. Hog later. NOTll'K FOR Pimi.:CAT10.. IK'partment of the Interior. "'. S. IjiikI Ofti e at La Crando. Oregon, Oct. 20''h.( 1910. Notice hereby gltea that Lulu I. Ilowlby, whoso inxit-offlce aildi-eas a Enterprise, Vallowa Couinty, Or n, did, on the 1 Ith. d;-.y of April, 910, file in this offloo Swom SUvte nc'ii and ApplU aiUm, No. 07891, to lurcliitsfl tlw SW14, Nft SV iWi. andsU'V. SV4 SH'1-4 of Sxt. 12, and the NB14 NWV4, S .NWVi iVl4, tuil NWV4 NWVi NV,', Roc ion. 27, Township 1 South, Rango 45 Willi'.mett Meridian, and the lmher then-oii, under tlia provla. aiis of tlie act of June 3, 1878, and icu amendatory, known as the "Tim xir and Stc:ie Law." at siu-h value might lie fixed by appraisement, md that, pumuinit to siuh appUca--ion.the and timber thereon have -een!, at J.150.O0 as behir? hlfly valuable for Us tone; tba.t Mild applicant will oVfer final proof n support of hi applUjathu and nvom litatement on the 19th. day of iajiuiiry, I3iip leroie W, C. IWit ""ii. County Clerk of W-ilowa coun at Eiiterprlse, Oregon. Auy p-ih.mi Is at liberty to prot'U his purt-havj le.'oro o.itry, or In HlaLe a contest at any time before ate), loaws, by filing a corrobo r.led affidavit hi this office, alleg- la Grande Iron Works. I). FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL V L. BERLAND Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs and Leather Goods of all descriptions. I will fit you out with the best goods for the least money. When in need of anything in my line, call and inspect my stock before purchasing. ENTERPRISE, .... OREGON flS5 What Can You Expect? What can you expect your business to amount to withe ut a Telephone? Do you suppose a customer will lose time running after you when you can call your compet itor by 'phone? , Home Independent Telephone Co. f-.C whkb would defeat tbe -.try. II c 11 F. C. Rramwell, Register. anil -County Brief News Item Fnuik Reavia of thi cl'.y, .vac Wool, ' T. Church a;id C. 8. Dunn of La Grande returned) Wednesday from a hmiting trip on tlie IV'ff Slteep .md Ininaha, Carl Roe hati 01 appointed united 'a'ej Comnilssio ,er In place of C. M UK'kwuod, who recently resigns to iccept a podtlon hi La Grande. The AminiUsiiiiien offlcw will remain In .t;vni 2 llfrhuid iluildlug. A card fionj Mrs. J. F. C'uvet llrectM their paper to lxll, Calif., vhore the family U ki':Wed for a inie at least. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Ruroble and laiifcuter Miia Eva left Joseph Thur lay en routA to California wbere hey will spend the wlnUr. They 'lll go to Cnpl'ola. , l II. Hearing of Wnilov.a r.ccom iKUiled by hi iiiule, D. D. Evans, of .Solse, Idaiio, have tmn 8:h1Uik sev ral days vlnKhig the rll)r duugh tr, Mrs. AlvUi MclVtrulge of prolrlo Crotjlt. They reluniel to Waltowa Satunlay and Mr. Evans vlll leave .toon for his home at Itolne. Japalac, varnish stains, missed oil at Burnaugh Mayfleld's Mrs Frank GlUaple of Imnalia .po.n.t a few days ltt week wlib Mrs. W. A. .Moss. NOTICE OF HEARING OF ACCOUNT. FINAL Notice Im hereby given that th fl .il uccoiint of Maggl H. llloom as dui!n HtVatrlx or tlio etate of phebe lane llunuell, t'eca.ed, has been flU ud In the Coiuity Court of Wallow Comity, state of Oregon, and that I lie 30 h day of November, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., hua been Inly appointed by such court for the tuvarlug of objtK-ti.tfia o such final account and the settlement, thereof, vt which time any and all persona Interested In sjild estate may appear wid hie ohjecthvis thereto In wTW l) g and ca.1te.1t the name, Maggla II. Blooin. Administratrix. 54S6 Chas, Thomas, her attorney VII E GOOD TOBACCO SHOP IS HOMAN'S If You Prefer the Best Brands of Cigars or Smoking Tobacco you can always pret what you want here. Fine line of PIPES The same is true of all our Stock. Come in and see. PRENTISS HOMAN'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - - Oregon 3