Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, November 03, 1910, Image 7

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i "'""""'f"iwmjiJHIL'Jl.lHLX.A.lLliM.i. mi. w,'! Him n n
National Apple Show
November 14 to 19, 1910
$20,000 in Premiums
The greatest variety of prizes, cups and trophies ever offered. Prizes
for Bingle apples, boxes and everything up to full . '
carloads will be awarded.
$1,099 Championship Carload Prize
For the best carload of 630 boxes or bushels. A floor space of three and
one-half acres required to house this great show. Besides the
exhibit of apples, apple growers, packers and cookers
will learn and gain valuable information.
Ample hotel accommodation without raise in price will be provided
i .
Will have in effect low round-trip fares from all points en its lines
For further information apply to any 0. R. & N. Agent or to
WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent.
arflmiHHiiwi mmuM
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
R . L. DAY. Proprietor
Good Rigs Fair Treatment Horses Bought and Sold
Special Attention to Commercial Trade
Rates for Regular Boarders
Best of Help Employed Home Phone
Bus to and From Trains
Open Day and Night. One Block North of Hotel Enterprise
Wallowa County Title &
Abstract Company
A. C. MILLER, President
Office in Company's new brick building opposite front of
new Court House, Oldest and most complete abstract plant
in fnnntv A rietrnors nf titlu f jirnisriprl nrnmrvtlv nnrl rVipnn-
ly. Insurance written in largest and strongest companies.
t Money Loaned at very Lowest Current Rates
Get Your Plumbing Done
Before Cold Weather Starts
I carry a complete line of Bath Tubs, Basins
Bowls, etc PRICES RIGHT.
"Superior Stoves and Ranges
Best on this Market
S, IC CLARK, 2 blks. south Hotel Enterprise
10f all kinds. Hlf you believe in beautifying Enterprise, you
must believe in making that beauty enduring. TiConcrete is
enduring it will render city beauty a "Concrete Reality."
IfSee us for any and all kinds of Concrete Work.
MARKS BROTHERS, General Contractors.
Baker City Normal and
NEW CATALOG Tells all about the different
courses. Do we get our students. POSITIONS?
Yes! We have even placed students from other
schools. NOW is the time to PREPARE.
A. U. McCauley, Principal
Division Should be Decided by Cach
That the system now In vogue in
Orpgon is radically wrong for ihe dh
vision of counties, is the belief of the
Astoria Budget, which in its issue of
July 7, says that it should be left to
the people of each county themselves
to decide whether or not they want
to create new counties. The Budget
"Among the initiative measures that
re to be voted upon at the electio '
next November is one to create Nes
mith county by taking portions of
Lane and Douglas counties. This is
a measure which is of course only of
direct interest to the people residing
in the districts affected, but under the
provisions of the law, it is to be voted
upon by the people of the entire state.
Judging from matter that is being
sent out by the commercial clubs of
Lane and Douglas counties the great
majority of the residents of those sec
tions are opposed to the bill and the
mly ones there are who are favoring
it are those who are endeavoring to
create a real estate boom in what is
to be the new county seat That be
ing the case, the one thing for electors
who reside outside the affected dis
tricts, to do is vote against it. The
fact of the matter is that the method
now in vogue for the division of coun
ties is altogether wrong. Such ques
tions shou:d be left entirely to the
people whose homes are in the section
directly concerned and whose inter
ests are thus affected and not to the
voters of the state at large, the major
ity of whom know or care absolutely
nothing about the matter at issue.
One grave danger of granting these
petitions for divisions ot counties by a
vote of the people of the entire state
is that some time the question may
come closer to home. Some one, for
instance, may want to get up a peti
tion to divide our own county and
under the existing law, the people of
other sections of the state would de
termine the question by their votes.
The safer way is to kill all measures
of this kind that come up and thus
nip all prospective petitions in the
bud, at least until such time as the
state laws are amended so as to pro
vide for what may be termed "home
rule," by restricting the vote on these
strictly local measures to the voters
residing within the district con
To the o:opth the pn Is th
mx i mportant part f the hum"
machine, for 1 though every part of
the body has "Is o-n nutrition, nerve
fore and fundamental activity, the
norvos originate In' the brain and
spinal cord. It k therefore through the
spinal cord or ba kboiio, that the oste
opath reaches the nerve centers which
he strives to harmonize. By nN.hani
cally stimulating them the osteopa
thic physician is able to equalize the
circulation to all parts of the body,
to increase the action of an organ or
decrease It as the particular ca
may require.
Warner Chosen to Lead.
Chicago The National , Employers'
Liability Commission provided for by
congress held Its first meeting here.
Saturday. Senator William Warner,
of Missouri, waa elected temporary
chairman. Launcelot Parker, of
Washington, D. C, was appointed sec
A Man Wants to Die
only when a lazy liver and sluggish
howeis cause frightful despondency.
But Dr. Uvng's New Life Pills ex
pel poicsons from the system; bring
hop and courage: cure all Liver,
Stomach and Kidnev trouhlrs; Im
part health and vigor to the wK.
nervoua and ailing. 25c . at a"
When you are in need of good printing
come to this office and have it done right
Do you think it right to vote to
create new counties and double their
expenses. You can not know condi
tions in remote counties and should
vote against all division and vote for
the law allowing counties to settle
their local matters among themselves.
When alone in the election booth on
November 8th, when scanning your
ballot you will read substantially the
A Bill to Create the County of Clarke.
334 Yes.
335 X No. '
A Bill to Create the County of Des
350 Yes.
351 X No.
A Bill to Annex a Portion of Clacka
mas County to Multnomah.
322 Yes.
323 X No.
A Bill to Annex a Portion of Wash
ington County to Mulnomah.
338 Yes.
339 X No.
A Bill to Create the County of Nes-
316 Yes.
317 X No. X
A Bill to Create Orchard County.
332 Yes.
. 333 X No. '
A Bill to Create the County of Otis.
320 Yes.
321 X No.
A Bill to Create the County of Wil
324 Yes.
325 X No.
A Bill for an Act providing for the
Creation of New Counties, Towns,
etc., and changing boundaries of ex
isting counties, etc.
352 X Yes.
353 No. -
You are asked to consider well the
above measures and by voting "No1
on all division measures, and "Yes"
on the bill giving the counties full
control of all local matters, you will
be relieved of such duties at future
elections. Your careful, conscientious
consideration is asked. Respectfully
Are not your taxes high enough T
Can two county governments be sup'
ported as cheaply as one?
The cry of division comes from real
estate speculators who hope to profit
by having the county seat located to
as to Increase values. You will have
to pay for it
(Paid Advertlaiiner.)
London After a trial lasting oul
five days and a deliberation by thi
Jury of only 24 minutes, Dr. Hawlev
H. Crippen was found guilty of the
murder of his wile, well known as ar
actress under the name of Belle E
more, and Crippen was sentenced t
be hanged. The execution will takr
place In all probability on either No
vember 14 or November T5. Thi
speed with which the case was con
sidered was characteristic of B litis l
Crippen continually protests his in
nocence, nls utterance to this eflcct
being a dramatic response to the usua.
question from the court, after sentence
has Loen paused.
Chief interest centers now in tht
trial of Ethel Clare Leneve, Crlppen'i
former typiBt, with whom he fled t
Montreal on the steamer Montrose
after the murder of his wile. Mist
Leneve Is under indictment as an ac
cessory after the fact.
Commerce Commission Meete.
Chicago Members of the interstate
commerce commission assembled in
Chicago Tuesday to resume the Inves
tigation of the western trunk lines,
trans-Missouri and Illinois freight com
mlttee freight tariffs.
Indicted four years ago on 1528
counts, the Standard Oil company of
Indiana put In its defense In the term
of the Federal court which met Mon
day at Jackson, Tenn., to charges of
accepting concessions amounting to
rebates which, if, proved, would In
volve a maximum fine of 120,480,000
One of the most notable gatherings
of the week will be the thirty-seventh
International convention of the Young
Men's Christian Association of Amer
ica at Toronto on Thursday. The con
vention will be attended by over 2,000
delegates, representing 500,000 mem
bers of the Y. M. C. A. in the United
States and Canada.
A Household Medicine;
To be really valuable inuat show
equally good results from each mem
her of the family uslaig It. Foley's
Honey and Tar does Jut this
Whether for grown persons or child
rem Foley's Honey and Tar to test
and safest for all cough and c-olda
Bumaugh & Mayfleld.
Fresh Fruits
All seasonable fruits
found here. Also the
finest shipment of For
eign and Dome s t i c
Cheese ever in the city
General Merchandise
With the en t i r e
stock kept brand
new at the lowest
prices the quality of
goods can besold for
All Hats, Shoes and
Cloves at Cost while
they last
An excellent , quality of coal
at a conservative price.
Lay in the winter
supply now.
Riley Riley's
I Don't
Do you ki iov
from Genu ine
Gold Plate? '
Not too Early to
Buy Your
Cuff Buttons for Ladies and
Centlemen from 25 cents to $12
a pair. Prett jr. new designs In Collar and Scarf
Pins, LocKeti and Chains, BacK and Side Combs,
Baby Pins, Brt tcelets, Ring's.
Big Holiday St ocK Now In. Come early and get
choice from w ide selection.
Enterprise Jeweler.
Both Speedy and Effective)
This indicate the action of Foley
Kidney rills as S. rarsona, Iiattle
Creek, Mich. Illustrates; "I have boon
affllcUxl with a severe casa of kid
ney and bladder trouble for which
I found no relief until i usedpoley
Kidney pi'uU, These cured me en
tirely of all mv complaints. I aa
troubled with backaches and eevere
shooting pains TyUh annoying urin
ary irregularities. The steady use f
Foley Kidney Ml la rid me entirely of
all my former troubles. They have
my highest recommendation." Bur-
.laugh & Mayfleld.
The County Hoard of Eniualiaa-
tlom la now in aoHetoji dolly in the
county court room. Anyone wish-
lug to see about their taxes, will
take notice and attend forthwith
Uy order of the Board,
V. C. Boatman, coua y clerk.
Good Result Always Follow
The ue of Foley , Kidney pill.
They are upbuilding, strengthening
:ud aootlilng. Tonic in action, quick
in reauwa, uumaugh & Mayfieiu.
A Plea for Majority Rulev
E. E. Fisher, ex-mayor of Beaver.
ton; T. E. Hills, ex -state commander
G A. R.; Hon. J. R. C. Thompson of
Tualatin; Tlieo. Pointer, George BUtt
and 500 other legal vo'era and rel-de-uitfl
of the portion of Washington
county proposed to be annexed to
Multnomah have signed a remon.
trance and anked thai the boundary
Hue be not changed. Leas than 800
voters wltiln the atrip signed the
PoUtlon and the remainder . of the
county lit practka:iy a unit agalnat
It- Let the mnjorHy rul. AH coun
'y divisions should be decided by) the
wlshea of the people affected. By
not voting at all you give half a
vo'e for the meagre. Multnomah,
ail powerful, does not noed one:
fourth of Washington county to fur.
tlior iiicreane her power In the state.
Tlie Ions of the territory will pract
ically ruin WaMhlngton, which lu al
ready small in area. Ve atk you to
vote 339 x No. W. D. Wood,
Chairman AnU-Annenatlon Commit.
Ux, Hlllsboro, Oregon.
(Paid Advertising.)
An Ideal Husband.
is patient oven with a nagging wife,
for he knows slie needs help. She may
be ho nervoiia end run-down In
hfialth that trifle annoy her. If slwe
is melancholy, excitable, troubi with
1oh of appetite, headache, ;ku
nss, constipation or fainting and diz
zy spells, he needs Electric BWers
the most wonderful remedy for alUng
women. Thousand of sufforens from
backache and weak kidneys have
used, them and become healthy and
happy. Try them. Only 60c, 8at.
('faction guaranteed by all Druggists.
Dressed In "Black and Yellow." ,
' Not "Football colors- Uivt the
color of the caa-to i containing Foley
"ney and Tar tlie bot a:ul :iiMt
couh remedy for a i coughs umi ,olil
Do not accept a substitute but iv
ii. i you gi-t the Kfiul.,ie Foley
Honey and Tar In a yHow ca"io i
with black Utturs. BumaiiKh & May-field
Tl 5!
I This
s w
B n
Have you examined our
line of
Ladies' and Children's
Tvasu juu, Lames
5 Patipv cwtotr. uri..
5 Undershirts, Muslin 3
M tf J !
i unnerwear, Hosiery,
Gloves, Etc.
Also a complete line of
5 Men's Furnishings, in
8 eluding the McKibbin
and Stetson Hats.
J We have just now the
Sf most complete line that
we have ever carried.
For AU Kind of
ArtUtU raiatlas, asf
fr BaatUi'
do sot (ail to call on
OAXES, Contractor
N. B.-Low. Broa.' Paints
We buy our Dry Goods from
one of the largest houses in
Chicago and have a large
assortment from which to
make our selections.
We discount our bills, which 8
H PI VPS US ihp crwwls l.nirl rlnurn m
B .v.,,
in our store at the Jpwest
g cash prices.
We give our customers ti e
S benefit of our cash buy. We
g also give a discount on all
B cash purchases.
If you are going to build
call and let us figure
with you on Doors and
Windows. We have just
received a large stock of
6ame and vetare going
to Bell them at bed rock
f R.S.&ZJ
The Red Front
Blacksmith Shop
by the reliable
black 8 m i t h s
W. P. Hambleton A Son
Machine Repairing
Same old stand
Enterprise Oregon
When in Enterprise stop at
The Model Cafe 8
and Rooming House
Best meals in town 25c and up
Rooms-25c, 60c, 7Cc and $1.00
Steam heat; hot and cold water
In Rodgers building on River
Street, 3 doors south of Funk
corner. Give us a call