nt fir iiii iiirfbsi if TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NO. 51. ENTERPRISE, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1910. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPE 1 Cen a word single Insertion, 1 cent a word 2 Insertions. Special rates by month and year. WANTED. Violin pupils. Miss Pearl Humphrey, graduate of Notre Dame Academy. Call at J. U Browning. 4bm LOST OR STRAYED. Two pigs, sandy with black spots. FUider communicate with C. E. Funkntorprta 19btf MONEY TO LOAN State Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John P. Rusk. AttState Land B'd. Joseph FarnTloans V. 1b percent. Call or write First Bank of Joseph. 68btf " FOR SALE Wonder V.asher a Rl.e.v J. -'i Fresh cowandcaU; aiso surrey, team and harness. Inquire ait .M. & M. flour mill. Enterprise. 27b2 Lota in Troy townaibe for sale at $20 and up. O. R. & N. railroad la now making final location survey on Grande Ronde river between Roadowa and Snake river. When road is built Troy will be the larg est town and chief trading center of the entire North Country. See or write H. E. Merryman, owner, Wntrnrle Qreeon. 27btf New 8- room house and 3 lots In soahteast part of town. Will be sold for 2000, the actual coat of lots and house. If taken Boon. In quire at this office. 27btf LOST. Lrp robe, on road between Galloway homestead and Baker & Smith livery barn. Finder please return to barn. CANDIDATES ATTENTION I Nominating petitions for county and district candidates before the primary September 24, for sale at thla office. Nicely bound. Complete seta only $1 at office or by mail. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Track prices: Club, 86c; bluestem, 96; red Russian, 85c. Barley Feed and brewing, $24. Oats No. 1 White. $32 per ton. Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley, $18 19 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $20 22; alfalfa, $13 14. Butter Extra, 83c; fancy, 33c; ranch, 23c. Eggs Ranch, candled, 23o. Hops 1908 crop, 1013c; olds, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 1417o per pound. Mohair S233c. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, 94c; club, 92c; red Russian, 90c. Oats $33 per ton. Barley $24 per ton. Hay Timothy, $22 per ton; alfalfa, $14 per ton. Butter Washington Creamery, SSe; ranch, 22c. Eggs Selected local, 82o. BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK Accessible coal of the best Alaskan fields, even at a half cent a ton in the ground, is worth more than most of the coal lands In the Eastern states, is the statement contained in a bulle tin issued by the geological survey. The United States department of agriculture is using this year on the national forests over 10 tons of tree seed. Moat of this seed has already been planted or sown. One-third of the babies in Iowa un der 1 year old have died this summer, according to statistics collected by the Iowa state board of health. - Cho lera Infantum, Infantile paralysis, poor milk and improper care are given as causes. - The armored cruiser Lion, the larg est, fastest and most powerful cruiser in the world, has been launched by England. The cruiser will have a dis placement of 26,350 tons and will be driven by turbine engines of 700,000 horsepower, giving her ah expected cpeed of 28 knots. Russia's scourge, the cholera, con tinues to spread with alarming rap idity. Figures furnished by the Cen tral Sanitary Bureau show that in the "week from July 24 to July 30, there were 15,244 cases of cholera and 6944 deaths. Reports to the weather bureau show that practically the entire western country, from eastern Wyoming and Colorado to the Pacific coast states, and from' the Canadian boundary to Mexico, is experiencing one of the worst droughts of the last quarter entury. WANT TROOPS TO FIGHT FOREST FIRES jTaft Asked to Send Regulars Into Northwest Woods by Timber Interests. WASHINGTON. Request has been made for trqpps to protect national forests In Montana and Idaho from fires and to assist in extinguishing the flames. General Wood, chief of staff of the army, has applied to President Taft for an order authorizing the use ol soldiers for this purpose. The appeal for the assistance of the army in fighting forest fires was re ceived from the Western Pine Manu facturers' Association, which called attention to the danger facing the woodlands in Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and California, and ask ed that troops be dispatch at once to co-operate with the forest service in saving the timber. Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture, who is in the West, in specting forest reserves, has instruct ed the officials to employ energetic means to check the flames, even though it is necessary to incur a de ficit In the money appropriated by con gress to meet emergencies in the na tional forests. Forest fires on the national forest reserve In Western Montana and Northern Idaho and on the private lands within them already have wrought damage amounting to nearly $500,000, according to estimates made by officials of the forest service. The flames have burned over an area of 175,000 acres. HARVEY W. SCOTT DIES BALTIMORE. Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Portland Oregonian, died in Johns Hopkins Hospital Sun day Bhortly before 6 p. m. of heart failure, 2 hours after a surgical oper ation for prostatectomy. He went off the operation table Sat urday morning In strong conditions. Sunday morning at 7 o'clock he began sinking and in spite of the best stim ulants known to medical science his heart grew steadily weaker until the end. He was conscious almost to the last and the end was painless. - To Oppose Uncle Joe. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. Six republi can candidates for congress, if elect ed, are planning to oust Uncle Joe Cannon from bis Job as speaker and elect Congressman E. D. Crumpacker of the tenth Indiana district Resolu tions were adopted Indorsing Crum packer as Cannon's successor at a conference of Indiana republican con gressional candidates and state party leaders. Six of the congressional can didates present pledged .Crumpacker their support. PLEA OF POVERTY MADE BY RAILROADS CHICAGO. The railroads intend to stand squarely upon the proposal that they need more money to keep pace with the growing demand for transportation, and if they cannot show this to the satisfaction of the commission, then the day of govern ment ownership of railroads will have been greatly hastened. - This statement was made by J. C. Stubbs, traffic director of all the Har riman lines and regarded as the fore most traffic expert of the country. Mr. Stubbs' declaration was made at the conclusion of a conference between the legal -counsel of the Western rail roads and their traffic representatives. The meeting was called with a view of ' discussing the financial situation and forming plans for presenting be fore . the Interstate Commerce Com mission in the clearest manner the need of the railroads. ; Japs Will Study Flying. ' - BERLIN. The Japanese Military Commission, which for several months has been studying military conditions in Europe, has arranged with the company controlling the Wright aero plane patents in Germany to buy a number of Wright machines. Isolate Germs of Leprosy. HONOLULU. That Doctors Brln Kerhoff and Curry and M. T. Hallman of Honolulu have succeeded in isolat ing germs of leprosy is announced. This means, it" is said, the ultimate discovery of a cure for the disease. Governor Brady Ask Troops. LEWISTON. Ida.-Oovernor Brady t Orangeville eald he had petitioned through the Secretary of the Interior to urge the War Department to send troops Into Idaho to fight forest fires. The governor said troops are asked, not only to work in National forests but te protect state timber as welL A Bismarck Incident. It used to be the privilege of Aus tria's representative at any conference of representative of the German states to smoke, the others refrnlniug. This was supposed to be an acknowl edgment of Austria's Mipreroacy. At the first conference that Bismarck attend ed as PruRsla's representative be be gan to puff smoke across the confer ence table as soon as tbe Austrian dip lomat lit up. Thai" set everybody pres ent to smoking ou equal terms, ami Austria's supremacy got a blow. SOCIALISTS CAPTURE CHICAGO UNIONS CHICAGO. Socialists captured the meeting of the Chicago Federation of Labor Sunday. At the close of a three-hour debate they had matters their own way and forced through a motion to submit to a referendum vote of all the unions of the city the question of co-operating with the So. clallst party or the formation of an Independent labor political organiza tion. The old party politicians were swept off their feet by the flood of oratory. "Jackpot" legislation was said to be the only kind that could be expected from either of the old parties, and the whole debate cen tered on the question of forming an Independent labor party or taking ad vantage of the organization of ma chinery of the Socialists. NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS Hubert Latham made a flight from Chalons-sur-Marne to Paris, a dis tance of 87 miles. He made two stops en route. His aeroplane passed over the city at an altitude of 1850 feet, circling twice around the Eiffel Tower. Joe Gans, ex-champlon lightweight pugilist, who has been living in Ari zona for his health, won the race with death and reached bis home in Baltimore. The pugilist, who is in tbe last stages of consumption, want ed to see his "mammy" before he died. r 4 MI88 KATHERINE ELKINS. A special from Rome says that the hostility of the royal family to the marriage of the Duke of the Abruzzl and Miss Katherlne Elkins has been withdrawn and tbe official announce ment of their engagement will be made shortly. That this country is imperiled by Its artificial and extravagant plane of living is one of the' conclusions em phasized by Beujamin Ide Wheeler, of the University of California, on his return from a European trip. A train carrying Sir Wilfred Lau rier, struck head on In a collision with a freight train Saturday. Sir Wilfred was slightly injured. A fireman was killed. The accident happened near Penae, west of Regina, Bask. The Athena council voted down a proposed ordinance prohibiting the sale of near beer and spirituous, vin ous or malt liquors that are not in toxicating by a vote of 8 to 2. The proposed frontier and wild west how for Pendleton is now a certainty and plans will be rapidly pushed for ward to make the first annual occa sion a great success so that the per manency of the affair will be assured. V 'J ' i MEN INVOLVED DENY SENATOR'S CHARGES Vice-President Mentioned as "Interested," but No Direct Evidence. MUSKOGEE, Okla. The t: r.?aticn al testlmon yof Senator Gove belort the congressional committee investi gating the charges of attempted brib ery in Oklahoma Indian land deals, which involved the names ti? Vice President Sherman, Senator Curtis, of Kansas, Representative McGulre, of Oklahoma, and others, has result ed In series of denials by all the men involved. Senator Gore testified, he had been approached by Jake L. Harmon, form er chairman of the Oklahoma state re publican committee, who said that a bribe of $25,000 or $50,00 had been offered him to remove certain legisla tlon pending in congress so that $3, 000,000 might be paid to J. F. McMur ray, an attorney of McAlester, Okla., and his associates. JAMES 8. SHERMAN. Representative C. E. Creager, of the third Oklahoma district, supplemented the testimony of Senator Gore. D. C. McCurtain, a Choctaw Indian, son of the governor of the Choctaw Nation, and an attorney for that tribe, testified that J. F. Murray had of fered him $20,000 not to oppose the land deal. Thus far, however, there has been no evidence supporting the Gore charge that Vice-President Sherman was interested in the case. Vice-President Free of Blame. MUSKOGEE, Okla. When the statement Issued by Vice-President Sherman, emphatically denying any connection with bribery charges, was read to Senator Gore, the senator said: . "I have never charged, directly or indirectly, at any time, that Vice President Sherman had any interest, immediate or remote, in the McMur ray contracts. I did net Intimate be fore tbe committee that he was im plicated. I was compelled to state, as evidence that Mr. Harmon had ad vised me that the vice president had such an interest. I made the state ment under protest, as I have express ly said, with great reluctance and re gret. "I merely told the tale, told to me by Harmon, and I was obliged to do so. TEXAS WILL VOTE ON PROHIBITION Plan to Submit Carries by Nearly 40,000 Votes. DALLES, Texas. Official figures tabled for tbe state democratic execu tive committee show that tbe prohibi tion submission proposition won a de cisive victory In the general primary election July 2. In addition to a state majority of close to 40,000 votes, both branches of the legislature are in favor of submission by more tban a two thirds vote, tbe count being 22 senators for, 9 senators against; 93 representatives for, 40 representatives against. Knights Templars Hold Conclave. CHICAGO. The thirty-first trien nial Knights Templars conclave was What Chicagoans say the most spectac ular, week of entertainment since the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893. When the parade of escort, opened tne sS' x J conclave Tuesday, it is estimated that GOO.OOO visitors were here. Harrlmsn Line Quits Japsnss. CHICAGO. William H. Avery, as siMant general niansger of the Toyo Klsen Kaltiha Oriental Steamship Company, confirmed the report that ihe Southern Pacific road and his company had dec!dd to part com pany. CASTAWAYS REACH PORT Passengers cf Princess May Rescued and Not On Injured. JUNEAU. The steamer Georgia brought the passengers of the wreck ed steamship Princess May to Juneau. The Prlnres May left Skagway, Alas ka, southbound, for Vancouver, with 80 passengers and a crew of 8, and struck the North Reef of Sentinel Is land, and sandlrg in a smooth sea two hours after striking. None of the passengers or crew were Injured. COMPANIES AGREE TO NEW RATE BILL BOSTON. A decision was reached at the conference of attorneys for the leading railroads of the country on the new rate bill. This decision is be lieved by the attorneys assembled to be of the greatest importance to many of tbe large Industries of the coun try. It has reference to the long and short hauls section of the Hepburn Interstate Commerce Act as amended by the recently-signed Mann-Elklns bill. The fear of the railroads Is thai a narrow interpretation of the lan guage of the section would prevent them from making a lower rate oh goods for export than for goods foi domestic consumption. Aftr considering the subject care fully the conference authorized this statement: "It Is understood that the general sentiment of the country Is that such an Interpretation is cot Justified bj the spirit or even by the letter of tht act and there Is substantial unanlmjty of opinion that no Disarrangement o; our foreign business will result from compliance with the scL" May Repeat Boxer Upheaval. VICTORIA., B. C That a great up heaval In Southwestern China, similar to the boxer movement In the North 10 years ago, is Imminent, Is the news brought by the steamer Nlng Chow from China. CRIMES AND MISHAPS The plant of the Diamond Match Company outside of the city limits ol Cbico, Cal., was blown up by an ex plosion shortly after noon Saturday. Two workmen were fatally Injured and five others seriously hurt. The police have abandoned the theory that William L. Rice, the wealthy attorney of Cleveland, O., fa tally shot and beaten with a slungahol was the victim of robbers. Instead they are seeking a revengeful Italian caddy boy whom tbey suspect of hav ing carefully planned and executed tbe murder. Walter Michaells, editor and pari owner of the Chicago Staats Zeltung was drowned In Ocean Lake, N. Y., while trying to save the life of bis 8 year-old daughter. The child was saved through the efforts of Mich aella, who kept ber afloat until aid came to them, but Immediately sank before help could reach him. - Paris witnessed a demonstration ol lynch law in the heart of the capital, when a mob lynched an "Apache," ! stringing blm up to a lamppost after the man had hilled a pedestrian while resisting arre.it. . Why Boiled Water Freezes Easily. Water v. huh la bot of course cannot freeze until it bas parted with Its beat, but water that bas been boiled . will, other things being equal, freeze sooner ; than water whlcb bas not beeo boiled. ' A slight disturbance of water disposes j it to freeze more rapidly, sod this is the cause whlcb accelerates the freez ing of boiled water. Tbe water that , bas been boiled bas lost the air oatu ' rally contained In It, which on ex- poxure to tbe atmosphere It begins again to attract and absorb. During this process of absorption a motion Is necessarily produced among tts parti cles, slight certainly and Impercepti ble, yet probably sufficient to accel erate Its cougcliitlon. Id unboiled wa ter this dlHturbance does oot exist Indeed, water when kept perfectly still cod be reduced several degrees below the freezing puiut without Its becom ing ice. ., ITEMS OF INTEREST THROUGHOUT OREGON Chronicle of Important Events of Interest to Our Readers. Voters Give Worry. LA GRANDE. Complications that augur Illegal entanglements at tba primaries and a general state of disar rangement and disorder that will be detrimental to hundreds of voters in Union County are developing through an unusual and unexplalnable apathy on the part of qualified voters to res,, later before the primaries. Not alone will the voter be deprived of his suf frage unless six freeholders Bra forced to spend time and go to Incon. venlences on the day of the prima ries but prospective candidates are going to meet an obstacle In Union County that is going to work havoc with every one of thera. The sltua tlon is simply this there are not enough registered voters properly to sign the candidates' petitions. Fraud la Charge; No Prosecution. PORTLAND. Because of the lack of a statute covering tbe alleged of fense, there will be no prosecution of the firm of Cooper ft Taylor, promot ers of the townslte of Hlllraan, ac cused of misrepresenting conditions in selling lots. The matter was called to the attention of District Attorney Cameron's office by the "state attor ney general, and Deputy District At torney Garland, after an exhaustive study of the subject, has decided there is no statute on which a charge could be based. STATE WILL CARE FOR WHITE PLAGUE VICTIMS Tuberculosis Sanatorium Will Be Opened at Salem 8oon. PORTLAND." I'lepiwttlomr- ror opening the Oregon State Tubercu losis sanatorium at Salem are com. plete. Soon the doors of the most completely equipped stats main tained tuberculosis sanatorium in the United States will swing opon with welcome and promise of cure to white plague sufferers throughout the state. Dr. C. 8. White, state health om cer, acting for the state bourd ol health Is now sending broadcast bul letins giving information concerning the sanatorium. Growers Will Employ Specialist. HOOD RIVER. At a largely at, tended meeting of tbe Hood River Apple Growers' Fellowship It wus voted to incorporate the society un der the co-operative clause of the stats law . The purpose of the or ganlzatlon will be to employ the best orchard specialist to be secured and have blm reside In Hood River valley for the purpose of inspecting or chards and to be on hand for any emergency that may require the work of an expert Each acre of orchard owned by tbe members of tbe organl zatlon will be taxed CO cents for tho maintenance of the work. The head of the agricultural departments of tbe O. A. C. will be an advisory board to tbe board of local directors. OFFICIAL IS INDICTED Justice of Pesos Charged With Falsi fying Public Records. KLAMATH FALLS. The grand Jury bas returned an Indictment against Justice of Peace A. D. Mil ler, charging him with falsifying a public record. He la now under 12600 bonds. It Is alleged that Miller Btsrsd on bis records that on Goo, L. Pries, a telephone promoter woo was wanted Is San Francisco by tbe police of that city, had a aesriog In this city on the charge of conductics a lottery while the trial was not aa tuaily held at the time and place spe cified. No data has been set for the trial. The penalty for conviction in this case will be not less than two, nor mora tban twenty years In the peni tentiary. Word has been received at the state penitentiary that Albert Crawford has been arrested at Wenatchee, Wash. Crawford escaped from the state fair grounds July 19, where he was work ing as a trusty. He was sentenced to serve two years from Umatilla couuty iot